MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 602 imprint 1

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"啦啦啦~~~啦啦啦~~ I have a cute deer. It has always been very obedient..." The little girl whispered softly, shaking her head and looking cute and charming.

As the song resounded, a little cute elf appeared slowly in the depths of the woods. All are naked girls, with four transparent **** behind them.

The elves sang songs together, flew around the white deer, and dragged a faint white spot behind them.

Angrid was behind the trunk and frowned. He took a purple pouch from the space mirror, opened it and poured out the purple powder, evenly sprinkling it on the ground around him.

There was a faint purple mark on the ground, and Anglia’s body began to slowly become translucent, and soon disappeared completely.

In the woods, more than a dozen elves danced around the white deer, singing softly and pleasantly.

The white white deer also crouched down, slowly squatting, and his eyes closed slowly.

Hey! ! !

Suddenly a scream, the skull at the top of the white deer was directly opened. The cute little elf was laughing and inserting his hands into the brain, stirring it up.

The other surrounding elves also rushed to the ground, one by one crazy biting the flesh of the white deer. Every bite is easily torn off a large piece of flesh.

The white deer’s original white body was **** in the blink of an eye.

An elf hugged one of its front legs and pulled it hard. With a tear, the whole leg was torn off directly, and was bitten by several elves.

The white deer struggled with pain, but the amplitude was getting smaller and weaker. Finally, lying on the ground, the body was torn by the elves into pieces for their own food. The red blood water stained the grass and quickly spread the surrounding air.

Angile stayed behind the tree and stood still. I have been quietly watching these elves eating almost the same, and finally slowly dispersed. He walked in stealth.

Kneeling on the edge of a pair of huge antlers, he gently squeezed the antlers. Very hard, and a little warm. I glanced around and left, and did not see other creatures. He raised his hand. There is an elliptical black mirror in front of it, from small to large, how high a person is.

Throw the white deer antlers into the black mirror. The mirror slammed down and flew back to Angliel's hand, then he was gently inserted in his waist.

After taking off the antlers, he got up and continued to accelerate in the original direction.

Walking in the dark woods, I don't know how long it took, and there was a faint snoring of the stream flowing in front.

Anglia speeded up, and the woods in front could see a glimmer of white light.

Move forward as you move forward. The white light on the front is getting brighter and brighter, and the sound of the stream is getting louder and louder. Gradually approaching the edge of the woods, he walked behind a large tree beside the forest and carefully looked out from the edge of the tree.

Outside the woods is a small white circular pool. On the left side of the pool is a white stone water bottle tilted out of the stream. The stream is clear and transparent, and it flows into the pool.

The strange thing is that the water level in the pool has not changed at all, or only about half, as if forever dissatisfied. And the whole pool of water exudes a touch of sweet fragrance.

On the side of the pool stood a palm-sized yellow lizard, which spit his tongue and climbed towards the pool, slowly and firmly. Go to the pool and jump to the next.


The moment the lizard fell into the pool disappeared.

Angley has a pair of eyes.

"The one just was... time and space fluctuations... yes, definitely!"

He continued to hide behind the tree and waited.

Soon, a gray hare came along the pool, and the hare's eyes were two red vortexes, emitting red light. The one-on-one jump also jumped directly into the pool, disappearing in the moment of falling into the water.

The air faintly spreads a new wave of time and space oscillations.

Angrid carefully felt the undulations, and his face was thoughtful.

He gently pressed his chest, and his chest suddenly lit up with a dark red glow.

"Sure enough... I have been able to communicate the nightmare world. The time and space of this world is extremely unstable. I don't use the power of the world to suppress the existence of other worlds like the general world. If so, then I can choose to go back to my nightmare, as long as the power is restored. Completely."

Just since he came to the legendary era of annihilation, he also worried that it would be very difficult to come in directly.

After standing in the tree, I waited for a while, and no other creatures came.

Angliel slowly came out and stood on the edge of the pool.

"I am the fountain of Thebes, welcome you, newcomers, what world do you want to enter?" A gentle female voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"What do you mean?" Angley stunned, and he did not expect that the spring could actually communicate.

"I communicate the waters of the supporters in three higher worlds, you can enter the three worlds through me." The spring of Thebes whispered, "My job is to take you into the three worlds, or to bring the presence inside. In addition, if you encounter the same fountain in Thebes in other worlds, you can also reach the ability to communicate with the world. Our existence is spread all over the world, and we are the bridge to communicate with the world."

Angrid indulged: "In other words, all the fountains of Thebes, whether here or in other worlds, have the ability to communicate with the world? Can I enter other worlds through you in any world?" Right?"

"I understand it correctly." Spring water replied. “This kind of communication is a kind of growth promotion for us. The more we communicate, the more mature we grow. This is also the value of our existence. In addition, outsiders, your injuries can be enjoyed by drinking my spring water. treatment."

Angile hesitated, reached out and picked up a little water and poured it into the mouth. There was no smell, as if drinking it was a mass of air, and there was no touch of water.

Soon, he felt that his body began to tickle, and the other bodies at the waist and below also slowly grew out.

"So what are the worlds I can enter?" asked Angri.

"Chaos, shadows, wizards."

"Oh? Is there a wizarding world?" Angley said.

"There are three worlds here, so there are almost all the time and space cracks that can enter these three worlds. In addition, the area is very small, just a simple stop station to annihilate the world, and it has not fully entered the annihilation. So it is not surprising. In addition to opening me, there are many ways to enter these three worlds." Spring water explained carefully.

"So what do you need to pay through your delivery?"

"If you can, I hope that you can bring me some other springs from the springs of Thebes, so I will thank you again. The transmission is my meaning, and there is no need to pay."

Anglia moved to the new body and stood on the edge of the spring. "Then I choose to enter the chaotic world."

"Please jump down."

Anglia stood at the edge of the spring and slid gently.

what! ! !

A sudden scream rang from his back, and Angley’s feet touched the spring. The whole person was shocked for a moment, then he slammed and flew up and landed on the ground near the pool.

"What's in your body!?" The sound of the amazing spring of Thebes came. "The power of the world has rejected your entry! That thing is rejected by the world."

Anglia was stunned and stunned for a long time, and the whole person walked back to the pool. "What happened? What happened just now?" The moment he jumped, he secretly guarded the spring, but he did not expect that just a rebound, he immediately shocked his defense, which made him scared. Not light.

"You are rejected by the world, unfortunately, I may not be able to help you to transfer it..." The fountain of Thebes calmly answered. "There is something in you that makes you unable to carry out any world transmission."

“How is it possible?” Angley frowned. “I can definitely sense the connection of a world.”

"You can try some more. Your strength should have been restored."

Anglia immediately pressed his chest and his body glowed with a dark red glow. The red light is getting thicker and brighter.

what! ! !

Suddenly a scream rang from behind him, and Angley’s head was once again dizzy, and the red light disappeared instantly. In the moment of deep contact with the nightmare world, the connection was broken.

He suddenly remembered the old guy in the intestines of the world, and his eyes flashed a hint of haze.

"Yes, it's not my problem, the problem lies in you." The fountain of Thebes said faintly, "You should have the ancestor's mark on you, and interfere with your entry into other worlds. This is an ancestor to prevent the enemy from fleeing from themselves. The way you control the world. But your mark seems to have other effects."

Anglia stood in the same place, and his eyes continued to flash through the blue light. After a while, he took a deep breath and looked at the pool.

"The fountain of Thebes, is there a way to solve this problem?"

"Your situation is very special, I can try to send you out by consuming the source water. But this is not good for me." Spring responded, "You need to make me feel that it is worth doing."

Angrid was silent. "What do you want me to do? In exchange."

The fountain of Thebes was followed by silence, and an invisible voice came forth, directly into Angrim.

"External, I can see that you have experienced a lot of worlds, and you can be imprinted by the ancestors. If you can bring my seeds, sow in other worlds, and guard for one hundred years until I grow up. Then I Willing to consume the source water for you."

Angrid was silent, and the mental shock slowly passed back to the affirmative reply. He vaguely guessed the bottom of the spring of Bis.

In the materials collected in the Wizarding World, he once saw records of such springs running through the world. The more the world that this spring can communicate, the stronger the ontology. They have always appeared to increase the world that can communicate. Just like the eye of destruction, there are counts of different existences and traces in countless worlds. (To be continued.)