MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 670 Perfection

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  Chapter 670 Reaching the Realm

  The end of December.

   "Assassin's Creed", officially unlocked.

   This game has attracted much attention, and the pre-sale sales are very good.

   It can be said that it was sold out.

   But Tan Hua didn't hesitate, and finally got the game right away.

   As for why.

   Regardless of the extremely handsome promotional cg announced in advance, the screen of the real machine demonstration at the e-sports festival is enough to make Tan Hua make up his mind to buy the game.

The reason.

   is very simple.

   Two elements of parkour and assassination in the game.

  Lin Yao’s parkour in her previous life can be traced back to its origin, and there are many theories.

  Some say that the inspiration comes from French physical education experts, some say that the inspiration comes from Japanese ninjas, and of course some say that it comes from Jackie Chan's Plan A.

   Opinions vary.

   But if it comes to the enlightenment of domestic parkour, it must be the latter.

   But whatever the origin is.

  Parkour is an extreme sport that uses the daily environment as the sports venue and relies on its own physical ability to quickly, effectively and reliably control any known and unknown environment.

  After the development of time, various great gods have added bricks and tiles, and after various movies have been vigorously announced, it can be said to be famous all over the world.

   Most ordinary people know about this sport.

   And different branches were born.

  Even parkour has its own culture, from clothing styles, training methods to movement norms.

   But it's different here.

  Although parkour also exists, it is very rare, mainly because very few people carry it forward, and there are few related film and television works.

  So for players like Tan Hua.

  The assassin shuttled through the buildings, and a fatal blow fell from the sky.

   This set of smooth and cool processes is really attractive.

  A combination of assassination and parkour!

   Players are more likely to accept games that look more ornamental, although... the real game experience often has little to do with this look and feel.

And "Assassin's Creed" can be said to be the earliest game to add parkour elements to the game. Its predecessor, Prince of Persia, has similar elements, but it is more exaggerated and fantasy, while "Assassin's Creed" inherits the running style of "Prince of Persia". cool elements and make it more realistic and rationalized.

   Earlier generations.

   "Assassin's Creed" relies on parkour and a handsome execution system to gain a firm foothold.

   This can be said to be the most important selling point of the previous Assassin's Creed.

   In addition, there is nothing better than parkour to reflect the sense of action and operability of the game.

  So after Tan Hua watched the promotional video of the actual machine.

   Almost immediately decided to buy it.

  The game will be officially unlocked at 12 noon.

   And Tan Hua sat in front of the computer at eleven o'clock, and pre-downloaded the game version that was about to be unlocked early.

   Arrive at twelve o'clock.

  He immediately pressed to start the game.

  When the logo of Linmu Workshop appeared on the screen.

  He rubbed his fists, then grabbed the mouse...


  The game starts, first there is a section of CG.

  The CG where Altaïr assassinates the target.

   At the same time that Altaïr disappeared gracefully, the main page of the game appeared.

   Numerous genetic symbols flicker.

  【Assassin's Creed】

  The game name appears.

   Then the game reminds Tan Hua to press any key to continue and create a new data file.

  Completing these two steps is very simple, after the operation similar to system registration.

  An object similar to AR glasses appeared on the screen.

   A triangle formed by three cuboids appeared in the center of the screen.

  Countless pictures flicker on it.

   It's like a revolving lantern.

   Then the screen goes blank.

  Altaïr dressed in white appeared on the screen.

  But the picture is as if the modeling has not been completed, the environment can be vaguely seen, but the pedestrians around do not even have faces.

   Tan Hua was stunned, thinking that something was wrong with his computer.

  It wasn't until a fault-like sound sounded that he realized that this was just a performance of the game.

  Walk, run, run fast, move camera, grab target and throw...

  Related teaching gradually emerged with the sound of a malfunction in the background.

  【I concentrate on observing wisdom, arrogance and ignorance】

  【But I know that this is also chasing after the wind, because with much wisdom, there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow. 】

   Finished with this line from the Old Testament.

  A female voice suddenly sounded.

  The meaning is very simple, it seems to say that something went wrong, and there is no way to locate the memory.

   Tan Hua was dumbfounded again.

   Wait, am I not playing Assassin's Creed?

   And as the female voice said.

  The picture is even more chaotic.

   One scene superimposed on another scene.

   Although the character can still operate.

   But obviously not fun.

   At this time, another male voice sounded, and called out the name Desmond, making him relax, telling him that this is not true, it is all a memory of the past, and it will not hurt him.

   But the effect is very limited.

  The screen flickered even more.

  Next scene.

  The male voice and the female voice talked, and reached an agreement to let Desmond come out.

  The screen is stretched.

   At the beginning, the triangle composed of three cuboids reappeared in the center of the screen.

  The screen goes blank.

   It is like opening eyes.

   From the player's first perspective, Desmond sat up suddenly with a carp.

  Look at the layout, the characters, and the costumes.

  This is not like the Assassin's Creed in the promotional film...

   Tan Hua looked at the screen, scratched his head, and once again suspected that he had bought the wrong game.


  Talk with the characters in the game.

  Tan Hua only figured out the cause and effect.


   This is a virtual reality machine that can read the genetic memory of its user and project it into a three-dimensional world.

  In the real story line, Desmond is a bartender trained as an assassin and a descendant of the master assassin Altaïr.

  The reason why he was kidnapped is precisely because in the setting of the story, human DNA is like an archive. It not only contains the genetic structure inherited from previous generations of life, but also contains memories, the memories of their respective ancestors.

   Simply put, Animus allows offspring to enter the body of the ancestor.

   Tan Hua: "..."

   After watching the plot, he thought it was ridiculous.

   But have to say.


  He thought it was just a pure stealth and assassination game, but he didn't expect that there would be a modern plot...

   Genetic memory.

   Does this mean that the game can be infinitely expanded without being limited by the era?

  Just as Tan Hua was thinking about this question.

  The game starts.

  The first relatively stable memory that can be accessed by Desmond is loaded.

  The screen ends.

  In an empty space.

The    Genetics symbol flashes.

  Altaïr reappeared in white.

  The classic sync bar slowly emerges...

  After introducing the concept of synchronization, the game begins teaching.

  Teach the player how to operate.

   And each step is completed.

   The sync bar will increase.

  In the end, the system tells the player that if they kill innocent people, fall from high places, or get injured in battle, they will lose synchronization.

   At the same time, he talked about the three creeds of assassins: not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, not to act in a high-profile manner, and not to endanger allies.

   This is equivalent to directly integrating concepts such as blood bars into the plot.


   Tan Hua completed a whole set of teaching, and finally figured out the pre-plot and gameplay of this game.

have to say.

   This is indeed refreshing...

   And at this time.

   After synchronization is complete.

  The first stable memory, officially loaded...

  In the first scene of the game, Altaïr is assassinating with the Hidden Blade.

  Blood gushing room.

  The target only had time to groan before falling backwards.

  Altaïr took advantage of the situation to support the opponent, and put it down gently.

   Then he quarreled directly with his companions.

  Because the man Altaïr just assassinated was innocent.

  At this time, Altaïr was still a stupefied young man who believed in 'everything is false and everything is allowed', and felt that how to complete the task was not important, but the result was important.

   Just a very hanging look.

  Lao Tzu is right!

  The companion couldn't beat him, so he could only turn around and explore the way.

  The game has officially started.

  Then stunned Altaïr, committed another crime, violated the third tenet, and endangered allies.

  Despite the dissuasion of his companions, the mission eventually failed, the mission target escaped, and he was pushed off the high wall.

   And this time.

   is the real start of the game.

  The player needs to use the key combination to control Altaïr to jump from one obstacle to another... Through climbing and parkour, escape from the Temple of Solomon and return to Masyaf, where the Assassins are located.

   While in the tall buildings of Masyaf, Altaïr reported the status of the mission to Al Mualim, the mentor of the Assassin Order.

  Because the mission failed, one companion died and one was injured.

  The instructor was very angry, and the companion who lost his brother even pointed at Altaïr's nose and cursed.

  Altaïr's pride and recklessness can be felt directly through the prologue.

At this moment.

  He's not a master assassin yet.

  In the game, someone reported that the target that Altaïr failed to assassinate attacked Masyaf.

   Altaïr's mentor, Al Mualim, decided to let Altaïr atone for his crimes and go to participate in the defense of Masyaf.

  Altaïr's transformation is coming...

  Tan Hua in front of the screen, at first, was full of thoughts about how handsome he could get close to the target and kill him with one blow, but after seeing this, he began to look forward to the next plot...

   And the next day.

   Apart from going to the bathroom and eating, Tan Hua never left the computer.


  The process of "Assassin's Creed", if you don't count the branch, is about 10-15 hours.

   The game is unlocked at noon.

   Early in the morning.

   Tan Hua cleared the level.

   When you see the end, the real story line.

  Desmond accidentally discovered that he had the same ability as his ancestors' Hawkeye.

  Through this ability, he discovered the symbols in every corner of the laboratory he was in and the secrets hidden on the walls of the rest area.

   Countless red runes that seemed to be written in blood.

   And just when Desmond was wondering what these things were.

  The story of the "Assassin's Creed" generation also came to an abrupt end at this time.


   Tan Hua saw this.

   Slowly let out a sigh of relief.

   The meaning is still unfinished.

  How would you rate this game?

   Tan Hua felt that he needed to think about it...

  But he didn't think for a long time, and he thought of a very appropriate adjective-good game.


It's that simple.

   Tell the truth.

   When he first bought this game, he went for parkour and assassination.

   And he did experience related gameplay in the game.

  As the improved Assassin's Creed generation, the relevant gameplay did not disappoint him.

  Because many of the shortcomings of the first generation have been corrected by Linmu Studio, it not only retains the most authentic Assassin's Creed gameplay, but also removes the dross and adds many advantages of the sequel.

  However, after playing the game, Tan Hua discovered that the game not only has cool parkour and assassination.

there are more.

  Tan Hua himself was impressed by many things.

   The first point is the map.

  The city scenery is really great!

  The story background of this game is set in Jerusalem in the twelfth century. The Lionheart King is leading his Knights Legion to start the Third Crusade.

  In the game, there are three cities that players can explore, Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus.

  These three cities all have a strong Chinese style.

  Whether it is the iconic temples and palaces of Middle Eastern cities, as well as the popular ‘Double City’.

  It is also the bazaar that can be seen everywhere in the city, with completely different urban areas divided according to different ethnic sects, and various architectural layouts...

   In short.

  These distinctive architectural features and sensory experience brought by different cultures.

   All make Tan Hua seem to be in this exotic world with strong exotic colors.

   Tell the truth.

   This is the first time that Tan Hua became interested in another culture while playing games.

  When he wandered around these cities, he even felt like watching a travel promotional film.

  Linmu Studio's incredible art background and attitude of excellence make the city in the game look like it has come out of history.

   This is really cool! !

   As for the gameplay.

   is a perfect interpretation of what an assassin is.

  Eavesdrop on intelligence, hide in the dark, and carry out assassinations.

  Everything must be done by the player himself.

  In order to collect information, climb up to the bird's-eye view point again and again, and fly over the roof and walls between buildings again and again, and the assassination is not over, the player still needs to escape the pursuit as demonstrated in the promotional video...

  How to say the whole game, it seems to be guiding Altaïr, or more precisely, guiding the players, how to become an excellent assassin.

  Although it is not used.

   But after playing, Tan Hua did have a deep understanding of what an assassin is.

   And more importantly... the game not only depicts the assassin, but also interprets the word Creed after the game name.

  Altaïr, the protagonist of the game.

  He is extremely talented and skilled, but arrogant, reckless and impetuous.

  In the prologue of the game, he misunderstood the meaning of the phrase that everything is false and everything is allowed, which violated the three Assassin's creeds, and eventually led to the failure of the mission, thus making a big mistake.

   For this reason, his mentor stripped Altaïr of his rank and equipment, and gave him a chance to redeem himself, allowing him to start over as a novice and re-understand the Assassin's Creed.

  In the game, Altaïr needs to assassinate nine Templar captains to complete his path of redemption.

   During the assassination, every time Altaïr killed a Templar leader, he would talk to these dead people, greet them, and listen to their last words one by one.

   Each of these dying knight commanders would give their own reasons.

  They believe that what they insist on is justice and fairness, and the chaotic freedom of assassins is not advisable.

   Even the Lionheart in the game will question Altaïr and the so-called liberalism he insists on.

  And these words gave Altaïr inspiration, making him think constantly, thinking about the purpose and significance of the assassin's behavior itself.

   It also made him doubt his mentor.

   And when he found out that his mentor really wanted to use the Pieces of Eden to control the entire world, sending Altaïr to assassinate the nine knight commanders was only to clear the way for himself.

  Altaïr killed his mentor.

  After everything has settled.

  He also understood that the Assassin's Creed did not give him a reason to act arbitrarily.

  Altaïr finally put away his arrogance and conceit, and became a calm, focused, humble, patient and intelligent person.

  The game tells a not-so-complicated story from Altaïr’s perspective, and outlines a ‘creed’.

  At the same time, I also thought about order and freedom, history and reality.

It's interesting.

   Tan Hua really found it very interesting.

   "Left 4 Dead" is pure cool, which is great, just like Carmack, the father of FPS in Lin Yao's previous life, said, FPS is like that, and the plot doesn't matter at all.

   Sometimes players just want to simply relax.

   However, that doesn't mean all games should be made this way.

  After "Left 4 Dead".

  The birth of "Assassin's Creed" is equivalent to giving Tan Hua another brand new gaming experience.

   This game is indeed not as refreshing as "Left 4 Dead".

   But the Holy City seems to have come out of history, with completely different and diverse gameplay, wonderful plots, the heavy game between the two major organizations of Assassins and Templars, speculation about freedom and order...

   These are all things that "Left 4 Dead" doesn't have.

   Just like Carmack, the father of FPS, said that FPS is like that, and the plot doesn't matter at all.

   But it does not prevent the "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" trilogy from becoming a classic in the minds of many players, and it does not prevent the final players from feeling sad when they see Soap die.


   does not interfere.

   Players develop feelings for a robot named BT.

  Because of game design, there is no dogma.

   "It's really... awesome."

   Tan Hua looked at the game after scrolling through the list of producers and jumping back to the menu page.

   Switched directly to the Vaporwave game platform, and then opened the store details page of "Assassin's Creed", leaving a favorable comment.

  【Fun! interesting! worth! 】

   After quickly typing six words.

   Tan Hua directly click to send.

   Then I realized that there are not many players who think the same as me.

   The game has not been released for a day, and it is only the morning of the next day.

   There are more than 100,000 reviews for the game "Assassin's Creed", and the overall review - rave reviews!

   Tan Hua looked through other players' reviews for a while, and then turned off the Vaporwave game platform. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

  Linmu Studio's understanding of games...has reached perfection!

  (end of this chapter)

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