MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 669 original character

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  The opening ceremony of this year's Forest E-sports Festival.

   did not disappoint anyone.

   There are all the necessary links.

   In a way, it even stole the thunder of the opener.

   After all, with so many popular online games under the Linmu Studio, such a big update, it really is not inferior to the announcement of the new game.

   And the most eye-catching one is the new expansion piece of "World of Warcraft".

   The most famous character in the stand-alone game "Warcraft" is about to appear in the online game, and many legged men will face the Alsace that they controlled and witnessed its degeneration.

  This is not only in terms of feelings, but also in terms of gameplay.

   are very exciting.

  The feeling is because "Warcraft" is the memory of many people, and the gameplay is because the chapter of Alsace can be called the best chapter in "Warcraft".

  And players who can play "World of Warcraft", how could it be possible that they have not been exposed to "Warcraft".

  So after the opening ceremony, there were a lot of related discussions.

   The players were pleasantly surprised.

   An attitude that never expected Linmu Studio to have online games.

   It can only be said that they were all fascinated by "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" not long ago.

   But no matter what.

Lin Yao gave a perfect answer for this wave of the Forest E-sports Festival. He not only used "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" to surprise the players, but also did not affect the promotional video link between the competitions of the E-sports festival. .

   As for the answer, the players think it is the online game update promotional video released during the e-sports festival.

   So the next day.

  When all the players thought that an update promotional video for the online game would be announced on this day.

  Linmu Studio suddenly released a promotional video of "Modern Scrolls" with real machine footage!

  All players are dumbfounded.



   Accompanied by street music.

  The bustling city appeared in the center of the screen.

  In front of the jewelry store, Di Santa, wearing a decent suit and wearing a motorcycle helmet, stood in front of a traffic policeman and uttered that famous line.

   "You forget a thousand things every day, why don't you forget this one?"

   Then the screen flashes.

  Black neighborhoods, dilapidated houses, noisy neighbors.

  Xiao Fu was walking on the street with his dog on a leash when he received a call from Di Santa.


  Xiao Fu picked up the phone.

   Various exciting scenes flashed quickly.

   Car grabbing, gun battles, motorcycle racing.

   Then flew out of the tunnel accompanied by a motorcycle.

  The picture changes from dynamic to static.

   Finally settled in front of a textile workshop.

  In the small office of the textile workshop.

  The real machine screen appears.

  In front of the small board covered with various pictures and information.

   A **** begins the introduction.

  【For this task, I thought of two methods, one method is more clever, while the other is straightforward and reckless. 】

  【Remember the vent? We pump some hypnotic vvas through the ventilation system, and then while everyone's passed out, break out the display cases and take everything...more loot this way since you don't have to control the crowd. 】

  【If you are reckless, you will need your best skills...and four helpers and a carbine. 】

   And wait for him to explain.

   Players seem to have to choose whether to outwit or attack.

   After choosing the route, you also need to choose the driver, gunner, and hacker.

   Many players are still confused when they see this.

   I don’t know what this promotional video is about.

   But then.

  The screen turns again.

  In the same environment.

  Di Santa began to speak to the assembled companions.

   At this time, the player suddenly realized.

  This tm is forming a criminal gang!

  They are going to rob a jewelry store!

   Many players widened their eyes when they saw this.

   But before they react.

  The actual scene of robbing the jewelry store has appeared.

   A group of people walked into the jewelry store wearing shoulder bags, wearing motorcycle helmets, and holding carbine directly.

  This is not some CG, but a complete real machine picture.

   They rushed straight into the jewelry store.

  While controlling the crowd, he began to smash the display cabinets of the jewelry store, looting all the jewelry inside.

   All players can see that the income figure in the lower right corner of the game is constantly rising, and they only have one and a half minutes.

  The tense atmosphere began to spread.

   And period.

   Also happened.

  The manager of the jewelry store's independent office didn't know what happened. He heard the noise and walked out. Then, looking at the people with guns, he subconsciously wanted to call the police.

   At this time, you must point the gun at her, intimidate her to put down the phone, or directly adopt more extreme tactics.

  In the communication.

  The military strategist Lester kept reminding them how much time they had.

   One and a half minutes.

   They want to grab as many as possible.

   Countdown, dialogue, constantly being smashed glass.

   These are constantly raising the tension.


   After looting the entire jewelry store.

   Di Santa took the lead, opened the door and walked out.

   Then there was the scene at the beginning of the promotional video. Di Santa overturned the traffic policeman who reminded Xiaofu not to park in front of the jewelry store, and said his famous line.


  He handed the jewelry to Xiao Fu who was waiting on the motorcycle, and the screen switched accordingly.

  On the actual machine screen, the character controlled by the player has also changed from Di Santa to Xiao Fu.

at the same time.

   The upper right corner of the game.

   Four entity stars appear, representing the wanted level.

  As the siren sounded, the game map began to flash red and blue like a siren...

  The police began to chase and intercept...

  The promotional video came to an end when the siren became more urgent and the motorcycle was about to break through the encirclement.

  【GrandTheftiAuto (Modern Scroll)】

  The game name appeared in the center of the screen.

   At the same time, there is also the release date of the game, which will be next spring.

   But at this time, all players have not recovered.

   Because no one thought of it.

  Forest Carnival has announced so many gameplays... not all of them!

   Damn, the game even has a criminal gang gameplay.

   This is the first of its kind in the industry.

   It's not that other games don't have robbery plots, but this kind of game is a game where players decide their own plans, select members, and then execute them.

   This is really the first time.

   "Damn it!!"

   In front of the screen.

  Looking at the live broadcast, Li Yu finally came to his senses and couldn't help but groan.

  This is too exciting! ?

   It’s okay! ?

  Just after watching the promotional video, he found it interesting and a little nervous.

   How fun it would be to play it yourself!

   In the live broadcast room, other players also reacted.

   "Open world!! Linmu Studio, do you understand the open world!? Let players play like this!?"

   "This is too awesome! No wonder it was said when it was announced that this is a crime-themed game, I understand now!"

   "Games can't really allow players to play like this, right? Then what should other major game manufacturers do next year!? Especially those manufacturers who say they want to make open world games!"

"It's so exciting... If the actual game can be like this, combined with the content announced in the last promotional video, it will probably sell well! And with the reputation of Linmu Studio, I really can't think of the real machine screen coming out, but the game is not right. possible."

   "Fuck, shit, shit!"


  The second day of the Forest E-sports Festival.

  After a brief online game update bombing.

   At the e-sports festival, a promotional video for stand-alone games appeared.

   Still such an ingenious and eye-catching promotional video!

  Although the game "Modern Scrolls" has been announced, this real machine promotional video is really more exciting than the new games released by ordinary game manufacturers!

   And more importantly, at the same time as the second promotional video of this game was released, Linmu Studio also announced the exact release time of the game, which will be next spring without skipping tickets!

   This is even more exciting.

   And it's not over yet.

  The third day of the Forest E-sports Festival.

  Linmu Studio has released the real machine promotional video of "Assassin's Creed"...

  When I saw the CG game released not long ago, I saw the protagonist in the white-clothed assassin flexibly climbing and jumping on the building, and jumped down to complete the assassination without sound.

   All players felt like they had an orgasm!

   As expected, the two games set off an extremely exaggerated frenzy of discussion.

   While the players discussed, they also summed up.

  During the end of the forest e-sports festival, how could there be no stand-alone games!

  There will be "Assassin's Creed" at the end of the month.

   And after the end of the year, there is "Modern Scroll".

   This is almost full.

   Count it up.

   There will be no shortage of games to play in the first half of next year!

   Or to be more precise, it’s all about playing!

   If there is no stand-alone game to play, then under what circumstances is there! ?


  Linmu Studio.

  The fourth day of the e-sports festival.

  Lin Yao began to spy on the players' discussions.

   And when you look at what the players are discussing, there are all kinds of things.

  E-sports, online games, and stand-alone games are mixed together.

  She smiled lightly, quite satisfied.

   What you want is this effect.

  The games announced by the Forest Carnival are not all stand-alone games, there are also online games, and online games will also become a hot topic.

  The components of the Forest E-sports Festival are a little more complicated, and the points that players will discuss should be a little more complicated.

  Look now.

   This year's e-sports festival was not affected by the "Love Letter" project at all.


  Lin Yao quickly wrinkled her small face, showing a troubled expression.

  As the player said.

   Count it up.

  In the first half of next year, players will have no shortage of games to play!

  But the "Love Letter" project within Linmu Studio has only launched two projects.

   How to fit several other projects into the schedule... It's a bit troublesome.


   Players think that there will be no shortage of games in the first half of next year, but in fact it is just the beginning.

   If there is no stand-alone game to play, then under what circumstances is there! ?

  This question Lin Yao may answer them...

   And just when Lin Yao was worried about issues such as the release date of the game.

  The door of the office was suddenly pushed open.


  Zhu Nianqiao swayed her ponytail and rushed into the office.

   After closing the door.

She rushed directly to Lin Yao's desk, supported the desk with both hands, leaned forward slightly, stared at Lin Yao's fair face, and said excitedly: "You have to list the famous characters of all the games planned by 'Love Letter' during this period. Are they all in Smash Bros.? Including Steve? Altaïr? The Survival Four? And…"

   "Yes, didn't I formally give you a written notice?"

  Lin Yao covered her red lips that kept opening and closing, and pushed her back: "Don't get too close, your saliva is almost spraying on my face..."


  Zhu Nianqiao kept talking even though her mouth was covered.

   Reckless, regardless of whether Lin Yao can hear it or not.


Lin Yao was a little helpless, showing a puzzled look, and then noticed that she was covering her mouth, quickly moved her hand away, and explained at the same time: "Forget it, don't talk about it, I have explained the purpose. We release games with high intensity, these new games are very impressive to the players because of the short time, if they can be announced at the carnival site as the first wave of fighters, the players will be crazy happy..."

"I know!"

  Zhu Nianqiao leaned forward again, eyes sparkling and said: "So let me confirm with you, since so many fighters have been added, why don't we add one more!"

   "They say they are too close."

  Lin Yao felt helpless, pushed her back again, and asked, "Which game character?"

   "It's not a character from any game, I want to add an original character! A purely original character! The prototype of the character is you..."

  Zhu Nianqiao didn't listen to persuasion at all, and leaned forward again, almost lying on the table.

  Lin Yao reached out to cover her mouth again: "So it's too close...why?"

   "Don't you think it's cool!? And I even thought of a character name!"

  Zhu Nianqiao leaned back, broke away from Lin Yao's mouth covering, and chirped: "And there are so many game characters, the characters that connect them together, I think the original characters are the most suitable!"

   "Why is the prototype me?"

  Lin Yao didn't refuse directly, but asked, "I don't have time to record or motion capture characters. I'm very busy during this time."

   "The archetype is you, but I won't use your face, it's just a source of inspiration."

  Zhu Nianqiao explained a sentence, and then said firmly: "I will handle the relevant design! Senior sister! I am not here for fun, I just want to make the game better! I insist on adding original characters!"


  Lin Yao looked at Zhu Nianqiao's slap-sized face and the firm expression on her face. After a moment of silence, she smiled and said, "Okay, you can do it first, but you have to give it to me for review in the end."

   "So you said yes!?"

  Zhu Nianqiao's eyes lit up, and he was so excited that he lay down on the table.

   "Too close..."

  Lin Yao sighed and covered her mouth again.

   At this time.

  The door of the office behind Zhu Nianqiao was pushed open.

  Mu Wanqing opened the door, seeing this scene, her steps immediately paused.

  Lin Yao and Zhu Nianqiao turned their heads together.

   "What are you doing?" Mu Wanqing asked in doubt.

   "It's nothing, let's talk about work."

  Lin Yao responded, then looked at Zhu Nianqiao, and corrected: "I promise you can design first."

"that's enough!"

  Zhu Nianqiao leaned on the table and straightened up with a whoosh, then turned and ran away: "You wait for my good news! Sister!"

  Lin Yao and Mu Wanqing watched Zhu Nianqiao rush out of the office full of energy.

   With the office door closed.

  Mu Wanqing withdrew her gaze, then asked gently: "What's wrong?"

  Lin Yao explained a few words to her.

  After hearing this, Mu Wanqing was slightly taken aback: "Original character?"


Lin Yao nodded, then smiled and said: "At first I didn't want to agree, but she obviously didn't mean to be playful, and she was very serious. I think this is a good sign, so I have no objection. Let her do it first. .”

   "Is that so..."

  Mu Wanqing showed a clear look, then changed the subject and said with a smile, "I thought she was lying on your table to kiss you."

"what's on your mind?"

  Lin Yao was amused when she heard the words: "Kiss me? How is that possible."

   "This is really similar."

  While explaining, Mu Wanqing came to Lin Yao's desk, and imitated Zhu Nianqiao's posture just now, supporting the table with both hands, leaning forward slightly, approaching Lin Yao's pretty and round oval face.

  Lin Yao had sharp eyes and quick hands, and directly covered her mouth with her hand.

   But not too hard.


  Mu Wanqing was silent for a moment, then said vaguely: "Didn't you say it's impossible?"

   "Zhu Nianqiao is impossible... but you."

  Lin Yao tilted her head, looked at her, and said with a light smile, "What do you think?"

  Mu Wanqing: "..."


the other side.

  Zhu Nianqiao hurried back to his place, without stopping for a moment, immediately took out the digital tablet placed aside, opened the software, and began to draw lines.

  Delineate her original character.

   Key words.

  The character cannot be like Lin Yao, this is a must.

  Otherwise, Lin Yao would probably not agree, and she also thought it was not good.

  So she didn't make the character look exactly like Lin Yao.

   But character words.

  Zhu Nianqiao thinks it can be applied.

no way.

  She felt that the character of her senior was really pleasing.

  As a homosexual, she likes it and wants to get closer, let alone the players.

   As for the lines and stuff... Find a voice actor with a similar voice.

   In short, the point is.

   Make the player feel that this character is one of Lin Yao's avatars.

  But it's not Lin Yao.

   As for the name.

  Zhu Nianqiao really thought it over.

  It’s called—‘Unyielding Girl’.

   This will be the only original character in the Smash Bros. game.

   Zhu Nianqiao doesn’t plan to add new original characters in the future.

   As long as she is still a producer, no other original characters will be added.

   This will be the most special character in the entire game.

   At the same time, it will be the most special role in her mind.

   “…this is really awesome.”

  Zhu Nianqiao couldn't help smiling while drawing, and sighed.



  The projects under the Linmu Studio and the Linmu E-sports Festival are advancing in an orderly manner.

   And because of the existence of the forest e-sports festival.

  The entire gaming industry.

  So many game companies.

   Except for Lin Mu Studio, everyone lost their voices.

no way.

  Specific volume, specific sound, specific heat.

   Really can't do the forest e-sports festival.

not to mention.

  The Forest E-sports Festival has just released the real machine promotional videos of "Modern Scrolls" and "Assassin's Creed".

   This is simply king bomb!

  Although Mou Feng felt that he couldn't wait any longer, he didn't go crazy enough to announce the news that Tianhu will be making a MOBA mobile game.

   It's all about hitting the muzzle.

   Whoever is doing it is an idiot.

  He plans to wait until after the e-sports festival is over and "Assassin's Creed" is released before announcing the news.

  … He thought so before the specific release date of "Modern Scrolls" was announced.

   But he didn't expect it.

   "Modern Scrolls" even released a promotional video of the real machine at the e-sports festival, and gave the exact release time.

   And right after Assassin's Creed.

   This not only made him firm in his belief that he couldn't wait any longer, but also made him embarrassed.

   Assassin’s Creed has a new game behind it…

   There are also a bunch of major version updates for online games.

   This is really too dry.

  He struggled for a while, and could only choose to announce the news before the release of "Modern Scrolls" and after the release of "Assassin's Creed".

Time is limited.

   And probably not very well.

  But only this time period can announce the news...

   "So during this period of time, what exactly does Linmu Studio want to do..."

  Mou Feng made a decision in desperation, really helpless.

  He only hoped that there would be no more accidents.

  And the purpose of Linmu Studio to produce games frantically during this period, and the purpose of making "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" announced before the e-sports festival.

  He still didn't figure it out.

   Completely clueless.

  Mou Feng racked his brains for an answer, trying to find the source of his uneasiness.

   But there is not much time left for him.

  Time is passing day by day.


   It's almost the end of the month.

  The second day of the closing ceremony of the Linshu E-sports Festival.

   "Assassin's Creed" ushered in the release day.

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