MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 52 celebrate

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The scene was silent for a while.

Mu Feibai came to his senses, hurriedly blocked Qiu Yu behind him, and called twice: "Father, mother."

Qiu Yu held the wine bottle: ...

Mu Wei was taken aback by Qiu Yu's swift action of picking up the wine bottle, and he didn't say what he was about to reprimand him just now. Tang Zhi took the opportunity to poke him on the back to prevent him from continuing to speak, then took half a step forward and smiled at Qiu Yu: "Hello. I am Mu Feibai's mother."

This was the first time Qiu Yu saw a man calling himself "mother", and he didn't know how to address him.

No matter calling him auntie or auntie, it's not right in his cognition, so in the end he can only imitate the original body and say hello with a polite smile: "Hello."

Mu Wei looked at his youngest son with a complicated expression, and then at Oga who was protecting his son with a wine bottle. He felt that Tang Zhi was stepping heavily on his toes with the help of his body. After realizing that this is not a place to train children, he silently shut up. .

"Come for supper after the game?" Tang Zhi spoke in a slow tone, revealing the calmness of a long-time superior. It sounds very gentle, but it makes people dare not offend.

He didn't intend to wait for an answer when he asked this question, and continued: "It's getting late, so it's inconvenient to chat for too long, and you can come to our house as a guest some other day. Xiaobai, take good care of your teammates, we'll go back first."

Mu Feibai said "Oh" with his neck stiff: "Goodbye."

Tang Zhi really dragged Mu Wei away.

Qiu Yu silently took out the empty wine bottle from Mu Feibai's hand, put it back into the box, and asked casually, "Your parents came to see you compete, why do you have such an expression?"

Mu Feibai's shoulders suddenly collapsed: "I didn't know they would come, they never watched the scene. After all, he must have smelled it. I will take you... and you will probably be beaten when you go back."

It was rare to see him like this, Qiu Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "You still get beaten at such an age?"

Mu Feibai said angrily, "It's not because of my brother!"

At that time, he was still ignorant, and he only remembered that his brother had just graduated from university. It seemed that when he was playing somewhere with his friends, he accidentally tagged an Oga back, and he refused to marry for a long time. Became his sister-in-law.

Because of this incident, his brother was taught a bad lesson by his parents, and he was asked to follow the training—in short, he knew from then on that marking Oga casually would be subject to family law.

Fortunately, he and Qiu Yu are only temporary marks, and there are hidden secrets in them, so it should be reasonable... right?

"What's the reason? Ah? Tell me, what reason can you make?" When he returned to the hotel, Mu Wei still hadn't calmed down, "That kid has been in the team for less than two months! Even if they really fell in love at first sight, less than two Yue, mark the person! Is this plausible?"

Tang Zhi remained expressionless, and handed him a hangover medicine.

Mu Wei swallowed the medicine, frowned and sighed: "These two little **** don't give me peace of mind!"

"Xiaobai can't. And that Qiu Yu doesn't look like he will be manipulated by the mark. Just now he handed Xiaobai a weapon," Tang Zhi said, and suddenly laughed, "The child is fierce, If it was really forced, our son would have been beaten long ago."

Mu Wei still smelled of alcohol: "Well done! Definitely!"

Tang Zhi: ...

Tang Zhi was helpless: "Haven't you ever thought that they might be like us back then?"

Mu Wei: "What's the same?"

Tang Zhi: "Because I was going to participate in a competition, I happened to be in love, and I was unwilling to give up, so I asked Alpha who was the most irresponsible person around me to give him a temporary mark." He used to play Go back then. Qiu Yu did it for the purpose of playing the game, which is actually the same reason.

Mu Wei slapped his thigh: "That's right!"

After a while, I realized: "Isn't it 'the least responsible'? How can I have it!"

Tang Zhi had already entered the bathroom with a towel.

Mu Wei chased after him: "Please make it clear, why am I not responsible to you? I have been chasing you for so many years..."

The sound was muffled by the closed bathroom door.

After a long time, the two came out of the bathroom wiping their hair.

Mu Wei saw the tooth marks on the back of Tang Zhi's neck that he left many, many years ago, and now he was very happy, and said happily: "If they are really the same as we were back then, since I can chase you, then our son I will definitely be able to catch up with my daughter-in-law!"

When he returned to the league headquarters hotel, Mu Feibai was no longer worried about whether he would be beaten.

Anyway, I have suffered from childhood to adulthood.

But this does not affect him to continue to act like a baby to Qiu Yu: "If they ask for family law, I will call my brother, and my brother will help me talk, right?"

For some reason, Qiu Yu was in a good mood, smiled and pushed his face away from his ear, and swiped his card to enter the door.

Mu Feibai took a peek at his teammates who had already returned to their rooms, and tugged at the corner of Qiu Yu's clothes: "Brother?"

Qiu Yu turned around: "How about I go home with you and talk to them face to face?"

In the past, there were little soldiers who made mistakes, afraid of their parents scolding, and begged him to go back and explain the situation to their parents. He was very familiar with this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feibai was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed out loud, and forgot to continue pretending to be coquettish. After laughing for a while, he asked teasingly, "You want to enter the house so soon?"

Qiu Yu raised his eyebrows, and slapped the hotel door on Mu Fei's white face.

Mu Feibai dodged flexibly, laughed again, turned around and leaned against Qiu Yu's door, and sent him a message: "Are you kidding me, bro."

In fact, he knew in his heart that now was not the time to bring Qiu Yu home.

After all, the marking behavior between him and Qiu Yu was only for emergency help. He knew that Qiu Yu did not accept him as a couple Alpha, and if he brought him back like this, his parents would definitely misunderstand. What if Qiu Yu accidentally said something offensive and didn't ask him for help after getting angry?

It was impossible for him to let Qiu Yu go and find someone else.

So Mu Feibai endured the pain and said: "Don't worry, my parents are not so unreasonable, so don't trouble you to come to my house."

Qiu Yu replied quickly: "Understood."

Because they slept too late, and there was no training plan for the next day, the young men of Eagle Cavalry team woke up after ten o'clock. After packing up, washing up, and packing up, it was almost time for the celebration banquet, so I didn't go outside to find a place. I directly booked the restaurant at the league headquarters hotel, and the headquarters even sent a publicity team to take pictures of the team.

As soon as the banquet started, the members of the Suse team knocked on the door and came in. The captain Wang Kaiqi walked up to say congratulations with a smile.

They are all players who have played games for several years. They have three regular seasons a year. There are winners and losers in the fights. Except for a few who are too unique in temperament, the relationship between the players is actually pretty good, and it is basically not because of Whoever wins will quarrel.

Su Se's coach didn't come, He Jinxing didn't get up, Mu Feibai brought a glass of fruit wine and handed it to Wang Kaiqi: "Why are you all here? Are you eating?"

Wang Kaiqi took the fruit wine and said with a smile, "No, let's make a toast."

Hearing what he said, the eagle riders all looked at Tang Weiran who was beside him.

Mu Fei raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you agree to make a bet with one person and not hurt your teammates?"

Before Tang Weiran could speak, Wang Kaiqi said, "She's toasting you with your wine. I'm here to ask Qiu Yu for a drink. In the last game yesterday, I was convinced."

Qiu Yu was called, and he stood up with a glass of wine in his hand, and had a drink with Wang Kaiqi. Wang Kaiqi asked him for a communication number, and he also added it.

Tang Weiyan also brought a glass of wine, and there was no reluctance on his face. He was bold and straightforward: "I am indeed not as good as you, do it."

The opponents who competed on the field actually have no personal grudges, and they were teammates before. Mu Feibai also drank and said with a smile: "You are not inferior to me. Your deployment in the first few games made me very uncomfortable. In the last round It's not my command, if not for Qiu Yu, we wouldn't be able to win."

Tang Weiran raised his chin: "The game is a team game, and the condition is not valid without Qiu Yu. I didn't expect him to survive, I underestimated him, and the loss is not unfair. are indeed better than me, the last round In a decisive victory, you dare to hand over the command to others, you are more courageous than me."

Mu Fei smiled.

Tang Weiran didn't restrain his pride, picked up the wine bottle and poured himself another glass, held it up to Qiu Yu, and drank it with his head raised.

Then she said to Mu Feibai: "Fight again in the Star Alliance Cup!"

Mu Feibai responded: "Okay."

Li Ji suddenly came up, took a wine glass and poured wine, and held it up in front of Qiu Yu: "I also offer a toast to God Qiu! If I can meet you in the practice match later, please give me your advice!"

With him taking the lead, all the rowdy boys surrounded Qiu Yu.

Seeing this situation, Mu Feibai gave a "tsk" sound: "I think you are taking revenge after losing the game, right? What do you mean by arresting Brother Qiu for drinking? Come, come, I will drink with you!"

Su Se's team members ran away laughing and laughing.

Qiu Yu drank a lot last night, and was fed some more today, but he didn't show much drunkenness, his face was not red, and his eyes were clear.

But Mu Feibai still didn't dare to let him drink any more, and replaced the wine glass in his hand with white peach soda.

Du Chen looked at Mu Fei's white eyes on Qiu Yu, feeling unhappy, opened another bottle of wine silently, and poured it for himself.

In order to keep sharp, professional players are usually not allowed to drink alcohol. They only let go a little after each major competition, but they can only touch fruit wine with low alcohol content. But even if the degree is not high, you will still get drunk if you drink too much.

At the end of the celebration banquet, the propagandists of the league headquarters talked to He Jinxing and Yuan Lu, and after obtaining their consent, they called Mu Feibai away, saying that they had arranged a short interview.

Qiu Yu followed his teammates back to the guest room floor. He was about to enter the room when Du Chen grabbed his wrist and led him to the small balcony at the end of the corridor.

As a result, after people stood on the terrace, DU dust stopped talking again.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Yu asked.

"Yeah." Du Chen was a little drunk, his face was red, and his drooping eyelashes were slightly wet, "I just want to tell you... I used to treat you badly, but actually no, it's not because I hate you."

Qiu Yu laughed: "I know."

This child is awkward and doesn't mean what he says, but in fact, those bad attitudes don't contain any substantial disgust or contempt—the words "what kind of profession is Oga" in Du Chen's mouth and "what qualifications does Oga have to play" on the Internet, although the words are all different. It sounds bad, but the starting point is actually different.

To him, the difference is stark.

"You don't know." DU Chen lowered his eyes, "You don't know are so similar to her..."

"Who do you look like?" Qiu Yu really didn't know this time.

Du Chen suddenly squatted down and nestled on the balcony railing with his knees in his arms

Looking at Du Chen like this, Qiu Yu thought of the little crying warriors he brought with him before, and his heart softened immediately, so he also squatted down and asked with a smile, "Why are you crying? Are you really drunk?"

DU dust didn't move for a while.

Qiu Yu sighed, and was about to stand up, but was grabbed by the child.

Du Chen threw himself on him with the scent of alcohol mixed with mint, and cried, "Can you not have that operation? Can't you not have the operation?"

He was crying so sadly that Qiu Yu couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Du Chen whimpered: "She just died on the operating table...I don't want you to go, I like you so much!"

Read The Duke's Passion