MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 41

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He entered the elevator and came to the deepest part of the special mission unit headquarters.

At the streamlined desk, a man in a military uniform sat.

"Your Mightiness."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Colonel Burton. You just returned from Amazon. I should have let you rest, but I think you have already heard of it. This afternoon, the laboratory that conducted the research on the zombies had an accident. The reagents are wrong, causing the zombies to leave the control." Major General Gordon's fingers are interlocking, looking up at the men in front of him.

Haiyin Burton had no visible mountain dew on his face, which made Major Gordon unable to touch his forehead.

"There were four researchers present at the time. After four people's review, the reagents had problems. Haiyin, what do you think?"

"Someone invaded the system, changed the terminal settings, and bypassed four researchers."

"This person is very embarrassed. What do you think is the purpose of releasing a zombie?"

"Create confusion."

"What is the purpose of creating chaos?"

"About the research results of x-."

"All x- research results have been encrypted."

"What about Xiao Yan?"

The man at the desk groaned and smiled. "It’s rare that you remember the name of a researcher. Indeed, his current research project is related to x-virus, but there is no progress at present."

"But you have publicly published his research project. It is best to test whether his system has been invaded in that chaos. Some people may be paying attention to his research. The level of security for himself should also be improved."

Hai Yin’s expression is still cold, and the ice blue eyes show an unusual attachment.

"Don't forget, his supervisor is Jane Wallis." Major General Gordon seemed to think of something, adding another sentence, "Reassure, he won't cut Xiao Yan's nose."

Hai Yin turned to the door.

"Hey! I haven’t finished talking to you, you are going too fast!"

"I need you to apply for authorization from the Central Academy of Sciences and enter Xiaoyan's research system."

The man showed a playful smile. "It’s rare that you are so concerned about another person."

Under the soft lighting of the restaurant, Jane's eyebrows were smudged out of the usual style, and the twists and turns of the wrists were just right. Even Xiao Yan was surprised that this guy also had an elegant side.

"Try this, it's definitely not the same as what you eat in the research restaurant."

Jane cut a small piece of steak and placed it on Xiao Yan's plate. When he looked up, he found Xiao Yan looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I just get used to the fact that you don't care about everything. It's not serious for you."

The handle of the knife was on the wrist of Jane, and the tip of the knife hit the plate. He smiled, his shoulders followed, and he resumed his unyielding posture.

"You can easily be confused by the illusion of a moment. I will not treat anyone seriously. I have less than ten years left in my life. Instead of treating others seriously, I should treat myself seriously."

Jane's knife tip pierced the meat, biting a bite, brutal and rude.

Xiao Yan was unmoved and used the dinner step by step.

At this time, in the magnetic levitation vehicle in the cruise more than ten meters away from the restaurant, the cold man silently watched everything on the screen. The big man beside him chewed the cow j□j, and said evilly: "Let's eat the steak! It's clear that the rookie is a chick!"

"You sprayed the crumbs of food."

"Head! That's our rookie -"

Hai Yin did not say a word, staring at the screen cold eyes until all electronic data was frozen.

At this time, Xiao Yan is focusing on cutting the steak.

Jane's choice is correct. The dishes here are completely different from the tastes that have been calculated by computer. The taste buds on the tip of the tongue seem to be energized.

"It's delicious."

Jane raised his eyebrows, and Xiao Yan’s moment of contact with his gaze gave him the illusion that he became the cut steak in the other side.

"Ah... um."

"Do you know why I chose to enter the special mission force?" Jane played with the knife in his hand, revealing bloodthirsty arrogance in his eyes.


"Because I am tired of Charles's stereotypes. Every inch of territory in life has been clearly defined by the terminal program. So I want to go to the outside world to see. But the outside world is wonderful but cruel, so I Accepted the x virus."

Xiao Yan swallowed, and he did not think that someone would become a special soldier because he was tired of a constant life.

"The price of your madness is too heavy. People can only enjoy everything if they are alive."

"If you can complete a hundred years of completion in ten years, why bother with time?"

Jane pulled the lips and the soft light fell on his white face to the unreal face.

"I am very curious, in addition to any killing in the outside world, what else do you want to complete or experience?" Xiao Yan picked up the napkin and wiped the lips.

"For example... meet you..." Jane pulled the corner of his lips, half-truth, Xiao Yan would not be stupid enough to take this sentence seriously.

If Jane Wallis is not a special soldier, maybe they will not meet each other in the life of Charles.

Jane stretched his arm, and the slender and powerful fingers slowly touched Xiao Yan's napkin and gently pulled it to his face.

Just as Xiao Yan was subconsciously pulling the napkin back, Jane's lips licked the corner of the napkin and looked at Xiao Yan's eyes blurred.

The heart inexplicably jumped up, Xiao Yan had the illusion that everything was imprisoned in the other's lips.

Mark staring at the screen is exploding, "Mom! I want to kill Jane Wallis! This is a seduce! It’s too **** too!"

With Mark squatting, the man beside him is still unmoved. Mark subconsciously looked at his own head, Hai Yin's side face did not waver, but the low air pressure in the air is not an illusion, Mark still wants to say something, but finds that he is oppressed to breathe.

Hai Yin’s fingers hold the safety device tightly and the phalanx is extremely hard.

Mark swallowed, and finally said: "The head... the safety device cracked... cracked..."

When Hai Yinsong handed, Mark saw that the part that was held by the sea has been completely deformed. Hai Yin’s line of sight did not leave the holographic screen for a moment, and the line of sight pierced everything like the blade of the special forces.

"Head... I think the rookie should follow us..." Mark kept silent after saying this whisper.

Xiao Yan looked at Jane's eyes. He had to admit that Jane's eyes were beautiful. Unlike women's femininity, there was a natural sense of strength, and the outlines of the lines were elegant and casual.

Daddy, Jane’s expression suddenly became fierce, and Xiao Yan was dragged to the table by the other party before he could react.

"Oh--" sounded, what was rubbing his cheeks into the ground, the plate was broken and the floor was broken, and the guests panicked.

"Xiao Yan!" Jane slammed Xiao Yan. "Don't look up, go with me!"

Xiao Yan wandered on the ground, looking down, and piercing the ground turned out to be a nano-needle. The needle is placed in the warhead. Once it is shot from the muzzle, the rest will fall off during the flight, and the nanoneedle will penetrate the target body. This is to study the guns needed to capture the zombies. not When thinking about this! They must leave here first.

Jane was behind him, and the two finally came to the back door. When Xiao Yan was about to reach out and press the door lock, Jane stopped him.

Because he didn't want to get too much attention, Jane didn't wear combat uniforms but ordinary uniforms. His fingers swept his trousers and took a gun from his ankle. Magnetic suspension vehicle

Jane slammed Xiao Yan into his arms, and Xiao Yan’s head came to his chest, and his heart’s strong and powerful heartbeat came from his ear.

He turned his side and slammed open the back door. Sure enough, several nano-needles shot in, and easily escaped with Xiao Yan.

Although it was only a glimpse, Jane saw that the gunmen were not shooting at close range, they were two people in total. One of them was ambushing in the building facing the glass window of the restaurant, and the other was hidden in a low-rise building on the back door street.

"Xiao Yan, this posture is really suitable for kissing."

Jane's palm buckled Xiao Yan's back of the head, his fingers were embedded between his hair, and Xiao Yan looked up slightly to smile on his eyes.

As if everything in front of him had no threat to him.

"I will bite your tongue."

Jane was shot on his head, his eyes showing a bit of killing, but the voice seemed to treat the child. "You dare."

Xiao Yan didn't have time to say anything. Jane had turned around. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the low building. He went to the door.

Mark, who has been in charge of surveillance, looks at Hai Yin. "Head! The tide of people has appeared! We..."

There was no expression on the cold face of Hai Yin. "Resist, Mark."


"Because we have to uproot the tidal people, otherwise when they hide in places we can no longer see, the crisis around Xiao Yan will be hard to prevent."

Mark made a slight meal and gritted his teeth with resentment: "The rush of the mess!"

"Li Fu, send a magnetic levitation car to cover Xiao Yan!"

"Head! There are people in the traffic department! The traffic lines will be locked, they will be useless even if they are on the magnetic suspension!"

Haiyin's fingers are in the lips, his eyes are slightly lifted, and the smashing intention spreads. "There is a terminal on the magnetic levitation car. As long as there is a terminal, Xiao Yan can go anywhere."

Mark realized at this time that his head would not let go of anyone who might hurt or even threaten Xiao Yan. This time he would put an end to all the risks around Xiao Yan. This is an unprecedented determination, and this determination has nothing to do with the mission and mission!

"Yes! Head!"

The way to kill a special soldier and kill a zombie is the same, that is, to cut their heads to end their crazy healing ability.

Jane's eyes narrowed and the lip line pulled open and the gun was attached.

Xiao Yan was nervous and shouted. Jane’s muzzle shook slightly. At the moment when a maglev car passed, he squinted Xiao Yan from the back door.

"Hey - isn't there a gunman over there?"


Jane extended his arm and just stopped a magnetic levitation car and threw Xiao Yan into it.

The magnetic levitation vehicle is flying fast, Xiao Yan still has a breath in the future, the two cars chased up and kept pace with them.

The simple input command sets the route, but finds that the route command has been locked.

"They invaded the transportation system!" Jane frowned, and even the doors were locked. They couldn't do it if they forced a jump.

"Where is the terminal on the car!"

Each magnetic levitation vehicle is equipped with a terminal intervention device located under the driver's seat for emergency use only.

"This terminal can only be connected to the Ministry of Communications!"

"As long as there is a terminal, I can connect anywhere!"

Xiao Yan invaded the network of the Ministry of Communications with an unstoppable trend and unlocked the magnetic levitation vehicle. His brain automatically guided the navigation, constantly swirling and dodging, and instantly separated the two aircraft.

Jane pulled out a smile, "Xiao Yan, I really look down on you!"

However, Xiao Yan did not give him any answer, but his lips were very upset.

"Xiao Yan?"

Jane noticed that he was not right, their speed was declining, the route was messy, and several times they collided with the magnetic levitation vehicle in the same direction.

"Xiao Yan! Are you a blocker?"

At this time, Xiao Yan, the original thinking in his mind was swept by a wave of tides, and he could not find the direction of thinking, but the other side was in deep penetration. Once he entered his subconscious level, Xiao Yan knows that he will be trapped!

He can only build everything in a panic, fragilely blocking the opponent's offense.

what should I do? I want to block him!

Don't panic! Don't mess!

Xiao Yan simply let go of everything, and countless meticulous streams of consciousness cling to the other side to go backwards and smash the roots of that force. At the same moment, a powerful force powerfully cut off the enemy's intrusion thinking, guided Xiao Yan to counterattack, and forced the enemy to desperate and fled.

This feeling......

A cold voice sounds in my mind: concentrate your energy!

It is Hai Yin! He is in his own brain!

In an instant, all the panic was firmly replaced.

Jane slammed the door, "Xiao Yan! Hold it!"

Only heard the "bang-", the door was opened, Jane interrupted the terminal and pulled off the connector.

Xiao Yan, whose eyes are once again in line with reality, saw that the first four or five maglev cars in the turning area rushed toward them with a lightning-like arc!

The next moment, his shoulder was squeezed into someone's arms and fell from a few meters.

Just as they got out of the car, their car was hit and made a loud noise.

Xiao Yan’s ear was a whisper, and his heart seemed to be still in the car.

"Don't be afraid!" When I collided with the ground, Xiao Yan's ear heard the sound of broken bones.

"Hey--" snoring squeezing the heart of Xiao Yan.


The strength of Xiao Yan’s arms was not shaken.

"Jane! Let me see you!"

If it wasn’t under him, he would have died long ago!

"Give me... thirty seconds, don't move..."

This sound is almost squeezed out of the teeth.

Xiao Yan remembered that this guy is a leader in special missions. The x virus gives him extraordinary healing ability. Unless he cut his head off his neck, this guy is not so easy to die.

The sound of the slap in the ear, Xiao Yan knows that it is the sound of bone healing.

"Do you think I am dead?" Jane's breath stretched along Xiao Yan's auricle, passing feathers across his heart.

Xiao Yan didn't talk, and he was really scared at that moment.

He still remembers how Captain White fell down under the tree without any fuss. He didn't want to see any other person he knew ended up in front of him with such cruel gesture.

"When can we go?"

"Now." Jane suddenly turned over and shook Xiao Yan.

"where are we going?"

"The headquarters of the special mission force."

The car accident just now has attracted a large number of people onlookers. They pointed to Xiao Yan and Jane.

When I saw the scene of Xiao Yan falling from the holographic screen, Mark was frightened and afraid that if Jane Wallis did not paddle Xiao Yan... the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Hey--" a loud bang, whistling cold air into it.

It was Hai Yin who opened the door. He took off the terminal and threw it into the car. He clasped the door with one hand and his legs were about to leave.

His hair was pulled out of the lines.

"Head - what are you going to do!"

Hai Yin did not answer.

"Where are you going! The order of Major General Gordon is..."

"You and Li Fu get the undercover in the Ministry of Communications! The traitors in the special missions... I have to personally clean them up!"

After that, Hai Yin jumped down.

The place where Xiao Yan and Jane fell was being watched by a group of people.

Waiting for it, the law enforcement officers of the Ministry of Communications are coming, but Xiao Yan is very sure, whether it is the Central Academy of Sciences or the Ministry of Communications, I am afraid that people with tidal organizations are lurking among them.

Jane buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and took Xiao Yan out of the crowd.

"Look down, don't look around."

Jane and Xiao Yan walked through the bustling downtown, through a mall, to an alley.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"Xiao Yan, do you believe me?"

Jane's finger clasp is very tight, and Xiao Yan's wrist bones creak.

"I believe……"

At that moment, Xiao Yan saw a figure standing on a high place.

Not yet blinking, a cold light cut through the horizon, just when Xiao Yan thought that his head would be cut off, Jane took the other's blade with bare hands.

"I am still thinking about who it is, it is you - Cole!"

Everything is coming to Xiao Yan.

The next moment, Jane kicked out, and Cole escaped sideways, but did not expect that the foot was just a cover, changed direction in midair, and kicked his knee. Cole just leaned down slightly and quickly pulled out the blade. Jane’s hand was bloody.

Everything is coming to Xiao Yan's eyes can't follow, Jane's movements are hot and slick, every shot is full of killing, and Cole has been smashed again and again.

Jane's elbow slammed on Cole's side brain and crushed him directly on the wall, while Cole's sharp blade stabbed along Jane's side, and Xiao Yan's back was cold and sweaty. Not only did he escape sideways, but he also smashed Cole’s knees with one foot. He crossed the sharp edge of his hand and penetrated his wrist. He did not enter the wall and pinned him.

"Cole, you picked the wrong opponent."

Jane smiled, and the eyes lifted gracefully and slowly upwards, like a relaxing wing.

The only hand that Cole can move is suddenly raised, and the injection gun is buckled between the fingers!


Just as Xiao Yan shouted out, Jane slammed the other's wrist and pulled it off the body, and the blood splashed out.

The white face was covered with a blood red, shocking.

Cole's face was blue and white. Even with extraordinary healing power, it is impossible to regenerate parts that are completely out of the body.

“Why do you want to start with Xiao Yan?”

Jane stunned Cole's chin, his smiling expression was gloomy and creepy.

"...Lieutenant Colonel, isn't the reason obvious?" Cole smiled helplessly, leaned toward Jane and gnashed his teeth. "We have never been fellow travelers."

"Oh - no one is with me. I am asking why you regard Xiaoyan as your goal! Even you are not willing to expose your identity in front of me!"

Jane patted Cole's cheeks with a casual gesture.

"Xiao Yan... successfully synthesized, you don't know? It seems that the military is not trusting you enough!"

Jane got the answer, slowly turned back, glaring at Cole's knife, the blood on the blade slowly ran down, his eyes staring at Xiao Yan.

"You took me to synthesize x-virus?"

Xiao Yan stepped back step by step, and his eyes seemed to be the devil that came from hell, to destroy him.


The powerful killings rushed in, and Xiao Yan’s knees lost their support and fell to the ground.

At that moment, Jane suddenly turned and the action of the blade was ruthless.

Cole stood behind Jane, and when Jane plunged the blade into the ground, indicating that everything was over, Cole's head misplaced generally slipped from the neck.

Jane's palm covered Xiao Yan's eyes, and a low voice rang in his ear. "Don't look."

Xiao Yan was shackled, and Xiao Yan was bright red between the simple fingers.

" also a special task force..."

"Yes. This means that in special missions, there are also spies in the tide."

Xiao Yan felt the coldness of the bones. For more than two hundred years, people have lived in the body of Charles, comforting everything and living very well. I didn't expect this peace to be built on the quicksand.

"That Cole, is your comrade?"

"He is my men."

Jane’s voice is still not slow.

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth, and Jane’s decision was not like treating his former subordinates.

"Do you think that I am cruel to the subordinates, is it a monster?"

"From the time you know that he is the undercover of the tidal organization, he is no longer your subordinate. If you treat the enemy with kindness, you will not be able to stand firm."

Xiao Yan’s voice is steady and calm. He is not a researcher who has never been exposed to the rush of researchers. He knows how ferocious and desperate their enemies are, and Captain White and Maya are falling in front of him. It is extremely naive and irresponsible to sympathize with your own enemies.

Jane’s nose gave a chuckle. “We are always good at finding excuses for our cruelty, but only cruelty can survive.”

They have not yet stepped out of this long alley, and several maglev cars overhead over them. The doors open instantly and some people jump.

Xiao Yan looked up, the sky was flashing, and Jane pushed him open. Xiao Yan’s back hit the wall, and four surviving killers fell. One of them fell on the streetlight and swooped down. To the pair of eyes full of killing, the world is still at this moment.

I can't see how everything happened. I only know that Jane clasped the other's blade with a hand in the blink of an eye. One turned and stepped on the wall next to Xiao Yan's body, and used the force to smash the killer on the opposite wall. And seized the other side's blade.

Other killers swarmed in, such a narrow place is not conducive to Jane's skill. Although he has been in front of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan has been squeezed by Jane's back every time he swings his blade, and then his bones will really be crushed.

Jane had to step on the wall with one leg and make room for Xiao Yan. One raised his hand, the blade crossed the other side, and the hilt hit the face of the killer.

"Go--" Jane slammed Xiao Yan's collar and threw him out. The three killers tried to cross Jane, but they were intercepted by the other side.

Xiao Yan didn't look back. He knew that since Jane could be the same as Hai Yin, then the three killers were definitely not Jane's opponents. On the contrary, if they stayed in the same place, they would make Jane worry too much, so they went crazy.

Jane's gaze stretched with the sharp edge, and the bloodthirsty smile plucked. "You still have three seconds."

I couldn’t think about the meaning of the so-called “three seconds”. Jane jumped up. In a flash, the head of the first killer was cut down. Jane stepped on the shoulder of the body and turned over. The second killer tried to resist the dodge, but Jane. But a sword opened his head, the third killer attacked, but did not expect this is the flaw left by Jane, a sword cut his head.

Jane fell, cold and swept over the dead body, blood flowing to touch his toes, he turned without mercy, looking at Xiao Yan's back and running back, just at that moment, squinting eyes The expression is picked up.

"Xiao Yan -"

Xiao Yan’s eyes are another killer, and the sharp blade in his hand is full of shocking cold.

Jane rushed away but the other's sharp edge had already crossed Xiao Yan's neck. At that moment, the killer's head was cut down. Xiao Yan licked his neck and couldn't breathe and felt the blood quickly leave between the fingers.

The killer fell, and the expression of the defender could not be seen under the backlight. Xiao Yan was about to fall into Jane’s arms.

At that moment, the other party smashed him over, and the palm of his hand pressed his wound that was constantly bleeding. He opened his mouth and could not breathe oxygen until the other side slammed into it, rushing into his mouth, overbearing. The ground swept all his softness, some kind of desire to be ignited, Xiao Yan continued to **** hard, the body was close to control, hope that the other side would hold him tighter, hoping to enter the other's blood, Xiao Yan uncontrollably loosen the pressure The hand of his neck, and then hold the other's head, press the other side to force themselves.

He lost everything. His judgment, his thoughts, swept over the flanks of the other's tongue, forcedly slammed into it, struggling to hit the other's arms, and the other party always embraced him firmly, never wavering. When the other's tongue touched Xiao Yan and tried to push him out of his mouth, Xiao Yan's heart was filled with inexplicable fear. He pushed back harder, pressed the other's head and tried his best to seize the other's mouth. everything of.

Such persistence gave the other party a sign of soft heart, Xiao Yan side face, making the two people more entangled, Xiao Yan indulged in the opponent's almost petting response.

Not far away, Jane looked at everything in front of her eyes and said coldly: "Coloton Burton, if you don't push him away, he will be addicted to the x virus."

In the meantime, Xiao Yan was pushed open, and the other's palm was still pressed on his shoulder. Only at that moment, Xiao Yan saw the madness in the eyes of Hai Yin. He could hear the heavy and violent breathing of the other party.

At this moment, Xiao Yan was shocked. The pain in his neck was the feeling of being stopped and stopped to lose his breath... It disappeared.

"Why are you here?" Jane squinted at Hai Yin. When he turned his face, his gaze was like the edge of the sharp edge, but Hai Yin did not move.

"If I am not here, he will die."

The cold voice, as if the tolerance and softness of the past is simply an illusion.

"I need an explanation, you are not a coincidence here."

"This is my task."

"So, I can only find someone who can explain this." After that, Jane smashed Xiao Yan, and the force almost shook Xiao Yan's arm off his shoulder.

Xiao Yan squatted behind Jane, and he also wanted to know what was going on.

Hai Yin lowered his eyes and his fingers twitched gently. The blood belonging to Xiao Yan still did not cool down, slowly tightening his fists, and Hai Yin exhaled a heavy breath.

Xiao Yan was pulled by Jane. He could feel the anger of Jane's body, and the headquarters of the special mission unit was close at hand.

Of course, when they walked out of the alley, they found that seven or eight surge killers dressed in combat uniforms fell to the ground, and the blood was boundless.

Xiao Yan understands that Hai Yin has been protecting himself. If these people are also surging, he is already dead. The neat way, the murderous intention, Hai Yin’s killing of these people with some kind of hatred.

Jane snorted, "Don't watch! Go!"

This is a completely different building from the Academy of Sciences, cold and ruthless, without a trace of extra decoration.

Jane took Xiao Yan into the building, and all the special forces who were dressed in combat uniforms with their faces were cold and their eyes passed through Xiao Yan’s body, as if they were blades.

Yes, I am still wearing the uniform of the Central Academy of Sciences. The technical soldiers have made many special forces not look good!

Jane took Xiaoyan into the elevator, and at the moment the elevator door opened, two special forces stopped them.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis -"

"Step aside!"

Jane pushed their hands away and pulled Xiao Yan to walk in the passage.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! The Major General has not approved you to come here!"

The two special forces are about to take out the blade, Jane turns back and slaps a sly smile, and the cold words are squeezed out of the teeth. "I will cut your head down."

At that moment, the cold and bloodthirsty atmosphere spread, and the channel of steel construction was on the verge of collapse.

The tense atmosphere is on the verge.

At this time, a secretary officer appeared in the passage, and the clear voice echoed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, the Major General will see you."

Jane snorted and looked at Xiao Yan. "Let's go."

Xiao Yan took a breath, "Minor?"

He is just a student, the so-called reserve technical soldier, the level is still b, and today he will see the military generals?

"I just want to hear what the Lord will explain."

Jane’s uncomfortable expression, pulling Xiao Yan into a spacious office with only one desk.

The man in military uniform was sitting directly on his desk, playing with a bright dagger in his hand.

Just as Xiao Yan stepped in, the man threw the dagger, and the seemingly random movement was full of strength.

The dagger was grasped by Jane in a place less than one centimeter from the tip of Xiao Yan's nose.

Jane came to the man and put the dagger into the desk of the desk, but the man did not hide.

The tip of the knife just pierced between the man's finger joints.

"You are still as boring as ever, sir." Jane raised his chin and his chill appeared.

"I can hear what you said outside the door." The man clicked on his ear.

He is the high-ranking Major General, who is responsible for commanding special missions. He is about thirty-four or five years old. He can be called "the lord". He is not relying on the fighting power of the millennium, but his keen mind, his five senses. It is very common, unlike Haiyin Burton or Jane Wallis, it only needs to look at life for a lifetime, and there is no such thing as Xiao Su’s killing, even a calm and indifferent manner. But it is this seemingly ordinary and harmless person who commands the entire special task force.

The author has something to say: Jane: I finally shot today, how do you feel so cool?

Fat winter melon: Maybe because the opponent is not Hai Yin?

Jane: Then do you think that I and Hai Yin will win?

[Notice the fat melon please tell each other that the only new address of the music is] Of course you win! Hehe... Jane: Got it, say in front of me that I won, in Haiyin. Burton said that he won, you are really a double-sided glue! 2k novel reading network

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