MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 237v2 Save Gong Douwen's black female supporting role (19)

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The first thing Song Lingshu did when he returned to Kunning Palace was to take a bath, and then he lay on the bed and thought about it, ah, he really deserves to be a young man, this one is really exciting today.

Nian Qing came back to eat at night, took a few mouthfuls of the rice bowl, and asked, "Queen, what are you laughing at?"

"Huh? Am I laughing?" Song Lingshu touched the corner of his mouth, and it was almost up to the sky.

"Well, I laughed so hard that my mouth was about to burst." Nian Qing said, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about something beautiful." Song Lingshu picked up some pieces of braised pork for her to divert her attention, "How about it, does your new brother still like it?"

Nian Qing shook her head: "He is not good-looking at all, not half as good-looking as Concubine Yu."

"Babies are like this, and you were so ugly before." Song Lingshu said bluntly.

Nian Qing was stunned, and when she thought that she was wrinkled, her eyes were swollen and her face was swollen, she felt sad and burst into tears.

"Mother, you are lying. You have never seen me so ugly."

"Although I haven't seen it before, everyone is the same, you can think of it if you think about it." Song Lingshu said.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" ." nian qing got off the chair crying

The fact that their mother and daughter often visit Lingyun Palace is no longer surprising to others. After all, other people also visit frequently. Some want to seek blessings from Ah Xian, and some use the name of visiting Shu Wan to attract the emperor's attention. .

The emperor went to Lingyun Palace almost every day these days, when he saw Concubine Zhang also came to visit Shu Wan, he was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"The concubine came to visit Sister Shu Wan." Concubine Zhang said kindly, the peach blossom makeup on her face was exquisite and beautiful, and it seemed that she had been carefully dressed.

The emperor frowned, and focused on her pearl hairpin: "Where did this peach hairpin come from?"

"Back to the emperor, this is specially chosen by the concubine to match the makeup." Concubine Zhang smiled just right as usual, but this time instead of being rewarded, she was slapped.

There was a loud snap, which made her fall to the ground, startling everyone else present.

"Emperor, Your Majesty..." Concubine Zhang Gui looked at him in disbelief, and covered her hot face for half a year with her hands, "What are you doing?"

"I have been in trouble with Taohua recently, no wonder why my health has not been as good as before in the past two days, it turns out that you are the cause of disaster by my side!" The emperor said angrily.

"Why are you so good that you violated Taohua?" Concubine Zhang quickly begged for mercy, "Your Majesty, please let this concubine go, I really don't know."

"Hurry up and go back and stay in your palace, don't come out without my order!" The emperor waved his hand, and the servants came over immediately and dragged Concubine Zhang out.

"Your majesty, please spare the concubine! Have you forgotten the friendship with the concubine? You can't treat me like this!" Concubine Zhang Gui kept crying until she was taken out of the gate and saw Ah Xian holding his hand. When she read the scriptures and walked in front of the emperor, she was taken aback for a moment.

After she calmed down, she recalled that the peach blossom makeup and peach hairpins were suggested by a court lady this morning. Since she had been rewarded by the emperor before, she followed the suggestion today, but unexpectedly, Long Yan was furious.

After returning to the palace, she immediately sent someone to look for the maid, who knelt down in front of her and kowtowed desperately: "Young concubine, the servant didn't do it on purpose, the servant was also forced to do it!"

"Who told you to do this? Tell me! If you don't tell me, I'll slap your mouth!" Concubine Zhang said fiercely.

"Yes, it's that holy lady, she also threatened me with my parents, the slaves are really forced to do nothing, my lord..." the palace maid said with tears in her eyes.

This maid was the one who Zhang Guifei had placed in Lingyun Palace before. When Ah Xian's sacrificial offering was thrown into the cold palace, she was the one who reported the news. Now Ah Xian is also using her to take revenge on Zhang Guifei.

"Well, you saint!" Concubine Zhang slapped the table heavily, and then gave the palace maid a vicious look, "It's useless to keep you as a waste."

The maid was startled, and her head was bleeding: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please let this servant go, I can do whatever you want!"

Concubine Zhang Gui squatted down, with a fierce look in her eyes: "I want you to die. Someone, take her down."

Song Lingshu heard in the Kunning Palace that Concubine Zhang Gui was punished by the emperor because of her makeup, and she was overjoyed: "This person is crazy, why does a makeup hinder him?"

"That's right." Ah Xian and her sat in the yard watching the moon, and made a cup of tea and handed it over, "Come on, be careful of the heat."

"Okay, you are really considerate." Song Lingshu didn't pick it up at all, just took her hand, lowered his head and drank a few sips, he was so lazy, "It's so comfortable to open my mouth when tea comes."

"After that, I will feed you tea." Ah Xian said with a smile.

Song Lingshu: "My laziness is caused by your habit."

Ah Xian: "I am happy."

Song Lingshu couldn't stop smiling, then got up, went back to the room and took out a jar of good wine, and handed her a scripture by the way.

"What is this?" Ah Xian opened it curiously, and found that it contained scriptures that she often copied, but it was not her own handwriting.

"Everyone is copying scriptures, and I will follow suit and copy for you." Song Lingshu said with a smile, "It is filled with my blessings for you."

"What blessing?" Ah Xian asked curiously.

Song Lingshu raised his eyebrows and strongly hinted: "Look behind."

Ah Xian turned a few pages back, and found that the front was a well-behaved scripture, but the text behind it was - Ah Xian is safe.

The four words filled all the empty pages over and over again, and the handwriting became more neat as it got to the back, showing how serious the person who picked up the pen was.

"Do you like it?" Song Lingshu asked with a smile.

"I like it." Ah Xian raised his head, staring at her eyes, gradually bending into the moon.

"Today is your birthday. This is a gift for you. This thing is worthless at all. Do you really like it?" Song Lingshu asked.

"Well, I like it very much." Axian held it in his arms like a treasure, and murmured, "Since my family passed away, no one has prayed for my safety anymore. The messenger who is also the saint who was sent to the harem, everyone asks me for it to satisfy their selfish desires. No one has ever prayed for me and kept me safe..."

Song Lingshu felt a groan in his heart, this was the first time he heard Ah Xian complaining about his pain, she stretched out her hand to hold Ah Xian in her arms, and said softly, "Happy birthday, Ah Xian."

"How does sister know that today is my birthday?" Ah Xian asked.

"Sister, I know everything." Song Lingshu said with a smile.

Ah Xian bent the corner of his mouth, raised his head and kissed the corner of her mouth, his eyes met, and soon their lips were stuck together.

"Queen, A Xian, what are you doing?" Nian Qing rubbed her eyes, stood at the door, and asked in a childlike voice.

The two separated at the same time, Song Lingshu turned her head and smiled mischievously: "Why are you up?"

"I want to go to the toilet." Nian Qing said with a yawn.

Song Lingshu took her to use the toilet, then sent her back to her room, before turning back to her own room, Ah Xian was already sitting by the window waiting, pouring wine.

"This is Daughter Hong, who was buried by my father on the day I was born." Song Lingshu walked forward with a smile, "During the emperor's grand ceremony, we drank imperial wine, and we never had a chance to open this."

"Wow." Ah Xian was even happier, and handed her the wine glass, "Then sister must drink this glass of wine with me."


The wine glasses made a slight collision sound, and the mellow and delicious wine entered the throat, which brought heat to the face. Ah Xian didn't drink a lot, and he became drunk by accident. Song Lingshu wiped her body and covered her with a quilt: "Good night, Ah Xian."

But Ah Xian didn't allow her to go, he hooked her waist half drunk and half awake: "Sister, where are you going?"

"Get ready for bed. You're drunk. Let's get some sleep tonight?" Song Lingshu asked.

Ah Xian didn't answer, but kept rubbing her waist with his thigh.

Song Lingshu: "..."

Song Lingshu: "......"

Can't take it anymore!

At dawn the next day, Song Lingshu was awakened by someone stepping on her.

"Wow!" She sat up suddenly, met Shang Nianqing's big innocent eyes, and rubbed her legs in pain, "Nianqing, why did you come to my bed?"

"I'm sorry, mother, I just wanted to wake you up. Seeing that you and Ah Xian were still awake, I wanted to climb up and sleep with you. I didn't mean it. Does it still hurt? I kiss you, and the pain will fly away gone."

Nian Qing pursed her lips, and was about to kiss her face, but kissed her warm palm. She looked over suspiciously, and A Xian stretched out a hand to cover Song Lingshu's face. She asked, "A Xian , why don't you let me kiss my mother? She is in pain now. "

"You're too young and not strong enough, I'll do it." Ah Xian finished speaking solemnly, then turned his head and kissed Song Lingshu on the face, and asked with a smile, "Sister, does it still hurt now?"

Song Lingshu laughed and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Ah Xian looked at Nian Qing proudly, and Nian Qing said wow: "I really want to grow up soon, and my strength will be even greater! In the future, if anyone of you is in pain, I will kiss you."

"This is not necessary. Don't kiss people who are not close, you know? Men can't even kiss!" Song Lingshu taught.

"Okay, Nian Qing understands." Nian Qing nodded obediently, "Don't kiss men!"

Ah Xian went back to Lingyun Palace after breakfast, but just as he reached the gate, he was stopped by an **** who was from Concubine Zhang's palace.

"Saint, the imperial concubine asked the servant to bring you a sentence."

"I won't listen." Ah Xian went straight into the courtyard and closed the door heavily.

Eunuch: "?"

Why don't you follow the routine? !

The **** returned in vain, returned to Concubine Zhang's palace, and reported what had just happened in cold sweat. Concubine Zhang was so angry that her head was about to smoke.

"You just didn't pay attention to me!" Concubine Zhang Guifei was about to grind her teeth, she thought of something, and narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Isn't she on good terms with that **** from Kunning Palace? Come here, heh, you Then go to Kunning Palace to deliver a letter."

The **** listened to him, Concubine Zhang Gui muttered a few words before he turned and went to Kunning Palace.

Song Lingshu was about to have lunch when he heard that someone came to see him. As soon as the **** was led in, she recognized Zhang Guifei's confidant.

"Empress, the slave is entrusted by the imperial concubine to pass a few words to you." The **** said.

"I won't listen, go out." Song Lingshu said.


The **** wiped off his cold sweat, and said persistently: "It's about the saint."

Song Lingshu: "Since it's about the saint, it's none of your business. I want to hear what she has to say."

Eunuch: "..."

It seems to make sense, but I can't refute it.

But remembering the mission here, the **** pretended to be panic, and just about to speak, when a steamed stuffed bun stuffed his mouth: "Huh?"

"It's been a lot of hard work to come here, please send a message to your noble concubine." Song Lingshu winked at the servants, and the **** was immediately taken out.

"What message did she ask you to pass?" Concubine Zhang Gui asked.

"The Empress asked the servant to ask you—have you eaten?" the **** said awkwardly.

Concubine Zhang: "???"

"Can you say that again."

"Have you eaten?" the **** repeated.

"You dog slave, are you teasing me!" Concubine Zhang was so angry that she punched and kicked him.

The **** cried out for injustice: "The slave really didn't tease you, the queen really asked questions like that, woo woo woo..."

"She is sick, ask me this?"


Maybe there is, but the **** dare not say such outrageous words.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-02-27 17:40:32~2023-02-28 16:30:53~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: CBY1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Duo Duo’s wild puffs, Lian Tianguang, and a big fan;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of this or that; 16 bottles of dumplings; 13 bottles of Fengqi; 8 bottles of six or seven; 6 bottles of Gu Yun; Doe. 1 bottle of eating dumpling, constant, constant, floating light summer つ, lazy z, what Yao's fun little whip;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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