MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 58

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Before the Chinese New Year, Wei's house was blocked by people. A group of people, all court officials, blocked the gate of Wei's house tightly and asked Jiang Lin to be handed over.

The servants of the Wei family have already started copying sticks, planning to protect their young wife with all their might.

Jiang Lin himself was not in a hurry, "What are you worried about, you young lady, I still have so many good sisters, they will come to save me."

Jiang Lin asked Chang An to go out through the back door and report to his good sisters, telling them to come to the United States to save the hero.

Chang An didn't want to understand, how did his young master fool so many people with just one mouth, these ladies seem smart but not easy to mess with, so why do they just become good sisters with his young master?

Chang An asked with deep doubts. Jiang Lin sat on the rocking chair and smiled when he heard Chang An's words. It is the same?"

Jiang Lin stretched out two fingers, "One is to understand their needs, and the other is to know their bottom line. It's not difficult, but you have to handle it well. They agree in their hearts, and we are good sisters."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Lin pushed Chang An, "Hurry up, if you don't go outside, those adults will smash the door, maybe you really want them to come in and eat your young master and me alive."

Of course Chang An didn't want to, and ran away in a hurry, shouting while running, "Don't worry, young master, I will definitely bring someone to rescue you."

The stupefaction gave birth to the illusion that Jiang Lin was about to become the soul of someone else's sword.

After Chang An left, the housekeeper came to ask Jiang Lin, "Young madam, do you want someone to call the eldest son back?"

Jiang Lin quickly waved his hand, "No, no need, he will definitely be drowned by the spit of each of these people when he comes back," that would be too miserable.

Jiang Lin thought that he only had Wei Yunzhao as her husband, so she couldn't bear it.

Not only did he not intend to call Wei Yunzhao back, he also asked the steward to send someone to tell Wei Yunzhao to come back later and not to disturb his good sisters to save him.

Facts have proved that Mrs. Jiang Lin is really good at diplomacy, and his good sisters also have him in their hearts. Before Chang An came to invite him, they realized something was wrong and rushed to Wei's house in a carriage.

Because of the miserable days recently, the adults are somehow afraid of guilt, especially those who have their ears twisted by their wives at home, subconsciously feel that their ears hurt and their legs are a little soft.

I don't know how the former Xiaojiabiyu, the gentle and graceful wife, suddenly seems to be a different person, that is called a tough one.

"What, what are you doing? One or two want to find fault, right?"

This group of women began to akimbo as soon as they got off the carriage, and attacked indiscriminately, regardless of the identity or grade of the opponent.

Anyway, people gathered at the door of Wei's house to trouble Jiang Lin, it was just a man who couldn't toughen up his wife at home.

"Three wives and four concubines let you marry, and the vixen let you get into the bed, and your poor mother doesn't care. What else do you have to be dissatisfied with, and you dare to come to Jiangmei... Brother Jiang's trouble, your face can't handle it." Put aside the construction of the city wall!"

"It's only been a few days, and you can't stand it, but which of our sisters is not suffering, and I haven't seen any of you say a word of distress in so many years, you are already worthless, why, want to be even more worthless Shit, you won’t let us have a good life?”

"Fuck! What the hell, I didn't reflect on what I did wrong when I saw it. Well, if any of you dare to touch the younger brother of the Jiang family today, our sisters will break his leg!"

With a wave of arms, the responders gathered, and a group of important courtiers were stunned by this momentum.

It was much stronger than when they called Jiang Lin out at the door.

When women are tough, men have nothing to do with them, so much so that they don't dare to claim their wives.

Inside the door, Jiang Lin once again lamented that she is indeed his good sister, she is really a hero among women, and she must be praised.

Jiang Lin asked the butler to open the door, he walked out, stood at the door and bowed his hands to the ministers present, then waved to the female relatives behind him with a sweet smile, "Sisters, brother, I have prepared some snacks, how about Come in and have a cup of tea."

Desserts are tempting. After the Zhou family's snow appreciation feast, the Du family held another plum appreciation feast. They had a lunch at the plum appreciation banquet, which was also made by Jiang Lin and the Wei family's maid. They are very satisfied.

At this moment, when he heard that there was something sweet, his face instantly burst into a smile. It's not important for a man to be sweet, so the ladies who were scolding just now left the group of men behind and followed Jiang Lin into the door.

Leaving the adults looking at each other in blank dismay, and realizing that they are not as important as a plate of dim sum in my wife's heart?

I don't know who it is, looking up to the sky and shouting sadly, "I can't live through this day."

The words were agreed, but what else can I do, I can't really give up the person, can I? Not to mention the embarrassment, the wives they married were not low-income, so they didn't want to divorce if they wanted to.

My heart seems to be more bitter.

Not only did he fail to trouble Cheng Jianglin, he was scolded a lot, and finally had to leave the door of Wei's house, his back in the cold wind, a little bleak.

Inside Wei's house, it was a completely different scene. Jiang Lin not only prepared snacks, but also made hot milk tea for the ladies. It was fresh and tasted good, and these people praised Jiang Lin again and again.

Some people envied Wei Yunzhao, saying how could such a good man as Jiang Lin marry Wei Yunzhao? If he married a wife himself, the person who married him would be so happy.

Jiang Lin followed the topic and talked about asking them to teach their sons to be a dedicated and affectionate good man. Only when there are more good men in the world who don't take concubines can their daughters live a good life, right? .

Several of the wives present had girls who had not left the court, and they were tempted when they heard Jiang Lin's words.

Some people wanted Jiang Lin to get to know his own son and teach their ineffective son a lesson.

Jiang Lin smiled modestly, and didn't dare to answer these words, what if it was the man he had hooked up with before, he would be overturned.

After his good sisters had eaten and drank well, Jiang Lin asked them each to bring a snack back home, "After you go back, look at your family's attitude. If Ruanhe knows that he is wrong, then give him this snack." If you get angry at you as soon as you get back, the nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes, even if you feed this snack to the dogs, you must never give them to eat."

Someone picked up Jiang Lin's words, "This kind of man who doesn't know what to do, I can't bear to give them such delicious cakes, and I can't bear to feed them to dogs. I eat it myself."

The others nodded in agreement, thanked Jiang Lindao and left.

A fellow traveler was sitting in a carriage. In the carriage, he talked about this period of time, "I have never been as happy as this time since I got married. I can do whatever I want to You don’t have to revolve around men and children like you used to, it’s frustrating.”

"That's not it," the other person answered, reaching out to touch his face, "I'm so happy, even my complexion is much better."

"The brother of the Jiang family is right. This woman has to live for herself once before she knows what is comfort and what is real life."

Jiang Lin's status in their hearts now far exceeds that of the insignificant man in the family. The more you talk about Jiang Lin, the better you think him.

Of course, not everyone likes him and is willing to let Jiang Lin get involved in the relationship between their husband and wife, such as Princess Qinghe County.

Mrs. Zhou's snow feast was also posted to her. Although Qinghe County King is not as popular as before, he is still the county king. With the status of the county princess here, Madam Zhou also wants to show face.

At the beginning, Princess Qinghe praised Mrs. Zhou for her arrangement, delicious cakes, and good books. But when she knew that Mrs. Zhou held this snow feast to introduce Jiang Lin to the ladies, she felt as if she had eaten flies.

The Queen of Qinghe County had been waiting to see Jiang Lin's jokes, and after knowing that Mrs. Zhang had gotten into trouble with her husband after hearing Jiang Lin's words, she even scolded Mrs. Zhang for being an idiot. My man was reprimanded by the emperor, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get promoted in the future. A woman who affects a man's promotion will definitely turn around and be dismissed.

But who would have thought that not only was the person not divorced, Master Zhang also changed his sex, the husband and wife became affectionate again, and the court ministers also looked at Master Zhang differently, which was completely different from what Princess Qinghe had expected.

There were more idiots in the back who listened to Jiang Lin's words, and made the house restless. When the princess of Qinghe County heard that the courtiers went to Wei's house to ask Jiang Lin for an explanation, she was very happy. This time Jiang Lin was not killed. If you gnaw it, you will have to peel off the skin. The princess of Qinghe County waited to see the good show and Jiang Lin's miserable situation, but she didn't expect that group of stupid women to go to rescue Jiang Lin again.

Instead, the ministers returned frustrated, Jiang Lin had nothing to do, and Princess Qinghe was so angry at the result that she almost gritted her teeth.

She turned around in the room, thinking that this was not acceptable, that Jiang Lin must not be allowed to continue to be arrogant, otherwise all the official wives in Shengjing would be bewitched by him.

She thought about it for a long time, and then came up with a good idea, and hurriedly went to Prince Qinghe, "My lord, have you heard about what happened at the gate of Wei's house today?"

So many ministers blocked the door of Wei's house, this is not a trivial matter, Prince Qinghe naturally knows.

King Qinghe looked at her, "Why, you want to follow their example and make trouble with the king of this county?"

Prince Qinghe had only one concubine, but that concubine was killed by the princess after Jiang Rou was murdered. Since then, the King of Qinghe County has never taken concubines, but there are houses, and they are all stuffed by the Princess of the County herself.

The princess of the county doesn't care about this matter, and she can't make a fuss. The most important thing is that she never thought of making a fuss.

"No, the concubine wants her husband to join Wei Yunzhao's book. His wife has stirred up storms in Shengjing, and even instigated women to openly resist men. This is a serious crime. Although Wei Yunzhao did not do it, he has lax discipline. Blame him, the emperor is already dissatisfied with Wei Yunzhao, maybe the right servant he just acquired will fly away?"

For example, the princess of the county said more and more excitedly, and the prince of Qinghe reacted much more flatly, even a little coldly, "The prince of this county thought you had grown up, but I didn't expect you to be even more stupid."

The princess of the county, who felt that she had a good idea, was scolded suddenly, and she was immediately dumbfounded, "Husband, you..."

King Qinghe stood up, "Aren't you making enough trouble? Look at what the current county mansion is like. You still want to provoke that evil star. Do you think this county king is too secure?"

"Trouble? You say I'm making trouble?" The princess of the county also exploded when she heard these words, "Did you forget that our Rou'er is still eating vegetarian food, praying to Buddha and becoming a nun? The **** did it."

"Shut up!" Prince Qinghe scolded angrily, "If you hadn't allowed her to do such unbearable things, how could you have come to this point."

King Qinghe said disappointedly: "I thought you had already realized your mistake after introspection, but I didn't realize that you still wanted to trouble the Wei family. I really don't know what it means, it's unreasonable."

After finishing speaking, King Qinghe shook his sleeves angrily and left.

Princess Qinghe shouted at him unwillingly, "No matter how unreasonable I am, I'm better than a person like you who doesn't care about your daughter's feelings and righteousness. If you don't want to stand up for Rou'er, then I will do it myself. I don't believe it. I can't do anything about it." Little Wei family."

When King Qinghe heard this, he became even more angry, and directly called the steward, "Send someone to guard the madam's yard, and she is not allowed to step out of the yard without my king's order, let alone communicate with any outsiders."

The butler took the order to leave, and the concubine of Qinghe County, who was fined and grounded, reacted particularly fiercely, and she didn't cooperate at all. The butler had to ask the servant girl to forcefully lock her into the house. Although the princess of the county is also the master, but the county king has the final say in this mansion, if the county king says no, then it is not allowed.

The princess of Qinghe County who was locked up was also restless, smashing and cursing in the room, and even went on a hunger strike, but the Prince of Qinghe County ignored her.

The princess of the county couldn't see the situation clearly and felt that Jiang Lin had offended someone and caused a storm in the city, but the more he behaved like this, the less trouble would happen.

The more people Jiang Lin offended, the more difficult it would be for Wei Yunzhao, the right servant, and all the courtiers had opinions on him, this is what the emperor wanted to see. Going to Shenwei's house at this time will not only fail to please, but will be reprimanded for being narrow-minded and inferior to women.

King Qinghe didn't think he fully understood what kind of chess the Wei family was playing, but he made a guess. The first Mrs. Zhang who was instigated by Jiang Lin to be successful, her husband, Mr. Zhang, is the censor, and she was also the one who had previously participated in Wei Yunzhao and insulted the face of the imperial court official. Jiang Lin wanted to vent his anger on Wei Yunzhao. Just stared at him.

Jiang Lin is a man who holds grudges and will take revenge. If he goes to attend Wei Yunzhao's book at this time, he is afraid that Jiang Lin will turn around and instigate the group of officials and wives to target them at Qinghe County Prince's Mansion. The county prince's mansion has provoked the holy wrath, and now it is impossible to ask a doctor to treat the illness, and offend a group of wives, that day will really not be over.

As long as Jiang Lin didn't harm him, King Qinghe didn't intend to get involved in such trivial matters.

Sitting quietly in the study for a while, King Qinghe called the housekeeper and told him, "Madam, keep an eye on her, don't make any mistakes, and tell her, don't let Rou'er stay in the temple for the rest of her life because of her whims, then it will be too late carry on."

Apart from Princess Qinghe who wanted to take the opportunity to trouble Jiang Lin, there were others who were also not idle.

Early in the morning, before Wei Yunzhao went out to the Ministry of War, a few servants from the Wei family suddenly came, saying that someone had sued Jiang Lin, and the governor asked him to go to the yamen for questioning.

Speaking of the governor of Shengjing, this is the third one this year, and the second prince took the responsibility for the rebellion without involving other people. But Emperor Changde dismissed and demoted many people by taking advantage of the hundreds of lives in the quarry.

The former governor of Shengjing, Zhao Shichuan, was the first to bear the brunt, so the current governor of Shengjing has changed again, but it is not official, Yin Ji is temporarily acting as governor, which can be regarded as a reward for his investigation of the quarry case.

Although Yin Ji himself may not want this reward.

Jiang Lin himself was also a little confused, and asked Wei Yunzhao, "It can't be that those grown-ups can't think about it, and the governor of the government will sue me, right?"

Wei Yunzhao shook his head, "It shouldn't be them. If these people sue you, they will directly hand over the papers to the emperor instead of going to the government office."

"What's the matter? I haven't committed any crime recently?"

Wei Yunzhao smiled when he heard the words, "Madam's words sound very self-aware, and the two words have been used very well recently."

Jiang Lin pushed him towards the gate, "Hey, this is not a criminal record, I just said that out of caution."

After meeting the person and hearing what the other person said, Jiang Lin felt that he was still not cautious enough, and he should use these two days to make a distinction.

The person who sued him turned out to be Ren Denggao, Jiang Lin thought, even if he discounted Ren Denggao's legs, it should be better after more than a month.

Is it too late to tell him now?

But no matter what, Jiang Lin had to go to the government office, Wei Yunzhao asked him, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, "No, you can go and do your work. I'll go to the government office to clarify my words and come back by myself."

Jiang Lin was still very relaxed. He, Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling attacked Ren Denggao ruthlessly, but the position of the strike was very particular. Even if Ren Denggao was in pain, the doctor would not say how badly he was injured.

And after such a long time, even if there are traces, they will almost disappear.

When he arrived at the government office, Jiang Lin saw Ren Denggao. He only took one look, turned around and left, and said, "Pengci, seriously, it has nothing to do with me!"

Yin Ji had someone stop him back, and he slapped the gavel heavily, "Jiang Lin, Ren Denggao sued you for beating him and seriously injuring him like this, do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Linchao Yin Ji cupped his hands, "My lord, do you believe me when I say that his injuries have nothing to do with me?"

Ren Denggao looked very miserable, very miserable, his body was **** like a silkworm chrysalis, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was no good meat. It even made Jiang Lin curious, who on earth hated this guy more than him, and made such a heavy hand.

"But Ren Denggao said that you brought people around his house last night to beat him into such a state, and there were even family and neighbors who testified. How do you explain it?"

Jiang Lin pointed at Ren Denggao, in disbelief: "He's already like this, can he still speak?"

Yin Ji: "..."

"It was said by the servants on his behalf."

"Oh," Jiang Lin said with a cold face, "I didn't. I was too busy kissing my husband last night. I don't have time to play this kind of thing. He doesn't deserve it!"

Yin Ji coughed, "Cough, talk carefully."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, his face full of innocence.

Yin Ji asked, "You were in the mansion last night, who can testify for you?"

Jiang Lin replied, "Everyone in the Wei family can testify."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, Ren Denggao frantically blinked at his servant and hinted at his servant, who then refuted Jiang Lin's words, "You are the master, and all the servants of the Wei family will listen to you, so naturally you will do whatever you say. They cannot serve as witnesses."

Jiang Lin laughed, "Why, if the servants of your Ren family can testify that I beat Ren Denggao, the servants of my Wei family can't testify to me that I haven't left the house. Have you thought about it before speaking?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, then poked his neck and said, "I, my young master and neighbors can testify."

"Oh, let's call the neighbors, let's confront each other on the spot."

Yin Ji has been handling cases for many years, and he can see the problem at a glance. Jiang Lin's attitude is open and unafraid, and he really doesn't look like a person who does it.

On the Ren family's side, Ren Denggao could not speak, and the servant spoke on his behalf, so it was difficult to gain the upper hand in terms of refutation.

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, Yin Ji announced on the spot that he would bring witnesses, and the Wei family also ordered people to summon them.

The so-called neighbors of the Ren family pointed at Jiang Lindao as soon as they entered the door, "It's him, it's him. We saw clearly last night that he brought several people to beat Young Master Ren."

After these people talked nonsense, Yin Ji patted the gavel, "Qu Jing, are you sure that this person is the one who beat Ren Denggao?"

The neighbors all said yes.

Yin Ji: "Okay then, I will ask you what time you saw it last night, and you will tell me together."

This statement made a mistake. Some people said it was dark, some said it was just dark, and some said it was not dark. After they said it, they found something wrong and changed their words in a hurry. There was no unity.

"The second question, the servant of Ren's family came to answer. Since he said that it was last night, no matter whether it was dark or not, it was getting late. Why is your young master still strolling outside the door at this hour, and asked Jiang Lin to look for it?" Chance to hit him."

Since it was done in the alley, it is impossible for Jiang Lin to lead people to forcibly take Ren Denggao out of the house. If he can get in, he will definitely do it at home.

The boy faltered and said: "My young master stayed in the academy for a long time last night, it was late when he returned, and it happened that young master Jiang bumped into him."

Yin Ji, "The place where your young master was beaten is not far from Ren's house, why don't you go back and ask someone to help, and ask Jiang Linsheng to beat him like this?"

Boy, "I... I was scared at the time, no, I didn't react."

Yin Ji took a deep look at the young man, and said, "Come here, remove the white cloth from Ren Denggao's body, and ask the doctor to come and examine his injuries."

Ren Denggao shook his head subconsciously, and the servant quickly stopped him, "It can't be dismantled, my lord, my young master is seriously injured, the doctor said it will take a while to heal."

Jiang Lin laughed directly when he heard the boy's words, "The doctor you invited has a grudge against your young master, right?"

Yin Ji also said: "Bound for a few days, is it to tell your young master to suffocate to death with feces?"

Ren Denggao was tightly bound from the neck down, and he couldn't even move. If he was **** like this for a few days, nothing would happen.

But neither Ren Denggao himself nor the servant had thought of this, so they were confused.

The yamen servant got the order, and then began to dismantle the cicada pupae, but the servant did not dare to stop him, and Ren Denggao struggled to no avail. After dismantling, it was found that there was no injury on the body except for the face like a pig's head.

Now there is no need for a trial to know that it is a false accusation.

Seeing the situation, Jiang Lin quickly sued Ren Denggao and asked Yin Ji to make the decision for him.

Yin Ji sat down again and began to interrogate Ren Denggao, "Hurry up and tell the truth, why did you falsely accuse Jiang Lin of beating you?"

Yin Ji also glanced at the neighbors who came to testify to Ren Denggao, "And wait, you know that perjury is also punishable."

This group of people panicked immediately, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that they all came to testify because they took advantage of the Ren family.

Since he had made a mistake, Yin Ji directly ordered the yamen servants to take the people down ten boards each, as a reward for perjury.

As for Ren Denggao, this person is a cowardly man who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and Yin Ji immediately recruited him as soon as he threatened him.

"Yes...someone instructed me to do this, my lord, the student also did it out of necessity, the student is not at fault."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-09 21:01:29~2020-11-1020:45:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: I clasped my fists, walked alone, and said one word;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of motyl and Miyongtao; 1 bottle in the future;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!