MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 754 I am your robbery

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It's just that this Yang Shou's breath is very powerful, beyond his original imagination.

Originally, in his impression, Yang Shou was only the strength of the Beginning Realm.

But now... this power is no weaker than him.

There are nine tenth-level avenues surrounding him, which firmly protect him. If it weren't for these nine avenues, he would have been breached by the Lord of the Upper Realm and suffered heavy losses.

"Yang Shou, join me and kill him!"

Lingzu half-squinted his eyes, his mind turned, and soon he spoke to Yang Shou.

He naturally knew that this Yang Shou was Yang Shou from World Earth No. 2, not... the Lord of the Black Mist.

"The Lord of the Upper Realm has the key to communicate with the energy of this world, which is inexhaustible. We must join forces to defeat him!"

He transmitted his voice and tried to deceive Yang Shou.

Originally, he dismissed Yang Shou, but when he sensed that Yang Shou's strength was not weaker than him, he completely changed his mind.

Right now, in the Ruins, it is no longer a question of whether or not you can defeat the Lord of the Upper Realm, but whether you can break through the eleventh level!

In the entire holy world, only here, the land of the three fallen, has such a majestic energy, allowing them to enter the eleventh level.

Outside the Ruins, it is never possible to truly enter the eleventh level.


After Yang Shou appeared, he did not enter the market as he thought.

Lingzu could only vaguely sense Yang Shou's breath.

Has been wandering outside the ruins.

He stood on the stone bridge, pushed open the stone gate, and was able to sense the aura in the ruins, but... he didn't choose to enter it.

Because at that moment, he suddenly had a crazy idea.

Ruin Ruins!

Convert all the energy in it into crystals of doom, and push him to achieve the seventh level!

The calamity crystal required by the seventh stage requires 100 billion.

And after suppressing the three, he destroyed the upper realm, but only got billions of crystals.

The distance of 100 billion is still a long way to go, so...

In order to achieve the seventh level of immortality, he moved this thought.

As soon as this thought appeared, it grew wildly.


"This world was transformed after the fall of the three gods. It is full of countless energies, and it has lasted for eternity. Maybe it can meet my requirements for a hundred billion karmic crystals at one time!"

Yang Shou took a deep breath and stood on the quaint and heavy stone bridge, holding the stone gate with his palms, preventing the world from closing.

"To destroy it, first of all, I need to have the energy to surpass it, but I'm stuck in an infinite loop again..."

Yang Shou murmured, and he could sense at a glance that the aura of the Lord of the Upper Realm in the Ruins became stronger and stronger, reaching the peak of the tenth level.

The realm of no ascension!

At this moment, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the strongest tenth level.

It's just because he still holds an empty source board, so the Lord of the Upper Realm has never been able to enter the eleventh level.

It is impossible to absorb the real energy of the eleventh level in this world!

In order to surpass the power of Ruins, one must reach the eleventh level.

His combat power, the current limit is the tenth peak.

"What if I suppress the ancestors, the ancestors, and the ancestors, and all of them are integrated into the Great Thousand World?"

Later, Yang Shou's heart was born with even more demented thoughts.

At present, he has suppressed the Lord of Black Mist and the ancestors...

It also suppressed the remnant souls of the three...

It's about to become a hodgepodge.

Just suppressing these creatures is already his limit.

If he joins the Lord of the Spiritual Ancestor Heavenly Ancestor Upper Realm, his Great Thousand World will definitely not be able to bear it, and it will collapse with a bang.

"No! I have a closed loop of the world!"

Yang Shou is still hesitating whether or not to take this risk.

He has a closed loop of the world and can trap all living beings within a certain period of time.

Even if there is no suppression, he can enter the eleventh level in an instant by virtue of the connection between the Great Thousand World and him!

Then... destroy the entire ruins, absorb enough doom crystals, and enter the seventh level!

He believed that as long as the indestructible body reached the seventh level and truly achieved great success, as long as the Lord of the Upper Realm and the others did not enter the eleventh level, they would not be his opponents.

This path of his, from destroying the world, has gone through countless disasters before condensing such a vast physique.

Absolutely extraordinary!

"Immortal body is my true path..."

On the stone bridge, Yang Shou murmured, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The way of the Lord of the Upper Realm is fate and destruction, and the way of the Lord of the Black Mist is creation and reincarnation.

His way is doom and cause and effect.

"I... is the robbery of your life!"

The enlightenment in Yang Shou's eyes became stronger and stronger, staring at the interior of the ruins, looking at the Lord of the Upper Realm.

At this time, the Lord of the Upper Realm also noticed him.

There was a hint of consternation. Obviously, he did not expect that Yang Shou could actually grow to this point during the time he took the initiative to enter the market.


Thinking of Yang Shou's identity, he knew that Yang Shou was not worth mentioning.

Not a threat at all.

His real threat is the Lord of the Black Mist.

No matter how strong Yang Shou is, he is just a creature that evolved under the main source board of the Black Mist.

"Leave here, I will spare your life!"

However, since Yang Shou's combat power has reached the peak of the tenth level, the Lord of the Upper Realm still respects a little, and threatens in a deep voice.

Now, he just wants to kill the ancestors first, then rush out of the market, go to the ancestors, get the entrance of Canggu, and completely kill the Lord of the Black Mist.

As for Yang Shou's priority, he placed it at the lowest level.

Yang Shou's face was flat, and he looked at him like this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and immediately...

With a wave of his hand, Cheng Kong appeared on the stone bridge with a dazed expression.

The pupil of the Lord of the Upper Realm shrank, and his face changed greatly.

Unexpectedly... he gave up Lingzu regardless and rushed out of the market.

Two avenues surrounded him, protecting him through the stone gate, and also set foot on the stone bridge.

However... Yang Shou looked indifferent, waved his hand again, and Cheng Kong disappeared on the stone bridge.

"Hand over it!"

The Lord of the Upper Realm stared at Yang Shou with gloomy eyes.

In his eyes, countless lights flickered, obviously, he was deducing the whereabouts of the sky.

Soon, he caught a trace of the world and said with a sneer: "So it is, I didn't expect that the Lord of the Black Mist still left a recovery hand, and even used the key, but it's a pity..."

He didn't finish what he said next.

Yang Shou also knew what he meant.

It's a pity that Yang Shou blocked his plan.

Otherwise, the one who now descends into the ruins and fights with him is the Lord of the Black Mist.

"Hand over the source board, I can... protect your future forever!" After realizing the cause and effect, the Lord of the Upper Realm had enough respect for Yang Shou.

After all, he has already proved with his own strength that he is qualified to participate in this game belonging to the tenth-level peak powerhouse.

Below the tenth-level peak, it is all a game of ants!

"Sorry, I only believe in the eternity I hold with my own hands!"

Yang Shou opened his mouth lightly, then waved his hand directly, drawing a passage in the void.

A passage leading to his body, a thousand worlds!

His meaning is obvious, please enter the urn!

If you want to get a complete source board, you can only enter it if you enter the eleventh level.

The expression of the Lord of the Upper Realm changed slightly. He did not expect that Yang Shou would have such courage.

This kind of thing has not been ten years...cough, there is no absolute confidence, it can't be done.

He is a tenth-level peak, especially after absorbing the energy in the ruins, he has reached the peak of the peak!

If it were him, he would never dare to let an opponent of this level enter the inner world.

He knew everything about Yang Shou, but at this moment, he was vaguely aware of Yang Shou's real plans.

However, he was quite moved by the great world that Yang Shou mastered.

It's not just him, in fact, after his bewitching, the ancestors mistakenly thought that Yang Shou was the key, entered it with his real body, tried to revive the Daqian World in Yang Shou's body, and thus captured the entire Daqian World.

"273,203 outcomes, of which 273,000 outcomes are that you die, there are only two outcomes, you will not die, but... none of them shows that I will fall Here!"

The eyes of the Lord of the Upper Realm trembled, countless bright lights flickered, and countless results were obtained.

In an instant, he seemed to grasp countless possibilities in the future.

So more conceited.

He stepped directly into the passage that Yang Shou had prepared for him.

This passage leads directly to the Great Thousand World!

He is very confident in the fateful avenue he has mastered, and believes that he cannot have an accident in it.

"There are only thirteen possibilities, I will be injured in them, and the remaining two possibilities, you will not die, but you will be torn apart and mad..."

The Lord of the Upper Realm murmured and said something that made Yang Shou's expression move slightly.


After he stepped into the Great Thousand World, Yang Shou let go of the suppression of the three remnant souls at the same moment.

Among them, the closed loop of the world that bound the blood-red remnant soul was also taken out by Yang Shou.

It is directly protected on the barrier of the Great Thousand World.

Prevent these immortals from fighting in his body, and destroy the world in an instant.


in the market.

Lingzu was slightly at a loss, feeling that he was a little out of step with the times.

So far, Yang Shou has not stepped into the ruins.

He has been standing on the stone bridge, looking down at the world inside the ruins.

The energy in this world is indeed very rich, but not everyone can absorb it.

Only the power of the tenth peak can blast the ruins.

And this energy, even the tenth peak, cannot absorb it.

A key is required.

And that key is the person they have been looking for in the life template.

"That person is not you, not Yang Shou."

Lingzu had already reacted, and looked at Yang Shou with a complicated expression, but did not do anything to him.


Yang Shou smiled slightly, took a step, stepped into the ruins, and made a move towards him!

After the Lord of the Upper Realm entered his body, he immediately felt the power of a majestic explosion.

This power is enough to destroy everything, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, Yang Shou did not delay, he directly displayed it, and severely suppressed the ancestors.

at the same time.

He also opened a passage to the Great Thousand World.

It's just that dealing with the ancestors is far less formal than dealing with the Lord of the Upper Realm.

He has gained some power enhancements, and at this time it is already equivalent to the previous realm of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Level 10 Invincible!

The pinnacle of the pinnacle!