MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 4

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Don't you like strong ones?

Meng Huan thought, today I will let you know how unruly a person can be.

He came down tender and crisp, the back of the man in this pavilion who had been married but never married was numb.

Attracted by the sound, Shen Qingyu looked, "My lord, when did you find such a wonderful person? Didn't you just accept a fierce and unruly concubine a few days ago? Now that you are in such good spirits, you can take one concubine a day. Can your body take it?"

The friends of the Prince Regent actually knew that Lin Bozhou was busy with political affairs and was not close to beauty. A few days ago, I heard that he was robbing a concubine in the street at the gate of Jiaofangsi, and they were very surprised. Later, they also heard that the concubine had a bad temper and scolded everyone. , can be called outrageous.

But in front of him, why is there another soft and lovely concubine?

Lin Bozhou raised his eyelids: "You are talking about the same person."


Shen Qingyu choked on the tea with a "poof".

Meng Huan took three steps at a time and did two steps at a time. He ran in standard manga, and ran into the pavilion, showing a cute smile: "Husband, I didn't see you just now, you won't be angry, right?"

Delicate and soft.


People with weak concentration have already begun to lose their hearing.

Lin Bozhou: "No."

"Thank you, husband." Meng Huan took the maid's fan and said, "Is your husband hot, I can fan you for you, okay?"

Lin Bozhou: "You can fan it if you want."


Do not talk about martial arts. Meng Huan's smile gradually froze.

Prince Regent, shouldn't you "frown coldly, look at this flattering face in front of you, feel an indescribable disgust in your heart, feel dirty even if you touch it, just want him to get away as far away as possible" ?

The cold male protagonist in the novel always tells the hot male supporting role to get fucked. Why is your personality wrong?

Meng Huan: TvT

But the one who took the initiative to slap the fan was himself, and Meng Huan couldn't bear to slap himself for a while, so he stood by and shook slowly. The sun was strong during the day, Lin Bozhou wore tulle eyes, and knocked on the chess pieces one by one.

The game took a long time, and Shen Qingyu thought about it for a quarter of an hour.

Meng Huan said at the right time: "My lord, he is really slow, he is far behind you."

Shen Qingyu: "..."

Lin Bozhou: "Yes."

"My lord, the way he holds the chess pieces is so weird, it's far behind you who are beautiful and elegant."



"Has the lord won again? It's amazing, it's amazing!"



Shen Qingyu also started: "My lord!"

Thinking that his child is three years old, Lin Bozhou frowned: "Shut up."


Shen Qingyu smiled, and said to herself, people can't, at least they shouldn't, after I learned that you closed the door and thanked guests at home, came to play chess with you to amuse me, but you brought your wife to entertain me.

And Meng Huan hoped that the phrase "shut up and get you" was meant for himself.

He expected Lin Bozhou to say "scroll" coldly to himself, and then Meng Huan would scram, non-stop, to the inner treasury to ask Mr. Accountant to receive his monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, as if he had never been here before.

Shen Qingyu got serious and looked at Meng Huan: "Is this Meng Xueming's son?"


Lin Bozhou looked at the chess scale with his eyes pensive, and played with the chess pieces repeatedly with his fingertips.

Shen Qingyu sighed: "My lord, you have never changed your habit of bullying honest people."

"I would like to ask His Majesty to dismiss him from his position and send him into exile, and your father has a part to contribute."


Shen Qingyu shut up, okay, I can't talk to you.

At the side, Meng Huan blinked, hearing the words Meng Xueming, he vaguely remembered something.

Meng Huan's father was framed and imprisoned for impeaching the regent. He was dismissed from his post and exiled to the army, and sent to a remote place. As for Meng Huan, he was filled into the Jiaofang Secretary for people to have fun.

Jiaofangsi, that is, government-run brothels.

Meng Xueming’s impeachment of the treacherous minister, the Regent, was well-known in the capital. Someone in the Jiaofang Secretary secretly took care of him, preventing him from receiving guests and making his body dirty. Unexpectedly, someone came to make trouble this day and kicked open the door of the Jiaofang Secretary: “Let that criminal minister The son came out to pick up the guests!"

As a show of humiliation, the other party pinched Meng Huan's chin and said with a smirk, "You look really fresh, the young master's mansion is just short of a concubine to serve, or you can come?"

Pulling all the way to the street, no one expected that the frame of the Regent King just passed by.

The curtain was lifted, covering half of Lin Bozhou's handsome and indifferent side face, "Who is making noise?"

Someone said: "The one who robbed a concubine was Meng Xueming's son."

Lin Bozhou glanced at Meng Huan.

He left a sentence: "This man, the king, has taken a fancy to him and brought him back to the palace."

A simple sentence determined Meng Huan's ownership, and everyone who wanted it was silent. Who would dare to **** it from Lin Bozhou? I'm afraid there is no result yet, the head will fall first.

Staying in the Jiaofang Division, or being taken as a concubine by the young master, or following Lin Bozhou, no matter which one is not what Meng Huan doesn't want.

But since Meng Xueming's life was safe, Meng Huan didn't think much of it for a while, and continued to shake his fan.

Father, let your son live with his life first.

Lin Bozhou glanced at the tea, as if he was thirsty.

Meng Huan hurriedly made tea, half leaned over and handed it with a smile: "My lord, please use tea."

He has a fresh smile, bright eyes and soft voice, very much like a Daji who seduced King Zhou.

The backs of all the people in the pavilion were numb and uncomfortable.

It's... so hot.

I kind of... miss my wife.

The regent's dark and narrow eyes lowered, his eyes fell on the yellow tea soup, and the corners of his lips curled up: "This king doesn't drink the tea for the first time."

"Huh?" What is smelly?

Shan Xing took the teapot with a smile: "The first time the tea is strong and bitter, the prince doesn't like it, madam, let the villain come to add water."

Ning is really golden branches and jade leaves. But Meng Huan didn't let go, obediently poured out the tea for the first time, added hot water again, and looked at Lin Bozhou sincerely, "I will remember it, I will never make a mistake next time, please forgive me, my lord." .”

"Hahahahahaha..." Shen Qingyu laughed maniacally, "Prince, with such a concubine, what more can I ask for, hahahaha!"


Lin Bozhou's eyes fell back to Meng Huan's cheek.

Meng Huan's scalp was numb, and the smile on his face froze, and he said more courteously: "Does the lord eat any snacks besides drinking tea? This concubine will ask someone to go down and do it."

Lin Bozhou finally hit the chess piece: "No need."

"Okay, that concubine will fan the prince again."

Meng Huan picked up his fan from Shan Ruliu, and fanned the wind in various ways.

At noon, after throwing the chess pieces back into the chess basket, Lin Bozhou got up and said, "Let's eat."

The servant behind him hurried out of the pavilion, hurried to the dining room, and ordered the cook to serve the dishes.

Shen Qingyu scratched her chin and observed the chess game: "It shouldn't be, I actually lost the prince's nine sons this time? Before, you and I were only half a chess player behind, but now the gap is getting bigger and bigger. I don't understand, I don't understand."

"When did you come within half a child of this king?" Lin Bozhou said, "Haven't you been held down and beaten by this king all the time?"

"..." Shen Qingyu, "My lord, don't talk nonsense."

It's finally time for the Lord Regent to eat. Meng Huan rubbed his sore wrist, thinking that I can finally go to collect the money.

Lin Bozhou took a step, thought of something, and said, "You come too."

Meng Huan was alert immediately: "No need, my lord, I can't be a concubine, just go back to my yard for dinner."


Being rejected by him, Lin Bozhou's dark eyes shone with some light, as if a long-awaited predator caught the movement of its prey.


Meng Huanxin said it was wrong, she was disobeying the prince again.

That is to say, his personality became fierce again.

It's like...beginning to conform to his sexual fetish again.

Resisting the mmp that was about to come out in his heart, Meng Huan smiled freshly, and stood up slowly: "Okay, my concubine will come right away."

The dining place is in the lotus building next to the lake. The air here is fresh and the environment is pleasant. When the breeze blows, the green lotus leaves are surging on the lake. .

Shen Qingyu stood outside the pavilion: "My lord..."

"Without outsiders, you don't need to be bound by that etiquette. You can sit down and have a meal, and the same goes for mountain trips."

Sit down with the Venerable facing south, Meng Huan is a concubine, and sits beside Lin Bozhou as an attendant, his buttocks are not warm, and he heard the sound of serving dishes.

The previous one reported one.

"Fat chicken with mushrooms, three delicacies duck, five strands of shredded chicken, stewed meat, stewed persimmon, stewed cabbage with sliced ​​meat, braised mutton, stewed mutton with spinach and tofu, yam with cherry meat.*"

Meng Huan: Wow!

"Donkey stewed cabbage, mutton sliced ​​with Sichuan radish, duck strips with sea cucumber, duck diced with kudzu rice, roasted mushrooms, sliced ​​meat braised with magnolia slices, shredded lamb stewed, fried spring rolls, fried pork with yellow leeks, smoked elbow flower belly, Stewed tofu, smoked dried shredded vegetables, fried shredded cabbage with pepper oil, dried spiced spices, sacrificial meat soup, boiled Sailer, boiled white meat, fresh carp.*”

Meng Huan: Wow wow wow!

Meng Huan's eyes stared straight, Lin Bozhou cleaned up his hands without looking at the table, and resumed the chess game with Shen Qingyu just now.

"I lost a total of nine games, it must be because I was too distracted just now." Shen Qingyu insisted on throwing the blame on Meng Huan.

Lin Bozhou snorted, turned his head, and saw Meng Huan staring at the table, pressing his fingers on the chopsticks quietly. Although his expression was calm, he could see that he had to start spinning as soon as he gave an order.

Lin Bozhou raised his lower eyelids with a bit of pleasant malice.

Shan Xing immediately understood his expression, and said kindly: "Mrs. Meng, I will trouble you to serve the prince for this lunch."

Meng Huan: "?"

What? a bolt from the blue!

Your prince of golden branches and jade leaves still needs someone to serve you when you eat? How can I serve rice? Isn't it just chewing it into pieces and swallowing it in your mouth!

Do you want me to break it up and feed it into your mouth?

Shouting in his heart, Meng Huan licked his lower lip on the surface, swallowed hard, picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables on the table resignedly, picked up a piece of juicy, fat and oily white meat, put it in the bowl of the boat, and swallowed : "My lord, please use it."

Lin Bozhou slowly sent it into his mouth.

Picked up another piece of fresh, thick and soft fish with a pleasant fragrance, carefully picked out the thorns, and put it in the Lin Bo boat bowl: "My lord, try this."

Lin Bozhou re-entered.

"Is it delicious?" He stared eagerly.

The corners of Lin Bozhou's lips inexplicably brought a smile: "Yes."

Meng Huan: QAQ

He bit his lip, imagining that all the food had entered his stomach, took a mouthful of yellow chicken soup, blew it cold in a small sip, and tremblingly sent it to Lin Bozhou's lips: "My lord, what does this chicken soup taste like..."

Is it fresh, fragrant, with the taste of chicken mixed with shiitake mushrooms?

Meng Huan stared at the spoonful of chicken soup so hard that he could almost inhale it through the storm of air.

Lin Bozhou gritted his teeth lightly, he was in no mood to use it anymore after being stared at like this, and at the same time he felt a little guilty. With one hand on the pear blossom wood chair, he raised his eyebrows: "Eat by yourself, you don't have to wait on me."


If there is still a little bit of self-control, Meng Huan will say: "No, no, my lord, please let this concubine serve you well!"

But now, with the table full of dishes and the aroma, Meng Huan really didn't care about this or that. Hearing this, he nodded vigorously, "The concubine is not welcome."

He took the fresh carp that Lin Bozhou tasted just now with his chopsticks.

In the mouth, it is really soft, tender, delicious, and has a unique taste.

Tried the mushroom fat chicken again, woo woo woo, honestly, it’s delicious!

Then try braised mutton shreds, smoked elbow flower belly...

Then try stewed cabbage with sliced ​​meat, braised mutton...

Try again and try again...

"My lord, let's play another round after finishing the meal. I seem to know where the omissions in the last game are."

When Shen Qingshan spoke, Lin Bozhou only responded lightly.

His attention was on Meng Huan.

When the boy eats, he probably knows that eating is ugly and not elegant, so he doesn't put a lot in the bowl, and he just picks up the tongs in front of him, but he eats very fast.

Moreover, it is very rare that he cooks with simplicity, immersion, and joy.

It's like I haven't eaten these things in my life.

Is the monthly salary low in the Rites? Yes, officials of science and Taoism have good prospects for promotion, but they are usually selected from the Shuji scholars of the Imperial Academy.

It's very interesting to eat so openly.

Lin Bozhou looked away, and Shen Qingyu stared at him intently.


The expression on that face was full of "My lord, I told you to add a family earlier, but I didn't listen, now I know how good it is to have a wife?"

What's wrong with you.


After eating all the rice in the bowl, Meng Huan burped lightly.

He was full and a little dizzy, but he remembered his mission as a concubine and turned to Lin Bozhou: "Is the prince ready?"

He picked up the chopsticks and prepared to continue serving: "I will serve you, shall I?"

Dafa literati Yaxing was writing poems facing the lotus flowers all over the lake during his mountain trip. He went into a frenzy and chanted with his hands behind his back. Shen Qingyu made a few comments from time to time while holding a wine glass.

Lin Bo's boat bowl was empty, and he just said, "Pour the wine."

Meng Huan poured him a glass of wine: "My husband, please use it."

The voice is sweet, soft, and very cute.


This sentence directly destroys the poetic nature of the mountain trip, and the last two paragraphs have a low temperament, instead lamenting that I have a wandering life experience, I am in my twenties, and I am still alone like the lonely lotus in this lotus pond.

Shen Qingyu's smile faded away, seeing that the food was cold, she slowly stood up.

"My lord."

His visit to the Prince Regent's Mansion was not just to accompany Lin Bozhou to play Go, watch the show of love, and listen to Shan Xing to write complaint poems.

Lin Bozhou raised his eyebrows and signaled to Meng Huan: "Go back and rest."

They should have something to talk about, and they have to keep their eyes and ears out of the way. Meng Huan was not too surprised, nor did he take it to heart, he stood up obediently, and exited the lotus pavilion without hesitation.

He headed the way he came—

Inner Treasury, you'd better not close the door.

Grandpa is here to get paid!

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