MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 540 hodgepodge

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With the blessing of this power, Yang Shou quickly beat up the spirit ancestor who was severely depleted.

He had no power to fight back and could only passively resist the defense. Immediately afterwards, Yang Shou started to push the spiritual ancestor into the passage of the Great Thousand World.

It was also locked into the Great Thousand World.

At this point, only Yang Shou was left in the ruins where the fierce battle had been fought.


Yang Shou made a casual blow, and the whole world fell apart.

However, this ruin is really too big.

He simply cannot do devastating damage to it.

"It's still not enough! My current strength is only one step away from breaking through this barrier and entering the eleventh level!"

Yang Shou's eyes shone brightly.

Now, he is still unable to destroy this huge and heavy ruins.

"Tianzu, it's your turn now!"

Yang Shou took a deep breath, turned around, moved the endless space, and quickly walked towards World No. 7 where Tianzu was located.


When Yang Shou came to World No. 7, he suddenly discovered...

Tianzu seemed to have been waiting for him.

He showed himself.

A grey-haired old man.

Leaning on a cane, just looking at him with eyes full of pity and sighs.

"Open the world."

He seemed to understand Yang Shou's plan, but the sympathy and sigh in his expression made Yang Shou feel very strange.

Tianzu, this bad old man, seems to know a lot of things.

And it's none of their business, hanging up high, watching the saints be destroyed, the barbarian ancestors being suppressed, and the spiritual ancestors being calculated.

Now it's even more... Let him be imprisoned in the Great Thousand World.

However, Yang Shou naturally had no reason to reject Tianzu's initiative.

As long as he enters the Great Thousand World, with the temporary stability of the Great Thousand World, his power will quickly reach the eleventh level.

Thus destroying the ruins!


After the ancestor of the day entered, so far, Yang Shou's Great Thousand World has gathered the remnants of the Lord of the Upper Realm, the Lord of the Black Mist, the three ancestors of the holy clan, and the three ancient gods.

A total of eight strong existences between heaven and earth.

Every peak period has reached the tenth peak.

Among them, the ancient three, at their peak, are even more appropriate eleventh-level powerhouses!

"Eleventh grade!"

Yang Shou roared angrily, raised his strength, and began to bombard the invisible bottleneck.

This bottleneck is like a moat, blocking him.

It seems that it is not a complete source board creature because of a huge defect in his body.

But... he didn't really step in, but for a short time.

In the case of constantly stimulating the potential, only the sound of "scraping" breaking the wall is heard.

An invisible barrier shattered.

A whole new world was opening to him.

In his vision, there are no secrets in the world.

The entire holy world, no matter how big or small, could not escape his eyes.

He draws the power between heaven and earth, as if he follows the law.

A single thought can create and destroy everything.

Creation and rebirth are within his thoughts!

"Eleventh grade!"

Yang Shou roared again, with him at the center, the space oscillated, and the entire holy world seemed to be unable to withstand the existence of the eleventh level, and began to collapse violently.

But...he is not a real level 11 after all, he just reached this state temporarily, so the holy world just collapsed.

not destroyed.

Under the self-repair of the world, the collapses he caused are constantly being repaired.

And Yang Shou, after stepping into the eleventh level, stepped on the stone bridge again, pushed open the stone gate, and entered the ruins.

Just as he was trying to attack Xu, there were more and more changes in the Great Thousand World.

The corners of his mouth began to ooze blood.

The aura vibrated, and it was constantly on and off, which obviously meant that there was an extremely terrifying scene in the Great Thousand World.


In a thousand worlds.

beyond the abyss of cause and effect.

After the Lord of the Upper Realm entered, Yang Shou threw Cheng Kong into the abyss of karma.

Put it in front of the Lord of the Black Mist.

The Lord of Black Mist slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he had turned into a mortal.

But from beginning to end, he was calm.

But at this moment, he couldn't calm down.

Because in the next second, he sensed the breath of the Lord of the Upper Realm.

"He... actually came?"

The Lord of the Black Mist murmured, pondered a little, and then protected Cheng Kong behind him.

To this day, he was certain that the Lord of the Upper Realm had not yet found the entrance to Canggu.

In the face of the Lord of the Upper Realm, he is not false.

Moreover... Cheng Kong was "hoarded" by him, so that one day in the future, he could use it to restrain the Lord of the Upper Realm.

It's just that Yang Shou gave him this hot potato at this time, but it was a naked conspiracy.

He wants to make him fight with the Lord of the Upper Realm.

Misfortune to the east!

When the Lord of the Upper Realm approached the abyss of karma, the corner of the mouth of the Lord of the Black Mist who turned into a mortal twitched, looking at the Lord of the Upper Realm at the peak of the tenth level, his expression was as usual.

"You came."

The Lord of the Upper Realm narrowed his pupils.

To be honest, he didn't want to face the Lord of Black Mist so early.

Because he has not yet found the entrance to Canggu, has not entered it, and cannot completely kill the Lord of Black Mist.

But it was about whether he could gather the Life Source Board, and he had to do it.

The Lord of the Upper Realm looked at the Lord of Black Mist with a cold expression, and his eyes fell on Cheng Kong who was behind him.

"Now you are not my opponent, hand over him."

The Lord of Black Mist said lightly: "Why don't you enter the abyss of karma and try it yourself?"

The Lord of Upper Realm's expression changed, and then he noticed that there was a time cage above the abyss of karma.

In this time cage, the flow of time is extremely terrifying.

Cheng Kong entered it, and soon the body became old and dead, and the bones turned into fly ashes, leaving only the state of the soul.

And the energy of his soul is also rapidly depleting.

Before long, he will be completely annihilated.

This is also a way for Yang Shou to force the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Lord of the Black Mist to fight.

These two people are very deep, so even if they are trapped in the Daqian world, they will never do anything to the Daqian world.

The Lord of the Upper Realm entered the eleventh level in order to obtain a complete source board.

As for the purpose of the Lord of the Black Mist, Yang Shou currently only knows that he wants to truly liberate and return to the peak.

Moreover, he still has his own life source board, and Yang Shou doesn't want to mess with him unless it is a last resort.

He was not sure whether the Holy Spirit Source Board could affect his life and death.

The Lord of the Upper Realm, who was outside the abyss of karma, stared at the bottom for a moment, and soon made a decision to step into the abyss of karma.

He couldn't just sit back and watch this creature's source board die in front of his eyes.

He has already collected eight, and with the last one left, he can... successfully enter the eleventh level!

Countless years of planning will become a reality today, and he will never allow any mistakes!

Therefore, he entered the abyss of karma at the risk of the speed of time accelerating countless times.

But he didn't know that after he entered, the corner of the Lord of Black Mist's mouth turned up, revealing a sneer.

"Barbarian ancestor, it's time to close the net!"

He said solemnly, and on the other side, he also turned into the true body of the mortal ancestors, directly opened his **** mouth, and fought towards the Lord of the Upper Realm.



The Lord of the Upper Realm directly ignored the barbarian ancestor who was only the real body, and walked directly towards Cheng Kong behind the Lord of Black Mist.


In the next breath, the aura of the ancestors began to expand wildly.

Obviously, under the flow of time, his energy has been maintained at zero, but at this time, he seems to have returned to the peak in an instant.

"Lord of the Upper Realm!"

The barbarian ancestor opened his eyes, glared at the sky, waved his hand, and fiercely photographed the figure of the Lord of the Upper Realm.


The abyss of cause and effect trembled.

Two tenth-level peak powerhouses fought, and in an instant, they collapsed into the abyss of karma, together with... a cage of time.

The cage of time is torn apart!

Those fragments of accelerated time were scattered between the heavens and the earth, causing all kinds of strange phenomena to appear in the Great Thousand World.

Some places continue to accelerate, and some places are the same as before.

Formed one after another world secret realm.

Only with the war between the two sides, the foundation of the Great Thousand World was directly shaken.

Yang Shou's Great Thousand World began to vibrate violently, and the space collapsed.

If it wasn't for the world closed-loop blockade suppressing the Daqian World, this world would have been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between two tenth-level peak powerhouses.

Even so, Yang Shou, who was in the ruins, began to fall in his realm.

After finally entering the eleventh level, his realm began to rise and fall, and he had a tendency to decline.

Not only that, but next, the blood-red remnant soul that lost the closed-loop suppression of the world...

Break free launched a frenzy.

It accelerated frantically towards the world.

Countless time thorns are scattered between heaven and earth.

The many worlds that Yang Shou evolved into were affected by the thorn of time, and the flow of the heavens and the earth was chaotic.

Xu Mu, Changsheng, Yu Ping'an and others, the three most powerful ones, are responsible for guarding the outside world.

Prevent the evolution of the living world... from being destroyed.

But in Xu Mu's perception, their enemy was too terrifying.

At least the tenth level and above, and... the three ancestors of the saints were brought into the Great Thousand World by the master.

Make his scalp tingle.

But any normal person would not dare to throw so many enemies into his own world.

If one fails, the world will collapse.


Now the whole world is about to collapse, and now it is supported by the closed loop of the world.

"Master, what do you think, so many terrifying powerhouses, aren't they really afraid of playing with fire and setting themselves on fire?"

Xu Mu smiled bitterly and looked into the distance like that.

at the same time.

The blood-red remnant soul escaped from the trap, the blue remnant soul in charge of memory, and the cyan remnant soul in charge of cultivation, all made up.

Everywhere in the Great Thousand Worlds exudes their unique avenues.

It made the entire Daqian world seem like the end of the world.

All the powerhouses, including the ancestors, participated in this battle. They took the initiative to join the ancestors in the battle against the masters of the upper realms. Only the ancestors stayed out of the fight and never participated in any battles.

Of course, there is also the Lord of Black Mist who has not recovered any cultivation.

As Yang Shou's key care object, at this time, he really has no cultivation at all.

Want to participate is also powerless.

Read The Duke's Passion