MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1867 Is it so heavy?

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Just as he was about to make the final fight, a violent shock suddenly came from his side.

Xu Que was stunned, turned his head to look, and found the Eternal Ancestor, who had always stood silently, suddenly twisted.

The huge vine that has been silent for a long time, like an ancient giant beast from the wild, suddenly wakes up, driving this area of ​​heaven and earth to begin to have violent reactions.

The earth has cracked and the mountains and rivers have been displaced. After countless thousands of years of rooting, now the entire forest of chaos is full of the roots of the eternal ancestors.

Meng Kun, who was still roaming in the water, felt the shock and was extremely surprised: "What's the situation? This ghost place is going to be destroyed?"

Although it is a unique creature born in a dream, if the Forest of Chaos is destroyed, he still has to run away in advance.

After all, I promised that little girl back then that to protect the eternal race, she can't guard the ruins.

Just as it was thinking about where it was going to run, it suddenly realized that there was a strong blue light blooming under it.

I saw a figure covered with cyan fluorescence, slowly emerging from the bottom of the water, swimming to Meng Kun's side.

Seeing this figure, Meng Kun's small eyes were confused for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed: " did you come out? What about the Eternal Ancestor when you come out? Your life is exhausted, and going out once is equivalent to suicide!"

The figure put a finger on his mouth and smiled: "Don't worry, Master Tang has already helped me solve this problem."

Meng Kun wanted to say something more. Suddenly he was stunned. His spirit dissipated and felt it carefully. He was even more surprised: "Your vitality has been restored?"

"Yeah!" The figure nodded vigorously, and then went upstream, "Master Tang needs my help now. Obediently wait for me to come back."

The figure didn't seem to be affected by any resistance, and slowly floated to the surface.

Meng Kun looked at the back disappearing to the surface of the water, and the memories of the long-lived suddenly came back into his mind.

When she was just born, this girl suddenly appeared in front of her just like she is now, and stretched out her hand to ask if she wanted to go with her.

On the other side, Xu Que felt the vibration of the earth and was a little puzzled.

Didn’t it just say that it’s already put in? How can it look like this eternal ancestor is about to destroy the world?

Misfortunes never come singly, the golden light in the sky is getting more and more intense, and there is also a touch of bright red in it.

This means that the curse of Vulcan is about to come.

Although Xu Que had not seen the existence of such creatures as gods with his own eyes until now, this did not prevent him from imagining the mighty power of gods.

"Er Gouzi, what do you want to be if you are reincarnated in the next life?" Xu Que said this one by one.

He was not sure of what he was doing this time, and he was a little nervous in his heart.

Er Gouzi looked unlovable: "The deity wants to be a cornucopia, so that all the treasures of this world come to my stomach on the initiative."

"Oh, I'm so boring, how can I fit a pot!"

"That's right, then act as a treasure gathering tripod and pretend to be a little bit more."

At this time, the breath of the gods has completely diffused, and the whole world seems to be stuck in a certain state of stagnation.

The birds and beasts in the distance have long been far away, the flowing clouds in the sky stopped moving, and the wind stopped.

Blazing flames fell from the clouds, and when the first flame fell, the space became distorted.

The turbulent heat flow is pressed down with an unstoppable trend, as if magma is flowing down between the clouds.

The sacred stone trembled crazily, and it was extremely excited.

"Ignorant maggot! Humble ant, you are dead!"

"Master Vulcan, your supernatural power is simply admirable!"

"Long live Vulcan Lord!"

Xu Que was already too lazy to take care of this neurotic stone, but silently watched the falling heat flow in the sky, feeling that the fire **** was a little cautious in his heart.

What **** curse, it is clear that I want to kill myself!

What are you doing all those foolish things?

Until now, the **** Vulcan didn't even show his face, but he had already made Xu Que feel the breath of death.

"System, get ready to exchange it." Xu Que ordered, "It's a fight for life or death."

Many of the items selected by the system cannot even be stored in the air, so they can only choose to use them at the moment when the curse is about to fall.

"Ding, the system is ready at any time."

I don't know why, Xu Que was flabbergasted to hear a hint of nervousness in the system's voice.

Haha, you black-hearted businessman now knows he's nervous, why did he go early!


At the moment of the moment, the incomparable blue light suddenly gushed out from the ground, covering all of the eternal ancestors.

In the next second, the Eternal Ancestor grows like a stimulant!

The vines that were already towering into the clouds swelled up visibly with the naked eye, and they expanded several times in an instant.

"Fuck! Has this eternal ancestor entered puberty for secondary development?"

Xu Que was shocked. If he were to expand at this speed, he would soon be enveloped in himself!

Misfortune never comes singly!

"Haha, Master Tang, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still so interesting." A silver bell-like voice rang behind him.

Xu Que turned his head and saw a cyan figure hovering in the air, like an elf.

"Are you, Dong Lingcao?" Xu Que recognized the person.

Dong Lingcao smiled delightedly: "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, Master Tang would still know me. It's really an honor for me!"

Xu Que was very surprised. He thought that after Dong Lingcao had incorporated himself into the body of the Eternal Ancestor, it would disappear forever.

As if he had guessed Xu Que's thoughts, Dong Lingcao said with a smile: "People just merged their souls and gave up their bodies. Previously, it was only because the time limit was approaching to show up. Now Master Tang has returned my crystal core. , I naturally recovered."

In other words, Xu Que returned the crystal core before, which was tantamount to saving Dong Lingcao's life.

"The poor monk is also very happy to be able to see you again." Xu Que waved his hand, "Since you are alive, then hurry up and move, the poor monk has no power to stop the gods from UU reading "

But Dong Lingcao smiled and said, "Master Tang, don't worry, you saved our eternal clan back then, now it's time for our eternal clan to repay you."

After all, I saw a masterpiece of blue light on her body, one after another, the blue light gushing from the ground and gathered into her body.

The vine body of the Eternal Ancestor also swelled wildly, growing toward the gap in the cloud in the sky, as if to block it.

"By the way, Master Tang, this is a gift I gave you." After Dong Lingcao finished all this, he threw a ball of blue light to Xu Que, "It's just a gift of appreciation from our eternal race."

Xu Que looked at the cyan light in his hand, which was a cylindrical cyan object.

Damn it, haven't seen you for ten thousand years, has even your once innocent little girl become such a heavy mouth?

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion