MTL - Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet-Chapter 124 An Jing, Yan Yan feel no pain

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During dinner, the atmosphere was so weird that Yu Qingtong's eyes swept to the two people sitting opposite from time to time, smiling with a kind aunt, it was hard to make people not pay attention.

An Qingyan's face was thin, and the tips of his ears were quietly flushed.

Seeing this, Gu Fei silently took a piece of meat and put it into his bowl, his movements were natural and random.

"Yan Yan, don't worry about eating white rice, eat more meat." Yu Qingtong naturally noticed this, she also diligently brought a piece of chicken to An Qingyan, with an amiable smile on her face, "This spicy The chicken tastes good, you can try it."

She ordered spicy chicken when she went out to eat with Schumann at noon today. She thought it tasted good. She specially asked her aunt to make it, and it tasted good too.

An Qingyan politely said thank you Auntie, and didn't think too much about it. When he was about to eat, suddenly a pair of chopsticks stuck into his bowl, preventing him from moving.

He looked at the owner of the chopsticks in astonishment, and Yu Qingtong had the same expression.

"What's wrong?"

"You can't eat spicy food these two days."

Gu Fei's tone was always natural, with a serious expression on his face. After speaking, he put the chicken from the boy's bowl into his own bowl, and then put the light meat and vegetables into An Qingyan's bowl.

An Qingyan: "…"

Realizing something, his cheeks reddened silently, his head drooped lower, and he ate silently, faster and faster.

Looking at this situation, Yu Qingtong suddenly remembered the red mark he saw on An Qingyan's neck in the afternoon, saying that it was bitten by a mosquito... What kind of mosquito bite is this!

She finally realized something, glared at her son fiercely, and said to An Qingyan with a smile, "Yan Yan, eating more light food is good for your health."

"Well..." An Qingyan could not wait to find a hole to burrow into. He hurriedly finished the meal in the bowl, "Well, I'm full, you guys eat slowly."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside with a blushing face, and he disappeared after a while.

The smile on Yu Qingtong's face disappeared immediately, and he stared at Gu Fei, who was trying to smile, and scolded helplessly: "I said you are true, don't you know Yan Yan is thin-skinned?"

Gu Feimo was silent and lowered his head to eat.

After eating, the mother and son took a walk in the backyard. Yu Qingtong decided to have a heart-to-heart with his son. She looked at the dark blue night sky above her head, and there were a few faint stars twinkling.

"In the blink of an eye, your dad has been gone for seven years." She was a little emotional.

When her husband died in a car accident, Yu Qingtong felt that the sky was falling. At that time, she felt that there was no hope in life, and life was better than death.

Fortunately, there is Gu Fei, her son.

Even for her son, she has to live a good life.

Gu Fei was only twenty years old at the time, still in college. The death of his father also hit him hard, but he didn't have time to be passive and grieved.

He needed to deal with his father's death and took over the Gu family's group. During that time, he was so busy that he hardly had time to rest, but he still survived that difficult time.

Looking at Gu Fei who was silent, Yu Qingtong smiled and patted his shoulder, "Son, your father will be proud of you."

"Yeah." Gu Fei nodded and said seriously, "I'm proud of him too."

Yu Qingtong smiled, "I am most worried about you. You have been cold since you were a child, you don't even have many friends, let alone find someone to fall in love with, or even get married and have children."

"I'm worried about you. You've been so lonely all the time. When I'm gone one day, you'll be left alone, and you won't even have a company."

Gu Fei's lips moved, he hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything. He didn't feel lonely, it was the normal state of his life, and he didn't need to find a partner, let alone marriage.

But since meeting An Qingyan, his thoughts have changed.

"Now that you have Yan Yan, I'm relieved." Yu Qingtong showed a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth, "I can see that you like Yan Yan very much, and Yan Yan also likes you very much."

"You know, when Yan Yan confessed to me this afternoon, he was nervous and tangled. After he finished speaking, he thought I would object to your relationship."

"He immediately apologized to me, said sorry, and said that it was all his fault. He liked Gu Fei first, so he could beat him or scold him, but don't blame Gu Fei."

"How much he likes you..."

Hearing Yu Qingtong's words, Gu Fei's footsteps paused, he didn't know how to describe the feeling at this time, his heart was like soft marshmallow wrapped in soft cotton candy, very sweet.

Even the cold wind blowing at night has become gentler.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the stars twinkling in the night sky. His deep eyes seemed to be softer than that of the night. He said seriously: "We will always be together."

"Of course, I can tell you that if you dare to bully Yan Yan and treat him badly, I will be the first to let you go. I will support you at the risk of breaking up with your aunt Shuman!"

After talking, Yu Qingtong's tone softened, "I learned about it on the Internet before, and your aunt Shuman also told me that Yan Yan had a bad life before."

Schumann was crying and telling her this.

She looked at Gu Fei seriously, "So son, you really have to treat Yan Yan well, don't let him be wronged again, you know?"

Two days later, An's car parked outside Gu's house, and An's father, An's mother, and An Jing's An Yu came over. They came to pick An Qingyan home.

Having lived in Gu's house for so long, An Qingyan has a lot of luggage. He can fit several suitcases just for clothes, shoes and socks, all of which are added to him by Gu Fei.

Gu Fei didn't let him take all of them, and most of them stayed. Anyway, the children will come back in the future, and it would be difficult to move around. For this, the man was very sure.

An Qingyan murmured a few words, when did he say that he was coming back? Although he said so, he still did as the man said, only packed some of his luggage, and left the rest.

He also kept the wood-carved rabbit and put it on the bedside table of Gu's family, "Brother Fei, this rabbit grew up with me since I was a child, and I keep it here."

"When you go to bed and wake up every day, you can see it at first sight, so you can think of me."

When he said this, the boy's brows twitched.

Gu Fei picked up the finely crafted woodcarving rabbit, and lightly rubbed its head with his fingertips, as if he was lost in thought, after a while, a smile appeared on the corners of his eyes and brows, "Then Yan Yan will miss Brother Fei too. ?"

"Yeah!" The boy nodded solemnly.

After a while, he said again, "Brother Fei, I want to drink orange juice."

Gu Fei nodded naturally and agreed, "Okay, wait."

He raised his hand and rubbed the boy's head, then turned around and went out.

An Qingyan looked at the back of his leaving, closed the door immediately, then returned to the cloakroom, glanced over the neatly arranged clothes, and finally locked on a familiar white shirt.

He took the shirt over, unzipped the suitcase, carefully folded it before putting it in the bottommost position of the suitcase, hid it, and zipped it again.

The terrace on the top floor of the villa was very quiet. Gu Fei and An Jing sat side by side on the sofa. He lit a cigarette and handed the cigarette case to An Jing, indicating whether he wanted it.

"I'm so worried, and I smoked." An Jing knew that his brother was not addicted to smoking, so he also lit a cigarette, and the smoke enveloped the two of them.

"Gu Fei, what do you want to say to me?" An Jing asked.

Gu Fei took the cigarette to his mouth unhurriedly and took a sip, then put the cigarette between his **** and let the ashes fall, his voice was a little hoarse:

"Yan Yan doesn't like to eat fish and celery and coriander. He usually prefers vegetables and fruits, and eats less meat. This is nutritionally unbalanced. You have to ask him to eat more meat."

"He likes sweets, like cake pudding, but don't let him eat too much."

"Remember to let him drink a glass of hot milk every day before going to bed."

"Also, he is introverted and sensitive, likes to keep everything in his heart, and doesn't want to trouble others. You should pay more attention to his emotions."

"..." An Jing's hand trembled slightly while holding the cigarette.

Is this still the indifferent and taciturn friend he has known for more than 20 years? Why is she so like the old mother of Cao Xin's son, explaining everything in detail.

He still had a calm and indifferent expression on his face!

Gu Fei asked seriously: "Do you remember?"

An Jing: "Remember... I remember."

Gu Fei: "Then repeat it."

An Jing: "?!" This is too much!

But he did listen to it. With years of memorization skills, he easily repeated what he just said, "Mr. Gu, are you satisfied?"

"Actually, I don't need you to explain, I will take good care of him. He is my brother."

Gu Fei didn't speak, and after a moment of silence, he spoke:

"There's something I think you guys need to know."

"Yan pain."

"Then let's go first."

"Pay attention to safety on the road. Yan Yan will remember to come to Auntie's place to play often in the future."

"Well, I will. Goodbye Auntie." An Qingyan shifted her gaze and looked at the man who was less than two steps away from him. She wanted to hug him, but after hesitating for a moment, she gave up, and his family was still by her side.

"Goodbye, Brother Fei." He smiled at Gu Fei.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in his sight took two steps forward, and opened his arms to embrace An Qingyan in his arms.

In the eyes of others, this is just a polite hug, but An Qingyan heard the man whispering in his ear, magnetic and gentle: "Baby, see you another day."

After speaking, Gu Fei let go of his hand, his handsome face was still calm and calm, but there was a soft smile in his eyes, and the boy's figure was reflected in his pupils.

"Yan Yan, we're leaving."

An Qingyan was confused, and after a moment of stunned he said ok, and hurriedly got into the car.

Read The Duke's Passion