MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 235v2 Save Gong Douwen's black female supporting role (17)

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After finishing the draft, I have to go on to the emperor's birthday banquet. However, these are mainly the responsibility of the people in the Ministry of Rituals, and the harem only needs to arrange the attendees.

Song Lingshu spent a few days in Axian's gentle and gentle life, so he had to get down to business, recording all the concubines and above in the list, and at the same time, in order to show his favor, he also selected a group of beautiful women who had just entered the palace. Several gentle and pleasant people participated together.

Concubine Zhao and Concubine Xian were playing mahjong in her palace, Concubine Zhao shook her head, "New and old people come and go in this palace, it really changes so fast. This year, these beautiful girls are all from famous families, I think they are all high-spirited."

Concubine Xian echoed: "That's right, but Concubine Zhang Guifei seems to be going to win over newcomers now."

"What's the use? Even if a newcomer is pampered for a while, they can't be pampered for a lifetime. Look at Concubine He..." Concubine Zhao stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, and glanced carefully at Song Lingshu and Shu Wan, " I don't mean to despise her, I just feel pity."

Concubine Xian nodded: "That's right, there is one less person on the horse hanging now, and the queen is not always with us."

"That's right, I want to be with my concubine so much! I have a soft temper, and I don't feel bad about losing. Where can I find such a good poker friend?" Concubine Zhao shouted.

Song Lingshu laughed, looked around, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Then do you want to ask her to hit the horse?"

The two were taken aback, Shu Wan smiled and said: "That's enough manpower, you go, I won't bother you."

Concubine Zhao and Concubine Xian were brought to Lenggong by Song Lingshu, and the desolate scene they expected did not appear at all. Not only were there flowers and vegetables in the yard, but Ah Xian himself became more and more lively and beautiful.

"Sister Ah Xian, I didn't dare to visit you before. It was really because I didn't dare to offend the emperor. Now that the limelight has finally passed, we dare to come. Don't blame the sisters for being cruel." Concubine Zhao said Come straight to the road.

"Well, the two elder sisters are very grateful for coming to see me specially. Come in and sit down, and I will make tea for you." Ah Xian invited.

The two walked into the house. Although the furniture and objects inside were old and simple, they were cleaned up very cleanly. The incense burner was burning with faint incense. The environment was quiet, and it was a quiet place.

"Sister, the tea seems to be gone." Ah Xian opened the drawer and shouted.

"I put it in the bottom one." Song Lingshu said.

"Okay, I see." Ah Xian took the tea into the kitchen.

The two looked at Song Lingshu at the same time, Concubine Zhao said curiously: "Your Majesty, are you too familiar with this place?"

"After all, she is my good sister, so I often visit her." Song Lingshu said calmly.

"Ah, Your Majesty is really affectionate, look at how affectionate these sisters are." Concubine Xian continued, "If one day I come to live here..."

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about, we don't want to come here, sister Ah Xian will go out soon." Concubine Zhao said hastily.

"I don't want to go out." Ah Xian came over with a teapot and made tea for them with a smile, "It's very good here, it's very similar to my previous temple, only I am alone."

Song Lingshu gave her a meaningful look: "Then are you alone?"

"I'm not lonely." Ah Xian looked sideways at her and said with a smile, "My sister often comes to see me, so I'm not lonely anymore."

Concubine Xian looked left and right, leaned into Concubine Zhao's ear and whispered, "Don't you think that the two of them have such a deep relationship?"

"I've noticed it a long time ago. I knew it from the poker table." Concubine Zhao sighed, "I've been with the empress for so many years, but it's not as good as Sister Ah Xian's one year in the palace."

Concubine Xian: "Don't you like it?"

"There's nothing I can do about the taste. First, I'm not good-looking, and second, I'm not good at understanding people. I can't beat a horse crane." Concubine Zhao completely ignored it. She couldn't compete for favor with the emperor, but she didn't compete with the empress. However, she simply put all her focus on the things that make her happy, she unpacked her burden and said happily, "Sister Ah Xian, don't be so busy, let's hurry up and play horse hanging."

Ah Xian hadn't played horse crane for a long time, and he became more interested, and before he knew it, it was time for dinner. Concubine Xian was going back to take care of her daughter, Concubine Zhao was going to eat, the two packed up their things and made an appointment to say goodbye to Ah Xian when they came back next time.

In the end, the two looked at Song Lingshu who was opposite at the same time. She and A Xian stood together, and even helped see off the guests together. They had no intention of leaving together at all.

"Your Majesty, won't you go with us?" Concubine Zhao asked.

"I still have something to do, I'll go back later, you guys go first." Song Lingshu said.

"What's the matter?" Concubine Zhao asked curiously.

"Hmm..." Song Lingshu was still making up a reason, and Ah Xian beside him said without blushing, "I'm sick, and my sister stayed to take care of me."

"Ah, why are you sick? Is it because no one cares about your food and clothes?" Concubine Zhao worried.

"It's just that the weather changes too fast, it's cold in the morning and evening, and I catch a cold. It's not serious. My sister insisted on making medicine for me." Ah Xian said.

"Ah, that's right, that's it. It's getting late, you guys hurry up, don't delay our decoction." Song Lingshu urged.

"Okay, sister Ah Xian, please pay more attention to your health, we will come to you again sometime."

Concubine Zhao and Concubine Xian left together, and when she could no longer see anyone, Song Lingshu turned her head with a smile and pinched her cheek: "It's ok, you, now you don't blush when you lie."

"Follow the matter urgently." Ah Xian smiled and took her hand back, "What's for dinner tonight?"

"How about the steamed stuffed bun? Suddenly, I really want to eat delicious and soft steamed stuffed bun." After Song Lingshu finished speaking, Ah Xian's gaze paused on his chest for a few seconds.

"Well, I want to eat it too, it's delicious." Ah Xian said with a smile.

"...Ah hello!" Song Lingshu patted her on the head, "The good ones don't learn as much as the bad ones."

"What's the matter, aren't we talking about buns?" Ah Xian blinked innocently.

"You better be!"

That night Song Lingshu ate the steamed stuffed bun contentedly, and A Xian also ate the "baozi" contentedly. In the dead of night, A Xian hooked her fingers around her hair and chatted casually, "Sister, what are you going to give for the emperor's birthday? "

"Just take something and send it away, anyway, he doesn't want to see me." Song Lingshu said indifferently.

"Why don't you want to see you?" Ah Xian asked.

"That's right, I secretly wiped some stinky things on my body, so he doesn't want to get close to me." Song Lingshu said with a smile.

Ah Xian looked at her in surprise, and asked after a while, "So you didn't go to bed last time?"

"No, it's better to just kill me if you ask me to sleep with you." Song Lingshu curled her lips in disgust, and then hugged her tenderly, "Our Ah Xian is the most fragrant."

Ah Xian hooked the corners of his mouth, stroked her back lightly, and asked softly, "Sister, have you rested yet?"

"Huh?" Song Lingshu's body itched, "Isn't it you, why haven't you finished yet?"

"It's all my sister's fault for being too kind." Ah Xian said confidently.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and it was summer in a blink of an eye. Ah Xian put on her Nanjiang clothes again. That soft and slender waist was simply a seductive weapon, and Song Lingshu couldn't resist it at all! Especially the bell on the other party's ankle, in the middle of the night, accompanied by the collision of the body's reaction, it made a crisp and melodious sound, which jingled from time to time, making Song Lingshu love it.

"When will Shu Wan give birth?" A Xian asked after the two lay down and chatted.

"It's still two months." Song Lingshu estimated the time.

"The last time she came here, her belly was so big." Ah Xian gestured in the air, "It's dangerous for her to walk, so don't let her come to accompany me."

"Okay, I've been telling her to move around less recently, but she still wants to talk to you."

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Ah Xian asked curiously.

"Don't you have a god? Just like you did to Concubine Li back then, pray to your god." Song Lingshu teased.

"No, the gods won't listen to my prayers now." Ah Xian said.


Ah Xian turned sideways, looked into her eyes, and said, "Because my heart no longer belongs to the gods."

The corner of Song Lingshu's mouth curled up, hooked her neck, and squeezed her lips: "It's more than just a heart."


Because Shu Wan was recuperating, Ah Xian also broke a piece of eyeliner. She didn't know that the emperor's health was getting worse and worse recently, and his temper was getting worse, and he often got angry at the people around him because of little things.

I heard that he slept in the palace of a newcomer, and because of the mosquito problem, he didn't sleep well one night, and he would put her in the cold palace the next day.

After Song Lingshu learned about it, she hurried to stop him. After all, the concubine's father was his father's lieutenant general, and the two had some friendship when they were young, so they had to help to talk out of love and reason.

She invited the Queen Mother to intercede together, and finally made him take back his life.

The girl was so grateful to Song Lingshu, she went to Kunning Palace when she had nothing to do, and seemed to have no intention of competing for favor, and soon became acquainted with Concubine Zhao and Concubine Xian. When Song Lingshu went to visit Shu Wan, she would always follow her.

Shu Wan touched her big belly and saw that she had been following Song Lingshu's buttocks. The older sister and the older sister cried out shortly, which was called a sweet mouth.

After the girl finally left for a while, she said: "Since when did you and her have such a good relationship? She takes care of her sister, be careful that Ah Xian will be jealous."

"We have known each other since we were young, and she called me sister back then." Song Lingshu laughed, "And Ah Xian is not such a stingy person, how many people in this palace call me sister?"

Shu Wan glanced at her meaningfully, knowing that Ah Xian only showed a pure and kind side in front of her, and didn't know that Ah Xian secretly told her to watch the queen's every move, especially which concubine she got close to, Pay special attention.

"I brought her here this time because she liked medical books since she was a child and has experience in delivering babies. She was the one who handled the sudden delivery of her sister-in-law before." Song Lingshu said in a low voice.

"Isn't there a stable woman in the palace?" Shu Wan asked.

"It's good to have one more person to help, I'm afraid someone will bribe Wen Po." Song Lingshu touched her stomach, "This child must be born safe and sound."

"Look at your nervous look, those who don't know think you are going to give birth." Shu Wan said with a smile, "By the way, how is Nian Qing?"

"I'm counting the days until you give birth with my fingers every day, and I'm just waiting for you to come and play with you after giving birth." Song Lingshu smiled helplessly.

"Then let her come over."

"No, she's a girl with a lot of hands and feet, what if she bumps into you?"

"No, Nian Qing is very obedient. It happens that I'm bored in this palace by myself."

"Okay, I'll send her over to accompany you to relieve boredom after school."

A few days later, the emperor hosted a banquet for foreign envoys, and Song Lingshu also attended. Then when they went for a walk in the imperial garden, the envoys saw the innocent Nian Qing playing, and said with a smile: "Our third prince is also the same age as this one." They are about the size of a little princess, if there is such a chance, it would be nice for them to have a good relationship, what do you think, Your Majesty?"

"That's naturally a good thing." The emperor laughed.

Song Lingshu lowered his face on the spot: "Nianqing is only six years old, isn't it too early to talk about these things?"

Envoy: "This shows that the little princess is attractive. If we make a marriage agreement earlier, the two countries will be more harmonious in the future. Isn't it a good thing?"

"I love you big-headed ghost, you have the ability to send your own daughter out." Song Lingshu scolded.

"Queen, what are you talking about?" the emperor scolded.

"I'll just leave it here today. Whether it's now or in the future, Nian Qing won't send her for a marriage. You men have no skills, so why do you want women to pay for it?"

With a slap, the emperor slapped her across the face: "Come on, the queen is too drunk, take her down."

"Mother's queen, mother's queen!" Seeing this scene in the distance, Nian Qing ran over crying, but was grabbed by the emperor's men.

"Get out of the way, let me see who dares to touch my palace!" Song Lingshu roared, the servants around really didn't dare to catch her, she snatched Nian Qing over, hugged her, turned around and left the imperial garden.

"It's wrong, it's really wrong!" The emperor pointed at her back and ordered, "Kunning Palace will be closed for a month from today, and no one is allowed to meet with her!"

Ah Xian waited for half a month in the cold palace, but Song Lingshu was still not here. She was very anxious, and this evening, she finally heard footsteps outside, she rushed out immediately, but it was Shu Wan who came.

She quickly went to support Shu Wan: "Your belly is so big, what are you doing running out?"

"I just took the time to come out to see you today, and tell you about the situation in the palace. I'm afraid my sister won't be able to see you for a while."

"What happened?" Ah Xian asked nervously.

"Let me sit down for a while first." Shu Wan panted, and after being helped into the room by her to sit down, she told the story of the Imperial Garden before she even had time to drink, "I only got it later. As for the news, I came to tell you after all the inquiring about it."

"He beat my sister?!" Ah Xian frowned deeply, "Is it hard?"

"According to the servant at the time, half of his face turned red." Shu Wan said.

Ah Xian took a deep breath, clenched her fists tightly, a hostility surged from her heart, she had never been so angry before.

"She is the queen, the mother of a country, and his first wife. How dare he beat her!"

"Because he is the emperor, he can easily control other people's life and death with a single word." Shu Wan said with empty eyes.

Ah Xian was silent for a while, and suddenly said a word: "What if this emperor is not him?"

Shu Wan looked at her in surprise, feeling in a trance that she almost didn't know her anymore, when they first met, there was the purest light in her eyes, well protected by her and the queen, it was only half a year ago, and there was something in her eyes Without hatred, this harem is really a place to eat people.

"Shh, I'd rather rot in my stomach than say such words in the future." Shu Wan ordered in a low voice.

"Shu Wan, I want to go out, I can't stay here anymore, I know she wants to protect me, but I can't stand the days of anxiously waiting every day, the days without seeing her are not called days, they are called torture." Ah Xian Said eagerly. .

"Have you considered?"


"Okay, I'll help you."

The two were discussing the plan, when suddenly Shu Wan's maid rushed in, and she whispered something in her ear, Shu Wan's face paled immediately: "What did you say? What happened to Ruan Lang?!"

The maid is the maid she brought up since she was a child, and she knows the past between her and Ruan Lang the most. The maid cried and knelt down on the ground: "Master Ruan was sentenced to death because he was involved in Mr. Hu's corruption case."

"Nonsense, how could he be corrupt? How could someone who is reluctant to wear expensive clothes be corrupt? It is clear that someone framed him!" Shu Wan thought for a while, and finally noticed something, "Last time I Huayuan met the emperor talking to him, he looked at me twice more, as if the emperor had must be the emperor, the emperor did it on purpose...ah, my stomach..... ..”

Shu Wan suddenly clutched her stomach in pain, Ah Xian hurriedly hugged her and lay down on the bed: "Don't get excited, just stay steady."

However, when she retracted her hand, she saw the blood in her palm, her face was pale with fright, and she hurriedly asked someone to find Mrs. Wen.

Shu Wan held her back, gritted her teeth and said, "Go find Concubine Qing, she belongs to the Empress."

The cold palace was busy until midnight, Ah Xian waited anxiously outside the door, listening to Shu Wan's cries, he kept rubbing the statue on his chest.

It wasn't until dawn that there was a baby crying inside, and she rushed in immediately: "How is Shu Wan?"

"It's all right, mother and child are safe, he is a little prince." Concubine Qing said with a smile, "Go and see Concubine Yu first, I will take the child to wash it."

When she walked to the bed, Shu Wan was exhausted, looked at her weakly, then slowly raised a hand, with her lips slightly parted, she muttered a few words.

Ah Xian didn't hear clearly, held her hand, put his ear close to her mouth: "What did you say?"

"I, I don't want to make him feel better..."

Ah Xian glanced at her, held her hand tightly, and nodded: "Okay."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-02-25 15:20:42~2023-02-26 16:02:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ye Yeyao^∠1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 76 bottles of Yao; 26 bottles of Yi Punch; 22 bottles of Blossoming Wild Puff; 18 bottles of Choo, 4041418320 bottles; 13 bottles of Yinxin; 10 bottles; 7 bottles of cookie; 5 bottles of a stupid goose, Gu Yun; 4 bottles of 嫢; Constant, CHENG., constant, either this or that 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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