MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 57

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"Lin'er, no, it should be Mrs. Wei. You are really busy every day. You have to engage in wife diplomacy right after beating someone up. Lin'er, don't you even think about being a wife?"

Zhou Chengwang looked at Jiang Lin with a frenzied look and shook his head again and again.

The person Jiang Lin beat up was the Young Master Ren who asked the Song matchmaker to propose a marriage. His full name was Ren Denggao. He didn't know if he didn't inquire.

Ren Denggao, the only thing this guy can get his hands on is the name.

The Ren family was born as a merchant, but they had been looking forward to studying and becoming an official to change their family. In Ren Denggao's father's generation, the business became bigger and bigger. Ren Denggao had seven or eight daughters under his knees, and he had a son named Ren Denggao. Ren's father was determined to let his son study and take the imperial examination to become an official, so he made Ren Denggao a nerd who didn't work hard in limbs and didn't distinguish between grains and grains.

The good times didn't last long, when Ren Denggao became an adult, his father died of illness, and the Ren family also broke up. Ren Denggao, as the only male in the Ren family, has inherited a lot of family business, at least he will not worry about eating for a lifetime. And Ren Denggao himself was determined to take the imperial examination, but he was really not that material. He failed the exam again and again, year after year, not to mention his age, and developed a whole body of bad habits.

Ren Denggao is still a high-minded person, he doesn't like girls from ordinary families, and he doesn't like girls from merchants. He must marry the daughter of an official family.

Ren Denggao's mother doted on him, she relied on her son in everything, and asked everywhere if there was any official daughter who was willing to marry Ren Denggao. But as a fourth-rank official, the girl in the family enters the palace as a concubine, and she can marry any son of the Hou's House and Bo's House. How could she fall in love with a down-and-out merchant family.

So he failed the imperial examination and failed to marry a wife, but there were a lot of concubines in Ren Denggao's house, and he had several children.

When the Wei family was in decline, Ren Denggao also looked down on him, but Wei Yunzhao had passed the fourth rank and became a third-rank official, and Ren Denggao immediately caught his eye. Planning to marry Wei Yunzhao's younger sister, Wei Yunzhao will definitely support him, why use the imperial examination, Wei Yunzhao can arrange an official for him with just a few words.

This dream was good, Ren Denggao successfully persuaded his mother, and then came to propose marriage, and gave Song Matchmaker a lot of money, so that Song Matchmaker could praise him vigorously, and the Wei family must agree to this marriage.

The person sent to inquire also said that Song Matchmaker failed to handle the matter well, and Ren Denggao took back all the money given to her.

Sitting on the empty mountain, Ren Denggao also likes to show off his wealth outside, his family property has been almost ruined, he not only counts on Wei Yunzhao to support him, but also dreams about the dowry prepared by the Wei family for Wei Yunjia.

Jiang Lin looked behind him, his feet were flimsy, his eyes were black, and he looked completely over-indulgent. Jiang Lin felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he forced two good brothers to use Ren Denggao's sack to beat him up Well, this kind of **** still dares to miss his girl, and killing him is considered light.

When he came back from the beating, he found that Wei Yunzhao was being bullied again, and Jiang Lin felt that he had broken his heart.

These people felt that Wei Yunzhao had lost the face of the court officials, so he let them see what real shame was, and the embarrassment couldn't be said, they could only suffocate themselves to death.

Jiang Lin was very dissatisfied with Zhou Chengwang's reaction, "What, when did I let you suffer?"

To be honest, there really isn't one, Zhou Chengwang shook his head, "Okay, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Linxiao, "It's nothing, I just want to write another story book, and ask my aunt to help hold a few banquets by the way."

Zhou Chengwang muttered: "It's winter, what are you going to enjoy at a banquet? Snow? Plum blossoms?"

"Hey, by the way, the name of this storybook is "Han Mei Lane"," Jiang Lin arranged tasks for Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling, "At least one of your two families, don't worry, this Han Mei Lane will also let you rehearse the play, I will do it myself Arrange for you, and guarantee that you will make a lot of money."

Since they have something to do, the two of them have received less scolding at home, and they still take money from home from time to time, and what the family thinks of them is pleasing to the eye.

As soon as they heard Jiang Lin's words, they knew that this year would be better.

Du Yuling nodded, "No problem, but I have a condition."

Jiang Lin: "What conditions?"

Du Yuling said: "You have to cook something delicious for me to take home to coax my mother. Once she is happy, everything will be easy."

Zhou Chengwang quickly raised his hand, "I want it too, Lin'er, please do more, I will ask my mother to hold two shows for you, and invite all the official wives from Shengjing to make a big scene."

"No problem," Jiang Lin agreed, "The food for the banquet was also covered by the Wei family."

Then there is no problem, Zhou Chengwang and the two are full of expectations for the banquet.

As soon as winter came, the border had to increase its defenses to prevent enemy troops from entering the territory of Da Viet to rob the people of food, or taking the opportunity to attack Da Viet.

Although Wei Yunzhao, the right servant, didn't have to go to court, he still had a lot of things to do every day. He often went out in the morning and came back in the late afternoon.

Wei Yunzhao was busy outside, and Jiang Lin was not idle at home. He stayed in the study every day thinking about his new script. In order to make the script achieve the effect he expected, Jiang Lin could be careful.

It took almost ten days to write it.

When Jiang Lin came out of the study with a stretched waist, he found that the sky had already darkened, and there was still snow falling. This was the first snow this winter.

He was about to reach out and feel the snow that had never been polluted in ancient times when he saw Xun Qi pushing Wei Yunzhao back.

The second prince died, so Xun Qi and Chang An didn't have to hide outside anymore, they were called back by Wei Yunzhao. Chang An still followed Jiang Lin and was responsible for running errands for him. And Xun Qi was in charge of protecting Wei Yunzhao and pushing his wheelchair.

Xun Qi had good eyesight, as soon as he saw Jiang Lin standing under the eaves, he left Wei Yunzhao and disappeared, anyway, the young lady would come to pick up the young master.

Jiang Lin quickly walked up to Wei Yunzhao, "It's snowing."

Wei Yunzhao naturally held Jiang Lin's hand, "Then I will accompany Madam to enjoy the snow."

It was getting dark, and it was hard to see clearly when the snow fell. Jiang Lin really didn't think there was anything to appreciate about the snow.

He pushed Wei Yunzhao under the eaves with one hand, "We will enjoy it when the snow accumulates, and then we can eat hot pot in the snow."

The pot was ready a long time ago, but I've been busy recently, so I haven't eaten together yet.

"Okay," Wei Yunzhao squeezed Jiang Lin's palm, "Have you finished writing the script?"

Jiang Lin took advantage of the situation and pushed him to the study room, and showed it to him, "Look carefully, and tell me what you think after reading it."

This time there are two heroines, one is married to love, and the other is married to power, fame and fortune. Love grows old together, and loves you all your life. A Samuume watching the blooming outside the window died in the cold winter.

The woman married to love is named Ying'er. She grew up with a young scholar in the same village. She was a childhood sweetheart. Ying'er married her when she failed in the scholar's examination and her parents died of illness. Ying'er said she was willing to accompany her. Eat all the bitterness. The scholar said that he would love Yinger all his life, let Yinger enjoy the glory and wealth, and become the happiest woman in the world.

Under Ying'er's care and company, Xiucai studied hard, and then went to high school step by step and became the number one scholar. The number one scholar was arrested by others, and he was also wanted to be his son-in-law by the court officials, and even the princess who sneaked out of the palace fell in love with him at first sight. But the champion said that he already had a family.

The No. 1 official became bigger and bigger, and some people began to curry favor with him, giving him concubines, maidservants began to crawl on his bed, and colleagues invited him to visit brothels together. The number one scholar rejected his colleagues and stopped communicating with them. He stripped off the concubine and the maid who climbed the bed and tied them outside the door. He told everyone that he already had a family and would only have one wife in his life.

The woman who died in the cold winter was named Liu Rumei. She was born when the winter plums were blooming, and she also met a boy when the winter plums were blooming. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts. But Liu Rumei was forced to marry someone else because of her power and fame. The life after marriage was not happy either. At first the man would say that he loved her, but gradually there was only torture left. There were more and more people in the room every year. She ran the family business for him and took care of Feedback, but can't get a good word. He indulged his concubine to climb on her head, she doted on her concubine and killed her wife, and often told her to go back to her mother's house.

She was sick, the concubine hoped that she would die early so that she could take over the throne, and the man was thinking about what kind of concubine to marry.

Before the winter plums bloomed that year, Liu Rumei met Ying'er, and knew that life could still be like this. It turned out that when a man likes a woman, he will always think about her.

She also meets the man she grew up with as a child, and he says he's been waiting for her.

Then she died on the day when the plum blossoms bloomed. She thought in her heart that not every woman can marry the person she likes, but a man who takes a concubine must not be a good thing!

Wei Yunzhao finished reading it quickly, and understood what Jiang Lin wanted to say, which was the last sentence, a man who takes concubines must not be a good thing.

Two women, married to two completely different men, lived completely different lives, forming a stark contrast.

Jiang Lin asked him how he felt, and Wei Yunzhao said, "I don't know how to take concubines."

Jiang Lin grabbed him, "I didn't ask you to say this. Besides, if you want to take a concubine, you have to see if you can get in alive. Of course, there is another option. You and her were stripped naked by me and tied outside the door." .”

Wei Yunzhao raised three fingers, "I, Wei Yunzhao, swear to God that there will never be a concubine in this life. I only have my wife in my heart." He eagerly expressed his loyalty.

Jiang Lin pressed his hand down perfunctorily, "Trust me, let's talk about it."

Wei Yunzhao said: "Very good," especially the deliberate finishing touch at the end.

Although Jiang Lin mainly wrote about the attitudes of the two men towards their wives, he also wrote a lot about the changes in the two women.

Ying'er is not an unchanging village girl, she is reading and learning how to be a lady of the Juren family and a lady of the official family. When she first entered Beijing, she was disgusted and rejected by the ladies in Beijing, but with her kindness and intentions, she gradually integrated into the circle of the ladies and became the virtuous wife of the champion, so the champion loved her deeply.

Liu Rumei got married, and she also broke her affection for her childhood sweetheart. She tried to like her husband, helped him manage the house, and gave him a helping hand. end of death.

Hearing Wei Yunzhao's praise, Jiang Lin lowered his head shyly, and added: "I just want to tell them that you are fine, but you may meet scum."

"And when we meet scum, we definitely can't die in depression like Liu Rumei. The correct way for us to deal with scum should be..." Jiang Lin wrote four words at the end of the last piece of paper—Next Book See you in the book.

Wei Yunzhao: "...Is there any follow-up to this matter?"

Jiang Lin, "Of course, these people will not only trouble you this time, so we must be prepared for a long-term challenge!"

Since you want to engage in wife diplomacy for a long time, you have to earn some money by the way, you can't be a free relationship counselor.

But no one thought that Jiang Lin, an emotional counselor, would do this...

"Then he must not love you!"

Surrounded by several young women, Jiang Lin uttered the words that made his heart beat so loudly.


Today, the Zhou family hosted a snow appreciation banquet, and almost all the female relatives of the princes, nobles and officials of Shengjing were present.

The Zhou family arranged thoughtfully and meticulously. Hot tea and pastries were served upon entering the door. Not to mention the taste of the tea, once the pastries were served, no one left them. , eat until full.

After the cakes were finished, Mrs. Zhou said that it would be too monotonous to just enjoy the snow, so she would listen to a storytelling first.

Since I came to the banquet, I still want to give this little face to Mrs. Zhou, so the storytelling begins. At first, no one realized that there was something wrong with what was said, but after listening to it, they felt something was wrong.

Especially the last sentence, a man who takes a concubine must not be a good thing, it really touched the hearts of many people present.

I also heard that many people cried.

No woman likes her husband to take concubines, unless she really doesn't care about him.

But men have always been playful and prefer three wives and four concubines, which is considered good. There are not a few people who spoil their concubines and kill their wives, and talk about divorce, just like the person Liu Rumei married, it is really not a thing.

While wiping their tears, they couldn't help but wonder, if things go on like this, will they also be like that Liu Rumei, wasting half of their lives and dying in depression.

After listening to the storytelling, Mrs. Zhou asked them to go to the courtyard to enjoy the snow and the scenery, but after listening to this "Shan Mei Lane", those who were thinking about it would not be in the mood to enjoy the snow, and they all sat where they were.

It was at this time that Jiang Lin appeared, carrying a small gong, walked among these women, and asked with a smile, "Sisters and sisters, do you want to know about emotional counseling?"

All those who came were female relatives, and Jiang Lin's majestic appearance caused a burst of screams. Jiang Lin smiled and comforted, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm also married, just like everyone else, don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Mrs. Zhou also came out to speak for Jiang Lin, and pointed out that he made the pastry. She eats people with short mouths and wants to eat again. Now these ladies stopped barking and asked Jiang Lin what emotional counseling is. .

Next is Jiang Lin's home game. After the flickering, he started to inquire about the news of the family. He didn't ask anything else, just asked if he had a concubine, if he had a house, and what promises he made before getting married.

Then there was that heart-shattering speech.

And that was just the beginning, because that's what he told everyone who came to him for advice afterwards.

Jiang Lin crazily instilled in them that if a man loves you, he will be like the No. 1 scholar in "Han Mei Lane", reject all temptations, love only you wholeheartedly, and will fulfill all his promises.

It's not that you are bad, but that this man is bad.

You see, you worked so hard for this, what did you get in return? What can you get in exchange for doing these things other than tiring yourself? Has your husband told you that Madam has worked hard? He didn't, he would just get into someone else's bed at night and have **** with other women, while you stayed alone in the empty room.

What's the point of living like this!

Jiang Lin was filled with righteous indignation, causing many women to nod along, thinking that Jiang Lin understood them too well.

Jiang Lin went on to say, "Look, we are all good sisters, so let us know if you have any difficulties, and we can figure out a solution together. We women are smart and capable, we need money, money, and good looks. Can we still deal with a few stinky men? "

Immediately after Jiang Lin finished speaking, someone echoed, "That's right, I've had enough of that old thing in my house. I've been with her for so many years, and she even yelled at me for a concubine, and wanted that foxy son to intervene in the housekeeper's affairs, hmph, Since he's so capable, then I don't care about this family, I'll see what kind of tricks his foxy son can manage for him."

Jiang Lin actively suggested, "Madam, don't worry, I will make your husband apologize to you within seven days after I keep it. If it doesn't work, you can go to Wei's house and ask me for trouble."

Madam grabbed Jiang Lin's hand affectionately, and opened her mouth, "Sister Jiang, ah, no, it's the younger brother of the Jiang family, I know that."

Sister Jiang: ...

I didn't expect that my gender would be blurred so quickly, so I couldn't be happier.

From Jiang Lin's point of view, this snow appreciation feast was quite successful. He used his intelligence and diplomatic skills to make friends with most of the wives present, and successfully pulled them into the group chat group of the love defense battle.

The first one who chose not to serve her was the wife of Mr. Zhang, the censor. After she returned home, she had a big fight with Mr. Zhang, and gave up the housekeeping rights to Mr. Zhang's favorite concubine, and went back to her mother's house by herself.

Mr. Zhang has no sense of crisis at all, and feels that the tigress has returned to his mother's house, and he is happy and at ease.

But the next day, I found that my colleagues looked at him wrongly. After returning to the mansion, my beloved concubine came to complain again, saying that she could not command the servants in the mansion. In order to coax the little one, Mr. Zhang gave the mansion a severe warning. servant.

Then he went to court the next day, and found that his colleagues looked at him even more wrongly. Many people walked over to look at him, hesitated to speak. It made Mr. Zhang flustered, and he always felt that he had committed a crime.

He found a colleague with the best relationship with him to ask, the other party looked at him, then looked at him again, and then said earnestly, "Old Zhang, you are the censor, you should pay more attention to your words and deeds, everything is too much." Not good."

Mr. Zhang was puzzled, "No, what did I do, you should tell me."

The other party said, "Hurry up and bring your wife back. Now most of the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty know that you dote on your concubine and kill your wife. I am afraid that someone has already written an account of participating in you."

Mr. Zhang was stunned, dumbfounded, and couldn't figure out how this matter had come to this point.

The colleague patted him on the shoulder, "No matter what the concubine is, she won't be able to get on the stage after all. To cause such trouble with a concubine because of a concubine, you just don't understand the overall situation."

The colleague left, Master Zhang returned to the mansion with a face full of disbelief, and it happened that the concubine came to bother him about the inner house, so Master Zhang became angry.

Angrily reprimanded the concubine, withdrew the right to housekeeper, and then hurried to pick her up at his wife's natal home.

But he didn't expect his wife to be really angry this time. His father-in-law and mother-in-law taunted him a lot, but he could only hold back. He had never felt aggrieved before, but he didn't know that his wife was watching from behind, and his heart was full of joy. .

The man didn't take it back, because the father-in-law said that marrying the girl to him was not allowed to be abused by him at will, and Mr. Zhang returned frustrated, feeling even more angry and resentful towards the concubine.

And Shen Ta's book was also handed up, and he was severely reprimanded by Emperor Changde, and Mr. Zhang began to feel that everything was not going well.

After returning home, he received a letter sent to him by his wife. In the letter, he recalled that year, and at some point, this relationship changed. The more and more people in the husband's room received more and more people, and there was a feeling in his heart. Others, they will never go back.

Successfully aroused the guilt in Mr. Zhang's heart, and ran to pick him up again.

This time, he brought the man back, but he signed an agreement that he was full of stars. Why do you have to tell your wife that you have worked hard every day, that your husband loves you, and that you are not allowed to be cruel to your wife, and you are not allowed to let the concubine Climb on her head, if you can't do it, the consequences will be very serious.

I didn't say what the specific consequences would be, but Mr. Zhang had an ominous premonition after signing, and felt that something might really happen.

Although it is hard to change his nature, if this man is not a thing, he will definitely not be a thing for the rest of his life, but Mrs. Zhang felt much happier after going back after going through all this trouble.

After Mr. Zhang brought his wife back, he got another round of greetings from his colleagues. They all knew that he was going to be a good man. Some people congratulated him, and some thought it was good that he corrected in time. Mr. Zhang realized it later. If he dares to make trouble in the future, these colleagues still don't know what to think of him.

There are also those who are waiting to join him, I am afraid that they will keep an eye on him all the time, Mr. Zhang feels that a string is stretched on the top of his head, and the rest of his life will be a bit difficult.

As a result of the Zhang family's incident, Jiang Lin's status in the hearts of the wives has risen, and anyone who is determined to change the status quo has turned to Jiang Lin for help.

Jiang Lin didn't come up with ideas blindly, but made a comprehensive inquiry in advance, and then prescribe the right medicine according to different people and different things.

Soon, these grown-ups discovered that something seemed wrong. For example, the wife who had been around him before began to ignore him; With a smiling face; for example, the wife who is busy with housekeeping and worrying about this and that suddenly loves to go out, and she can't see anyone all day long.

For another example, another new book circulated throughout Shengjing, and two sentences spread at the same time—'A man who takes a concubine must be a bad thing' and 'Then he must not love you'!

Not to mention that the treatment at home has dropped several levels, and they have to suffer from cold eyes from time to time. If they are unhappy and say a few words, they will be pulled out to compare with those men who do not take concubines and love their wives. They quickly realized what it means to be miserable.

And the person who caused all this is showing off to his good husband who doesn't take concubines, "Is my wife very successful in diplomacy?"

It was about to stir up storms all over the city, and it was naturally a success. Wei Yunzhao praised him and suggested, "Madam, why don't we go to Jiangnan to celebrate the New Year this year, and go to Yun's house to see."

Jiang Lin was puzzled, "Why did you suddenly think of going to Jiangnan?"

Wei Yunzhao said: "I'm afraid that when those grown-ups come to their senses, they will come to the door collectively and want to eat my wife alive."

"I only have a wife like you, I can't bear it."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-08 20:52:09~2020-11-09 21:01:29~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I clasped my hands for one old iron;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Lan Wangji;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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