MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1743 Emperor Chu Tian

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Time flies, old time goes by!

In an instant, four years passed.

Ten years have passed since the first battle of the Six Kingdoms.

Despite the fact that mountains are impermanent and water is impermanent.

But above everyone's head, an insurmountable figure stood.

He is the Emperor!

Emperor Chu Tian!

Over the past ten years, the major saints have gradually emerged from the haze of the First World War, and Emperor Chu Tian ’s influence on the people has become greater and greater.

The most people!

To the world, Emperor Chu Tian is definitely a godlike existence.

Although the situation in Kyushu has subsided, there is still one thing in Chu Hen's heart that is difficult to let go.

That is the whereabouts of parents!

I thought that as long as I reached the pinnacle of the world and became the best person, all mysteries are no longer a secret, but Chu Hen still does not know where his parents are.


One day, the arrival of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace Mu Fei Palace broke the tranquility of the Purple Royal City, and also the tranquility of the Shifang Saints.

Purple Royal City, the meeting hall!

Headed by Emperor Chu Tian, ​​the Great Emperor of the Stars, the Devouring Great Emperor, the Great Emperor Jiuyou, the Great Emperor of Heaven, and the Holy Emperors of the Wasteland once again gathered.

All are color cheeky puzzled look at the main secret Palace, Mufei.

"Gentlemen ......" Mufei rose and went to the middle of the hall, looked a very solemn face swept the crowd, Chu marks the final stop falling body.

"A month ago, my immortal character domain again perceive the space misty days of the occurrence of the collapse ......"

Misty days and collapsed?

Several Great fluctuations on each other as the one, and they do not have too many emotions.

"Space misty days is very unstable, and occasionally collapsed several times, it is not surprising ......" stars the Great began.

Mu Fei nodded, "If only this is the case, I would not let Chu Tiandi will convene all of you here."

"That is?"

"After the collapse to be misty day, I went to see a lot of it is ......" Mufei continued, while also looking a bit more solemnly, "The result, in the misty days, I found a tripod ......"


Everyone is confused.

"What Ding?" Great question is swallowed.

Mu Fei shook his head, "Honestly, I have never seen this thing, and I'm sure that this world is absolutely no description on the mouth of the tripod. The most peculiar is that the tripod those who face pattern portrayed ......"


"What kind of pattern?" The stars of the Great would go on.

Mufei paused, eyes Raoyou profound meaning, said, "the heart of the beast pattern, ten holy family's heart animal patterns, all on top ......"


Everyone was shocked.

Even Chu marks can not help but stand up, be aware of it if asked, "Where in the tripod?"

"I brought!"


After a while!

A magnificent, floating above the standing Peak Road station.

All the people who were in the hall of discussion just moved here.

However, in the center of that platform, there was a mouthful of Gu Ding with a width of more than ten meters.

Gu Ding's style is unknown for any period.

It feels very old.

The most peculiar is that Gu Ding's tripod is engraved with a series of mysterious beast patterns.

The number of animal prints does not hide a lot, it is exactly ten.

And, as Mu Fei said, those beast patterns, both in form and appearance, are very similar to the hearts and beasts of the ten square saints.

"What the **** is this?"

The crowd expressed confusion.

Under everyone's attention, Chu Hen silently walked to this mouth of Gu Ding, and then, he pressed his hand gently on Ding.

"Om ..."

A slight space rhythm moved in the palm of Chu Hen, and with the low trembling sound, I saw that Gu Ding turned out to have a soft light.

Intricate lines of light flowed up and down the ancient tripod.

Immediately turned into countless thorn rattan spread out in all directions.

"Dangdang ..."

The sky of Jiuxiao seems to have a thunderous thunder, and the wind rises, and the dark clouds immediately cover the void.

When everyone thought that a miracle had happened, Chu Chen slowly put his hands down, and the vision in the sky also disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

"Did you find anything?"


Several Great, quickly stepped forward to ask.

Chu marks shook his head, then looked Mufei one, said, "I was injected thereto chaos god, only just this change."

"I studied more than a month, is only obtained the same results." Mufei began.

Help people caught up in thought.

It is strange to say.

In the case of misty day it can collapse, but also be able to survive something absolutely unusual.

Especially tripod body surface of the animal ten heart pattern was undoubtedly more difficult to understand.

To say that this ancient port tripod no special history, no one will believe it.

Everyone stared at the mouth of unknown origin from the ancient tripod, inevitably some loss.

"You would not want to say ...... we call out the top ten heart of the beast?" At this time, jiu Great tentative said a word.

Suddenly, as if a word awoken like.

Everyone's eyes are all surprised emission light.

Chu mark in sight Ding who also face sweeping back and forth, looked at the crowd, "Maybe you can try!"

"But those of us who also summoned the top ten heart arrhythmia beast ah!" Burn days Great throwing a bucket of cold water over.

Ten holy family.

Reincarnation, the eye of God, Yao Tong, stars, jiu, Oare, eating, prehistoric, dragon blood.

Only when the Ten Great Emperors are gathered can the Ten Heart Beasts be summoned.

"I can briefly control the beast of the god-eye holy tribe ..." Bai Qianyu opened his lips with a red lips and said.


Everyone's eyes brightened.

Chu Hen also looked at his wife with praise, and then said, "I can summon the heart beast of the demon pupil saint and dragon blood saint at the same time ..."

"The Great Emperor Huanghuang was restricted to the Holy Tribe of the Emperor Honghuang. You need the permission of the Emperor Tian to come out," said the Star Emperor.

At that time, the Great Emperor Honghuang stood on their side at the last moment, but he still had to bear the responsibilities he had committed before.

But also because of his final choice, after several emperors discussed, they chose to spare their lives.

The price it bears is that they will always be imprisoned by the holy sacred tribe without taking a step.

Of course, if there is permission of Chu marks, it will be said otherwise.

"Even if the Emperor Honghuang is willing to come, there is still a reincarnation saint ..." The Star Emperor continued to add.

When referring to the four words "reincarnation saint", everyone involuntarily thought of "Yu Shen Gu Ji".

However, the thought of Yushen lonely, the atmosphere suddenly cold a lot, especially the Emperor Tiantian, his face overflowed with a layer of cold frost.

"Hum, wouldn't it be possible to release the dog thief from Yu Shen Gu Ji?"

Everyone was silent.

But Chuchen took the word, "Maybe!"


The faces of all changed.

Although ten years have passed, the terrible aspect of Yushen's solitude is still scary.

However, Chu Chen didn't take it for granted, "You guys don't panic, since I can send it into the Chaos Abyss once, I can send him back a second time ..."

After all, Chu Hen said to the Star Emperor, "Trouble the Star Emperor to bring the Emperor Honghuang."


The Star Emperor glanced at the Emperor Tiantian and others, and saw Chu Hen's self-confidence, and immediately said nothing more.

"it is good!"

"Well, everyone else is waiting for a while, and I'll take a trip to the Chaos Abyss ..."

At the moment the voice fell, Chu Hen's eyes were squinted, "Om ..." With that, accompanied by a very strong spatial rhythm, Chu Hen's body turned into a dreamlike twist.

Like a wave of broken shadows on the surface of the water, and then a "wow ..." sound of air flow fluttered, Chu marks suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

"this is?"

The sudden scene was startling.

"Is this gone?"

"None of the space cracks?"

"Is Emperor Chu Tian able to move between the two spatial boundaries as he pleases?"


The astonishment covered the faces of all.

You know, even the original Chaos Emperor was unable to enter the Chaos Abyss on his own.

"To what extent has Emperor Chutian's strength reached? In the past ten years, his cultivation has not stagnated?"

Devouring the emperor Shen channeled.

In shock, the several emperors shook their heads secretly.

Today's Chu marks, I am afraid that there is more than just Chaos Emperor Chao.

"It's a terrible existence. It doesn't seem to have to worry about Yushen alone."


Then, everyone on the rooftop waited quietly.

After about half an hour.


A circle of ripples of water rippled from the sky, and everyone's minds tightened, and immediately, as the ripples spread out in circles, Chu marks returned to the crowd again.

In addition to Chu marks, there is a ragged wolverine figure behind him.

Ujin lonely!

There was a lot of subconscious alertness on everyone's face.

Yushen's lonely hair shriveled, looking thin and thin, especially his hollow eye socket, hollow like a skull.

It is unbelievable that the reincarnation emperor, once the head of the ten races, will one day end up in such a field.

"Hey, laugh when you want to laugh! Isn't it what you expect now?" Yushen's solitary voice was extremely hoarse.

"Huh, this is your fault!" The Emperor of Heaven burned coldly.

The Devouring Emperor raised his hand, motioned to the other party not to say more, and then said, "Yu Shen Gu Ji, do you know why Chu Tiandi came to you?"

"Hehe." Yushen sneered, "I know better than any of you."

Everyone froze.

The Emperor Tiantian stepped forward, "Do you know anything about this tripod?"

"Hey, otherwise what do you think I used to save your life?"

"You ..." The Emperor of Heaven burned.

Several emperors and Murphy looked at each other, and they all read the mistake in their eyes.

It turned out that the reincarnation emperor had known about the existence of this ancient tripod at that time, and at that time he attacked the sacrificial sacred **** and did not kill the emperor. Just the reason for sealing it, maybe the heart beast .

However, he gave mercilessly to the dragon blood emperor, just because the beast of the dragon blood saint is in Chuhen.

What a big conspiracy!

Good deep layout!

Ujin is lonely, it is really an extremely terrible existence.


Subsequently, the Great Emperor Xingchen and the Great Emperor Huanghuang also arrived at the Purple Royal City.

When they saw the reincarnation emperor today, they couldn't help but be complicated.

In particular, Emperor Honghuang, he looked at the Samsara Emperor, Chuchen, and then nodded, indicating that he had learned the truth of the matter from the Star Emperor.

"Get started!"

Without much hesitation, Chu Hen directly announced the calling ceremony.

There was a strong sense of caution on everyone's face.

Then Chu Chu, Bai Qianyu, Jiuyou Emperor, Star Emperor, Devouring Emperor, Waste Emperor, Emperor Tiantian, Honghuang Emperor, and Reincarnation Emperor were listed in nine different directions of Guding.

"Boom ..."

Sudden changes in the situation of Jiuxiao suddenly turned pale.

Suddenly, accompanied by nine monstrous trends of different breaths, I saw that the dark sky was a dazzling beam of light.

Mu Fei, Luo Mengshang, Li Wushang and other surroundings all retreated to the border.

"Buzz ..."

Nine people's bodies glowed with a dazzling light.

Then, thousands of lights splattered into the sky, and one mysterious ancient array is like the gate of the apocalypse over the sky of Yuyu.




The wind was so angry that the color changed in nine days.

There was a sound of arrogant domineering, and it shrouded the whole sky.

The next moment, all of them shined, and at the same time they decided to join together.

"Stars, star-stabilizing dragon bats!"

"Jiuyou, Sen Luo Guiyou!"

"Burning sky, cracking sky candle cow!"

"Hong Huang, Thunder Lioness!"

"Swallow, swallow the heavens!"

"Dahuang, eight wild snakes!"

"Reincarnation, the lion!"


The violent wind roared Tianhe, and a huge beast like a mountain appeared in the sky of the Purple Royal City.

Then, Bai Qianyu turned nine stars deep in his eyes.

"God's eyes, two souls!"


Queming sky, a huge giant hawk with bright colors is tearing the void directly, rising against the wind.

The two-souled heavy bird has a shape similar to the legendary Suzaku deity bird, but it has two heads and four eyes are heavy pupils.


At the same time, the Chu mark is also a combination of two palms, and the purple light flashes in the eyes.

The majestic and arrogant domineering gushes out, and the octagonal space trembles and trembles as much as possible.

"Demon pupil, the fierce star nine wings!"

"Dragon Blood, Dark Dragon!"





At this moment, the sky turns round, and the sky above the imperial realm Zi Yucheng is in a state of collapse.

The top ten beasts gathered here completely.

Thousands of light wings cover the sky, and endless light sources shine.

Then, in countless pairs of shocked eyes, a loud sound of "噌 ...", the mouthful of Gu Ding went straight up into the sky.

"Buzz ..."

The intense space rhythm burst into the sky, and I saw that Gu Ding's mouth kept growing, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into thousands of feet.

The ancient animal pattern on the tripod is fully activated.

The top ten heart beasts all danced around Gu Ding.

"Well ..."

Suddenly, at this moment, a magnificent giant light source pillar burst out inside Gu Ding.

Heaven and earth tremble, Jiuxiao fission!

In a pair of horrified eyes, the shocking giant pillar directly penetrated the void, and then, a plane passageway like a gate of the gods opened suddenly opened.

"Buzz ..."

Countless light sources spilled from the mouth of that passage, and a dream-like sky appeared in the sky above the Purple City.

It was a whole new world.

It is a strange world.

Everyone's face has a movement that is hard to conceal.

"Finally opened the door to that world, and I finally waited for this day ..." The hoarse voice of Emperor Reincarnation still shivered.

Looking at the entrance of the plane like a cosmic tunnel, Chu Chen's eyes flickered with throbbing light.

He clenched his fists, filled with infinite hope.

"Dad, mother, I think I have found my way."



Scarlet world.

Gathered the Lord of all evil, the source of the great fierce.

This is where billions of aliens exist.

God forbids blood prison.

In an ancient barren hall, the ground was covered with white skeletons.

"Om ..."

A pair of dark dark ink pupils suddenly opened, and that stern face showed a cold smirk.

"Well ... it seems to be opening the door to that world! Let's meet again in another world ... Chu Tiandi!"


(The first season of King Wuji, the end!)




When I type this word, my mood is complicated beyond words.

There is loneliness!


And a touch of ease!

For four years, the ending of King Wuji God owes everyone, and finally replenished you today.

You waited a long time.

I have also written for a long time.

very sorry!

I'm really sorry!

A book has been written for four years. It is hard for the readers who have been following the book to the present.

I believe everyone is very confused. Why is it "the first season" and is there still the "second season"?

This is true, but the second season is a new setting, a new world, and a new story, but I can guarantee that the content of the second season will be more than ten times more exciting than the first season.

I have prepared a new book for more than a year, both in content and in the world of fiction, much larger than the first season.

Of course, the second season starts with another story, and in the later part, it will be linked to the content of the first season of Wuji God King, which is probably such a routine mode.

I believe that many readers do not want to chase the second season because of my update problem. I can understand that this is my problem.

So the pits that should basically be filled in the first season, I have finished. The final outcome is just a dig for the next season.

Not bad!

Of course, this is the best I can do.

The second season will probably be based on the "magic". The specific content outline needs to be improved. There will be news about the release of the new book in about a month.

If you want to follow, you can add Wu Jishen Wang Shuyou exchange group: 149825000

The story is over.

The storyteller is still there.

In the next book, there are still Chu marks, there are dream clothes, there are shallow Yu, there are evil gods ... and there are more exciting stories.

Thank you very much ~ ~ Thank you very much for your support over the past four years.

I love you, three thousand times!


The following is a preview of the new book!


The blood moon covered the sky, and the blackbird murmured.

When the aura is full of land and dark edges, the magical energy quietly revives.

This is an era of magic revival.

It's also a troubled world.

The gods are dusk, and the earth is dawning. It ’s better to ask for magic!

On the day I return, the gods are washed in blood!


(Goodbye, everyone in our new book !!!)

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