MTL - Unique Legend-Chapter 7 Unsolicited guest

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taim5: 30

It's dusk.

After a full day of frightening dreams, I'm standing at my doorstep.

In fact, I didn't quite understand how I got back to the door, because I remember the senior one told me to close my eyes, and then I heard the sound of wind blowing for a few seconds and then opened it and stood at the door.

If it weren't for my portfolio of electives, I would have thought that I was a ghost.

Why are you standing at the door?

There was a sudden sound behind me, and I immediately turned my head and saw my sister standing behind me looking at me with an expression of seeing a barricade. Go in quickly if you want, don't stand here to block the road. She was carrying a swimsuit bag in her hand, and it seems that I have an appointment with someone to play in the water today.

so envious.

I went to be played by a weird school today.

A small gift box was in front of me.

Take it. A cake gift box appeared on Ming Ye's hand, and it was also a very famous dessert house introduced by newspapers and magazines. My mother would buy something later for dinner at night. You should eat this first. Then she bypassed me and went home, took the lock, opened the door, and went in.

Looking at my sister's back, I looked down at the cake box again.

White se, with silver se curled on it, like long hair.

I am home.

There was a sigh of relief, I quickly followed, and then entered the room and closed the door.

The decorations in the room are as unchanged as they were when you went out during the day.

Why are you looking tired? My sister looked back at me and threw the bag in the sofa and went to the kitchen to make tea. Is n’t your freshman training today going to the playground?

I would rather run the playground.

However, if you are surfing in the open space and chasing the classroom, no one will believe it. Then I should have a nickname called delusion in addition to the star.

However, I suddenly felt that today's time is not fast.

Running around and chasing, the moment passed.

When is my time passing so fast?

Even in school, every day is boring.

How is school Ming Ye came out of the kitchen with two cups of honey and lemon tea in her hand. She put a cup in front of me and served me a cake. Mom still said today that I was very afraid of hearing about your serious injuries as soon as school started, all day Either stay by the phone or wait for the phone.

I took a look at Mingyu and opened the cake box.

I was almost seriously injured, but I do n’t know if it was because the senior was around. Today I set a new record that was sometimes the most shocking but not hurt at all.

I was also surprised.

The box was filled with a pudding cake. The sweet maple scent filled the entire sense of smell, and I realized that I was scared for a whole day without eating anything. I just drank a drink on the assistant's side.

Yangyang, you ... shouldn't want to quit school?


I was swallowing the first bite and I heard my elder sister say that, she was not nearly choked.

I was wrong, even if it was n’t at school, there was a ghost at home. After I was scared, I completely forgot about this thing, and I and I did n’t!

Actually I have, but I dare not tell my sister.

You'd better not have, tuition is less, but still want money, you better not do anything that wastes money. Ming narrowed his eyes and stared at me, snorting coldly.

In that second, I overlapped the image of my sister with the senior.

In fact, you are simply an incarnation!


Two days passed after the freshman training.

My daily life is extremely peaceful.

I wanted to ask my mother to help me out of school soon, but I do n’t know why my sister did n’t dare to mention this to my mother after saying that, and I did n’t dare to say a word.

Because I'm afraid my sister strangled me.

Yangyang, help me buy a pack of salt. The mother who was arranging the dinner plates in the kitchen suddenly called me.

Is it gone? I quickly ran down the upstairs room and saw my mother rubbing her hands and pulling out a five hundred dollar bill for me.

Dinner may not be enough. You can buy a few packs and put them back to see if you want to eat ice by the way for your sister. After explaining for a while, my mother got into the kitchen and started preparing her stuff.

My mother likes the kitchen very much and prefers cooking. It's not me bragging. She is even better than many famous chefs.

Ah, right. The mother who had taken a bag of flour and did n’t know what to do suddenly called to me who walked to the entrance. Whose mobile phone did you pick up in your dirty clothes a few days ago? She had the senior's non-rechargeable ghost mobile phone dangling from her hand, and the electricity grid above was not too small.

I rushed in three steps and two steps. I quickly got my phone back. No, the school principal, he forgot to return it when he borrowed me a few days ago.

Mom's face was very puzzled, who forgot such a thick line and forgot to take the phone back. However, she didn't seem to follow up. After returning the mobile phone to me, she returned to the kitchen to continue her big project.

Hahaha ... I just laughed and totally forgot about the mobile phone, right, my sister-in-law? I haven't seen that demon king all day.

I heard I went to the movies with my classmates. There was such a word in the kitchen.


Good, I have been working on that manual in the school these days, but the more I look at it, the more I get scared.

I don't think too much ...

I don't really want to die ...

too horrible.

Suddenly thought that the world was very cute, I don't know how many times it was exactly the same in the past two days.

After putting on my shoes, I yanked open the door.

There was a man standing outside the door, not my sister.

A man in white clothes, short black hair, and what made me creepy was that his straight and long fringe was actually gray eyes, cold as horrible as ice cubes; even the white clothes he wore Pants look a bit like what people wear after they die.

That man didn't even laugh, it felt like a lifeless doll.

I have goosebumps.

So my next move was to throw the door.

There are so many weird people these days!


Are you Chu Mingyang?

It sounds like the sound coming out of the freezer floats behind my head, freezing my scalp.

Wow ah ah! When did he follow up! ?

I stared at the ghost who didn't know when I was standing behind me (I will call it that for the time being). He stood at the entrance and looked at me with his cold eyes, and my whole body was hairy.

This person is more like a ghost than a senior!

Yang Yang, what's your name outside? My mother's voice came from the kitchen.

correct! Mom is still at home!

I was afraid she was frightened, and then opened the door and rushed out, and the ghost that followed it ran out.

Ah ah--! Why did I hit the ghost again and hit the ghost mother, even if I was unlucky, I would hit the ghost every time. What a **** bad luck!

I tried to run desperately and ran forward, but the ghost in white actually ran next to me as if I didn't feel it, the most important thing was that his expression didn't change at all!

Otherwise, you are stuck to your face by quick-drying, not even cramps!

Just five minutes after I ran at the fastest speed in my life, I turned to the big drainage ditch bridge, and the lucky student who was admitted to the engineering course came forward.

Underworld! When he saw me running towards him, he raised his hand and waved at me happily.

Sorry classmate, I am not looking for you!

Just as I was planning to rush past him all the way, the lucky classmate suddenly grabbed me and ran over his head. Are you being chased by a dog or something again? Would you like to help you? He kindly asked me who was stopped and panted.

Me, I am chased! My eyes widened, and the ghost stopped beside the classmate.


Next to you! I yelled and pointed to the right side of my classmates.

Next to me? My classmates turned my head along my hands, with a look of extreme confusion, and then slowly turned back to see me, Ming Yang, did you read it wrong? I ... No one next to me? 100% incomprehensible tone.


Obviously next to you.

Just when I remembered that the thing that was chasing after me was a ghost, my classmates would naturally not see it, and the weird ghost had reached out to me.

I heard the sound of lucky students far and wide, as if separated by a film.

That face was already in front of my eyes, and I saw the gray and white eyes under the black hair facing my eyes deadly, his pupils constantly enlarged in front of my eyes.

Then I saw ...

He has two pupils in one eye!

Mom, he is really a ghost!

Underworld? The classmate's voice floated again, separated by a distance of eighteen thousand miles.

Don't call it!

Because I don't hear much!

I want to yell at my classmates like this, but I can't make a sound at all.

According to all the conventions of comics, TV, movies, etc., this is the scene of a murderous case full of evil spirits.

found it. The mouths that were close to my face were stretched together, all the spit was cold air, and ...

it stink!

How long haven't you brushed your teeth!

I found you ... the descendants of the demon master ...


I heard distant classmates yelling, and then the ghost pupil in front of me was suddenly widened.

Faster, I understand that I am falling.

The **** four-eyed pupil ghost pushed me, and then I planted it backwards on the bridge, and saw the shadow of the ghost and classmates gradually shrink.

I remember the water in the drainage ditch was very polluted and it was all smelly.

I don't know if I will be put in a few barrels of disinfection water before being taken to the hospital this time?

Very experienced, I closed my eyes vigorously and waited for the odor after falling into the stinky water and being injured after being washed away in the water.

Every time this is unlucky ...

When the pressure of stinking water came over me, the wind seemed to be quiet.

I know what's going on, and the legendary marquee will be shining again.

Then I opened my eyes, ready to say one-on-one greetings to the grandma who always loved to beckon me in the cloud for a few years.

A pair of purple gold se's eyes reflected in my eyes.

It's a child, a tender baby girl.

Black se's short hair, very classic features are delicately inlaid on the small white face, but under the face is a Chinese ancient robe, the upper part is under the sleeves, but it is a bit like martial arts.

Don't ask me why I understand these, because my mother loves the opera, so I turned it over a bit.

The child stood in the wind.

And I hung in the air with a weird head of onions.

The surrounding scene suddenly turned gray and white, all things were washed away, and even the bridge and classmates faded, and then remained silent.

Seriously, there was no feeling in the comics, and it was really disgusting to see real people at the scene.

My family is enchanted, rest assured. The baby talked milkily, but it was old-fashioned, please hurry up and prepare for the enemy. He stuck his hands to his side, and the long sleeves hung all the way to his knees, as if the protagonist of the opera was the longer type.

I really doubt what to do when this little baby wants to use his hands.

and many more!

What did he just say?

The enemy has arrived.

Meet the enemy! ?

I looked up and saw the only evil spirit that did not fade away, rushing straight towards me, what kind of ghost did I use to meet the enemy! ? Cloth shoes?

The only lethal thing in the whole body is the cloth shoes under the feet.

Because you can take it off and throw it.

With a bang, the evil spirit seemed to fall into the air where we were standing. I felt the invisible air under my feet shake and almost fell.

This is a ghost king, please judge to meet the enemy. The baby floats in the air, Zijin se's eyes look at me, my family has laid an enchantment, so it will not affect the people and things nearby, please rest assured.

Why don't you isolate him?

I screamed in my heart.

Also, what is the ghost king!

Not giving any room for thinking, the evil spirits not far away don't know when they are standing in front of us, looking at us with the sides of his four pupils, his mouth evokes a big smile; really big, Because the corner of his mouth was cracking all the way to the base of his ears, the blood of Pobohei flowed from his cracked mouth, and the whole space was foul, even worse than the gutter water.

The baby raised a hand, and I saw the mobile phone on my body floating in front of his sleeve, and a dingling sound came, and the mobile phone started to dial up automatically!

Chu Mingyang did not have the ability to fight back and dialed into the black robe.

I'm not in the mood to see where the child is dialing to find someone to chat with, because the evil ghost's grinned mouth showed his white teeth, hands and feet making a strange weird gasping look at me.

He is not human, but a beast.

You you you you you you ... go away! I shook my voice and waved my hand, and now I suddenly felt that it was better to be bitten by a wild dog. I didn't want to be bitten by a man with a split mouth.

I don't know what's going on at all, and thought that after returning from school, I could live a short period of peace.


What is this ghost that is obviously not human! ?

Huh ... Huh ... The human and beast crouching on the ground (first called like this) sent out the moaning sound from the abnormal phone call that sounded at midnight.

His four pupils were staring at me.

I am scared.

The baby suddenly turned around, and it was obvious that she had finished speaking on her mobile phone.

Zijin se's eyes seemed a little weird.

Ghost preparation, three, two, one.

I don't have time to know what the ghost doll wants.

At that instant of half a second, I saw things I shouldn't see.


The Zijin Se eyes ghost doll suddenly opened its mouth wide: open, big, mouth, chin, the whole mouth was bigger than the bridge width.

I was scared, and I believe that the beast and the monster was also scared.


With a cry, I watched the evil spirit eaten by the ghost baby.

Everything is so natural.

Ahhhh! !!

I'm not playing anymore!

After the ghost baby swallowed the evil spirit, he licked his tongue, his mouth turned back to normal size, the enemy was wiped out, and the enchantment was revoked.


Wait, here is the smelly ditch!

The moment the ghost baby disappeared like a bubble from my face, I didn't have to prepare for falling into the stinking ditch immediately within half a second.

However, it was unexpected that I didn't make a sound and was unconsciously sent to the hospital. Then I woke up to the room full of disinfectant.

When I fell to the ground, a cry from a lucky student came from afar.

Open your eyes, there are soft green grass around, this is some distance upstream from the bridge, it is not so smelly, and the **** is covered with grass.

The wind blew with the smell of grass.

Is it fun?

Following the voice I turned my head and followed.

I don't know when the senior who arrived has stood there waiting for me. 2k novel reading network