MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 5

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Fearing that he would not run away in time, the young figure disappeared behind the trees.

Shan Xing clicked his tongue: "Mr. Meng is so cute now, could it be that he hit his head with a bumper that day?"

Lin Bozhou snorted lightly, without saying a word, and motioned to Shen Qingyu: "Speak."

Shen Qingyu bowed and talked about business.

He is the son of Shen Zhimu, Minister of the Household Department. Lin Bozhou and the Minister of the Household Department have always been connected with each other. They are in charge of the operation of a large treasury and have a close relationship. However, it is not convenient for Shen Shangshu to contact Lin Bozhou directly at any time, so Shen Qingyu, a cheap son, has to run around.

"Father asked me to ask the prince when he will return to the cabinet to discuss politics."

Lin Bozhou was impeached, according to the rules, he immediately excused himself from illness and stayed in the mansion to wait for His Majesty to deal with him. But now His Majesty's imperial decree has been issued to punish those who impeached him and appease the regent, which proves that His Majesty trusts and recognizes Lin Bozhou more in his heart.

This battle was won by Lin Bozhou.

Shan Xing also nodded: "It's time to return to the court."

Lin Bozhou looked down at the ripples in the water: "It's too early."

"It's still early?"

The two looked puzzled.

Lin Bozhou lives idle in the mansion, and the cabinet has no instructions from him, how dare he use power easily? Now the official documents of the imperial court are piled up like a mountain, and the official affairs of the department cannot go through the process.

Furthermore, Lin Bozhou hadn't left the mansion for a few days, and more and more people in the court saw his jokes, and some people had already sang "seeing him building a tall building, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing him building a bed", and there were many discussions.

"The Rites give Shizhong, the mad dog of Ke Dao, the seventh-rank official; the member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, the fifth rank."

Lin Bo lowered his eyes, and said word by word, "They are more officials than sesame mung beans, how dare they come to impeach the regent of the country? Meng Xueming has a strong personality, and he can still understand it. That Zhou Langjun was a man of his own. I can't benefit those who are early. If there is no one behind the scenes, the king will not believe it."

Shan Xing and Shen Qingyu looked stunned: "So..."


Pouring the wine in his hand into the lotus pond, Lin Bozhou said in a deep voice, "If a big fish is not caught, some people may think that the regent is a soft persimmon, and he can handle it if he wants to. The impeachment will come one after another, who will So much time to cope?"

The backs of Shen Qingyu and Shan Xing felt cold.

These words indicated that Lin Bozhou was going to kill someone.

Shen Qingyu has known Lin Bozhou for six years, and Shan Xing has been with him since he was a child in Guzhou. With a smile on his face, he pulled out his fangs, cut his sharp claws short, and stepped into the muddy water so hard that his body was crushed to pieces.

Don't offend Lin Bozhou, he is a gentleman.

Offend Lin Bozhou, he is a villain.

The koi in the pond were swimming, competing to devour the luscious wine, and Lin Bozhou's eyes were rippling: "If you want to kill a big fish, you should kill the chicken as an example to the monkey."

Shen Qingyu let out a heavy breath: "I'll go back and tell my father right away."

Lin Bozhou hummed, and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Shen Er."

The coolness on Shen Er's back did not fade.

"My lord, farewell."

After finishing the business, Lin Bozhou was quiet for a while, "Call Meng Huan's maid over here."

Meng Huan's temperament has changed drastically in the past few days, it has become too outrageous, and it has reached the point of attracting people's attention.

However, the character is still cute, and the direction of change is very good, which also makes him curious about the reason for the change.

Outside the pavilion, the maid who was summoned turned pale with nervousness. She had been in the palace for several years, and it was the first time she spoke to the prince, her voice stuttered: "Slaves, please, see the prince..."

Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes and didn't speak. Shan Xing asked on his behalf: "What's unusual about Mrs. Meng recently?"


She took care of Meng Huan's basic necessities, food, housing and transportation by herself. Chuanshu appeared yesterday afternoon, but at that time she was taken care of by the imperial physician and little Xi Nu, and had nothing to do with the maid, so when she came into contact with Meng Huan, it was Meng Huan who came back from the shower last night.

After careful consideration, the maid suddenly said: "Oh, Mrs. Meng asked a question last night, and the person is a little different after asking."

Lin Bozhou looked sideways: "What's the problem?"

"Madam asked, how much salary can he receive a month as the prince's wife?"


On the other side, Meng Huan, who had no idea that he was being interrogated, came out of the treasury and weighed the fresh and hot fifty taels of silver.

Sixteen taels a catty, and he had a full three catties in his hand.

It weighs more than three catties, silver!

Meng Huan, who has never seen the world, feels that his life has reached its peak.

Looking lovingly at the manservant carrying the shoulder and the maid holding the umbrella, Meng Huan was in a good mood and said, "Go back tonight and get you something delicious."

Servant: "Hey hey hey."

Maid: "Hee hee hee."

The masters and servants walked back to the big courtyard where Meng Huan lived, beaming with joy. The regent was extremely wealthy, Meng Huan lived alone in a courtyard, and even provided him with eight maids, eight male servants, and two wives in charge.

The yard is also very big. There is an open courtyard dam in the middle, surrounded by houses like a courtyard, and some flowers and plants are planted in the spare land.

Meng Huan became rich, so he started to look at this and that, feeling uncomfortable, and stood in the house to pick and choose: "Pull up these weeds and wild flowers, and plant some beautiful flowers, such as peonies, roses, roses, roses..."


The servants are happily pulling weeds and digging mud.

How happy they were to see Meng Huan stay beside the prince in the morning, playing fan and serving tea for him, he is talented and handsome, and the husband and wife are deeply affectionate, so it can be seen that their little wife will be favored!

If the wife is favored, she will get more rewards, so their servants will be well-fed, so they can eat their mouths full of oil?

Life is really moving.

The yard looks like spring is coming.

There was a voice at the door, and someone asked, "Is Madam there?"

Meng Huan poked his head over, and at some point there stood a well-dressed and well-dressed middle-aged woman with smooth combed hair, looking at him with a smile.

She looked pretty good, but there was a young woman standing behind her, dressed in silk and satin, with vaguely angry eyes, and saluted Meng Huan not convinced.

Who are these two people?

The maid behind said first: "I've met Mother Xu, sister Xu."

"Ma'am, the slave family is the wife of Xu Wei, the chief manager of the palace. Because there was no mistress in the mansion, the prince asked the slave family to take care of the trivial matters in the mansion. Now that the prince has a wife, the slave family thought that they should come to report this matter, and they have already reported it. I have left the prince, and let the wife take care of the government affairs."


Meng Huan understood that the man was the master outside the house and the woman was the house master. The Prince Regent's family had a big business and a large number of female family members and male servants. The family business was heavy, and Lin Bozhou might not be able to take care of it, so there were special housekeepers and nuns.

— This nanny obviously came to give her a job.

Meng Huan said, "You take care of it, I don't."

I just want to eat, drink and be merry.

Grandma Xu smiled.

It stands to reason that Meng Huan, as a concubine, is not qualified to manage government affairs, so she pretended to ask, just to see if this concubine knew what was good or bad.

Satisfied with this answer, it seems that she is the highest manager of the miscellaneous things in the mansion, and Madam Xu is blessed to leave.

The young woman behind her snorted triumphantly, noticing the weeds flying across the yard.

She stopped, "Ma'am, what are you doing in the yard?"

Meng Huan had just arrived, he was not familiar with the place, and he valued peace when interacting with people. Although his tone was a little bit harsh, he still said softly, "I'm going to pull out the weeds and plant some other flowers."

Grandma Xu was stunned for a moment.

She actually didn't think Meng Huan would stay in the palace for long.

But she smiled and didn't say a word, but Sister Xu couldn't help but said: "Madam, let me know in advance if you want to move things in the mansion next time. What you just pulled out are not wild grasses and trees, but plum blossoms! The prince likes plums, Especially in the elegant scenery with sparse shadows in spring, slanting slanting water and clear and shallow water, the nanny let the corners of the courtyards in the mansion be planted to please the prince. After five years of planting, she did not expect that the wife did not understand, so she actually pulled it out. !"

Being complained by this, Meng Huan seemed to have been splashed with cold water, his whole body was icy cold, but his scalp felt hot, and he scratched his hair: "Really."

No matter what others say is right or wrong, Meng Huan is a person who is easily embarrassed when he is accused, his ears are burning red.

He lowered his head slowly and did not speak.

I felt something sinking heavily from my heart.

Madam Xu hurriedly said, "Ma'am, it's okay, Madam lives in the yard, so you can clean it up as you want. Aunt Fang, you are so talkative."

Xu Fanggu: "It was originally..."

The corners of Meng Huan's lips curled down, and he took a light breath.

When Madam Xu and Aunt Xu Fang turned around, behind them, the maids suddenly burst into shouts of "Madam!" "Madam!" "Madam, don't be sad!"

Eye sockets gradually blurred.

Meng Huan rubbed his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

Beside the lotus pond, the dusk is dark, and the dim light falls into the pavilion.

Shan Xing picked up the scrolls on the table and put them in the bookcase. Lin Bozhou insisted on reading and worked tirelessly for more than 20 years. However, he should not use his eyes when his eye disease relapsed. He just listened to the contents of the book that Shan Xing read with a few Qingkes.

After reading today's book, Shan Xing said, "My lord, it's time to eat."

Lin Bozhou took off the gauze covering his eyes, and said, "Well, call the imperial physician again tonight.


Shan Xing turned his head to leave, and a maid hurriedly walked up ahead.

Lin Bozhou recognized that she belonged to Meng Huan, and asked, "Why?"

The maid fell to her knees with a thud, and burst into tears: "I beseech the lord to decide, our wife, madam, let Mother Xu and her daughter scold and cry!"


All the way to the courtyard where Meng Huan lived.

With his shoes on the slate, Shan Xing secretly looked at the silent regent beside him, feeling very complicated.

According to what he knew about the prince in the past, there were too many female family members and male servants in the palace, and there were often conflicts and quarrels, and sometimes even jumped into a well after being scolded for having an affair, but he never asked about it.

His energy was spent on the imperial court, Dazong, and the six departments and thirteen provinces of the cabinet. He had to take care of the common people and deal with political opponents, which had exhausted his thinking, made him often have headaches, sleepless nights, and eye diseases recurred from time to time.

But this time, when Lin Bozhou heard the report, he stood up unexpectedly: "Where is it?"

Footsteps rushed outside the courtyard gate, Meng Huan's head was drooping deeply, motionless like a small mushroom. And Madam Xu next to him looked embarrassed, and she was faintly impatient between her brows as she said something.

But the moment she saw Lin Bozhou, she made a "plop", changed her face and knelt down to Meng Huan faster than turning the pages of a book, and said in a sad voice, "Ma'am, it's the maidservant's fault. The maidservant talks too much, begging Madam to calm down. I beg my wife to calm down..."

She panicked.

She has been the housekeeper and nanny of the Prince Regent's Mansion for six years. She has always recognized herself as the mistress of the mansion and handled the internal affairs by herself. She really didn't expect that a few words of a concubine could alarm the lord, and she never thought that the lord would really come.

Aunt Xu Fang looked at her mother in surprise and said, "Mother, he is just a concubine, but you are the nurse in charge, why are you kneeling?"

Lin Bozhou appeared in everyone's sight.


Xu Fanggu also knelt down with a "plop".

Meng Huan lowered his head, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and his mind was in a daze.

He cries, simply because he feels a little uncomfortable, transmigrated into a book he is not familiar with, no matter what he does, someone will take care of him, someone will laugh at him, being a concubine is still looked down upon by others, he just feels that he is useless, even if he is a bit superior, he feels uncomfortable Cried.

Nanny Xu also kept persuading her: "Why are you crying, madam? Just speak up when you have something to say, madam is really a delicate temper, and my servant beats and scolds me anytime, but I don't see madam crying. If you are angry, slap me." ?”

Meng Huan said, "Ah, yes, yes, I am useless, so I cry."

Overtly and secretly, didn't it mean that he was mentally fragile, and cried after hearing a few scoldings.

What's wrong? Allow you to be eccentric, but don't allow me to cry?

Meng Huan was also speechless. He wanted to wait quietly for his emotions to settle down, but suddenly a row of knees fell before him.

He raised his eyes and saw Lin Bozhou a few steps away. It was approaching evening, and the night was burning all the way from behind him, dyeing the forest and the eaves into a dim glow. with him.


Who recruited him! Meng Huan wiped away tears directly.

But his eye sockets were still red, the tip of his nose was also a little red, his eyelashes were wet with tears, his expression was a little fragile, and his red lips were slightly drawn down.

In the pavilion, Lin Bozhou sat down: "What's going on."

There was an indescribable sense of fear and oppression in the air, especially when Lin Bozhou sat blankly, several participants were sweating and their legs were trembling.

Mother Xu told the ins and outs.

Lin Bozhou raised his eyes and said one word: "Hit."

With trembling hands, Mother Xu walked to his daughter's side, lifted her up with her clothes, and slapped her **** the mouth.


She slapped her so hard that she was startled from left to right. Seeing a red mark appear on her mouth, her hair bun suddenly fell to the side, but Mother Xu didn't stop, she raised her hand and slapped her again.

Lin Bozhou said two more words: "Go down."

Mother Xu nodded quickly, looked at her daughter distressedly, and said with tears in her eyes: "Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness."

The people in the pavilion dispersed, only Meng Huan was left sitting in a panic.

He was scared to death.

If each hit fifty big boards, they should be slapped in the face immediately.

Who knew, a shadow suddenly fell in front of her eyes.

Lin Bozhou stood up, and his figure fell in front of Meng Huan. He stretched out a hand with distinct knuckles, and clasped Meng Huan's jaw.

Those eyes were very close at the same time, the corners of the eyes were long and narrow, and the pupils were fixed in the night light, concentrating on Meng Huan's face.

From the reddened corners of the boy's eyes to the tear-stained chin, his gaze slowly licked like the tip of a predator's tongue.

Meng Huan was a little scared by his stare.

In the ear, neither light nor heavy, Lin Bozhou dropped two words.


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