MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 56 Brothers

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On the day when He Ming returned to Beijing, there was a drizzle in the capital. He leaned in the carriage halfway, listening to the sound of rain outside. He looked pale and pale, and he opened the curtain and looked at the gate in front of him. Widowed smile.

When the car was approaching, he saw his eldest brother and his second brother riding on the horse. He was followed by some officials who received them. He told the carriage to stop and he had to get off the carriage.

"The four brothers have injuries, so they don't have to be like this." Before He Wei hit the horse, Xiaoxiao stopped Heming's move to go forward. He turned over and shook his fist: "The four brothers suffered this time."

"The second brother said that he was heavy, but he was very burdened by the father." However, Heming still had a ritual on the carriage. He was a bit comfortable on the face. "I still worry the father. It is also the filial piety of the children."

"You are serious about doing bad things, just stunned people, what do you do with you?" He said with a smile, "My father and I ordered you to return to the palace with your second brother, and the four brothers relaxed their hearts."

"There is a big brother, two brothers." He Mingchong and He Wei took a ritual, and they sat back in the carriage. The guards who drove the car carefully pulled the curtain and waited for Ning Wang and Duan Wang to go ahead.

He Yan turned to the horse and turned to the Hezhen, who was always on the right side. He looked at the carriage behind him and said to him: "Big Brother, let's go."

“Well,” He Hao nodded, and then seemed to care about it. “The four brothers have lost a lot of weight, and they must have suffered a lot on the road.”

He Xiao smiled and said, "When it is a few days, it is spring, and when the spring is over, it is a good day for the four brothers. When we are a few brothers, it can be lively and lively."

"Nature will be very lively," He said with a hearty smile, no longer talking to He Wei.

After He Mingjin’s visit to the Qingde Emperor, he was rewarded with some herbs and went out to the Tianqi Palace. However, when he went to see the mother-in-law, An Bao’s wife lost a lot of tears.

After listening to what happened in the capital in these days, He Ming smiled and said: "The mother-in-law does not have to worry about it. This is a good thing. At least the children can close the government gate and not participate in these things. in."

After listening to this, An Guizhen suddenly changed his face. "Minger, is it you..."

Seeing that there were no other people in the house, He Mingcai lowered his voice: "The assassins seem to have no intention of hurting the children. Instead, they attacked Wei Youwei. The wounds of the children were shocking. In fact, they did not hurt the key, so the mother-in-law did not have to worry too much."

An Guifei wiped his tears and hated: "He Yuan and He Wei are really deceiving people. They are fighting for the storage place, why should they involve me!"

"They are one person, and one person is favored by the father. Naturally, they will not put other people in their eyes." He Ming smiled bitterly. "The mother must not be angry with these things."

Angui reluctantly pressed the anger in her heart, she has always been unloved. Just a few years after she gave birth to her child, Shu Guizhen was always embarrassed. If it wasn’t for the Queen’s wife to act fairly, she was afraid that the days would be more difficult. She sighed. "It's a mother-in-law who doesn't have the skills. If the mother-in-law is favored, you don't have to be so cold." She suddenly thought of Jinggui, although she is not as favored as Shugui, but she still has some status in the emperor's heart. Her son, He Wei, is only second to He Yuan. Although she has not been with him, she must be an extremely capable person.

When she thought of this, she opened her mouth: "He said that this person is unpredictable, but the mother is not a cold-blooded person. You have to go back and forth several times a week, but it is also a brother and brother."

He Ming knows the meaning of the mother-in-law, and he swears and swears: "The mother-in-law does not have to worry too much, and the children will consider this matter." He Yuan and He Wei are in the upper position, and for him, the future will be afraid. It will be even harder. If he is a successor to the throne, even if the other party is only a generation of people, he will not be slow to treat his own brother who is not threatening. Instead, he will treat him with respect to his brother and brother.

Although He Ming does not want to fight, but he does not want to be the blade that others have used to throw it, it is better to choose the Lord and plan for the rest of his life.

"He Xi’s wife, Qu and Luo’s feelings are very deep. After you left the capital, Qu also sent people to send me things to me. Jinggui is also very caring for me.” Angui is a A woman who is plain, but does not allow others to harm her children. "No matter how they play, at least they eat more than the other two."

He Ming knows clearly that He Yuan and He Wei have never looked at themselves. However, the second brother had had a relationship with him when he was young. Although these years have faded a lot, he treats him more than the other two. I am close to a lot, and this person is also remembered in my heart.

Sitting on the steps of the father's charter, he went out to the palace and went back to the carriage of the palace. He Ming received the gift from each family soon after returning to the government. Even the big brother and the three also sent something, although it was Some of the more expensive but not practical things, at least two points.

It was the thing sent by the two brothers. After seeing it by the doctor, he said that it was a tonic that was good for his body, and He Ming felt the concern of his second brother.

When I remembered that in the Tianqi Palace, the father reminded him that he wanted others to believe that the assassination was not related to the third brother. The smile on He Ming’s face was a little cold. Since the father told him that he would not let the father’s disappointment, as for Believe it or not, it depends on the ability of the father and the third brother.

“Father and son filial piety?” He Ming’s hand in the Qingde Emperor’s sandalwood beads was thrown to the ground and looked at the sandalwood beads that jumped around, sneering and talking to himself. “It’s a joke.”

On the first day of the Spring Festival, the Gongyuan was filled with carriages in the past, all of which were sent for examination.

Liang Rong and Qu Wangzhi sat on the tea house and looked at the students who lined up for the examination in the tribute school. The two felt that their faces were bitter. Both of them were students of Dongshan Academy. Because of the college holidays today, they deliberately came to the Gongyuan. Look, think about them a few years later they have to enter the market, inexplicably feel a little pressure.

Especially in the fall of this year, I have to take the exam, and look at the serious candidates below, I feel a little breathless.

"Cousin, this is nothing to look at, let's go," but after two or three hours of examination, there were a few white-haired candidates who were lifted out. The look of the track was even more ugly, and they got up.

"There is no such thing as Wang Hao in the temple of Nagqu, how can I send the little daughter to do it?"

"Who knows this, just heard that the little daughter was born by the successor, this relay room is just a family of the lonely family. Duan Wangxi is the wife of the original grandfather, who is she, you know?"

"who is it?"

"Do you know when Tian Da people in Dali Temple are waiting for you?"

"This famous person, who has not heard of it, has heard that it is difficult to get a case, as long as it is sent to Dali Temple, it will surely make it happen."

"Why isn't it, Duan Wang's biological mother is the brother-in-law of Xiangqing's grandfather, you said that this birth can be the same? So this one is a king, one is to be a waiter, isn't it normal?"

When Qu Hezhi heard this conversation, his face suddenly seemed difficult to look at. Now he has to rush to the people who talked about it, but he was pulled by Liang Rong. "Look at it, here is the entrance to the Gongyuan, it is not good for you." ”

"But do you have to talk about them like this?" The anger of Qu Wang is hard to eliminate, but he no longer insists on rushing. After all, things are too big, and it really affects his future entry into the officialdom.

Liang Rong looked around and lowered his voice. "Now they are just a quick picture. You have to know that when the most favored of the DPRK is the Royal Highness, the cousin entered the Ruiwang Palace and made a side trip. In the future, ..." He cocked his thumb to Qu Wang, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Qu Wangzhi bit his teeth, and finally swallowed this breath. The two went down the tea house together. After riding a horse out of the road, they saw a luxury team coming in front of them. The head guards were all bears and bears, and their eyes were full of gods. They were not the guards that ordinary people can have, the carriage behind them. It was made up of eight horses, and the bells on the sandalwood car rang as they marched.

The two men had no choice but to avoid the carriage. When the carriage was near, they found that the carriage was marked with the flag of the king. The face of Qu Wang was heavy, but he could only helplessly bow his head to show respect for the palace.

The horses and horses in the palace are far away, and the two talents continue to move forward. Liang Rong has some doubts: "This is the direction of the city. There are so many horses and horses in the palace, where are you going?" Going to the Beijing suburbs to play?

"Who knows what these princes want to do," Qu Yue's tone is a bit bad. He looked back at the direction of Wangfu's carriage, and his tone paused. "Hearing the prince has a Tangquan Villa on the outskirts of Beijing. Flowers bloom early, presumably to go play."

After all, Qu Wang is born in Gongye, which is more than Liang Rong knows. Therefore, it is clear to the other people who are more important in the Beijing suburbs of Beijing.

"Is it really going to play?" Wei rightou and Cheng Wang, who were stabbed at this time, returned to Beijing. Ning Wang and Rui Wang were playing hot, and Duan Wang was so leisurely to go on holiday?

Liang Rong feels that his brain is not enough. At this time, shouldn't he go to the water to fish, so far away from what?

The good play is coming on the stage, and the king is actually playing this trick. What makes the other big guys in Beijing feel so hot?

In the carriage, Qu 裾 裾 梳 梳 梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳 ​​梳

He Wei looked at her like a smile: "I don't want to sip a soup, this weather is just right."

Qu er, oh, smiled and turned into his arms: "It’s good for me to treat me."

Hearing this, he heard it, and he smiled helplessly: "This is the head, the capital will definitely make a pot of porridge for the fourth brother and the spring festival. The king is not interested in these things, it is better to leave. If you are far away, you can also ask for a clean."

Qu Wei looked at his smiling face, and inexplicably felt that his face was full of black letters.

Cut, when she did not hear the story of the 蝉 蝉 蝉. 2k novel reading network

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