MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 125 bad puppy

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"There's something I think you guys need to know."

"Yan pain."

An Jing sat absentmindedly in the car. What Gu Fei said to him just now came into his mind, no pain... Gu Fei said that Yan Yan had no pain since he was a child, that is to say, he could not feel pain.

An Jing looked at the young man sitting next to him talking to his parents, with a well-behaved and shy smile on his clean and beautiful face, but his heart gradually sank, and his mind was confused.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, and checked the content in this area. The more he looked, the more panicked he felt. No pain meant that he could not feel sick or injured.

If it cannot be detected in time, it cannot be treated in time.

It is possible that a small illness will become a serious illness, all sudden illnesses may even take his life...

This problem is serious.

Just in case, that's why Gu Fei told An Jing about this. He was not by the child's side, and his parents and family members had to pay attention to him. In case something happened...

Gu Fei couldn't imagine it.

He didn't even want to let An Qingyan leave his side, but it was An Qingyan's home, where there was the family he desperately wanted, and he needed to get along with his family to make up for the trauma he had suffered in the past few years.

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

"Big brother?"

An Jing came back to his senses and instantly restrained his emotions. With a smile on his face, he asked kindly, "What's wrong, Yan Yan?"

An Qingyan has always been a careful and sensitive person. He could see that his eldest brother had something on his mind, but he didn't ask much, "I want to ask you, is the final of tomorrow's stars coming soon?"

An Qingyan's state of facing her family is no longer as rigid as at the beginning. An Jing is very busy with work, but she will often call to talk to him, and the relationship between the two has become much closer.

"It's almost the finals. It will be broadcast live next Saturday night. The program team will invite the players who were eliminated before, including you, of course." An Jing paused and said, "Yan Yan, if you don't want to go, don't go."

An Qingyan's regret was always in An Qingyan's heart to retire due to injury. He was worried that his younger brother would return to the scene of the game and see others make their debut in a group, and his emotions would be affected.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll be fine." As time went by, An Qingyan really felt relieved, and there were friends he knew there, "I want to see everyone, I miss them a lot."

"Especially Yuqi, I don't know how his training is going." During this time, he also contacted Lu Yuqi, but he was afraid of disturbing his training, so he contacted him less frequently.

Hearing Lu Yuqi write three words, An Jing grinned with a toothache, "This kid Lu Yuqi is very hardworking and talented. It would be better if he could restrain his petty temper."

Two days ago, this kid deliberately played with him, deliberately made wrong dance moves, and asked him to teach him several times. Who knows how well this kid can dance after watching the previous training video.

The little puppy looks serious on the surface, but in fact, he must still be thinking about the thing that made him clean the practice room before, so he took revenge.

"Tsk... This kid is sloppy."

An Qingyan suspiciously looked at An Jing, who showed disgust and a faint smile, and couldn't help joking: "Brother, why do I think you seem to like him?"

"Who? Who do you like?" An Yu, who was sitting in front of him and playing games with his head down, turned his head immediately, and it didn't affect him eating melons at all, "Big brother, have you finally bloomed the iron tree?"

An Jing: "...Everything has your share, play your game!" He slapped An Yu on the head, quite rude.

An Yu shouted: "Mom and Dad! Brother! Big brother patted my head, what if my smart head becomes stupid!"

An Lingkang: "Your eldest brother may want to pat the water out of your head."

Song Shuman: "Stop howling, be careful to scare your brother."

An Yu: "..." After all, this family can't stay any longer! He looked at An Qingyan pitifully, and put all his remaining hope on this well-behaved younger brother, Yan Yan would definitely feel sorry for his second brother.

However, his younger brother was still thinking about defending his good friend, talking to his eldest brother: "Yu Qi's temper is not very good, but he is very kind, and he will help me when I encounter difficulties. "

"I know." An Jing raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose, muttering in his heart, how did Yan Yan see that he liked Lu Yuqi a lot, but at most he just didn't hate it.


Why is this word so contradictory when it comes to Lu Yuqi?

An Yu: "..." Is your brother really not going to comfort your poor second brother? Did you see the pitiful, aggrieved and helpless eyes of the second brother?

As if hearing the strong call from his heart, An Qingyan finally noticed An Yu in front of him and showed a concerned expression, "Second brother, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

An Yu: Ooooooooo finally someone cares about me!

"Second brother is fine." He held back his tears, raised his head at forty-five degrees and looked up at...the roof cover with a pretense of sadness.

An Er Shao felt a tear in his heart, brother, with your concern, the second brother will be content in this life!

An Qingyan: "Big brother, can you stop hitting the second brother next time, you're going to beat him stupid."

An Jing: "Okay, I'll be lighter next time."

An Qingyan: "Well... that's fine too."

An Yu: "…"

Forget it, destroy it! !

About half an hour later, the car slowly drove into the Anjia villa. The first thing everyone did when they returned home was to take An Qingyan to visit his bedroom.

The bedroom was specially decorated and remodeled by Song Schuman, and the furnishings in it were also arranged by her own hands. In order to make her young son live happily, she spent a lot of time and thought.

The windows in the bedroom are bright and clean, the overall style is simple and clean, and the space is large. It is connected to the study and the cloakroom. The bookshelves in the study have been neatly arranged with various books, and the cloakroom is also placed with a lot of brand new clothes, shoes and socks.

When Song Shuman goes shopping, as long as he sees clothes suitable for his younger son, he will buy, buy, and buy. He thinks that his younger son looks good in everything, so he buys and buys, and before he knows it, there are so many.

In addition to the study and cloakroom, there is also a large balcony outside, from which you can see the flowers and plants in the backyard, which is very pleasing to the eye.

A bathroom here is much larger than his bedroom in the Lin family. An Qingyan felt a little emotional, and couldn't help thinking of An Nanyi who had lived in the An family for 19 years.

I don't know how he is now, will he return to the Lin family?

Maybe not.

An Nanyi is an arrogant and arrogant person, so he will not endure living in such an unbearable home, and he is used to the life of a wealthy young master who is full of stars, so how can he be willing to accept that kind of life at the bottom of the society.

"Yan Yan, this is all arranged by your mother herself. I want to interfere with her and she won't let me." It was An Lingkang who spoke.

The next person who spoke was Song Shuman, "Yan Yan, do you still like it?" She looked at her little son expectantly.

"I like it very much. This is the most beautiful room I have ever seen, thank you mom." The fair-skinned and handsome young man had a sincere smile on his face, and once again emphasized: "I really like it."

"Big brother has a surprise for you, come with me." An Jing mysteriously led An Qingyan outside, and the others followed, and the group walked upstairs.

In the end, everyone stopped outside the door of a room.

"What surprise is so mysterious?" An Qingyan was a little dazed, but also had vague expectations.

"Open the door and go in and see." After saying that, An Jing put a key in his brother's palm and motioned him to open the door.

An Qingyan immediately opened the door with the key. After seeing the scene inside, he was a little stunned, and what followed was full of surprises.

It was renovated into a large professional practice room, which was similar to the training room at Tomorrow Xingchen. There was a grand piano and many other musical instruments next to it, so An Qingyan couldn't take his eyes off it.

Looking at An Qingyan's reaction, An Jing knew that his brother was very surprised. He raised his arm and put it on his brother's shoulder, and asked with a smile, "How is it, do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much! Thank you big brother!"

"And me, and me!" An Yu hurriedly came over to ask for credit, he stood on the other side, also raised his arms on his brother's shoulders, his face full of pride, "Although the money is from the eldest brother, but the decoration is all I am in charge, Yan Yan, do you have to thank me too?"

"Well, thank you second brother!"

He is really happy now.

Things that were once unimaginable were never imagined, but now come true.

How lucky he was to have it all.

The moon rises, and the night falls.

An Qingyan has not danced since his arm fracture. Now that his injury is finally healed, he has been playing the piano and dancing in the practice room at night.

He also rolled a few times on the floor excitedly.

On the other side, An Jing called the other three to his room, his expression was a little solemn, "Mom and Dad, and An Yu, I have something important to tell you, it's about Yan Yan."

An Yu was still sitting on the sofa playing mobile games. Without raising his head, he said casually, "So serious? What's the matter?"

"Gu Fei told me this."

"He said Yan pain."

"What?!" An Yu's hands trembled in shock, and he immediately gameover. He couldn't care less, he threw the phone, got up and looked at his elder brother, "What do you mean?"

An Lingkang and Song Shuman's reactions were similar to his, stunned and confused, still unbelievable.

"An Jing, you just said... Yan Yan doesn't feel pain?"

"How come there is no pain?!"

"Yes, Yan Yan has never felt pain since he was a child. This is what Gu Fei told me personally." An Jing has accepted this fact, so he seems to be much calmer, "Gu Fei took Yan Yan to the hospital for an examination."

"The doctor said that he was suffering from congenital analgesia, which literally means that he could not feel any pain since he was a child."

"And ... the symptoms are rare, and there is currently no treatment."

Read The Duke's Passion