MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 33

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Xiao Yan looked up and looked around. He wanted to know who was looking at him.

"What can I do? If you don't give you pressure, you will never go all out to test! I applied to the upper level. If this time your test reaches the a level, let me do my research. assistant Manager!"

“Is this really true?” Xiao Yan expressed deep doubts.

"Otherwise? At least I am looking at you by my side! If I let you go out and do a field trip, I will be scared every day!"

Kathy’s expression is extremely serious.

Xiao Yan sighed, yeah, very irresponsible for this friend himself. Obviously know what the other party has been worried about, but always do something that makes the other party not at ease.

"Don't be angry with me... I only have one friend of you... I just don't want you to go to a dangerous place..."

Kathy lowered his head, no matter how he was called a genius by outsiders, or he showed a strong and proud appearance, he was always a teenager. In this icy research center, he was treated as a human being, but how many people remember that he was just a child.

Xiao Yan gently hugged him and patted his back.

"Well, you are my best friend. When I am laughed at is firewood, only you will stand up in front of me."

It’s a big deal. This time, through the class a test, I really went to Kathy’s research assistant, and I am not eager to engage in research work to get information about the x virus. Kathy has the most sophisticated research equipment. And the most confidential data.

At this point, Casey's chin rested on Xiao Yan's shoulder, his eyes swept a trace of sputum, and the depression of the corner of his lips was unpredictable.

Turned in the test data, Lily was also sent to the medical care room, Xiao Yan stretched out.

"I am hungry, go eat something!"

"How can you not care about your test results at all?"

"Is there any concern? If I am sent to be your assistant, then I am a class A elite. If I am sent to do a field investigation, then I am still a b-class firewood."

"You are really calm! That Lily! You really don't like her? Remember that every time I saw her passing through the college, you kept staring at her chest!"

"This is the nature of men! And chasing good things is human instinct!"

Xiao Yan and Casey left the lab.

In the observation room, a man in military uniform stood in front of the glass.

"Report, the test results came out."

"What is his rating?"

“A level.”

"What is the speed of the brain involved in the terminal?"

“300 million mega-speed, consistent with the data transmitted by the 14th base.”

The man is thinking about his chin.

"Shenbing's intervention speed is only 200 million gigabytes."

“Hello... Do you need to upgrade Xiao Yan’s student level?”

"Of course not. Since we already know that the purpose of the surge organization attack research aircraft is to obtain the researchers' brains, if they know Xiao Yan's research level and terminal intervention speed, they will definitely be regarded as the target. Notify the Academia Sinica, Keeping Xiao Yan's research level unchanged, the safety level is raised to level a, and he is fully protected."

"So what is the request of Lieutenant Colonel Casey?"

“Approved. Let Xiao Yan stay in the most rigorous safety research institute and protect him.”

"Yes! I heard... Have you reviewed Xiao Yan's research report on the mutated level1?"

"Yeah, very daring and interesting guess."

"The research directors of the Central Academy of Sciences feel that his report is too outrageous. It is all speculation. There is no theoretical and data support. There is absolutely no need for verification."

"All research begins with conjecture. For example, Galileo's heliocentric theory hundreds of years ago, Newton's universal gravitation and even the virological father of Constantine's virus variant theory began with conjecture. Every conjecture is unacceptable. But in the end it has been proven to be a scientific classic. Perhaps, Xiao Yan will become the next classic? The most exciting part of the world is that a person you completely look down on will suddenly turn everything you understand and accept.

Xiao Yan’s dinner was very rich. After all, because of the supply problem on the 14th base, all the food was fixed. Xiao Yan had not had such a wide open mind for a long time. Thinking of Shen Bing who still stayed there, Xiao Yan touched his nose and thought that the colonel might not be more happy than the students!

"What are you thinking about again?" Casey's finger poked on Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Some proud things." Xiao Yan blinked.

"What makes you proud?" Casey supported the upper body and continued to lean toward Xiao Yan until the eyes of the beautiful emeralds were in front of Xiao Yan.

Obviously, it is a smiley expression, as always, the childish arrogance, but under the package of the military uniform, it is faintly exuding.

"No...what..." Xiao Yan subconsciously leaned back and put his back on the chair.

"Cheat, isn't you thinking about Lily?" Kathy's eyebrows picked, and the scorpion went cold.

"Hey! If you don't mention her, I didn't even think about it!"

"If you haven't thought about Lily's business, then Haiyin Burton?" Casey held his chin and looked at Xiao Yan. The kind of pressure that was completely different from jokes made Xiao Yan slightly shocked.

"...What happened to Colonel Burton?" Xiao Yan didn't think that Casey would suddenly mention Hai Yin.

"His troops will soon have a mission. The leader of the Academy of Sciences, Lieutenant General Aivil, sent a major to provide technical support for them. Do you know what his team members are saying?" Kathy Dunton, looking into Xiaoyan In the eyes, "They said that in addition to your little rookie, they don't need other technical soldiers who are dragging their legs."

Xiao Yan touched his own back and smiled: "I didn't expect my evaluation to be so high!"

"You still laugh! I thought that Hein Burton would take care of him. Who knows that he didn't even say a word. Do you know what it means? It means that he and his subordinates have the same idea! Fortunately, Major General Gordon and Lieutenant General Aivil will not support you to leave Shire, or you will have to go out with the guys! Do you think you have a few lives?"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and he wanted to say that as long as he was with Haiyin Burton, he had a hunch that he could come back safely no matter what happened. On the contrary, in this underground city without sea, his thoughts are uneasily uneasi.

"Well, no matter what, I hope that you can keep a distance from the troops of Haiyin Burton. I don't want my research to go to the most important part and my assistant is taken out to deal with the zombies!"

"You think too much." Xiao Yan lowered his head and continued to eat.

I don't know why, this time I returned to Shire, I always felt that Kathy had something different from the past.

"Very well, if I know that you still remember the woman who made you almost dead or think about going outside, I will screw your head down to make a collection and put it on my desk, as long as I want to see it. I can see you. How?"

Kathy grinned and looked very cute.

Xiao Yan felt chilling and almost never fell off the back of the chair.

After dinner, Xiao Yan and Kathy returned to their respective apartments.

The apartment of the b-level student is a townhouse, and the space is small and pitiful, just enough to put down a bed and a set of terminal equipment. Xiao Yan doesn't care about this. After all, the dormitory is just a place to sleep. Moreover, as long as the access terminal Xiao Yan can spend all the leisure time in the online game, this is probably the so-called internet addiction.

When he came downstairs to the apartment, several people stood in the shadow in front of the gate. They were dressed in military uniforms, but the collar was open. The temperament was obviously not the technical soldiers of the institute. It was like the military and political office. This is the most disgusting department of Xiao Yan. There is nothing but a bureaucratic style.

The unsightly guy naturally did not see it. Xiao Yan came to the apartment door and was going to use fingerprints. The military and political office relied on him to surround him. His eyes were blind and there was no goodwill.

Xiao Yan warned.

"You are Xiao Yan?"

The headed officer pushed Xiao Yan a hand and said with a bad voice: "Why don't you answer?"

On the force of force, Xiao Yan knows that he is a stupid rookie, and he is thinking about how to lead them away.

"It's him! This guy is Xiao Yan! I remembered it. I saw him when I came down from the plane today!"

Xiao Yan’s heart was cold, and he was about to run away. The collar was caught and fell back on the wall.

Before I even had time to speak, a fist slammed down, and I was dizzy, and my mouth was filled with blood.

Fuck! What's the matter! Outside, he was chased by the zombies, and he returned to Charles and was chased by others!

"Ask you to dare not answer! Kill this guy!"

Several fists fell, Xiao Yan nowhere to dodge, can only hold his head and kneel.

The heavy fist fell on his shoulders and arms. In addition to the pain, Xiao Yan’s heart was incomparable.

He was hit hard and hurt.

Since entering the Academy of Sciences, he has been ridiculed by firewood for many times by class a students, but it is the first time that he has been beaten so inexplicably.

Even if he is lazy, he never values ​​the indifferent face, but Xiao Yan’s bones are still bloody.

"If you have the ability, you will explode my head! Otherwise, I will definitely go to the military discipline to sue you!"

Xiao Yan’s voice just fell, the head of the squatting his hair pressed against the wall, watching his face squeezed into a twist, showing a smug smile, raising the voice and saying: "Kid? You still want Going to the military disciplinary office to tell us? It seems that you really don't know why! We are teaching you for Major Denzel of the Military Division!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan finally understood what was going on.

Major Denzel has been pursuing Lily, and even promised that she can promise to marry him. Even if Lily can't be promoted to a class researcher, she can do logistics without leaving Charles, but Lily refuses him.

What Xiao Yan is most despising is such a man. When a woman refuses to hurt her self-esteem, she goes to an irrelevant person to find a sense of accomplishment.

"That will trouble you to tell Major Denzel... When Lily is chased by zombies to escape... Where is the distinguished Lord Denzel?"

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and smiled mockingly. Although he is now embarrassed, he is hurting in his mouth, but he can’t help himself.

"Your boy is looking for death!"

Another punch hit Xiao Yan's abdomen, and the subconscious Xiao Yan reached out to hold the other's fist, and Hai Yin Burton appeared in his mind. He raised his knees and slammed against each other. The officer did not think that Xiao Yan would resist, and there was no defense at all. He was pushed out to spit out everything in his stomach.

The other two were stupid, and then they waved their fists to Xiao Yan with anger.

At this time, Xiao Yan has calmed down and left to flick right to find the opportunity to escape.

After all, the people in the military and political affairs department were systematically trained in combat, and soon one person was holding Xiao Yan, and the other person was going to give him a fist.

"Stepping on his knees and leaning back, he will lose his weight."

The icy sounds spread out along the air, pouring into the depths of thought from the ear of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan slammed up, his feet stepping on his guy's knees, slamming backwards, the other party really lost his center of gravity, and when he fell back, Xiao Yan kicked the guy who was about to throw his fist at the opposite side. .

Xiao Yan, who was free, quickly climbed up, staring at the two men who had not returned to God and left their attack range.

When I came back, I saw a cold and elegant man standing under the streetlight.

Xiao Yan stared at each other, but I couldn't think of him coming here.


Haiyin Burton walked towards him, his palms passed through Xiao Yan's ear, and the gust of wind dragged his hair, and he sullenly behind him.

Xiao Yan thought that Hai Yin had to twist his own head, and his heart was pinched. When he stiffened and looked back, he realized that Hai Yin’s handcuffs were almost effortless on the neck of a guy trying to sneak Xiao Yan. The guy was smashed, the whole face turned red, and the toes left the ground a little bit, and the eyes were afraid of death.

The other two officers saw that the situation was stunned.

" are you!"

They dare not go forward.

Hai Yin’s brow slightly picked up, and the officer in the hand was opened. The other fell to the ground and coughed up with a neck.

"I advise you not to worry about anything! Otherwise we tell Major Denzel, he will not let you go!"

Hai Yin went forward two more steps, slaps his own epaulettes disdainfully, and his battle suit shows his identity.

"Special...Special mission troops..."

"It's a colonel..."

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Hai Yin, your little baby was bullied.

Hai Yin: I will deal with him in the next chapter.

Fat winter melon: I think too, how can you make people feel bad about your baby in the days when you are not there? Even if you didn't put Xiao Yan's blue eyes on his face, these guys are dead~

Xiaokou ~ month ~ moon stone ... I am not anyone's: baby... Maya & Liv & Mark: Little baby don't make trouble! 2k novel reading network

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