MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1742 Listen to Mo Shanghua, ...

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Bai Dicheng!

The white cloud in the huge cloud world seemed a bit empty.

Since that day, the Holy Communities set out in the Six Realms, only a few people remain here.

"got windy……"

Luo Luo Mengshang leaned against the window sill, watching the cool breeze outside to take away a piece of fallen leaves, and her heart seemed to drift away with the wind.

The light from the window shone on the contour of her side face, which had a dreamy and beautiful atmosphere.

Luo Luo Mengshangyu stroked her slightly swollen abdomen, and her eyes looked like a drop of green ink, full of tenderness.

She didn't want to stay here.

I ca n’t help but stay.

"Yunyi ..." Luo Mengshang muttered, and the corner of her mouth provoked a smile, "There are marks on the clouds, and weaving clothes is clothes ..."

在 At this moment, a rapid footsteps came from the promenade outside the door.

"哧 click ..." The door was pushed open, and Xu Yourong shouted with excitement, "Meng Chang, he, they, come back, come back ..."

The fireworks bloom in the lonely night.

Luo Luo Mengshang trembled slightly, then there seemed to be stars in her eyes, without any hesitation, she rushed out of the door of the room and ran out along the long corridor.

"Slow down, watch out for the steps ..." Xu Yourong reminded quickly.

Of course, Luo Mengshang did not slow down, she trot with a smile, her soft long hair dancing softly in the wind, facing the gentle sunshine, running towards every minute, every second look forward to.

At the same time, outside the city of Baidi, Chu Hen also exhausted the fastest speed in his life, his figure quickly passed through the square in the outer city and the main road in the inner city.

The distance between the two was quickly drawn closer.

Like two meteors separated by ten thousand years, they approached their respective positions.

Uh ...

The next moment, the brightest light of this life was in their eyes.

"I'm back!" Chu Hen said looking at Luo Mengchang.

The smile that turned on Meng Luo Mengshang's face was the most gratifying in her life.

Furiously disregarding her body, Luo Mengshang rushed into Chu Chen's arms directly. At this moment, her smile was nothing.

"I waited a long time ..." she said.

long time!

洛 For Luo Mengshang, in this time is not really long, every day is like seconds.

Chu Chuhen held it in his arms, "I'm sorry!"

Luo Luo Mengshang shook her head slightly, "Don't say I'm sorry, just come back, just fine ..."

He said, Luo Mengshang hugged Chu Hen tighter, for fear that the other party would walk away again.

Chu Chen Meiyu showed tenderness, and he whispered in Luo Mengshang's ear, "I won't walk away this time. For the rest of my life, I will take you and Yunyi together to watch Moshang bloom. Listen to the voice of innocence ... "

"Keep your word!"

"Well, talk!"

Uh ...

When the flower blooms on Mo Mo, the old man returns!

起 Sound of innocence, someone returns!

Lu Chuchen and Luo Mengshang, from acquaintance to acquaintance, one searched on the road, the other in the hometown, etc. Since then, there is no need to search again, no need to wait.

Uh ...

At the same time, Emperor Jiuyou, Bai Qianyu, Long Xuanshuang and others also came from the rear.

When she saw Chu Hen and Luo Mengshang embracing each other, everyone's faces also showed some relief.

"Qingyang!" Xu Yourong also flushed his eyes to Long Qingyang, who came back together.

The two also embraced each other.

"Sorry to make you wait again!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you can come back just fine." Xu Yourong buried his face in Long Qingyang's arms and said with a choked throat.

Chen Long Qingyang just smiled and gently took his wife in his arms.

Uh ...

"Why, who are you? These two brothers are too much, right? Bully this handsome maple without a daughter-in-law?" Mu Feng's eyes were full of contempt.

"Hahahaha, you can find someone to hold someone if you have the ability! No wife and no wife can be found, it's two different things." Ye Yao countered.

Jian Mufeng's small eyes slanted, "Open and start, the handsome maple is brilliant, Yushu is near the wind, how could you not find a daughter-in-law."

"threw up!"

"You ..." Mu Feng was about to scold, a figure of a thief suddenly came over and talked, "This brother doesn't know Gao's name? I see you're extraordinary, at first glance it looks like dragons and phoenixes among people ... ... "

A sudden exaggeration, Mu Feng immediately smiled.

"Hey, let's say, I'm a person! There are too many advantages, and the disadvantages are not obvious. They are called the world's unparalleled, Mu Feng is also ..."

"It turned out to be the brothers Mufeng. Under the last name Han, the single name is" Yu ", but it is the old man Mu Fei, the master of the Heavenly Palace. No, the disciple of the master of the palace. When I was in Liudaojie, I noticed you Now. "

"Hahahaha, isn't it?" Mu Feng proudly rushed Ye Yao and raised an eyebrow, and then said to the old Yin monkey, "I also think you look a little arrogant ..."

"Arrogance is just my appearance. I was even more arrogant than this before ... until one time, when the dark night wind was high and my head was opened."

"It's terrible, to be honest, the handsome Feng also waved when he saw the water, and floated when he saw the wind, until one day, no one was around, and his legs were broken."

"I depend, I didn't expect our experiences to be so similar!"

"What a genius! It is always jealous."

Uh ...

I heard Mu Feng and Old Yin Monkey, two shameless freaks, touting each other, and everyone around them was speechless.

"It's really a gathering of things!" Ye Yao sighed.

Suddenly, this atmosphere is what everyone expected.

In the Baidi City, under the warm sunshine, it looks extraordinarily gentle.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Three years later!


武 盟!

The former God of War Palace has long ceased to exist.

Instead, a new generation of sects, Wu Meng, was reached by the three major mid-land forces of Wu Zong, Han Yun Zong, and Linghuang Valley!

"How is this main city?"

On the magnificent main city platform, Emperor Wuzong, Dongfang Hengzhi, Emperor Hanyun, Shu Yuan, and Lingzhanggu, Meizhang stood on both sides of Chuchen.

痕 For the inquiry of Dongfang Hengzhi, Chu Hen nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, very stylish!"

Looking at it from a distance, the towers of Wumeng are ring-shaped, which feels like a huge nebula with very characteristics.

The towering Miyagi high-rises stand tall and domineering.

"Should you consider being the leader of the alliance? The three of us are planning to retreat ..." Dongfang Hengzhi laughed.

"Don't make a joke." Shu Yuan shook his head to stop. "Chu Chen is now the patriarch of the Chaos Protoss and the Demon Pupil Saints, and is also in charge of the Heavenly Emperor Order and the Shifang Saints. Where do we need to be a little here The lord ... "

Chu Chuhen smiled and shook his head with a smile.

"The three of you can't find anyone to be the ally, nor can you come to me to fill it up? In other words, Brother Qiu Xingyi and Brother Wang Li are all rare talents. They are all suitable for managing the Wumeng League ..."

"Qiu Xingyi and Wang Li are qualified, but we have more suitable candidates." Dongfang Hengzhi said.


"Come out! Ah Qing ..." Master Mei Zhanggu called out towards the rear.

Chu Chu marks a moment!

I glanced sideways, and then slowly came out a noble young woman in the corridor of the tower.

Looking at the person in front of me, Chu marks were even more surprised.

The other party is not someone else, it is Huang Fu's love.

"She is not the leader because of your relationship, but because she has the ability ..." Dongfang Hengzhi said to Chu Hena.

Obviously, the three knew something about Chu Chen and Huang Fu's love.

But really want to say, no matter it is talent or cultivation, Huang Fu's affection is better than Qiu Xingyi and Wang Li.

Plus Huang Fuqing was born in the royal family, and as a teenager, he became a regent king and performed countless difficult tasks.


Zhi Zhi and others chose her as the manager of the Wumeng League.

Of course, if you say that the relationship between non-doping and Chu marks is in it, no one believes it.

There is at least Chuchen, the mountain behind, and no one in the world dares to use the Wumeng League.

Wu Huangfu fell in love with several people, and she could not help but smile at each other.

"If you are intimidated as the ally, just blink your eyes and I will take you out of here ..." Chu Hen said.

"Bash!" Huang Fu was teased, and she looked at Chu Shen's eyes with deep meaning, "Do you not believe in my strength?"

She Chuchen also smiled, "Believe!"

"When will I not want to stay here, then take me away?"

"Okay!" Chu Hen replied softly.

I came to the place I wanted to meet, and met the person I wanted to see.

There is nothing more pleasant in the world than this.

However, Chu Hen didn't mean to leave much more. After a few simple conversations with everyone, he clenched his fist, "I should go!"

He said, he took a deep look at Huang Fuqing, then turned around and left.

"Stay for a while?" Dongfang Hengzhi asked.

He Chuchen didn't look back, pointed his right index finger towards the sky, "No, I'm going home to take the child."

Go home with your children!

Listening to this sentence, everyone can't help but be a little funny.

Who can think of such a sentence from the mouth of "Chu Tiandi".

Uh ...

Uh ...

In a blink of an eye, it was another three years in a hurry!

Delirious world!

Purple Imperial City!

Behind the mountain of the demon pupil.

"唳 ..."

There was a sharp trembling of air waves, and the amazing power surged in the strange eyes.

This is a pair of holy golden pupils. Six dark spots turn slowly clockwise in the depth of the pupils.

In the process of running, those golden pupils were faintly covered with a strange purple awn.

Suddenly, it is surprising that the pair of six-star **** eyes actually originated from a little boy about four years old.

The childish and tender face, the small facial features, are especially cute.

Especially the other party's full attention, it is even more irritating to want to hug.

"Xuan Chen ..."

At this time, another clear and sweet voice came, and then the other side of the hillside came a little girl about five years old.

The little girl is very watery, with a tall nose, a small mouth, and a pair of big beautiful eyes.

The little boy who was called "Xuanchen" brightened, and the golden mang in his eyes faded away.

He stood up and patted the dust on his body.

"Yunyi ... I, I'm here ..." Responded milkily.

"To call my sister, please call me by name again, beware that my sister hit you ..." The little girl pursed her lips, raised her little hand, and patted him gently on the other's arm.

"Oh!" The little boy shrank back in fear, and then blinked and laughed, "Sister I was wrong, don't hit me!"

"Okay! Forgive you." The little girl looked like a little grown-up and looked even more attractive.

"Sister, did you go to Hokuriku Prefecture with Meng Changniang again?"

"Yeah! My mother and I went to Taixiaocheng's grandfather's house for a few days ..."

"That grandfather is not our parents, why do you often go back?"

"You ca n’t say this ... You forgot that Dad taught us last time. If you do n’t give birth, you can report with your fingers! If you give birth, you can report with a decapitation! He is not our father-in-law, so let us not forget this ... "

Although the young girl's voice was immature, she spoke reasonably, with rules and rules, and she patiently taught her younger brother.

"Xuan Chen, just like your name, because you have to commemorate the granddaughter of the demon pupil, Grandpa Bai and Grandpa Bai, you will be named" Bai Xuanchen ", you know?"

Bai Xuanchen!

男孩 This boy is not someone else, it is Chu Chen and Bai Qianyu's child.

He Chuchen took the word "Chen" in Baidi's surname and the name of the demon pupil, and separated it with "Xuan" in the middle to remember the two ancestors who returned to their hometown.

I heard my sister Chu Yunyi's explanation, and Bai Xuanchen nodded.

"I see, it's just that the mother went to the Jiuyou Holy Tribe. No one played with me ..."

"What about Aunt Xuanshuang and Aunt Xiaoyao? Why not go and play with them?" Chu Yunyi asked.

"Aunt Xiaoyao returned to the celestial dynasty! Aunt Xuan Shuang and Bingdi went to Beichuan Bingyu two days ago. Listen to my dad, Bingdi wants to accept Aunt Xuan Shuang as a disciple ..."

"And Brother Xiaolong?"

"Don't mention, Brother Xiaolong ..." Bai Xuanchen said milkily, "Brother Xiaolong and Uncle Mu Feng went to Demon Realm last time and drank Master Demon's wine, and the result was crazy, chasing, The monster was everywhere, and when he went back, he was beaten by Uncle Qingyang, crying, and it was miserable ... "

"That's pretty miserable! Brother Xiaolong is so pitiful ..."

"Yun Yi, Xuan Chen, are you here?"

Brother and sister-in-law were chatting, and a young and beautiful figure came to this side.


"Meng Sang Niang!"

The two little guys stopped chatting immediately and immediately turned around and ran towards each other.

Looking at the two lovely children in front of her, Luo Mengshang had a gentle smile on her face. Although she was a mother, she did not leave any traces on Luo Mengshang's body in the years. She was still beautiful and exquisite, like a girl .

"Meng Sang Niang, hug ..." Bai Xuanchen stepped forward and screeched.

"Okay!" Luo Mengshang smiled slightly and hugged Bai Xuanchen gently in her arms. "Xuanchen seems to be a little heavier! It seems that I will soon catch up with my sister ..."

"Oh!" Chu Yunyi shouted with a scornful pout. "As soon as Qianyu Niang said, even if Xuan Chen grows taller and grows up, I'm still my sister ... my brother should listen to my sister."

"Yes, do you want to hold that elder sister?" At this moment, a hearty and gentle magnetic male voice came from not far behind Luo Mengshang.

"Daddy ..." Chu Yunyi and Bai Xuanchen both shouted their eyes brightly.

Luo Luo Mengshang is also looking back at Chu marks. The man in front of him who is called "Chu Tiandi" by the world is warm like the warm sun in winter.

"Dad! Hug me, hug me ..." Chu Yunyi rushed to Chu Hen.

"I want a father's hug too!" Bai Xuanchen also stretched out his young and tender hand toward Chu Hen.


Chu Chuhen picked up Chu Yunyi with one hand, and took Bai Xuanchen from Luo Mengshang's arms with one hand, and left the two in their arms one by one.

"Go back!" Chu Hen smiled gently at Luo Mengshang.

"Huh!" Luo Mengshang nodded.

A group of four people, facing the cool breeze, walked towards Ziyucheng.

"Dad, to tell you the good news, I broke through the eyes of the six stars ..." Bai Xuanchen said with a small hand.

"Wow! So amazing!"

"Dad, I also tell you a message, I have also reached the six-star demon pupil ..." Chu Yunyi said unwillingly.

"It's terrific, it's terrific, when Dad and you were so old, the blood was not awake yet!"

"Hahahaha, Dad is so bad!" Bai Xuanchen laughed.

"Don't say that Dad is bad, Dad is Chu Tiandi, the most powerful person in the world."

"Why isn't Chutian Emperor better than us?" Bai Xuanchen asked with big, curious eyes.

"Should be, are we too great?"

"Yes! It must be so."

Uh ...

Uh ...

Today's Purple Royal City!

I have exhausted the previous decline and decline, and replaced it with a grander event than the peak period.

The buildings in Yuncheng are all renovated. The towering towers that stand up to the sky are domineering, and the towering city of Lingxiao City suspended in the sky is magnificent ... The streamer hawks through the Tianhe River, neatly

The patrol guards underline the power of this ethnic group.

"Such a magnificent scene, as you wish ..."

In a deputy tower of the Purple Imperial City, Tiangu Xingwei said with sighs without injury.

Leaning on a rattan chair behind him, a skinny old man closed his eyes and had an expression of "loveless".

"唉! I can't die if I want to die, can't I let the old man lie in the ground safely?"

"It doesn't make you continue to suffer ... Your old man has suffered so much. You should always enjoy some good luck before you go?"

Departure looked back at the old man without injury.

At this time, Sirius Wei Rao Feiyu also came over, "What? The four elders feel tired again?"

"is not that right?"

Uh ...

This old man is not someone else, it is the four elders of the demon pupil tribe.

In the first battle between the Thunder Saint and the Demon Saint, the four elders were killed by the Thunder Emperor in order to give Chu Hen time to become an emperor.

Suddenly, although the other person died, the holy spirit was not extinguished.

痕 In the past few years, Chu Hen has also exhausted his methods and used the holy spirit of the four elders to pull him back from the hand of death.

累 "Tired! I just want to take a good rest."

Alas, the four elders shouted all day long and complained on both ends for three days.

At this moment, Rao Feiyun, Lijuan looked at each other, the two nodded in understanding.

"Xuanchen and Yunyi are here ..." Li Wujue said.


As soon as the chanting came to an end, the four elders climbed up from the rattan chair, and their old eyes were full of anticipation.

I saw no one around, the four elders looked at them coldly.

"Dare to lie to me, you two are afraid to rebel ..."

"Here it is!"

I haven't finished speaking here, Chu's voice came from the other side.

A few people looked sideways and saw Chu Hen holding a little guy in one hand and walking towards this side, beside him, Luo Mengshang had a light smile on his face.

"Four Grandpas ..."

I saw the four elders Bai Xuanchen and Chu Yunyi also waved their hands happily and said hello.

"Hahahaha ..."

Suddenly, the elders of the fourth group smiled, and the expression of "loveless" just now turned into kindness and kindness.

"Xuan Chen, Yun Yi, good, good ..."

As he said, he staggered to welcome him.

Suddenly, Chu Hen also put down the two little guys, and Chu Yunyi and Bai Xuanchen rushed into the arms of the four elders.

"Child slave, should this be the case, right?" Rao Feiyu said.

Yuanli Nodded and nodded. "If these two children are present, it is probably the only time this old man does not want to die."

Listening to the conversation between Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu, and looking at the four elders who love Chu Yunyi and Bai Xuanchen, Chu Hen and Luo Mengshang couldn't help but smile.

"Fortunately, the four elders have been resurrected, otherwise there is one less person in the world who loves them." Luo Mengshang said.

Chu Chuhen nodded slightly, "Yeah! This poor old man has been suffering all his life, and I can't let him go so alone."

For the demon pupils, the four elders have exhausted everything.

Even at the last moment when the lamp was exhausted, he also held the Purple Royal City without hesitation.

Now he won't be tired anymore!

Uh ...

"Master Tiandi, someone wants to see you!" A young guard came to this side on an empty overpass avenue.

"Who?" Chu Hen asked lightly.

"It's a woman, she says she's Chi Chiying ..."

Qianchi Qianying?

Jun Chuhen's eyebrows were lightly raised, Chi Qianying was Wu Zong's sister, but instead of staying with Wu Xingyi and Wang Li, they stayed in Wumeng, but followed the song of Qingqiu's fox king Jiange and left.

"Please come in ..." Chu Hen said.

"Yes, Lord Tiandi!"

Uh ...

After a while, under the leadership of the guard, a beautiful young woman came to the city platform


"Sister Qianying, don't come without ......"

I looked at the familiar face, Chu Hen said with a smile.

However, this is not what it used to be. Chu Chu, who was once a teacher, is now the best person. The emperor ’s aura still makes Chi Qianying feel a little pressure.

She smiled, "Long time see you!"

"More than six years?"

"Hmm! More than six years!"

"You came alone?" Chu Hen asked curiously.

Qianchi Qianying naturally knew what the other party was pointing at, and then looked at Chu Hen solemnly and said, "Someone wants to see you ..."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu not far from each other could not help but glance at each other.

You must know that Chu Hen is now the Heavenly Emperor in charge of the Shifang Holy Tribe. The world has only come to see him. No one has said that he wants to see others in person.

谁 "Who?" Chu Hen was a little curious, "Is Jun Jiange a senior?"

Qianchi Qianying shook his head. "Just think about it, is there anyone you really want to meet?"

People you want to meet?

Chu Chu's face was skeptical, and his eyes fluttered briefly. "Is it?"

Uh ...

Uh ...

Stay away from the hustle and bustle and isolate from the world!

Here is a paradise without outside interference.

At a glance, the sea of ​​flowers and mountains is as beautiful as a fairyland.

"You're here ..." At the entrance of a wooden bridge, the fox prince of the hills saw Ge Qingsi stained with snow, his eyes were fascinated, and the faces of all beings were ashamed.

看着 He looked at the marks of Chu who came with Chi Qianying, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

"I've heard everything happening outside ... you have reached a height I never imagined, Emperor Chu Tian ..."

Xun Chuhen clenched his hands into fists. As the emperor, he was a little nervous at the moment.

"Where is she?"

Jian Jun saw Song slightly sideways, "Come with me!"

He said, Chu Hen and Jun Jiange went up the long bridge in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, and Chi Qianying silently followed behind them.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Chu Hen asked as he walked.

"She doesn't want to!" Jun Jiange replied lightly.

Zhu Chuchen's brow frowned slightly, indeed, if she wanted to, she would not have left alone.

"She is the reincarnation of the fox master of my spirit of Qingqiu ..." Jun Jiange continued.

There was a stun in his eyes.

"It's a surprise? In fact, I should have thought long ago, why a human woman's hair color is purple ... Almost all the hill fox's hair colors are green, and only the fox owner, for Purple ... At that time, she traced you back to life and exhausted her own source of life. I did not leave here for many years to save her. "

"What then? How is she now?" Chu Hen's voice trembled a little.

Seeing Song's long and narrow eyes, Xun Jun said lightly, "You can see it by yourself ..."

He said, Jun Jiange and Chi Qianying stopped subconsciously.

Receiving the seriousness in the other person's eyes, Chu Hen breathed a deep breath, and then walked across the wooden bridge in a steady pace.

Yu Yan 袅袅, flowers in four seasons!

From time to time in the flowers, a light and agile white fox shadow passed by.

The beautiful foxes are very spiritual. They happily shuttle among flowers and hunt butterflies.

I walked across the long wooden bridge, and Chu Hen reached a gallery like a painting.

In the promenade surrounded by flowers, an open-air pavilion stands quietly there.

In the desolate pavilion, a beautiful woman with a fascinating vision and a glamorous appearance flicked Suqin at her fingertips.

Purple long hair is unique and beautiful.

She lingered beside her, and also snuggled up a few little foxes lingering in the stream of blue shadows.

This scene.

I was very peaceful.

"Tutor ..." Chu Hen shouted in trembling.

The chirping sound stopped abruptly, and the beautiful woman with long purple hair looked sideways.

Two people face each other, such as interval

Thousands of years of emotion come together.

Xi Lan slowly got up, and a few blue shadow little foxes around him flexed away. .

Wu Xilan smiled, if there was a circle of blue ink in her eyes.

"long time no see……"

It seems that after every long-term reunion, the words "Long time no see" will be exchanged.

Whether it's "goodbye without saying goodbye" or "leave with a wave", as if all the separation before is preparing for the next reunion.

Looking at Xi Lan in front of her eyes, Chu Hen's eyes were involuntarily red.

"Don't cry, you are Emperor Chu Tian now!"

Xi Xilan raised her hand and gently wiped the light from the corner of Chu Mark's eyes.

"You really grow up!"

"Yes!" Chu Genmei raised a little tenderness, "Teacher, I am grown up, I will protect it in the future!"

Pu Xilan's eyes moved in mid-autumn water, she nodded with a smile, and replied softly, "OK!"

Strange flowers bloom, old friends return!

Even though there are so many desolate sorrows in this world, there is always such a person, such as the warm sun in winter.


Sometimes, it's to wait for a reunion!

Uh ...

Uh ...

(One more chapter !!!)

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