MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 55 Fortunately and unfortunately

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Qu 裾 裾 does not know how much affection He He has to his brother, but she feels that he still does not have a trace of human feelings, at least he wants He Ming's mental recovery is true.

Although the things on the list are not something that has no price and no market, they are indeed valuable and suitable for He Ming. She put the list to the side and then got up and said to He Wei. "In two days, the four uncles will be able to return. Jing, Wang Ye should not be too worried."

"I remember when I was a child in the palace, I played with my four brothers for a while, but afterwards, my homework increased. Our brothers gradually lost their lives." He Yi recalled the past, although he was not as important as He Yuan’s attention to his father. But compared with the boss and the fourth, it is still a lot stronger. The four of them are probably the most senior in the four brothers. "In these years, we gradually grew up, and the feelings of the past are also weak, but after all, it is a brother. How come there is a bit of friendship."

After the birth of the fourth brother, I did not know what Shugui said to the father. The father had since ignored the fourth brother and the fourth mother, and no child was born in the palace. Perhaps it was his promised father who promised Shu Guifei what it was, which is not important for He Wei.

For his father, He Wei does not have much thoughts and feelings, but it is a confused man. Otherwise, why did Dalong not see a little prosperity in these years, but it faintly shows decay.

Qu 裾 裾 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 珩 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎It is the purest."

"It’s said that my heart has gone up," He said with a smile, but he didn’t want to mention the previous things. He said, "There is a side room added to the old three houses. Although it is not a big deal, but our house is also It should be a gift."

The third child did not speak loudly, and did not officially inform them of these brothers, but to be a brother, you must do your best.

Qu 裾 裾 feels that He Wei is somewhat uneasy, and the emperor has expressed dissatisfaction with He Yuan Na, who also said that this is a happy event. Is it really good to insert a brother's knife?

"On the second day of Labuan, I was asked to make a gift." I remembered the feeling of the day when I passed it to my ear. The song couldn’t help but sigh again. "My mother is doing things." The more I don’t look like it, the more a grandfather is going to be the side of the palace, and it’s not the nobles in the palace. It’s really a joke to say it.”

"Why go to worry about these little things, you are my wife, it is the person of my king's house, how is it in Changde's government, it has nothing to do with you," thought that Qufu would be uncomfortable for this matter, He Wei stressed again My own thoughts, "You are you, Changde Government is Changde Government, I will not get confused."

Qu 裾 裾 see him looking serious, understand that this is true j, j is at least this time, when he said the truth, as to whether the mentality will change in the future, it is not something she can control," The prince is waiting for me, I understand in my heart." Resting his head on the other's shoulder, concealing the calm in his eyes. "I also said that it is my luck to marry the prince."

In terms of the personality of the four brothers of Hejia, the woman who married He Wei and He Ming did have to be lucky; marrying He Wei, that is a housekeeper who can't complain, marrying He Yuan, probably the woman's temper in this life. The biggest test.

He Ming is a kind person. Needless to say, He Xi’s thoughts are deep, but there is no He Yuan’s attitude of looking at a woman with her soles. This is also a kind of luck for her to cross.

Gently patted the back of the person in the arms, and He Xin felt a little joy in his heart. He has not seen the beauty, and the person in his arms is not the most beautiful of the women he sees. However, he feels that she is just right, and even a small temper and a slap in his eyes are attractive.

I remembered that the lover’s eyes were in Shih Tzu. He couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t say that others didn’t believe it. He didn’t even believe himself. If a man like him would move the most difficult thing for a woman. Feelings, isn’t there a lover in the world?

Maybe she just thinks that she is good at this time, she feels that she looks at it all the time. After a long time, she is no different from other women in the house.

Released the person in his arms, He Wei stretched his hand and pinched her soft earlobe. "After the four brothers returned to Beijing, I took you to the Beijing suburbs to go to the bubble soup spring."

Qu 裾 裾 裾 , , , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

"Well, when people get some barbecue, it's a bit of fun." He is not a rigid person. He will enjoy life when he is free. When he talks about flowers, he thinks about a picnic.

"This is a good idea," Qu Liang patted the palm of his hand. "The bubble, the barbecue, and the flower viewing can be regarded as a great enjoyment in life."

He Yan saw her look happy, and could not help but laughed. Minghe Mudu, who kept the door outside, listened to the laughter and laughter in the house, and could not help but also make it easier. For them, the master is in a good mood, and their days will be better.

At this time, He Yuanyi returned to the palace, and he saw Qin Bailu sitting in the garden with a group of squats. He also glared at his several acolytes. The head was the Qu Shi who was admitted to the door. He was in a bad mood, and his face was so heavy. He looked at Qin Bailu with a cold eye: "What is Wang Hao doing? Is it the way to stop the king?"

Qin Bailu and several aides have changed their faces. The former is because of the loss of face, and the latter because of the attitude that Wang Ye does not care. For a time, the garden has become silent.

"Don't roll, what are you doing here? If you really want to block the road, why not roll it to the door?" He Yuan kicked a small beggar next to him and pointed to Qin Bailu. "Good. One of the palaces, what made you look like, the king is upset."

Qin Bailu knew that Wang Ye might have been rebuked by the emperor in the palace. The cause of this incident was clearly on Qu Shi, and this time he fired at himself. When she thought about it, she didn't feel very well in her heart. She looked down at Qujou, who had got up and stood aside. She barely suppressed her anger and made her voice sound softer. "Wang Ye does not have to be angry, but it is a slap. The father will not be angry with you."

"Is the father's heart thinking about your temperament?" He Yuan calmed his face, remembered what the father said, and looked at his own eyes, and felt that his heart was angry and ugly, and he saw Qu’s low-browed and pleasing standing next to him. And the road, "Qushi and the king come, everyone else is scattered!"

Qin Bailu gritted his teeth and watched the prince take the Qushi’s monk away. He had to hate and pointed at other servants. "Even the princes are not good at serving, and what is the use for you, give me a roll!"

The several aunts who were taken out of the punching bag by Wang Hao were busy and retired. They hated Wang Hao’s meanness and hated Qu’s wrists. In the past few days, Wang Ye has been staying at Qu’s. Where is their place of foothold?

Qujou did not feel loved by them. He Yuan’s actions on her were rude and ruthless. In front of him, he was a venting emotion and desire/destination. He wanted to toss himself and could not say no. Every morning, when she looked at the bruises on her body and the things that He Yuan had rewarded, she felt shame and resentment, hated the injustice of God, and hated He Yuan’s murder.

I don’t know how long it took, He Yuan got up and left, just left her lying on the empty bed, listening to Yao Xi’s sobbing in her ear, she inexplicably remembered the scorn, this time she was doing what? Is it to sleep with Duan Wang, or to sleep alone in a soft bed?

"The master, the slaves wait for you to bathe," Yao Xi saw the master look, just like losing the soul, the voice has improved a lot. "The master, the slave is waiting for you to bathe."

"Yaoxi, what do you say when the eldest sister is doing this?" Qujo Sumumu got up and asked by Yaoxi to sit in the tub and suddenly asked.

Yaoxi replied, and he replied: "It’s not too late, and Jomo is ready to go to bed."

"Yeah, go to sleep," Qujou asked, rubbing his face and laughing.

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾

He Wei’s face trembled at that moment: “Well, it’s improved a lot.”

"This is all your credit for the prince," Qu squatted to his side and kissed him. "Then we will continue next time."

He Wei touched the place where he was kissed, and picked up the person to put her on the bed. "I am happy with the scorn, and I will certainly be satisfied with contempt."

Qu Shi twisted and twisted, saying that this is too yellow, and she said she was very ashamed.

Then, he reached out and rubbed the other's belt. He turned his head and said nothing. "What is happy and satisfied?"

At this time, it was not a man who could hold back. He gave the person a pressure, and the piece of Yunjin wide-sleeved robe was smashed. The middle robes were ruthlessly pulled apart, and the embroidered peach blossoms were He pulled a big hand. Easy to unravel

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 左 左 左 左 左 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾

Men are always better at undressing, especially when they are in bed.

When the two started their sports, Qufu was still thinking about it. I don’t know if it was her illusion. He has been more and more enthusiastic recently.

At the end of the song, he was held in a bath by He Wei. As usual, he wiped his back and washed the shower, let He Wei eat a few mouthfuls of tofu, and after wearing the middle coat, he let him hold her back to the bed.

The reason is... Excessive physical exertion, so He Wei is willing and willing to hold his face. 2k novel reading network