MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 34

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Hai Yin squinted her eyes, her lips were slightly open, her voice was not loud, and every word was cut like a blade on the nerve.

"Tell Major Denzel - I am Haid Burton waiting for him to be rude to me."

Sure enough, the three guys opened their mouths and were stupid.

Enemy with Haiyin Burton is tantamount to offending the **** of death.

They climbed up and fled, and the embarrassing situation made Xiao Yan somewhat uncomfortable.

"……Thank you."

Xiao Yan just intended to pull up the lips and lips, and the whole body was sore and painful everywhere. It was ugly to laugh than to cry.


Hai Yin’s brows were picked up, and Xiao Yan realized that his nose was full of blood.

Xiao Yan’s subconscious mind would have to rub it with his back, and something between Hai Yin’s fingers was gently pressed against his face.

When the shoulders trembled, Xiao Yan did not consciously retreat a half step, and Hai Yin’s eyes sank.

He is angry because he is dirty?

Even if this guy is killed in front of the zombies, it is also spotless. At this moment, Xiao Yan’s face is blood, he should be very disgusting.

"I will do it myself……"

When Xiao Yan’s fingers clasped the other’s wrist, he regretted it.

Will Hai Yin twist his wrist and will he dislocate again?

But the other party just released his hand.

Xiao Yan discovered that the "blade" in the hands, the military's high-end nano research results, "swipe" will wipe the blade with nano-materials into the cracks of the blade, making the blade sharper. Of course, the cost of such things is also very high.

Hai Yin used it to wipe Xiao Yan's nosebleed...

"Put your head up." The cold and short voice passed to Xiao Yan's ear with some inexplicable temperature.

Xiao Yan raised his chin and his nose hurt so badly. It was good. After a while, his nose was definitely swollen. He didn’t even use the door. He had already made an appointment with several co-workers to go to the bar. He was afraid of one at a time. When it appears, it will be laughed at as "Christmas red nose elk".

Looking up for a while, the neck was a bit sour, Xiao Yan lowered his head, did not expect the nosebleeds to flow out again, and quickly pressed with the "swipe". Once again, the eyes of Shanghai Yin, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled.

He did not expect that the other party was still here, and he did not know what to say at the moment.

Hai Yin’s eyes are drooping, and he is always unaware of his emotions. It’s just that the sharp and indifferent in the week is blurred at the moment. Xiao Yan doesn’t know if it’s because of his sore eyes. Hai Yin’s hand stretched over, and Xiao Yan had a retreating impulse. The other’s fingers swept over his auricle, held his back, and gently raised him again, only this time, he no longer felt The neck is uncomfortable. From this angle, he can't see the eyes of Hai Yin, only knowing that the other's fingers touched his lower lip.

Such a touch, Xiao Yan subconsciously shrugged his shoulders, his lips were pulled away, Xiao Yan's breathing lingered in the throat, he constantly wondered what Hai Yin should do.

He felt a certain breath along his lips and entered the mouth, countering his internal organs and occupying him completely. The body is shaking, Xiao Yan knows that Hai Yin is leaning against him.

He could hardly believe that the other party actually approached him.

When the warm tip of the tongue touched the upper lip of Xiao Yan, he thought that the ground under his feet was shaking and crashing. When the piece of softness passed his teeth and gently licked his tongue, Xiao Yan’s heart leaped wildly, the blood continued to rush down, his mind was pale, and all his senses were concentrated in the place where the two touched. Everything about him is out of control and wants to get more from the other side!

He subconsciously lifted the tip of his tongue, but the other party evacuated extremely quickly. Xiao Yan couldn't control himself and chased him. The other side slammed his back to prevent him from continuing to lean forward.

At that moment, Xiao Yan opened his eyes. At the moment when he and Hai Yin’s unchanging eyes met, he saw something in his pupil that he had to endure for a long time.

It’s just that this sentiment flashed past, and Xiao Yan didn’t even have any time to explore.

Hai Yin’s hand left Xiao Yan’s back, and at the moment he lost support, his heart was inexplicably empty.

"Colonel! Let's go!"

Liv’s clear voice sounded, and Xiao Yan swept over the shoulders of Hai Yin to see her coming out of an apartment.

"Farewell to your brother?" Hai Yin turned away.

"Yes!" Liv saw Xiao Yan's moment revealing that he didn't know whether to laugh or the expression of anger. "My God, I haven't seen you for more than ten hours. How do you turn yourself into this look!" How are all blood?"

"Oh..." Xiao Yan still didn't come back from the contact with Hai Yin. It was a kiss that was almost kissed. It was equivalent to Xiao Yan's impossible thing.

"Hey? Has it healed?" Liv passed Xiaoyan's face and looked at it carefully.

At that moment, Xiao Yan suddenly found that the feeling of numbness of the swelling and pain disappeared, and the bleeding of the nasal cavity also stopped. Even the place where the sputum was smashed was no longer painful. It’s the x virus, Xiao Yan’s reaction to what happened to Hai Yin’s own purpose.

Just like that time, he sprained his ankle and lay on the ground. Haiyin used his grass to touch his own saliva and fed it to Xiao Yan, but this time Xiao Yan got the x virus through direct contact.

Liv seemed to understand what it was at that moment. When Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, the other party left him with only his back.

Lonely, it seems to belong to a different world from Xiao Yan.

Li Fu shook his head helplessly. "I always feel that you are a disaster. The aircraft you are riding will encounter a blocker invasion. The base you enter will be attacked by missiles. Even when you return to Xiaer, you can make yourself into this. Look like!"

"It’s true that you are saying this. You are here to say goodbye to your brother, is your army going to somewhere else?"

"We are going to Amazon! Have you heard that place?"

Xiao Yan’s heart is a vibration, “Amazon? It was a very complicated biosphere more than two hundred years ago! Can I go?”

Liv smiled and shook her head. "We are going there to do resource research. When will you kill the zombies?"

Xiao Yan’s heart was filled with a touch of desolateness, “Yes...”

If his assessment results reach a, he will enter the Academy of Sciences to do Kathy's assistant, and he has really become a cage bird.

"Look, the head is really good for you." Liv blinked. She didn't have any ridicule for Xiao Yan, just telling the truth. Li Fu easily guessed why Xiao Yan had so much blood but could disappear in all the wounds in a short time.

This calmed Xiao Yan's inexplicable heart.

This is the x virus in the special mission force. If it is directly injected into the blood, it will strengthen the physical ability including healing ability, but it will consume life. When the tip of Haiyin touched Xiaoyan, the x virus that had been attenuated by his body metabolism entered Xiaoyan body, which temporarily improved his healing ability. At the same time, x virus is also an irresistible aphrodisiac. Xiao Yan’s reason for the short-term reaction to Hai Yin’s short-term reaction is not the slightest force.

According to Constantine, the father of virology in Charles, the most terrible virus often has unexpected tenderness, and the healing power is probably the gentleness of the x virus.

It is undeniable that this is the gentlest and most ** kiss that Xiao Yan has experienced so far, although it can't hold a kiss at all.

Only when he was on the look of Haiyin Burton, his breath seemed to be frozen in the chest, and all his feelings were instantly broken.

He remembered the unrealistic fantasies, crazy kisses, deadly strengths, and the almost gentle gestures that he had once had. Xiao Yan didn't quite understand. When did the legendary characters appear frequently and unexpectedly in his life?

On this night, Major Denzel returned to his officer's apartment with an alcoholic atmosphere.

The lights automatically lit up, and he swayed toward his wide, comfortable bed, faintly, and seemed to see someone sitting in front of the sofa.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at each other. It was an extremely delicate and beautiful face. Danzel pulled out a frivolous smile. "Oh, dear... How did you get in?"

The focal length is unclear, he can't touch the other's line of sight, but he is sure that the other side has a pair of very beautiful eyes.

It’s just that the other party has never said a word, and even has not moved.

"Don't be so cold, I... I like passionate women..."

Denzel reached out and tried to pick up the other's chin. Just at the moment when he was about to touch the other's skin, his fingers were twisted and slammed, and Denzel's painful shouts lingered in the apartment.

"I have three things that you need to remember."

The cold voice of the man oppressed the air, and Danzel struggled angrily.

"Do you know who I am? I am Major Denzel of the Military Discipline! Don't let me know your name! I will make it hard to see you dead!"

The man was unmoved, only to hear a "squeaky" sound, and Danzel’s wrist was dislocated.


This time, Danzel was completely awake, and the alcohol in the body seemed to evaporate in an instant, and the back of the ridge was cold and sweaty. He finally saw the other person's eyes, ruthless, indifferent and killing.

The black combat uniforms, slender and strong body, even if they broke their arms, are still elegant and unattainable.

"The first one, I don't allow anyone to touch me."

After that, Major Denzel’s shoulder was unloaded.



He couldn't speak at all, he could only nod.

"The second one, I am Haiyin Burton, no one can make me die."

Major Denzel was completely stupid. Is this man like a **** like Hein Burton?

Why is Hein Burton appearing in his apartment?

"The third and final one. If you let Xiao Yan bleed in any name, even if I feel a little pain, I will break your head."

"Shaw...rock..." Major Denzel recalled the name in an unparalleled pain.

Isn’t this guy competing with Li’s class B students? Several friends of the military and political department once said that they are going to repair him. Did they really do it?


"Remember... remember... Colonel Burton... Please let go... Ah-"

Major Denzel made a more tragic cry and his other arm was screwed off.

"This is to make you remember something clearly."

Haiyin Burton let go of his hand, and Major Denzel seemed to have fallen garbage in the place, and he screamed and snorted.

Hai Yin walked out of his apartment, and officials from the two military disciplines outside the door were waiting.

"Coloton Bolton, are you finished with the conversation with Major Denzel? We also need to take him to the Interrogation of the Military Discipline."

Hai Yin nodded slightly and left.

The two officers looked at his back and took a breath without a trace.

Xiao Yan’s order was issued early the next morning, and he came to Casey’s research office to report.

Now Kathy has been alone. There are three virus research projects under his name. A team of twelve a-class researchers listened to him.

When Xiao Yan performed a standardized military ceremony in front of Casey, as he expected, these researchers looked at his eyes very complicated.

His research level is still b level, so it has become the object of discussion in the entire Central Academy of Sciences. Many people have criticized Casey, saying that the young lieutenant colonel used the research room as a family wine, and Xiao Yan was the nanny who accompanied him.

However, Casey’s attitude towards Xiao Yan was completely formulated, and the assignment of the instructions and the assignment of research tasks were treated equally.

Xiao Yan knows that even if he doesn't care, he can't make Casey lose face. He didn't think about any new ideas. He just wanted to behave like a qualified researcher.

Looking at his figure of serious data processing, Casey showed a meaningful smile.

At the end of the day's study, Xiao Yan walked out of the lab, front of what the two researchers who were walking talked about.

"I heard that Major Denzel was degraded from the Military Division!"

"What happened?"

"He didn't know what had done to anger Hai Yin Burton! His arms and legs were twisted by Haiyin Burton!"

"This Danzel is already arrogant on weekdays! Someone will rule him! But it is strange that Heinden Burton has rarely had an intersection with a department other than the special mission force. How can it conflict with Denzel? And even if Danzel was repaired, was he demoted?"

"What will Danzel do in addition to being flattering? But Haiyin Burton is irreplaceable! His troops are awesome!"

Xiao Yan blinked and Li Fu didn't mean they were going to have a mission? By the way, there should be no time to find the trouble of Denzel? Denzel was not a fool, he ran into the gun of Hai Yin Burton.

It can only be said that everything is destiny. For Danzel, a man who is not bright and open, Xiao Yan will not have half sympathy.

At this time, two officers came to Xiao Yan.

"Hello, we are the officers of the management committee. Are you Xiao Yan?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Li Fu! Liv! They all said that I kissed Colonel Burton. Is this a kiss?

Liv: The tongue is sticking in. What do you want?

Xiao Yan: Mark! Mark, is this also a kiss?

Mark: I will make suggestions to the head, and I will be a little longer next time.

Xiao Yan: ... Maya, they all said that I kissed the colonel...

Maya: ... If this is not a kiss, what else can be pursued? 2k novel reading network

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