MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 238v2 Save Gong Douwen's black female supporting role (20)

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Since Concubine Zhang failed to sow dissension that day, she has been silent for a long time, staying obediently in her palace, waiting for the emperor to lift her ban.

"Maybe it's because you're trying to hold back a big move against you. Who told you to keep that court lady to explain to her the instigator." Shu Wan laughed.

"I'm afraid she won't come to trouble me." Ah Xian held her baby in his arms, shaking the rattle in one hand, and when he cried, returned the baby to Shu Wan, "I went to play with my sister."

Shu Wan: "..."

Ah Xian trotted all the way to Kunning Palace, and saw Song Lingshu and Nianqing, mother and daughter, sitting in the main room, with a footbath on each foot, one big and one small sitting upright.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Ah Xian asked.

"Soaking your feet is good for your health." Song Lingshu said with a smile, "You came just in time, let's go soaking together. Cuiyu, go and prepare another basin."

Ah Xian sat down next to her, and soon Cuiyu brought up the basin, which contained hot water and medicine packs, and she also took off her boots and socks, the hot water wet her feet, and the exhaustion from her whole body was slowly dissipating Come on, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's so comfortable."

"Really." Song Lingshu pushed the grapes on the table towards her, "Eat some more fruit, I'll be happy."

"Queen, I want to eat grapes too." Nian Qing shouted from her other side.

"Okay, this plate is yours." Song Lingshu directly put the plate on the other side of the table.

Not long after, Concubine Zhao came over with a horse hanging in high spirits. As soon as she came in, she saw the three of them soaking their feet comfortably. The heat was lingering under their feet. If it wasn't for the empress who was making grapes for Ah Xian herself, she almost thought it was The saint is going to take them to become immortals.

"Sisters, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, why don't you rub it together?" Concubine Zhao rubbed her hands excitedly.

"Oh, we're soaking our feet, it's getting late, I'm afraid we won't be able to rub our feet." Song Lingshu blinked and invited, "Why don't you come and soak our feet too? Cuiyu, get on the footbath."

After a while, Concubine Xian hurried over and saw them sitting in a row, soaking their feet, and said strangely: "Concubine Zhao, didn't you say that you were playing a horse hanging? I managed to put the child to sleep, Why did you come here to wash your feet?"

"Hey, don't tell me, these feet are really comfortable to soak, especially chatting with sisters, it is really a great joy in life." Concubine Zhao leaned on the chair, her whole body was going to be limp.

Song Lingshu smiled and said, "It's already here, why don't you soak your feet together."

As soon as Concubine Xian was soaking her feet, Concubine Li came over with the child in her arms. She cried and said, "Saint, I heard that you are here, so I came here specially. Please help me find out what's wrong with the child. Why does she keep going?" I'm crying, did I hit an evil spirit?"

"Hold me to have a look." Ah Xian said.

Concubine Li hurriedly hugged her in front of her, Song Lingshu leaned over to take a look, and said, "I can cure this disease."

Concubine Li looked at her in surprise, she grabbed the child's hand and said, "This longevity knot is too tight."

Concubine Li saw it, and hurriedly asked her servants to untie the knot, and sure enough, the child stopped crying after a while.

"Thank you, ma'am!" Concubine Li said gratefully.

Song Lingshu: "You're welcome, it's just a trivial matter. It's rare for you to come here. Why don't you soak your feet together? Cuiyu, go to the footbath!"


"What? Kun Ning Palace went to soak the feet of more than a dozen concubines?!" In the imperial study, the emperor asked the personal **** in shock.

"Yes, I heard that the Empress and the Holy Maiden were soaking their feet at the beginning, and other people joined in after that. The Empress Li was still hugging the crying little princess. The Holy Maiden hugged her like this, hey, little The princess will not cry."

The eunuch's words were impressive, which aroused the emperor's curiosity: "Could it be that the saint is doing something to them again? Come on, let me go and have a look."


Standing outside the gate of Kunning Palace, the emperor could hear laughter and laughter inside, it was extremely harmonious. He walked into the yard, stopped at the door, and there was a sudden silence inside, all of them looked at him.

There are more than a dozen people sitting in a room, and there are wooden basins under their feet. Those who don't know think they are doing something.

"I have seen the emperor." Everyone said in unison.

"The emperor is here." Song Lingshu shouted, "Cuiyu—"

"Yes." Cuiyu came out with a new foot basin familiarly, "Your Majesty, please use it slowly."


Seeing the emperor came, all the concubines didn't dare to chat casually like before, they all shut up and kept silent, the atmosphere became very awkward.

"My water is cold, I have to go back to bed, Your Majesty, my concubine will leave." Concubine Zhao was the first to leave, followed by Concubine Xian.

As soon as the two walked out of the gate of Kunning Palace, Concubine Zhao shook her head and muttered: "What's the matter, I thought I just underestimated the grace, but now I find that I don't want to pay the emperor a few glances at all?"

"Who says it's not." Concubine Xian frowned, hugged the child tightly, and said in puzzlement, "Why do you think we used to fight to the death for such an ugly old man?"

"No, look at him now, his eyes are very cloudy, and he still has a strange smell on his body. I really don't want to go to sleep with him." Concubine Zhao said disgustedly.

"Yes, anyway, I already have a child, so let's live a good life with my child in this life. It is enough to have the company of my sisters on weekdays."

"Coincidentally, I think so too. I don't even want a child now." Concubine Zhao said, looked back, and hurriedly pulled her away, "Hurry up, hurry up, the others have also come out."

After a while, only Ah Xian remained in Kunning Palace, the emperor turned his head and asked her, "I've used up that Rejuvenating Fragrance, can the Holy Maiden give me some more?"

Ever since he used the Hui Chunxiang given by Ah Xian, he respected her even more. Although he intended to restore her to her original status at the beginning, Ah Xian said that entering the harem would be vulgar, and the gods would not promise her again Only by asking her to be a saint can she help the emperor pray to God and worship Buddha.

In order to make himself live longer, the emperor naturally had no choice but to agree to this request, anyway, there is no shortage of women in the harem.

"Okay, I will send it to you after I finish it." A Xian said.

The emperor nodded. After soaking his feet, he found that she hadn't left yet. He wondered, "Is your water still cold? They're all gone, why are you still here?"

Ah Xian glanced at Song Lingshu before saying: "I'm waiting for you, I want to continue discussing with you."

"Really? Let's go, let's go to the imperial study and have a long talk all night!" The emperor was so excited that he was about to leave.

Ah Xian went out with him, Song Lingshu got up to see him off. The emperor stepped out of the gate in front, turned the corner and walked in the direction of the imperial study.

When Song Lingshu arrived at the door, his cheeks suddenly softened. When Ah Xian turned the corner at the door, taking advantage of no one's attention, he quickly kissed her on the cheek, and then followed the emperor as if nothing had happened.

Song Lingshu dazedly touched his cheek, then slammed the door shyly, secretly delighted: "Hey hey hey hey hey hey."

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Cuiyu greeted her and asked, "Did you also get into trouble?"

Winter is coming, and the red bricks and green tiles are covered with white clothes again. Song Lingshu opened the window, let out a breath of white air, and played with the snowflakes accumulated by the window. Seeing Nian Qing playing with the snow in the yard, he shouted: "Nian Qing , have you had breakfast?"

"Eat, mother, we will have lunch soon." Nian Qing said helplessly.

"Then why don't you ask me to get up and play together?"

"Ah Xian won't let me call you, let you sleep more." Nian Qing replied.

Song Lingshu smiled, looked at Ah Xian who was sitting in front of the window copying scriptures, and touched her hand: "How long have you been up? Are your hands not cold?"

"It's not cold, there are winter clothes specially prepared by my sister, it's very warm." Ah Xian put down his pen with a smile, got up and put the hanging cloak on her body, and tied the knot carefully.

At this time, there were brisk footsteps outside, and I didn't see him, so I heard his voice first: "Sister, I heard that my mother can come to the palace to see me!"

The two looked at the door at the same time, Ah Xian lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at her for a moment: "Why did Concubine Qing come to Kunning Palace so early in the morning?"

"It's getting late, it's almost noon." Concubine Qing unconsciously slowed down and walked in in a regular manner, not daring to look directly at Ah Xian.

She was really strange. Everyone in the palace, including the queen's sister, said that Ah Xian was the kindest and innocent beauty, and a beauty is a beauty, but she always felt that there was a knife hidden behind the beauty, and she didn't know who she would stab. It's just that she still can't find evidence, it seems to be just her illusion, but she still doesn't dare to get too close to the saint.

She looked at the kind queen sister, and asked with a smile, "Sister, is it true?"

"Well, really. In a few days, my mother will come to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. By the way, I will bring your mother into the palace with me. It's just that I will stay here for a short time. You should hurry up and finish talking."

"Okay, thank you sister, you must have pleaded with Mrs. Yang." Concubine Qing said happily.

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Song Lingshu said with a smile.

Ah Xian looked left and right, turned around to drink water, and suddenly the cup fell to the ground, making a harsh sound.

"What's wrong?" Song Lingshu looked over anxiously, walked to her side in two or three steps, and checked her hand, "You didn't hurt your hand, did you?"

"No, it's just that my hands were a little cold and I didn't hold the teacup firmly." Ah Xian said aggrievedly, "Sister, you don't blame me, do you?"

"I don't blame you, I don't blame you, Cuiyu, come in and clean up here." Song Lingshu held her hands and rubbed them together for a long time, and then asked after she warmed up, "Is it still cold now?"

"Yeah. Sister, you'll be cool if you hold me." Ah Xian said obediently.

"Okay." Song Lingshu led her to the door, and worriedly told the people below, "Go and bring Mrs. Tang here."

Concubine Qing froze in place, watching their interaction as if there was no one else present, always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't tell.

"Your Majesty, it's time to eat." The servant said.


"Okay." Song Lingshu looked at the time, turned around and extended an invitation to Concubine Qing, "It's time for dinner, why don't we stay and have dinner together?"

"Okay." Concubine Qing readily agreed.

At the dinner table, Concubine Qing enthusiastically mentioned to Song Lingshu how she secretly went to the military camp and rescued several wounded soldiers. Song Lingshu listened very interestingly, and the two chatted very speculatively.

Ah Xian ate quietly, and from time to time, she picked up some food for Song Lingshu and served soup for Nian Qing. When Song Lingshu finally stopped talking and had a meal, she pretended to casually say: "The flowers in southern Xinjiang are very beautiful. It's going to be soon."

"Yes, the flowers in southern Xinjiang are so beautiful." Song Lingshu turned to her and said.

"En." A Xian told her about the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang, and Song Lingshu nodded frequently. The two chatted enthusiastically, and quickly left Concubine Qing in the cold.

Concubine Qing didn't pay too much attention, and hurriedly finished the meal in the bowl, and said, "By the way, sister, I want to take Nianqing to play in my palace, is that okay?"

Before Song Lingshu could answer, Ah Xian took the lead and said, "No."

"Why not?" Qing Concubine asked.

"Yes, why not?" Song Lingshu also asked.

"Because she... likes to play with Shu Wan more, right Nian Qing?" A Xian asked.

"Yeah! I like Concubine Yu, and I want to go to Lingyun Palace this afternoon!" Nian Qing nodded.

"Okay, then why don't you go to my palace to play?" Concubine Qing invited again.

"No!" Ah Xian said again.

"Why can't it work again?" Concubine Qing muttered, "My sister hasn't spoken yet..."

"Sister, are you going?" Ah Xian turned his head and looked at Song Lingshu pitifully.

"No, I have something to do at home and I can't leave." Song Lingshu smiled and looked away.

After the meal, Song Lingshu took them on a whim to build a snowman in the yard. As usual, Ah Xian still made a big sister. This time, the result was a bit better than last year, and he was about to show off when he heard the celebration from the opposite side. The concubine shouted: "Sister, look, I piled this up, does it look like you?"

The surrounding servants gathered around and took a look, and all praised: "It's so empress-like!"

Song Lingshu also praised a few words, then walked to the side of Ah Xian, watched her snowman, before he could speak, he laughed first: "That's right, this time it's not like Maitreya Buddha, it's like Avalokitesvara."

Ah Xian: "..."

Concubine Qing played for a while, then went back. Ah Xian walked up to the snowman at Qingpin's pile, watched it for a while, looked around, and saw that Song Lingshu had gone to fetch Mrs. Tang from the house, and the servants were also cleaning around, no one paid attention to her.

Then she pushed it lightly with her hand, and the snowman's head was separated.

She withdrew her hand contentedly, but frowned again, always feeling as if she was being disrespectful to her sister, and hugged back the snowy head that fell on the ground, patted it, trying to mend it.

Song Lingshu who witnessed the whole process in the room: "......"

Song Lingshu: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to Sham Shui, I will work hard to add a new chapter on the weekend!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-02-28 16:30:53~2023-03-0114:24:29~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep water torpedo: 2 Xiaogu;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Xiaogu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: CBY, Gurenyun 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 108 bottles of either this or that; 85 bottles of Gurenyun; 50 bottles of Xiaogu; 40 bottles of milk beer; 10 bottles of beloved; 6 bottles of Guyun; 2 bottles of Whip; 1 bottle of Luobuyu, Lazy Z, I am a Bookworm, W., Xi Ning, Constant, Dada Today Double Changed it;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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