MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 40

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After the start of the study, Xiao Yan spoke for the first time with Jane.

"Because they are the same kind."

"So what do they distinguish between the same kind? We all know that the brains of zombies have shrunk, they have no function of thinking, what do they use to distinguish the same kind?"

Xiao Yan’s question has turned down Jane’s question.

"This problem is beyond my scope of thinking. This is your field, Xiao Yan."

"What are the commonalities of these zombies?"

"They used to be humans."

"What else?"

Jane paused, and at this moment, Xiao Yan’s eyes had a kind of aggression that he did not usually have. In his gaze, the lazy Jane began to think about his problems.

"They are all infected with the comet virus."

"The spread of the virus requires the host, so the zombies will spread the virus in a way that bites humans. But the comet virus will not let its own host bite another host, because this does not make the virus spread, so If this conjecture is true, there must be something in the gene chain of the comet virus to identify itself!"

Jane nodded and replied: "Although I don't understand virology, what you said seems to make sense."

"But the zombies will attack the special forces."


"But the x virus you injected is cut from the gene chain of the comet virus."

"Yeah... how can the zombies attack us?" Jane was curious.

"That is, the gene chain of the comet virus removes the part that coincides with the x virus. In the remaining part, there must be a part that it uses to identify itself! I have to find it out... find out..."

Xiao Yan put down the tableware and got up and walked away from the restaurant.

"Hey, you haven't finished eating yet!"

Jane got up, shrugged helplessly, and stayed behind him.

Xiao Yan re-entered the research state. He ruled out all the gene chains in the comet virus that were duplicated with the x virus. Compared with the previous studies, all the known sequences were excluded. The remaining invalid sequences, Xiao Yan believes that there must be something hidden. The key to being ignored.

Throughout the afternoon, Xiao Yan’s thoughts did not leave the terminal until he was unconscious, and his thinking became slower and slower, and he couldn’t keep up with the flow of data. He finally fell asleep.

The mind slowly descended and continued to sink into the darkness.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself returning to the warm sea.

I haven’t been so lazy for a long time. Xiao Yan left himself to drift in this blue.

A figure piercing the ripples of the water, the golden brown hair is like an infinite stretch of illusion, elegant and full of strength, gently coming to him.

Hai Yin...

The other's eyes are connected with the sea, and the boundaries between reality and illusion are unclear.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and looked at the man in front of him, but he did not see Hai Yin in a few days. Xiao Yan discovered that when he started, this man has become a natural existence, and his heart has an inexplicable desire. A little, closer to me!

Stretching his arm and stretching his fingers hard, Xiao Yan tried to touch Shanghai Yin, even if it was only the end of his hair, Xiao Yan did not understand why he was so anxious to approach each other. Hai Yin is always not far from him.

"Why want to approach me."

As always, alienated and indifferent, Xiao Yan wants to tear the man's everything to see through the depths of his heart.

I couldn't answer his question at all because Xiao Yan didn't know the answer.

"So seriously answer my other question, you kiss me back because it is me, or is it because of x virus?"

There is still no slightest tone, like a terminal stylized question.

Xiao Yan knows that he can never lie to Hai Yin, he can only choose to tell the truth, even if the truth may cause the other party's anger.

"Because of the x virus."

Xiao Yan is in the embarrassment, although he does not know the reason for the embarrassment.

He never thought that the other party would speak. The sea in front of me is just a piece of information, but the question is representative of thinking, a piece of information is separated from the subject of thinking, how can it be considered?

Hey, Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan’s hand and slammed him over. He was pushed hard into the other’s chest. Two people fell from the sea and passed through the water. On the delicate beach, the gravel is like a turbulent flow through his ears, rubbing their skin, slender and flying towards the ocean above.

"So now, everything has nothing to do with the x virus."

Xiao Yan had not had time to understand the meaning of the other party's words. Haiyin's lips were pressed down, and she could not refuse to kiss Xiao Yan's lower lip. The tip of the tongue invaded the lips with great pressure and captured all of him. Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe everything in front of him. In front of his eyes, there is only a blue eyelid with a low eyelid. The curve of the eyelashes is so clear, and the strong kisses are deepening. Xiao Yan is going to bear it. He feels like a kiss for the first time. He is not just every cell in the body. The tremor even the deepest part of the mind was also imprinted. The other side provoked his awkward tongue and sneered at each of his soft places. It seemed that he could not get Xiao Yan’s response and it would never end.

The man's arms were too tight, and Xiao Yan even suspected that he would be killed in his arms.

Xiao Yan slightly reached the tip of the other's tongue. This tiny movement seemed to be a crazy fuse. Hai Yin's kiss suddenly sighed with enthusiasm, and escaped from the calm shackles. Xiao Yan never thought that a man who seemed to be cold and ignorant of everything had such a deep kiss. This kind of reversal of the world's kiss did not make Xiao Yan fear, he felt that he was not dispensable for this man in every effort.

He is very important, really important, it is important that this man does not easily perform, he puts him in the deepest part of his desire.

When Hai Yin slowly exited Xiao Yan's lips, Xiao Yan raised her head and chased her up. Constantly smashed the lips of Hai Yin, explored the tip of his tongue, eagerly squeezed into the lips of the other side, chasing the tip of the sea. He gently sucked and felt the return kiss of Hai Yin. It was like some kind of encouragement, which made Xiao Yan kiss harder.

He didn't know whether the man accepted himself at the moment, and he was not sure how the other person felt. He only knew that he wanted to please each other. He wanted this cold man to feel even a little bit of pleasure.

The other's palm covered Xiao Yan's cheek, and his lips were slightly opened. At that moment, the hollow in Xiao Yan’s heart was hard to say. His eyes touched the other's eyes, for fear that Hai Yin would push him farther.

Hai Yin once again kissed him gently on his lips.

"You shouldn't be like this, Xiao Yan."

"...what?" Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin inexplicably. The other's eyes were like an abyss, attracting him to continually approach and suddenly devour everything.

"You will make me unable to extricate myself."

Xiao Yan didn't have time to think carefully about the meaning of this sentence. Hai Yin's fingers gently knead his hair, and the tiny kiss fell on his cheek and neck, and he kissed Xiao Yan's collarbone with great force. The flesh and blood are even skeptical in the entrance of the other side, causing Xiao Yan to subconsciously fasten the shoulders of the place. His clothes are opened openly, and the lips of Hai Yin touch the chest of his own, the heart suddenly expands, and his tongue is swelled. The small bulge on the chest of Shang Xiaoyan, which is completely different from the roundness and softness of women, and the tip of Haiy’s tongue is slid and smacked, but it is covered in the next moment. The teeth touch the skin, as if to swallow Xiaoyan’s chest. Into the abdomen.

"Pain..." Xiao Yan took a breath and gave a soft squeak.

"Call my name." The imperative tone is different from the coldness of the past, as if something has been tried and suppressed and finally broke out.

"...Hai Yin..." Xiao Yan looked at each other forcefully. Hein Burton was suppressing himself. His body was full of energy, and such a man could easily destroy him without frowning.

"Afraid me to kiss you." Hai Yin bowed his head and his tongue tipped over Xiao Yan's lower abdomen. His kisses spread all the way down and made more effort at Xiao Yan's waist.

"Not afraid." Xiao Yan's fingers reached into the soft golden hair of the sea, and pressed the other's head until the other's breath touched the desire to look up. The hot and hot, Xiao Yan shuddered.

"That should never be afraid."

I haven't understood the meaning of the other party. Xiao Yan is the most vulnerable part of the man. The pupil expanded in an instant, and Xiao Yan opened his mouth. He did not expect that all this would happen. Even in his own dreams, he did not have the courage of such illusion (Note 1).

"...I really want to hold you, but it will ruin you." The word is clear and clear.

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan and bit **** his earlobe.

Xiao Yan screamed.

"So you feel hurt..."

Xiao Yan sideways, looking at Hai Yin's eyes, helpless and profound.

Reaching out, Xiao Yan touched his brow bone, so that it really exists.

"Are you the information that remains in my mind... or my imagination?"

The real Haiyin Burton is not so crazy and unscrupulous.

"This question should be answered by you."

Xiao Yan suddenly opened his eyes and stared at everything in front of him until the image belonging to Haiyin Burton suddenly disappeared and the whole world was hollowed out.

The sound of the banter sounded, dragging the nerves of Xiao Yan.

"You can do it, the brain is still connected to the terminal and falls asleep. If you hit the ‘blocker’ and sneak into the system, you have no power to fight.”

Jane, he took Xiao Yan's liaison and interrupted the connection between Xiao Yan's brain and the system.

"I'm asleep?"

"What do you say? You have been in the terminal for five hours, and the brains of ordinary people have long been unable to withstand. You need to rest."

Xiao Yan frowned and held his forehead.

"I seem to have a dream."

"What dream?"

"I... don't remember." Xiao Yan tried hard to think back, but she was helpless in her mind.

"If you can't remember, you don't have to bother to think about it. When you brush your teeth or drink a cup of milk at a certain moment, you will suddenly think of it." Jane lowered his head and stared at Xiao Yan's legs. A deep smile on the lips, "Oh - it seems to be a very beautiful dream!"

Xiao Yan bowed his head and noticed that his legs were wet. It is obvious that the dreams he had just made were very... oh.

Oh shit! It was actually seen by Jane Wallis, this guy, Xiao Yan really wants to burst his head!

"Don't be so embarrassed," Jane Wallis kneels in front of Xiao Yan and looks up. The whole face of a resentful, handsome face is presented in front of Xiao Yan, and his finger lifts his chin. "As long as your fantasy object is not the sea." Yin Burton is fine."

"What?" Xiao Yan's chin trembled and widened his eyes and looked at each other.

Jane Wallis gave a chuckle and said to him in a lazy and slow voice: "Don't you know that the more man who is good at patience, the more horrible he is when he can't stand it?"

"What is this about Colonel Burton!"

He Xiaoyan may have made a dream that is not very interesting. Jane Wallis can use it to laugh at himself, but once he is involved in Shanghai, the meaning is completely different.

" read his name when you fell asleep." Jane's fingers pinched on Xiao Yan's cheek, but the smiley expression showed a sense of oppression. "Not a very respectable Colonel Burton." It is 'hai Yin'."

Xiao Yan slammed the other's fingers and slammed into Jane's eyes very strongly. "Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, your jokes are not funny."

“Is it angry?” Jane looked at Xiao Yan and stood up, her eyes always following.

"Get here first today, because you and I have no research mood." Xiao Yan stored his research data coldly, closed the lab terminal, and walked out of the lab.

"Where to eat dinner?"

I am not at ease with you, and where to eat!

Xiao Yan did not answer Jane, and his heart was filled with sorrow. Why is this guy! Why do you fall asleep! If you fall asleep, why do you dream? Even if the dream is left, why is Jane Wallis standing next to him! This guy looks at the end from the beginning, must laugh at the mouth and cramps!

Passing through the research labs, many of them are still being used, and Xiao Yan speeds up his steps, trying to get rid of Jane behind him, even though he knows that it is impossible.

Forget it, let the guy laugh at his life for a lifetime!

When he passed a research lab, the alarm sounded.

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were tense and the alarm was too familiar. The pain of the abdomen being pierced by the blade is again transmitted deep into the brain along the nerve.

There are constantly researchers in the channel running, and the look is flustered.

"Hurry up and shut it up! What have you guys done? How can the dose go wrong!"

What does it mean?

"God! It ran out!"

Just as Xiao Yan didn't know how to move his footsteps, a figure was in front of him.

"Don't leave my range."

It is Jane Wallis.

It is very different from the usual scornful tone. At this moment, he is cold and alert.

"What happened?" Jane grabbed a researcher's arm and showed a sigh of relief when he noticed the combat suit on his body.

"It was the zombies dissected in the No. 9 laboratory that escaped the bondage!"


At that moment, only heard the sound of panic and fleeing, several researchers wandered around the corner, a zombie's chin fell off, and as the run swayed, the bloodshot eye seemed to be unable to focus, the arm was The air is waving wildly.

"Help! Help!"

"What are you guys doing?" Jane frowned, picked up Xiao Yan, entered a vacant lab, and locked the door.

Other researchers slammed the door and cried for the briefs to come in.

"Open the door! The zombies are coming! Open the door!" Jane hugged his arms and smiled on his lips, but his eyes were cruel and chilling.

Xiao Yan has only returned to God.

"What are you doing! Let them in!"

"Why? This zombie is out of control because of their mistakes, so they should all take responsibility." Jane still has a lazy expression, and enjoys everything now with her lips. As the researchers are more afraid, the more miserable they are, the happier he is.

The zombies are getting closer and closer to the researchers, and they are shaking and shaking.

"For you, dealing with that zombie is a breeze!"

"So I have to do it for them? Everyone has to pay for their mistakes. Moreover, the zombies have limited attack power, they can solve it with a little bloodyness. Xiao Yan... You have to appreciate the current Everything may seem cruel, but it can remind you – never put your hopes on others weakly. This is not only the law on the battlefield, but also the law of elimination in nature.”

Jane's fingers tapped the glass regularly, so that the researchers were attacked by fear.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! You are a soldier!"

"Don't call my name with a military rank. My duty is to protect you, not to protect everyone."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, and his finger just touched the button to open the door.

"Xiao Yan, let's make a bet."

"Now you still have a mood to bet?" Xiao Yan's eyes squinted at each other, but Jane was like not receiving his anger, and the lip line was stunned.

"Open this door. If you can't solve the zombie with your own strength, you belong to me tonight. I will kiss you, hold you, and be with me as terrible as you think."

"You are so boring!"

"I want you, it has been a long time." Jane smiles, but his eyes are dark.

Some familiar feelings came quietly, Xiao Yan only heard his breathing and heartbeat, Jane's fingers slowly picked up his collar, and the knuckles passed over his neck, as if there was anything gently stroking Xiao Yan's nerves. Intent to pull him down the abyss at his most unguarded moments.

Gritted his teeth, Xiao Yan slammed Jane's hand, and the world returned at that moment.

"Don't seduce me, Lieutenant Colonel. I am your subject of supervision. If you still have a bit of military blood, please don't forget your duties."

"Protect you and you are not in conflict. How about, do you want to gamble?" Jane still does not give up using his smile to seduce Xiao Yan.

But Xiao Yan at the moment was completely calm down. His eyes looked around the lab and found it was the center of condensation research. Xiao Yan smiled coldly and said to Jane Wallis: "You will regret and bet me, Lieutenant Colonel."

Jane seems to understand Xiao Yan’s thoughts and said, “It’s not your lab, your fingerprints and ids can’t take out the lab equipment inside.”

Xiao Yan did not answer the other party, but lifted the terminal connector into the system, the brain quickly thought, invaded the laboratory system, and the storage box for storing the semi-finished products was automatically spread out. Xiao Yan took out the condensation gun inside and came to the door. Before, cold channel: "Let it open!"

"Xiao Yan, the gun in your hand has not been debugged, you will hurt yourself." Jane's brow slightly picked up, and the joke-like arc disappeared.

For a long time, ordinary bullets that rely on heat to produce lethality have been ineffective against zombies, so the Central Academy of Sciences began to study the use of anti-personnel weapons for cooling purposes. It is not difficult to manufacture such weapons, but because of the limited materials used to make the condensing agents, mass production cannot be achieved at all. The Condensing Laboratory is focused on making the most condensed guns with the least amount of raw materials. Just last week, the newly developed condensation guns were detected as very serious defects.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, maybe in your eyes, we are just some rookies who are not **** in the research room, maybe there are no zombies without smoke, but here is our battlefield. Outside is my comrade-in-arms. Will you throw your comrades on the battlefield?"

"You are stubborn." Jane shook his head helplessly.

"Isn't it reluctant to know at least. And what I am best at is the way to find success after failure."

Xiao Yan raised his chin, free and easy, and the fingers did not hesitate to press the button. Fortunately, the direction of the zombies was lost by the pharmacy, and the researchers all dispersed. The two researchers in front of the door climbed into the condensation laboratory, and the zombies heard the sound and rushed in this direction.

Xiao Yan raised the gun and momentarily pulled the trigger when the zombie jumped to him.

The condensate bomb came out and hit the moment on the forehead of the zombie. It quickly cooled down, and the sound of the crack in the air was frozen. The brain of the zombie was frozen, falling to the ground, and the head was broken on the ground. Cracked open.

There is peace in the passage. The researchers carefully looked out their heads and saw the zombies fall to the ground. Finally, a researcher came out and determined that his brain was destroyed by the condensation bombs. Everyone exhaled.

Xiao Yan’s fingers still hold the condensation gun and his arms are shaking. When the condensing bomb is fired from the muzzle, it quickly absorbs the surrounding heat. Xiao Yan's fingers and the trigger are frozen together, and even the eyelashes are covered with a layer of frost.

"Xiao Yan...It's okay! Or you react fast!"

The researchers did not find Xiao Yan's anomaly.

"Thank you, Xiao Yan!"

The researchers went forward and held the arm for him, only to find that his arm was cold and there was no temperature.

"Oops! Hurry! Turn on the thermotherapy instrument!"

Xiao Yan's lips trembled, every cell in the body seemed to be frozen, and the heart was clenched by a force, unable to beat.

The researchers flattened Xiao Yan's body and lifted it up.

"He can't walk! It's fast!"

Xiao Yan’s breathing is getting harder and harder, and the exhaled breath is filled with white mist.

"Step aside!"

Jane pushed the researchers, and Xiao Xiao was hugged and placed on the thermotherapy instrument.

Xiao Yan still has a condensation gun on his finger, and the start of the thermotherapy device requires debugging time. When he drags on, he will be completely frozen.

"Xiao Yan, don't reject me this time."

Jane’s voice rang in his ear.


Jane's finger gently clicked on Xiao Yan's lips, and he poured in the next moment. The warm breath poured into the body through the lips, and Xiao Yan could feel that his dying cells broke away from the cold and re-emerged. His palm pressed against Xiao Yan's shoulder, slowly sliding down his arm, came to his finger, gently plucked the condensation gun, and the sound of Xiao Yan's heart leaped with the sound of falling on the ground. Moved up.

Jane keeps kissing Xiao Yan, even though Xiao Yan’s body has completely recovered at the moment, and it is clear that he repeats the same strength of the same angle of kiss, as if he is not bored at all.

The researchers finally debugged the hyperthermia, and when they saw the scene in front of them, they were in the same place.

Xiao Yan clenched his fists, and his mind struggled in the **. The blood that had been cold to still was frantically surging, and Jane’s kiss became more provocative from the initial entanglement, as if pressing on the nerves of Xiao Yan. On, as the tide continues to impact Xiao Yan.

Clenched his fist, Xiao Yan was on the back of Jane, biting mercilessly.

Suddenly frowned, finally lifted up.

"Xiao Yan, you are fine!"

The researchers gathered around.

Jane slowly receded, Xiao Yan could not see each other's expression.

Until the body of Xiao Yan was confirmed to be safe, the researchers dispersed and proceeded for follow-up treatment.

"Remember that you said to me, ‘Is it reluctant to do it at least?’

Xiao Yan left the thermotherapy instrument, and saw Jane holding his arm against the wall, hiding in the darkness, and could not see the expression.

His voice is like the echo from the depths of hell.

"I am stubborn. But I don't regret it."


"Practice is always higher than theory." Xiao Yan bent down and was about to reach out to the condensation gun on the ground. Jane suddenly appeared in front of him and clasped his hand.

"If you are frostbitten again, I will not kiss you, I will go directly to you."

"This time I was frostbitten, let me know that the idea of ​​relying on the emission of condensing agents to freeze the zombies is not valid."

"You always have a lot of ideas."

"Maybe I can turn them into reality."

"This may be the meaning they sent me to protect you." Jan took a breath. "I know why I want to turn you to bed."

"Because I refused you?" Xiao Yan pulled his lips and he didn't like to discuss similar topics with each other.

"The whole world refuses me. It doesn't matter." Turned around swayingly and shook his hand. "Let's go, Xiao Yan. I invite you to have a dinner. Now you need to empty your brain, fill your stomach, and take a good sleep. Then maybe you will have new progress tomorrow."

If it is not because of rejection, then what is it? This problem was smashed in Xiao Yan's mind and was quickly pressed down. If Jane is willing to say, he has already said it. Xiao Yan does not intend to use his own brain to think about meaningless things.

"Not going to be... blue tulip?"

"The lights there are too dark, I can't see your face well."

"Can I refuse?" Xiao Yan's back rubbed his lips and couldn't help worrying. He once ate the mouthwash of Hai Yin, so doing some unrealistic dreams about Hai Yin has produced some illusions that are difficult to talk about. His brain is already chaotic enough. Today he ate the saliva of Jane Wallis. He didn't want his fantasy object to become...


Jane put it on Xiao Yan's shoulder. At that moment, Xiao Yan almost didn't kneel down.

Xiao Yan’s sense of crisis was overwhelming, and he suddenly hated the x virus.

"Don't be like this, you solved the zombie, I will not go to you tonight, according to my gamble with you."

Xiao Yan’s brows shook, and he did not ignore the “tonight” in the mouth. Only tonight, what about tomorrow night? What will happen later? How dangerous it is to stay with this unfashionable guy!

This time, Jan took him to a small restaurant that didn't decorate with too many holographic images, more like a small restaurant on the street more than two hundred years ago.

Xiao Yan gave a slight glimpse, but Jane raised his chin. "Go in, the owner of this restaurant insists that the all-hand-made dishes are worth comparing with the ones that are designed by the terminal system to taste and serve exactly the same. ”

“It’s not like your style here.”

"What is my style?"

“The pursuit of superficial glitz and luxury.”

Jane's lips gently slammed, "I mean, my every minute is worth taking seriously. Now, I am going to **** every minute."

At that moment, the simplicity of the eyes was so fascinating.

An aircraft stayed at the top of the Central Academy of Sciences, and the men’s slender legs stepped out of the hatch, and the wind from the engine rolled his hair.

The ice-blue eyes are more hollow and empty in the night.

The author has something to say: Note 1:

The other person’s tongue passed over the top of Xiao Yan and forcedly kissed. The angle of change Xiao Yan could feel his top slid across the other’s teeth and slid through the mouth of the other’s hot mouth. The whole body suddenly sank, he The little brother seems to be bursting open, but the other party's almost rude bite sucking makes Xiao Yan grasp the other's hair, the throat can't breathe, and some emotions are suppressed and can't be vented.

Xiao Yan loosened the hair of Hai Yin and turned to the other's shoulder.

"Let me go... let me go out..."

Hai Yin still **** very hard, along the roots / stems, his fingers knead the bag / bag at the bottom of Xiao Yan, whether it is sucking or kneading, the power of Hai Yin is unquestionable, let Xiao Yan body It will make you feel the pain that is hard to ignore at the same time, but it is just that the pain is just right for Xiao Yan to remember who gave it to the fast | feeling, sinking and involuntarily awake.

Xiao Yan propped up his upper body and couldn't stop shaking. He meant to hide backwards, and Hai Yin kissed him more forcefully. His palms covered the inside of his thighs and slammed openly. He was extremely overbearing and contained everything in Xiao Yan. The toothed glides over the fragile surface, as if at any time to embed his teeth in the flesh and blood of Xiao Yan. When his breathing continuously sweeps through the roots of Xiao Yan, such stimulation makes Xiao Yan almost collapse.

"Let me go... please... please..." Xiao Yan clenched the alveolar. This tyrannical but irresistible feeling is beyond his reach. His face is red and his breath is completely out of control.

Hai Yin finally released Xiao Yan. When he left, his tongue tipped hard against the top of Xiao Yan and tried to pick it up along the gap. The moment he felt as if the other side had taken the sharp edge and killed it, Xiao Yan instantly vented.

Dramatically breathing, Xiao Yan's eyes must not be focused for a long time. Suddenly, his legs were pulled open, lifted up, kissed along his ankles and extended to the calf, his knees were folded, and the kiss of Hai Yin spread from the knee to the thigh.

In such a debauched position, he appeared in front of Hai Yin, Xiao Yan subconsciously wants to close together, and Hai Yin is holding his knee with more decisive power. When Hai Yin’s line of sight touched Xiao Yan’s weak desires, Xiao Yan struggled harder.

When the hair of Hai Yin was close to the skin on the inner side of Xiao Yan's thigh, Xiao Yan finally showed a look of fear.

"Burton... Colonel Burton..." Xiao Yan held up his upper body and tried to leave, but the other side pressed his waist more hard.

"I said, call my name." Hai Yin's eyes always looked at the fascinating part of Xiao Yan's legs, but Xiao Yan was stunned.

That is his most hidden/private part. He can't show it in front of the other person without reservation, as if even the most wanted thing he wants to hide in his heart is about to be seen.

"Hai Yin..."

"Yeah. [Notice: Please tell each other's message. The only new address is .om] "Hai Yin is just looking at Xiao Yan. The feeling of being unshakable in the gaze makes Xiao Yan shake his fingers and hold his hips hard. Kneading 1 and letting it go. **. c, even if Xiao Yan of the other party does not know what the other party is, what he wants to do, he foresaw that this capacity is completely unbearable for him. 2k novel reading network

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