MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1866 House seemingly endless rain

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Xu Que was still wondering how his strength suddenly disappeared.

Then I saw the gods surging frantically on the **** stone.

"Hahaha! Humble ants, Vulcan has found you!"

"Ignorant maggot, you are dead this time!"

"Hurry up and kneel down and beg for mercy, this sacred stone can save your life!"

If the **** stone is matched with a face, it must be an expression of a villain at this time.

Xu Que was also a little panicked, looking up to the sky, shocked in his heart.

What's so special is that the **** of fire came to the world?

Don't be kidding, can the dignified spirit notice me as a small person?

But the facts are in front of them, not only Xu Que, but also Fairy Nishang and Qiu Zili who have been far away from here feel this mysterious and magnificent breath.

Qiu Zili was trembling with excitement, his face flushed: "Master Tang, he, he is really a god!"

The Nishang Fairy stared blankly in the direction where the golden light fell, with an indescribable shock in his heart.

According to legend, tens of thousands of years ago, there were gods in this world.

But for some reason, these gods gradually disappeared, but there are some records in ancient books, depicting the earth-shattering actions of those gods that year.

And even though they hadn't seen the gods, at this time the breath of the gods fell, and they naturally realized that they were the gods.

Coupled with some previous misunderstandings, the two of them hardly hesitated, and directly regarded Xu Que as a god.

Arudo watched this scene dumbfounded. He originally thought that the old monk was only improving his cultivation. He didn't expect that he had already cultivated to the realm of gods!

This is unscientific!

How is it possible that there are still gods in this era? Didn't you see that there were only four immortal emperors left in Xianyunzhou?

Regardless of the fact that the demons from outside their territories came to save people, they were all immortal emperors, but in fact it was because the demons in the clan were almost dead. Knowing that there was still a devil alive here, they hurriedly sent someone to save the devil.

After all, the devil emperor now has vitality, and one death is one less.

If the devil emperors really get together, who cares if you are a devil emperor being sealed in the boundary of Xianyunzhou, if you have the ability, you will run out by yourself.

"Quick, go, go!" The black face of Arudo was scared and turned white, and he urged, "Quickly, you can't stay here anymore!"

Hearing this, Aruba didn't dare to stay any longer, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly opened the black hole when he came, and turned and left.

What kind of luck is it when I meet the gods as soon as I arrive?

Seeing the two devil emperors left, both Fairy Nishang and Qiu Zili were dumbfounded.

Their experience today feels like dreaming. First they met the devil emperor in the legendary extraterritorial evil spirits, and then turned their heads and gods descended into the world, which was more exciting than the past hundreds of years of cultivation.

Seeing that the golden light on that day became more and more intense, Fairy Nishang couldn't help but say: "Tang...Venerable, the two demon emperors have already run away!"

Look, what a mighty force it is to be able to scare away two demon emperors with just one sentence!

However, Xu Que just waved his hand at them and said loudly: "You go first, the poor monk has something to do."

Nishang Fairy wanted to say something, but Qiu Zili pulled her sleeve, winked, and then rose into the sky.

The two of them kept coming to the distance, unable to see Xu Que's figure, Qiu Zili only then let go of his hand.

"Master Tang obviously has something to do." Qiu Zili said solemnly, "We stay here, the spirits of the gods are unfathomable, can you guarantee our safety?"

Nishang Fairy thought for a while: "Master Tang is not that kind of person... a god."

When Qiu Zili heard the certainty in her words, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then slowly said: "Yes...Master Tang is indeed not that kind of person, but I don't know if there will be a chance to meet in the future."

When the golden light broke through the clouds and shone on Xu Que, the real **** came to the world.

This scene will remain in their minds forever!

Seeing Qiu Zili and Nishang Fairy go, Xu Que sat down on the ground and sighed with a wry smile.

After moving his hands and feet, he found that even a little chakra couldn't work in his body.

He didn't want to leave just now, because the power in his body was directly suppressed, and there was no way to go.

As for Fairy Nishang and Qiu Zili, these two people are considered to be pretty good to themselves, the curse of the fire **** is only aimed at themselves, and they may be left alive if they leave.

Xu Que looked up to the sky, the golden light was dazzling, shining forever: "System, do you have a way to get this stuff?"

The system was silent for a long time before responding: "Ding, the power of the gods has exceeded the capabilities of the current version of the system..."

"Yes, you don't need to talk nonsense from behind." Xu Que waved his hand with a bitter expression on his face, "I didn't expect that when I came to the end, I would actually get a hand on this."

When he encountered the curse of Vulcan, Xu Que didn't take it to heart. After so many years, he thought that the thing was a status BUFF, but he didn't expect that Vulcan would actually be born!

The moment the golden light arrived, the power in his body disappeared, as if it had been evaporated by the golden light.

The power of the gods is simply incomprehensible.

At this moment, he saw a figure crawling towards him with difficulty.

Although the figure climbed extremely hard and rugged, it still moved in its own direction unswervingly.

"Er Gouzi?" After Xu Que saw the figure's appearance, he was shocked, "Why is it only you? What about Duan Jiude?"

"Brother Que, that old **** has gone away! He also took away the treasures collected by the deity's hard work!" Er Gouzi looked distraught.

Xu Que asked about it. It turned out that the two had already discovered the situation here, and they were going to sneak in and see if there was any benefit.

As a result, as soon as Er Gouzi came in, he happened to see the curse of Vulcan coming, and his entire body was immediately scrapped.

Xu Que was very surprised: "It's weird, UU reading, you are not cursed, how can you get caught?"

The system took the initiative at this time: "Ding, getting along with the host for a long time will be contaminated with aura and will be judged by the gods as a target."

Oh, the relationship is too long with myself.

Xu Que smiled happily and said, "It's just right, with you with me, I won't be lonely anymore."

Er Gouzi beat his chest and feet on the ground, crying bitterly, hissing that he could not die yet, the Demon Dragon clan hadn't stayed behind yet.

"System, prepare to redeem all the forced value." Xu Que grinned and told the system, "No matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it can cause the slightest impact on the gods, it will be exchanged for me."

He has not yet reached the point of waiting to die, the curse of the gods is still a curse in plain terms, and it is not the gods who have come down in person.

Fear of a ball!

Read The Duke's Passion