MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 51 meet by chance

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This time, there was no alarm in Qiu Yu's game cabin.

After two high-intensity games, he was able to take off his helmet and unplug the wiring by himself. It's just that the pain in my body is so bad that I can't use any strength, and I really can't stand up.

Dr. Qi and Coach He are already waiting outside the cabin, ready to carry him out.

Qiu Yu shook his head lightly, enduring waves of pain in his body, and said in a hoarse voice, "Captain."

Mu Feibai stopped, surprised: "You called me?"

Qiu Yu said "hmm", and an indistinct smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I won the championship, I want to go on stage."

Mu Feibai's eyebrows frowned immediately: "How do you get on stage like this!"

Qiu Yu looked at him and said bluntly, "You carry me up."

Mu Feibai: ...

At this time, the exit process has already begun. On the opposite side of the stage, the players of the Suse team have lined up and waited in the audience. Eagle Riders have not been organized for a long time, and they fell into the camera, and the audience is staring. .

Immediately afterwards, they saw Mu Feibai put one foot into the game cabin where Qiu Yu was, bowed half of his body in, and carried Qiu Yu back out after a while. Next to him, He Jinxing immediately put the team uniform on Qiu Yu.

When Mu Feibai stepped onto the stage with Qiu Yu behind his back, the auditorium was boiling again.

"Ah, God Qiu is on stage! He is finally on stage!"

"This final is worth watching! Now I don't regret buying a front row ticket at a high price..."

"Cupid little angel, I love you!!"

Qiu Yu lay on Mu Feibai's back, with his arms around his shoulders hanging in front of him, his chin resting on his upper arms, less than a punch away from Mu Feibai's ear. His body still hurts, but he can bear it, and under the camera lens, there is no clue on his expression.

But Mu Feibai could hear Qiu Yu's slightly heavy and urgent panting, with an indistinct tremor in the airflow.

His complexion was not very good, and his lips were tightly pressed into a straight line.

The pain is so bad, why do you have to go on stage instead of going to the infirmary? The coach is still playing with him!

The teams from both sides crossed each other, Tang Weiran saw that Mu Feibai had both hands occupied, so he thought about not shaking hands with him. Unexpectedly, Qiu Yu suddenly raised his arm and opened his palm to her.

Oga's voice was a little low: "Accept."

What the **** is "acceptance", shouldn't it be "GoodGa" at this time?

Tang Weiran's expression was unnatural, but he still raised his hand to shake him, and casually said, "Congratulations."

Qiu Yu's gaze fell on Tang Weiran, bringing an indescribably strange pressure.

Tang Weiran avoided those eyes subconsciously, and his already convinced heart couldn't muster up the courage to provoke again.

There was even a little inexplicable anxiety - how did she offend this powerful Oga?

This time, after the exit handshake, none of the members of Eagle Cavalry left the stage, but stayed on the stage, ready to accept the league awards—there were no trophies in the regular season, but certificates and season rings would be issued to all members of the championship team. The award ceremony is still a sense of ceremony, but it is not as grand as the Covenant Cup.

Mu Feibai carried Qiu Yu on his back, but he didn't feel any weight, nor did he feel tired. When the league chairman smiled and presented Qiu Yu with the certificate and the championship ring, he suddenly felt that it was right for Qiu Yu to insist on going on stage today.

After all, he is the champion of the summer competition. It would be a pity if he missed the glory of the awards.

The awarding process of the regular season is very simple. After all the certificates and rings are awarded, the host will ask the players a few questions, which is counted as a post-match interview.

Probably seeing Mu Feibai carrying Qiu Yu on his back, afraid that he would be tired, the host walked up to the two of them first, congratulated them first, then handed the microphone to Qiu Yu's mouth, and said with a smile: "This is still your first time!" This is the first time you will be on stage after a game, is there anything you want to say to the audience?"

Qiu Yu moistened his lips, and his voice was calm when he spoke, no pain or weakness could be heard at all: "Oga can also play professional games. So, never, never give up on your dreams."

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the auditorium. Some people screamed Qiu Yu's name, and more people called Qiu Shen.

The host was also very emotional: "Yes! Never give up on your dreams! Everyone will hear your encouragement!"

Only Mu Feibai could feel that the moment the microphone was removed, Qiu Yu let out a short "hiss" in his ear, and then took a few quick breaths, and a slight tremor came from the body on his back.

Mu Feibai's body froze, and he didn't dare to move, for fear that a slight shake would make Qiu Yu more painful.

The host asked Mu Feibai again: "Just now in the fifth game, we saw that Eagle Rider's attack style was a bit different. May I ask what prompted the team to make such a change?"

This question was asked by two commentators who pestered her. Anyway, the interview questions on the stage were not fixed, and it was normal to occasionally bring some private goods.

Mu Feibai didn't have the gentle smile he used to wear on his face, but now it looked a little cold and sharp, like a saber that had just been sharpened and was in need of blood.

But he did not refuse to answer, but spoke quickly: "Because the commander has changed."

The host wanted to ask again, but Mu Feibai interrupted: "Sorry, I have to send him to the infirmary. If you have any questions, Zhou Shu will answer them."

After finishing speaking, without giving the host a chance to speak, he turned around and left with Qiu Yu behind his back.

After all, the host was professionally trained, and he didn't show any embarrassment on his face. He even explained something for Mu Feibai, and then interviewed the remaining four on the stage.

Mu Feibai had just recited Qiu Yu out of the competition hall, when the door closed behind him, Qiu Yu's head, which was still upright, hit him on the shoulder in an instant, cursed something in a low voice, didn't even hide his breathing, and hissed coldly. gas.

Mu Feibai froze all over, it was unbelievable, but also distressed and angry: "You hurt so much?!"

As he spoke, he turned his head suddenly to see Qiu Yu's face.

Just when Qiu Yu raised his head to urge him to leave quickly, the lips of the two of them gently rubbed against each other.

Mu Fei's white soul flew away.

After Qiu Yu finished his treatment, it was already half past eleven in the evening.

In order to maintain the state of the game, the players didn't eat dinner before. During Qiu Yu's treatment, He Jinxing asked them if they needed to order food. Everyone refused, saying that they wanted to wait for Qiu Yu to come out to eat together.

He Jinxing was very pleased to see this group of children with such a sense of teamwork.

Unexpectedly, before he was relieved for a few seconds, Zhou Shu approached with a smile: "Coach, we have won the championship, should we treat us to a supper? It's not expensive, just the crayfish in the next block—"

He eats it every year during games, and he ate it a few days ago. He is not tired of it, and he still misses it.

"All right, all right." He Jinxing was happy in his heart, but pretended to be reluctant on the surface, "Go and eat, and I'll reimburse you when you come back. But don't stay out too late!"

The Eagle Cavalry members all knew that the coach could not eat spicy food, and they never ate late at night, so this meal was not a celebration feast. The official celebration banquet is still scheduled for noon tomorrow, and besides the coach and team members, Qi Zhefeng and Yuan Lu will also be present this time.

After Qiu Yu finished his treatment and took a shower, a group of young people went out at zero o'clock.

It's still the same supper restaurant, the last two pots of shrimps have become three pots this time, and a case of fruit wine has been added—the game is over, they can indulge without worrying about affecting their state.

"Brother Qiu, I respect you!" Zhou Shu held up the wine bottle and ran in front of Qiu Yu, "There is nothing to say, just one word, awesome! Fuck, I also want to ask you to be my teacher, can you teach me how to snipe? How about me and Xiaolu calling you Master? Hey, do you have any plans if you retire in the future? I think you can be a coach, and you are absolutely awesome as a coach..."

Mu Feibai disliked him: "Isn't there nothing to say? You said so much."

Zhou Shu reacted: "Oh yes, drink."

Qiu Yu grabbed the bottle, touched the two necks in the air, then raised his head and blew directly at the bottle.

Mu Feibai looked at him sideways.

The restaurant's warm lights fell from overhead, and Qiu Yu's slightly closed eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheeks when he raised his head. The T-shirt he put on today also has a high collar, the neckline can barely cover the Adam's apple. When he drinks, his throat rolls, and the light and thin fabric rises and falls.

After taking a few sips of wine, Qiu Yu removed the bottle. Maybe it was because his lips were sucked too tightly just now, and he let out a soft "boo", and there was a little alcohol left at the corner of his mouth, so he raised his hand and wiped it away with his thumb.

As if being burned, Mu Feibai suddenly looked away.

Those two seemingly soft and moist lips seemed to be imprinted in his mind, reminding him of the fleeting touch after the game...that coincidence.

A crazy idea bewitched him. In the picture he imagined, he was reaching out to pinch Qiu Yu's chin, biting the lips soaked in wine—

A chuckle pulled Mu Feibai out of his thoughts.

Lin Jinxi said: "Seeing brother Qiu drinking like this, I feel that he is even less like Oga."

As a Beta, he can't smell pheromones and is more prone to delusions. There have been several times, and he felt that Qiu Yu was the same person as them. Even when he saw Qiu Yu wiping his sweat with the hem of his clothes, or sometimes reaching out to pat their shoulders and pulling their arms, he no longer looked like he just met them. It was so embarrassing at the time.

Zhou Shu, who is also a beta, agreed very much: "Yes, yes! Especially during the competition, I think Brother Qiu is super-A!"

Qiu Yu put down the bottle, interested: "What should Oga be like?"

Speaking of Oga, several young people became energetic, talking about what Oga they had seen before, and even Lu Cun, who was the most shy, blushed and interjected a few words.

Qiu Yu listened silently, laughing inwardly, and occasionally took a sip from the wine bottle.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the previous battlefield. After winning the battle, the soldiers gathered together to eat dry food, and no one would talk about the war. Naturally, the girl talked the most. Who met a beautiful girl before, who had a night of indulgence, who was tricked into bed by a female mercenary...

... gradually overlapped with the screen in front of me.

Chatting and chatting, seeing that the topic gradually turned in a slightly offensive direction, Mu Feibai frowned and interrupted: "Okay, what are you talking about, who gave Oga a fixed impression?"

Zhou Shu and the others suddenly came to their senses, ended the conversation, and apologized to Qiu Yu with a toast.

In fact, Qiu Yu didn't feel offended.

Even if he has the memory of the original body, in his inherent cognition, the main gender distinction in this world is still male and female, and ABO is the second level. That is to say, he thinks he is a man first, and then a male Oga. The Oga in the topic just now, in his opinion, does not directly reflect on himself.

However, the local perception in this world is just the opposite - he is Oga first, then male.

That's why Mu Feibai interrupted everyone.

The topic changed quickly, and a table of young people ate up three pots of crayfish noisily.

Before leaving, Qiu Yu got up and went to the bathroom. At this time, the store was still busy, and people who eat late at night usually also like to drink, so Mu Feibai accompanied him there because he was afraid that he would encounter harassment.

However, when passing by the stairs in the corridor, two figures happened to come down from the private room upstairs and meet Mu Feibai face to face.

"Oops!" The elegant man was startled, and suddenly laughed again, "I bumped into it after I was eating late at night."

"Tsk." The handsome uncle who was following him suddenly frowned, looking troublesome.

Mu Feibai:! ?

Qiu Yu took two steps forward, and found that the side was empty, and looked back: "Captain?"

Seeing each other staring at the two men at the top of the stairs with strange expressions on their faces, it might be that there was some dispute. He hurried back to stand next to Mu Feibai - if there were a similar number of people, it would be "reasonable".

The handsome uncle suddenly leaned forward, fluttered his nose, and sniffed hard.

Immediately afterwards, he looked Qiu Yu up and down, his face changed suddenly, he pointed at Mu Feibai in shock, and shouted: "You brat!"

Sure enough, they came to find fault.

Qiu Yu took out two empty wine bottles from the boxes piled up in the corridor of the shop with his backhand, and stuffed one of them into Mu Feibai's hand.

Read The Duke's Passion