MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 11 rush 2

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Purple fruit, red vegetables, light blue piebald meat, more than ten kinds of dried fruits, etc. There is no omission in Angri. Just standing in the kitchen, trying one by one, the chip also faithfully responds to the ingredients of each food.

"No enhancements were found."

"No enhancements were found."

"No enhancements were found."


Half an hour later, Angley looked a happy face. A vegetable resembling a bamboo shoot in his hand is no longer ‘undiscovered’.

"Discovered strength-enhancing ingredients with side effects: diarrhea. Please name it." The tips of the chip made him laugh and cry. It was hard to find a thing, and the result was the side effects of diarrhea.

"Named, blue bamboo shoots." Angrid carefully looked at the bamboo shoots in his hand.

It is similar to the bamboo shoots on the earth. It is conical, soft and crunchy, with a faint floral-like taste, and a bluish blue in the whole body.

"When the naming is completed, the blue bamboo shoots, taking 150 grams for 30 times in a row, three times a day, can complete a cycle enhancement. The maximum effect of the enhancement is more than 2 points."

Anglia stood in place, and a three-dimensional perspective of a light blue and blue bamboo shoot continued to rotate in front of his eyes. According to the strength of the above, the transition from white to black is divided.

Among them, the bamboo shoots have the best effect.

"What about bamboo shoots?" Anglia picked up the blue bamboo shoots in his hand and bit it at the tip. A kind of bitterness with a slightly sweet taste spread out in the mouth.

This kind of blue bamboo shoot is a very common soil laxative in the local area, but it is estimated that no one would think that it is actually a drug that can enhance strength. However, it must be taken 30 times in a row, and each time you get 150 grams or more.

"After the analysis is completed, you can start the sword refining. Combining the basic swordsmanship data of all people, you can sort out the most suitable sword fighting styles for me." Anglia directly issued the task.

The chip is like the same auxiliary computer, and he needs to actively release the task to run automatically. Otherwise many of its features will be idle.

"Unfortunately, the chip can only perform one task at a time, otherwise it can save a lot of time." Angley carefully muffled the bamboo shoots while thinking about it.

After eating the bamboo shoots, Angley once again tried the rest of the food, but did not encounter another food ingredient that could increase the body quality. I have to give up.

Leaving the cafeteria and returning to the bedroom, Angley began to train himself to avoid practice. During this time, Maggie and Celia also came to look for him, but they were all turned down by him. Now he has no time and no mood to consider other things.

For several days, Anglia strictly followed this regular life training.


Angliel had one hand and the iron ball swayed in his palm. In the morning, the light outside the window sprinkled on him, and even the room was illuminated. Only the person in the bedroom is alone, and the door is locked.

"Is the sword refining finished?" Angley asked in a breathless breath.

"It has been refined three hours ago, please name it." The chip responded with a message.

"Basic swordsmanship." Anglia casually got a name.

"Named Basic Swordsmanship. Do you start a virtual presentation?"



A slight murmur flashed.

Anglia saw a flower in front of him and saw himself standing in the dark with a cross sword. The one with the same person in his hand trembled with a long sword, and slammed a silver line and picked it straight ahead. Then there is left, right, and squat. Almost just a second or two, the four swords attacked at one point at the same time.

Because of the extremely fast speed, it seems that Angile appears as an illusory silver dot in front of the democrat. That is the visual residue caused by the concentration of four swords in one area.

Then, it is the block posture, the pursuit posture, the full force posture, the counterattack posture, and the avoidance posture. A variety of basic swordsmanship, each movement is very succinct and fast, looks very clean and neat.

After the drill ended, the darkness quickly receded.

Angrid returned to his bedroom again. He began to carefully relive the previous demo.

"Since the chip has refined this set of swordsmanship, it shows that this set of swordsmanship is what I can use now."

He glanced at the cross sword on the side of the table and walked over to pick it up gently.

The cold blade is a bit rough, and the coat of arms of the Leo family is uniformly depicted. An eagle in a circle of thorns is about to fly high. The long sword is silver. Reflecting a touch of white light.

Angliel gently pulled out the long sword and was about to try to practice according to the sword practice of the chip exercise. Suddenly there was a rush of horseshoes coming out of the window. Open the window and look.

On the avenue leading to the outside, the baron was riding a silver armor on a white horse, carrying a black giant sword on his back. The sword was as wide as a human head. Behind him is a team of more than a dozen cavalrymen wearing black metal armor.

Everyone is in a team and rushes to the outside world.

As the horse team went further and further, it quickly disappeared at the end of the road, leaving a faint dust.

Angliel frowned slightly, watching the horse team disappear completely, and then closed the window again.

"Maggie!" he shouted.

Hey, the door was first knocked. Angliel walked over to open the door.

The maid, Maggie, is rubbing her hand and standing at the door, as if she is washing something.

"What's the matter, young master?"

"Where is the father's adult?" Angol asked directly.

"It seems that there is some trouble in the silver mine. The baron is going to deal with it." Maggie said.

"Oh, I know." Angley nodded. "You go busy, yes, what about Cecilia now?"

"I arranged her to be responsible for cleaning the room of the young master." Maggie respected.


"For the young master, Otis adults seem to have returned to the territory early this morning. And Huade adults are going to recruit new maids today. They were executed several maids because of theft. So they need to be supplemented. Maybe it will be a bit noisy in a while. Huade adults asked me to tell you." Maggie said.

"Know it." Angley nodded and closed the door. It is already November, and it is time to recruit and settle the tax. In Angley's previous memory, this time has always been the busiest.

After closing the door, Angrid re-adjusted his physical fitness data.

It turned out that only 0.8 of the power has risen to 1.4. The role of blue bamboo shoots is very obvious.

"Come on, there are still three or four days, and you should be completely ready." Anglia looked at the iron ball hanging in the room, and there was a hint of twilight in his eyes. "The final goal is still worse now."


In the forest outside the castle.

Diss was in a black cloak, kneeling on a tree, looking far away from the castle.

"Anglielio, hey, it’s not too late to solve your little hybrid, and it’s not too late to finish the task. I was so devastated last time, this time I see where you are going!"

After Diss last went back, he carefully collected all the information about the staff of the Leo Collar Castle, and also knew the identity of the little guy he had encountered before. Seeing that he was in the hands of a blind child, Dess felt that his reputation was greatly insulted.

After this preparation was completed, he came again alone and began to perform the task. This time it can be described as foolproof.

The baron also just went out, went to the castle to solve Anglia, and then intercepted on the way back from the baron, you can easily complete the task. This is the intention of Diss.

He squatted on the tree, quietly looking at the gate of the castle, waiting for the door to be laid down.

Suddenly there was a buzz. The gate was slowly lowered.

A pale, ordinary teenager slowly came out, followed by two guards. The three men walked together toward the woods here.

When Diss saw the boy's face, he raised a smoldering heart.

"It's him! This **** guy is still dare to go out! Very good...." Diss snorted and slipped silently from the tree, into the woods.


Angley wore a cross iron sword and an arrow with a long bow on his back. Wearing a black archery ring on his hand. I am walking towards the woods alone.

He was followed by two guards behind him, but he was told to go back and he was used to the habit of Angley going out to hunt every time. He didn't feel too dangerous and didn't insist on following it.

The reason why Angliel persuaded the two to go back was because what he had to do next was not something that outsiders could know. Otherwise he would have difficulty explaining the reason.

Passing through a large open space in the morning, Angliel stepped on the grass and into the woods.

Just did not take a few steps, the chip's prompt suddenly sounded.

"The unknown creature was discovered and the other party was in a state of preliminary attack."

Anglia was shocked, and the same coldness as the last time came again. He couldn’t think too much, he rolled forward.

With a bang, a silver flying knife was just in the position where he had previously stood. As long as he is a little slower, he is determined to be hit by a flying knife in his chest.

"It's you again!!" Anglia felt the familiar danger and suddenly recalled the last time he fled. There was an extremely angry anger in the heart.

"Prompt the opponent to attack the position." He meditated in his heart. Quickly climbed up and hid behind a tree. Then, as before training, Angley took off the long bow behind him and pulled a white feather arrow back.


The bowstring was pulled tight to make a sound. On the arrow of the white feather arrow, the black metal surface reflects a faint blue-violet color, which is obviously highly toxic.

"This time is not just a one-eyed snake poison...." Angley was tight and listened carefully to the movements around him.

"Go to death!!" He quickly exposed his body and let go of the bowstring. Quickly retracted.

The white feather arrow turned into a cluster of bushes that were not far from the white line. There is a faint voice in the block. Apparently shot, but blocked by the other side.

Anglia’s eyes unknowingly spread the flames. This feeling of danger at any time and place makes his whole body nervously excited.

Another burst of sound came from the chain.

Anglia did not stop, took another arrow and rushed forward. Follow the s-shaped route around.

Behind the horse, the horses were rushing to the footsteps. The other party immediately caught up.

Awkwardly, the backhand shot another arrow again. Angley was short and leaned into a downhill place.

Roll down a few laps along the slope. Throw away the arrow and the longbow. Angley reversed his sword.

Metal friction sound. The face with grass and dirt was cold.

"Although it's a little early, it can be a battle now." Angley held the hilt with both hands. The silvery sword reflects a blue-violet coating.

The footsteps above are flying fast.

Angrid took a deep breath and his body was tense, like a hidden snake, staring at the **** above.


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