MTL - To Save the Female Supporting Role As My Duty-Chapter 234v2 Save Gong Douwen's blackened female supporting role (16)

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After arguing for a long time, it turned out to be a big oolong. After listening to her story, Song Lingshu couldn't laugh or cry: "So we didn't do anything that night, and I kicked you down?"

"Well, but I know you didn't do it on purpose, so I don't blame you." Ah Xian said, touching his buttocks with lingering fear, "It's just that you still want to kick me this time, this kind of known fear is even more frightening. Scared."

"I'm not going to kick you." Song Lingshu laughed, hugged her, patted her on the back, and said amusedly, "We are not talking about the same thing."

"Then what is the sister talking about?" Ah Xian asked.

Song Lingshu didn't say a word, just gently stroking her back, stretching his hand into his clothes, Ah Xian's body was slightly stiff, not knowing what would happen next, but following the instinct of his body to cooperate with her, he realized that they could be more intimate thing.

The moon moved slowly, and the moonlight at the head of the bed gradually shifted to the end of the bed. Two pairs of white and tender feet were very close to each other, and one pair of toes curled up suddenly, and did not relax for a long time.

Ah Xian breathed a sigh of relief, she opened the window, and a little cold wind came in, taking away the thin sweat on her body.

"Be careful of catching a cold." Song Lingshu took a blanket and draped it over her body. Ah Xian held the blanket and looked back at her without saying a word for a long time.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Song Lingshu approached her and asked.

"No, very happy." Ah Xian didn't know how to explain this kind of happiness to her, he just wanted her to experience it for himself, and said, "Sister, do you want to be happy?"


The next moment, Ah Xian picked her up and threw her on the bed. Song Lingshu was surprised and said, "Isn't it, you have such good physical strength?"

"I don't know why, but just thinking about making my sister happy makes me very excited."


"Sister, I always feel that you really belong to me at this moment."


"You are completely different at this time, I like it very much."

Song Lingshu raised his hand to cover his face: "You've had enough, why don't you talk all kinds of things."

"It's not nasty words, it's the truth."

The next day, both of them woke up late, and Song Lingshu woke up when the sun was shining. When she turned her head, she saw Ah Xian staring at her. She asked, "When did you wake up?"

"I didn't fall asleep." Ah Xian hugged her with a smile, and rubbed passionately, "Sister, how can I tell you how happy I am now?"

"Okay, I feel your happiness." Song Lingshu smiled.

The two of them lay on the bed for more than an hour, until her stomach was growling, and she was not willing to get up.

Ever since Ah Xian found a new happiness, he became more clingy, hugging her whenever he had something to do. Occasionally, Shu Wan and Nian Qing came over, and so did she. She didn't know how to restrain herself, and said plausibly: "Anyway, Shu Wan already knows, what are you doing in hiding?"

"What about Nianqing, she doesn't know yet." Song Lingshu asked.

"She doesn't understand." Ah Xian smiled and kissed her, "Do you believe that she wouldn't even understand when we kiss in person?"

"Don't teach the child badly." Song Lingshu laughed, and when she turned her head, she saw Nian Qing running to the door. She was in a hurry, and the hand stroking her cheek suddenly slipped and caught her neck.

"Queen, what are you doing?" Nian Qing looked at them in surprise, "Is there a fight?"

"It's okay, we're just kidding around." Song Lingshu smiled coyly, and quickly put down his hand.

At this time, Ah Xian whispered in her ear: "Sister, you hurt me just now, please stay tonight."

Song Lingshu: "..."

Spring is here, the earth is revived, the flowers in the imperial garden are in full bloom, every day people enjoy the flowers in the garden, even the emperor went there several times, and accidentally bumped into Song Lingshu.

"Queen, what are you doing?" The emperor looked depressedly at Song Lingshu holding a handful of flower branches still covered with soil, and then glanced at the apparently empty flower field, "You dug these?"

Song Lingshu laughed awkwardly: "Back to the emperor, my concubine heard that this flower has the effect of being used as medicine, so I want to make some scented tea."

The emperor looked at her dubiously: "What's wrong with it, just go to the imperial doctor, what are you doing secretly digging the flowers in the imperial garden?"

"I don't need to bother the doctor if I have a small problem. The concubine will try this method first to see if it works. Your majesty, continue to enjoy the flowers, and the concubine will leave first."

Song Lingshu said, holding Nian Qing who was at the side, Nian Qing was still holding a small hoe, nodded and said: "Nian Qing also resigned."

The emperor looked at the hurried backs of their mother and daughter, and suddenly asked the father-in-law next to him: "How long has it been since I visited the queen?"

"I haven't been to Kunning Palace since the sacrifice to my concubine," said the father-in-law.

"Then they appeared here just to remind me?"

"It should be, the Empress always has Her Majesty in her heart." The father-in-law said.

The emperor looked thoughtfully at the direction in which they disappeared, but found that they disappeared so quickly that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Song Lingshu brought Nianqing to Lingyun Palace, asked Shu Wan to look after her, and then came to Leng Palace alone, and A Xian greeted her as soon as she entered.

"Sister, what are you bringing?"

"Hua, didn't you deliberately leave a little space when you planted vegetables? Let's plant some flowers, it looks good." Song Lingshu said.

"Okay." Ah Xian happily planted flowers with her, and then watered them together. When it was getting dark, he went to the kitchen to help light the fire. Looking at the busy figures in front of the stove, he laughed happily. I feel so happy this day.

The two chatted after eating, and Song Lingshu told her that this year's audition would start soon, the three-year election, and women of the right age all over the country can participate, but this year is just a small election, only official ladies can participate.

"I may be busy for a while. If I can't come to see you then, I will ask Nian Qing and Shu Wan to accompany you." Song Lingshu said.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm fine by myself." Ah Xian said empathetically.

It was getting dark, Ah Xian boiled the hot water and called her to wash up, but there was a knock on the door outside, and the maid came in and reported: "Empress, the emperor turned over your sign tonight, you should go back and get ready .”

"What?" Song Lingshu frowned impatiently. Since there were maids and guards at the side, she could only scold the emperor to death in her heart, and worried that she would be late when she went back. The emperor found her in the cold palace, so she turned to A Xian and said, "I'll go over to see the situation first, and come to accompany you when I'm free."


Song Lingshu hurriedly followed the maid to leave, Ah Xian looked at the direction she was leaving, tightly clutching the wooden ladle, his fingers almost pinched into the palm of his hand, the wooden ladle was thrown into the water quickly, splashing a layer of water, wet her hands and clothes.

It's serving the bedroom again, and it's serving the bedroom again!

Just a word from the emperor can **** people away from her.

It took Ah Xian a long time to calm down the anger in his heart, and he went back to his room to copy the scriptures, but he couldn't calm down. He drew a few strokes on the paper vigorously, crumpled the paper, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. go up.

And the Kunning Palace has already started to be lively. When the servants heard that the emperor was coming, they cleaned up the room early and put all the belongings in the room. When Song Lingshu hurried back, he saw all the servants were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

"Queen, have you eaten yet?" Nian Qing ran out of the room and asked.

"Why are you back?" She stepped forward to hug Nian Qing.

"Concubine Yu sent me back when she heard that Royal Father was coming." Nian Qing whispered in her ear, "I'm ready to cry with Royal Father anytime."

"You don't need to cry this time." Song Lingshu said with a smile, "It's not a solution to make you cry all the time. Let's use some new tricks."


"Hush, secret." Song Lingshu had already tried the methods of the emperor using sleeping pills and crying children, but neither was a long-term solution. After all, the emperor would always miss it if he couldn't eat, so he had to make him not want to take it.

Song Lingshu: [Stop fishing, get up and work. 】

System: [What do you want to redeem again? 】

Song Lingshu: [You open the mall first, let me see if there is this treasure. 】

Half an hour later, the emperor finally came to Kunning Palace, the maid undressed him and then left.

"The draft will be held in a few days, you have to preside over it well," the emperor said.

"It's only natural, the concubine will definitely do her best." Song Lingshu said.

"Yeah." The emperor glanced at her for a long time, and felt a new look, more youthful and noble. He stepped forward and opened his hands, wanting to hug her, but when he approached, he suddenly pause-

"What's the smell?" The emperor sniffed, and smelled it closely, only to find that the smell was very unpleasant.

"Back to the emperor, it's body odor." Song Lingshu said.

"What? Body odor?!" The emperor was very surprised, opened his eyes, pointed at her in disbelief and asked, "Where did you get body odor? Isn't there no smell at all?"

"Back to the emperor, my concubine has been suffering from worry and worry these days, mental or nervous system damage, endocrine disorders, low body immunity, increased sweat glands, all kinds of reasons have caused my concubine to be infected with body odor." Song Lingshu sniffed his nose sadly. .

The emperor didn't believe in evil, so he smelled it again, and it was indeed the smell of body odor. He couldn't believe it: "Then why didn't I smell this smell during the day?"

"I wear a sachet during the day, and my clothes will be scented with an incense burner the night before." Song Lingshu said, "It's a pity that it's night now, without any cover, so I can only return to myself."

"It's good to return to yourself, then come back after you have healed me." The emperor said that he was about to leave, but before Song Lingshu was happy for a few minutes, he fell back again.

"Forget it, it's already here, let's rest here, so that we don't have to go to greet the mother tomorrow and talk about me." The emperor sat down on the bed, stared at Song Lingshu for a moment, and pointed to Nianqing's room, "You don't need to sleep Now, go and sleep with Nianqing."

"Yes." Song Lingshu pretended to be lost and went to Nian Qing's room, and laughed wildly after squeezing onto the bed.

Song Lingshu: [Tong, you have improved now, and you have this kind of medicine. 】

System: [No way, you don't need to stock up with normal thinking to deal with you, and, who asked you to give more points. 】

This medicine will not stay on her body every day, it will only be used when she sees the emperor, other times it is still delicious. When I went to pay my respects to the queen mother the next day, the queen mother stayed for lunch and discussed with her about the draft.

I have been busy for several days. First, I have to check the list of personnel, and then organize everyone to enter the palace to participate in the election. After the emperor personally selects, I have to arrange the residence in the palace. The harem is quite lively again.

When she was free, Shu Wan went to Lenggong to visit Ah Xian, just as she walked through the gate, she saw Ah Xian's hurried figure and ran out from the back room, the smile on her face obviously faded a little when she saw her.

"Are you alone?" Ah Xian looked around behind her.

"Well, the empress is very busy these days, so she asked me to come and see you and talk with you." Shu Wan closed the door, entered the house with her, and watched the newly planted flowers bloom as they passed the yard. Zhengyan, with green onions in the cracks, couldn't help laughing and said, "It's really fun living here."

Ah Xian smiled, but it was not a bright smile after all.

"Did the emperor stay at my sister's bed that night?" A Xian asked.

Shu Wan opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"I see." Ah Xian sat down at the table, was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled, "How is sister these two days?"

"It's good, but I'm too busy. Some concubines are dissatisfied with the newly arranged accommodation, and they quarrel with her. It takes a lot of time for her to coordinate." It's not surprising, when he came to visit before, Ah Xian specially told her quietly, asking her to report the queen's movements at any time.

Ah Xian nodded, and asked again: "How is the situation of this year's draft?"

"It's very good. After coming to a lot of famous families, the Empress has also selected many beauties. The emperor is lingering in the bride and groom's palace these days, and he doesn't want to leave." Shu Wan laughed.

"My sister chose a lot of beauties?" Ah Xian frowned deeply.

"Well, I guess she wants to distract the emperor's attention." Shu Wan said.

"But...don't my sister have more beauties in front of me? Will she forget me?" A Xian asked.

"No, you can rest assured."

How could Ah Xian feel at ease, she stayed here alone, thinking about another person day and night, wondering if she was eating well, sleeping well, and whether others were treating her well.

A few days later, Ah Xian was copying scriptures in front of the window, and heard the sound of stones hitting the window again. She paused and didn't open the window immediately, feeling a little timid in her heart, worried that it was just her own illusion.

However, when the footsteps were getting closer and the window was pulled up by someone outside, and she could see the face of the person, she let out a heavy breath.

"Long time no see, miss me?" Song Lingshu poked his head in and asked with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, one hand pressed down on the back of her head, and a pair of soft lips kissed her arrogantly. The wind and rain plundered her breath, and there was no room for parrying.

"Wait, wait...well, why are you so enthusiastic today?"

"Come in." Ah Xian put his arms around her waist and hugged her in directly from the window, swept away all the scripture paper and pens on the table, and put her on the table.

The white paper rolled to the ground, and the ink splashed messily on the paper and their shoes.

Spring rain began to fall outside the window, and the rain beat against the window with a crackling sound, covering up the sound inside the window. The two guards outside the door hurried away to get their umbrellas, so they missed the waves that were higher than the waves.

Song Lingshu finally realized what it means to be a little better than a new love. When she woke up, she was lying on the bed, and she saw at a glance that the table was as clean as ever, the pen holder and inkstone were neatly arranged, and even the scriptures were neatly laid out on it. Ah Xian was dressed in plain white and sat on the edge of the bed looking at her.

This contrast gave her a bit of a shock, she was really a different person from last night!

"When did you get up?" Song Lingshu's voice was hoarse.

"It's very early." Ah Xian asked with concern, "Sister, are you hungry?"

"It's okay." As soon as Song Lingshu sat up, Ah Xian reached out and hugged her, rubbing against her neck for a long time.

"Sister, say it again." Ah Xian said softly.

Song Lingshu: "What did you say?"

Ah Xian: "Say you love me."

Song Lingshu: "Didn't I say that last night?"

Ah Xian: "I want to listen to it again."

Song Lingshu said: "I love you."

"I love you too, I love you the most all my life." Ah Xian kissed her forehead, and then held the idol on her chest, "You said it in front of my god, if you dare to go back on your word... .”

Song Lingshu saw that her tone was so solemn, and even her expression showed some signs of paranoia, so she couldn't help asking, "That's all?"

"It's nothing." Ah Xian raised his head and smiled innocently at her, "My sister will definitely not regret it, right?"

"That's right." Song Lingshu raised his hand and swore, "If I go back on my word, I'll hit you with five thunders—oh!"

Ah Xian hurriedly covered her mouth: "Don't make such a heavy oath!"

"Then change it?"

Ah Xian thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Then if you go back on your word, you can eat Houttuynia cordata every now and then."

Song Lingshu: "I suddenly feel like a thunderstorm is nothing."

Ah Xian: "..."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2023-02-24 16:11:01~2023-02-25 15:20:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: Uh-huh, CBY, 1 big fan;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Qiqi 53 bottles; Lucifer 34 bottles; a letter in the box, Beihe 30 bottles; AAA can't remember 25 bottles; 6207476022 bottles; 7 bottles of lemon cake; 5 bottles of Yan, black pepper cowboy bone, Guyun; 2 bottles of sho2010, Luobuyu, constant; either this or that, 1 bottle of Fuguang Qianxia つ, CHENG. ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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