MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 603 imprint 2

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These records are exactly the same as those described by the Fountain of Thebes. This also made him feel relieved a lot.

"If I agree directly, will we automatically form a promise vows? In the name of the four worlds you can communicate with." Angrid replied slowly.

"Yes, any transactions and mutual commitments that I have with other existences will be completed in the world. If you don't want to agree, it is best not to speak." The Fountain of Thebes said calmly.

Angrid was silent again, his eyes flashing blue.

The spring water calmed down for a while.

After a while, it took more than half an hour. Angrid gave a soft breath.

"Your condition, I promised."

He knew that the conditions of the Fountain of Thebes would never be as simple as it was to say, but it was very low for him to shuttle the world by himself. When he was silent, he tried it many times, and each time he was interrupted at the last moment of communicating the nightmare.

The spring suddenly vibrates and the water surface slowly rises to form a transparent platform. On the stage is a mercury-like elliptical ball, only the size of the fingernail, with a hint of silver.

"This is the kind of my spring water, please save it. Don't forget and abandon your promise. The four worlds will use this as proof. Once you abandon it, you will be suppressed by the four worlds at the same time. You are not the first ancestor. At the moment of suppression, even the soul will be crushed together."

"I know." Angley nodded. Carefully pinch the mercury ball, open your mouth, and directly swallow the ball into the mouth. This is one of the safest ways to save.

"Then please be prepared. In the three worlds, tell the world you want to go. I suggest you not to go to the chaotic world. Recently there is the ancestor war, you can only become the food nutrition of the ancestors. Of course the three worlds It is possible to help you to remove the ancestral mark, and everything depends on your own decision."

"You said that the wizarding world is also likely to release the mark? Then return to the wizarding world." Anglia changed his mouth.

"Understood... please come in."

The sound of the spring of Thebes is silent.

Angrid took a deep breath and jumped into the pool.




The bleak rhinoceros screamed slowly.

The sky's pale golden clouds are rapidly changing, and the sun is hidden between the clouds.

The huge gray body of the Nicholas Abyss Tornado is spinning slowly and steadily. The sky and grassland are connected by a tornado. Like a huge black funnel.

Somewhere in the gray and vast grasslands.

The space above the lawn cracked open a black crack.


The crack slowly cracked, and slowly flew out a long-haired man who was naked. The man kept a red hair and his eyes were dark red and his complexion was fair. Strong and powerful.

The toes were gently pointed on the grass, and the man's hands were raised. The dirt and grass on the lawn slowly melted into a ball, and then the liquid flew up, condensing into a layer of pale green armor covering him.

Satisfied with the slap on the dark green soil armor, the man only looked around the environment.

" the abyss tornado prairie? There is no place to cross the tornado? I didn't expect that I actually came here."

He touched the moustache on his chin. "Just go to the root of the world to find some information."

Looking at the gray-black funnel that was grounded in the sky, he tipped a little and flew straight toward the tornado.

Following the last experience path to the roots of the world, Angliel quickly found a desperate hotel in the gray-black sand.

The hotel is still alone and stands quietly in the endless black sand. The white light curtain that stretched out above the hotel seemed to have never changed, or the way Angela saw it when he first came.

It fell to the front of the hotel. Gently knock on the door.


With a bang, the strength of knocking on the door actually pushed the wooden door directly. There was some darkness in the darkness, and the hall was empty, only a candle was placed at the counter.

A dim yellow candlelight, standing with a red-bearded hotel owner. He held a wooden blackjack in one hand and a pale yellow parchment in one hand, looking carefully at the top. Hearing the door open, the red beard lifted his gaze and looked over.

When he saw Anglia's moment, his eyes were first doubts. Then hesitated and finally turned into a surprise.

"It's you!! Hahahaha..." He put down the parchment and the glass and laughed. He walked out of the counter and walked over to Angri, and gave him a hug.

"Long time no see!" Angrid did not adapt to his enthusiasm, and quickly greeted him.

"Of course, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have calculated that it has been gone for seven or eight hundred years. How is it now? Is it time to come and join the desperate hotel?" Red beard took Angley and said that he was looking for a table. Come down.

He snapped a finger and two large glasses of light yellow wine were automatically presented on the table.

"Seven hundred and eight hundred years?" Anglia's pupils shrank. "I remember that I didn't leave long after..."

Red beard gaze at it and carefully look up and down Anglia. Then shake your head.

"You still have some kind of time-accelerating smell left in your body. Have you gone to some time and space disorder? And you have a strange smell that is very unpleasant. Can you talk about it? What happened to you?" thing."

"I am here to ask for help. I have a mark on me that can stop me from entering the mark of other worlds. I need to find a way to lift it." Angley turned and the soil armor on his back slowly Melt separates to the sides, revealing the white back.

On the back, the center is lined with a pattern of pale green silk scarves. All the scarves on the silk scarves are purple human eyes, there are hundreds of them, and they are still shaking from time to time.

As soon as he saw the red beard, he suddenly looked pale and the wine glass in his hand almost didn't hold down.

"My God....what did you get from!! This... This is the ancestor! The mark of the ancestor!!" His original big door was unconsciously light, and the voice fainted a little. .

"Sure enough, it is the ancestor's mark. Is there a way?" Anglia turned and the back armor was automatically covered. "You were called a mobile library at the beginning, shouldn't you be a little thing?"

"Little things!!" The red beard took a few mouthfuls of wine and smashed the drink, and slammed it on the table. "This is the mark of the ancestor! Only the ancestor is the target or the existence of the prey will be planted. And, the most important point is that the ancestral mark is not only the ability to locate and block the world shuttle, it can also cause irreversibility to you. s damage!"


"The longer the mark, the deeper the mark, the stronger the damage or impact! Although I don't know which ancestor imprinted on you, I suggest you go to the moon empire! The most detailed ancestral imprint data. There are records in all the ancestors of the world of the wizarding world. You can find out which ancestor's seals are printed one by one. This may have a way to find a solution." After the tone was over, watching Anglia’s eyes was like watching a dead person. "I advise you to hurry up. The deeper the imprint, the more you can even suppress the transmission and elementalization. You can only move slowly in a straight line."

"The Moon Empire? What is it? I haven't heard of it before?" Angley's face was also dignified.

"It is a huge ancient empire in the underground world, not a Terran territory, and it is not connected to the underground of ours. They are independent of the Central and Western, and are the great empire built by the night elves. They have a long history dating back to the dawn light era. The battle of the ancestors of light at that time had no effect on them. They were the only races that did not need a bright life. So they did not participate in the war at that time, until now they are still very closed and mysterious. I also heard a friend mention the night elves. The information is all-encompassing. Even the ancestors have their mark."

"Isn't it connected here? So how do I get in?" Angley frowned. "What do you have to do after you go in?"

"Entering the address, I remember it is near somewhere on the West Coast. I will draw a map for you in a while. When I go in, I will go to the night mother tree of the Moonlight Empire. They are the most learned existence there and should be able to recognize the mark on you. Find the way to lift." Red beard sighed. "I thought I had to wait for a foreign aid. I didn't expect you to have a lot of trouble on your body. Go ahead, don't delay. The longer you are, the more trouble you will have."

Angliel patted his shoulder. "Thank you, but I can leave a projection here, maybe I can help you."

"What is the use of a projection?"

"That can be said."

Angliel smiled.

ten minutes later...

Anglia came out of the hotel and looked at the black paper map on his hand. The red line painted a lot of lines and names. One of the most conspicuous ones is what Ram has answered...

There is a red dot. On the side is marked: underground entrance.

"West Coast..." Angley looked up, his face showing a hint of nostalgia.

Once the school that Ram had answered, the mentor of that year had already gone to the bottom, and now I don’t know how. There are also partners who used to study together. And the best friend of the time, Lisper.

The experience of the experience that once took place in the gem sea flashed in front of you.

Angrid suddenly had an impulse, a strong urge to go back and see.

How did the father die, how is the family now, how has Lisper has lived so many years, and how does the mentor live in the underground?

Anglia looked at the golden sun rising to the top of his head, adjusting the direction and walking quickly toward the west of the center. Without a few steps, the body instantly turned into a flame disappearing. When it appeared again, it was already hundreds of meters away, and then turned into a flame again, flashing to a farther place.

Gradually, his shadow gradually disappeared into the depths of the grasslands.

In the place where he was originally stationed, a dark red flame ignited from the air and condensed into an identical human form. The human body was initially translucent, and as time passed, the body gradually stabilized. It became another Anglia.

"Give it to me here." Angley's face with a faint smile, looking in the direction of the body leaving, turned to the direction of the desperate hotel.

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