MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 10 rush one

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Going up the spiral staircase, I quickly came to a room on the third floor.

Take out the key to open the lock, then push the door open, the black paint inside is not a trace of light.

Angliel carefully closed the door and locked it.

Take out the flintstone to light the candle on the table.

The library was suddenly lit up.

A total of three bookshelves of the book seem to be sparse. Each book is made of leather paper and looks very heavy. Almost every book is about the same thickness as the previous Xinhua Dictionary.

Angrid frowned, and according to his previous memories, he skillfully walked to the back of the third bookshelf. There is a book about recording some weird miscellaneous notes. He used to come and watch the time.

I took down the miscellaneous notes and an autobiographical book on the side.

Angliel sat down on the desk and began to look through it carefully.

I don't know how long it took, a complete candle is almost finished.

Angrid suddenly got a boost. On the page of the miscellaneous notes he opened, a hand-painted black card with a spider pattern appeared in front of him. He took out the previous card from his pocket.

The contrast between the two is exactly the same!

"It's him." Angley muttered. The line of sight looks along the side of the text record.

The dark chapter, a huge killer organization spanning several countries. The object of assassination will often receive a black card from the other party in advance.

There is only such a short sentence to introduce. But Angrid also thoroughly understood the meaning behind the card.

"That guy, it will come again." There was another anxiety in his heart, but he was quickly suppressed by himself. "Nervous fear can't do anything. You have to think of a way."

After the intense fear of the day, he is now a lot calmer.

"Isn't it dead? It's not dead!" He laughed at himself. "No. 0, is the physical quality information of the person collected during the day?"

"It has been collected. The data is automatically named as unknown 1.

Unknown person: Strength 4, Agility 1.5, Physique 5. Visual use of weapons, chain claws, long swords, flying knives. ”

Anglia took a breath of air. "The horrible guy. I can actually survive from this guy, really..."

"The reason for survival, the other party is in a poisoned state." The chip automatically prompts.

"Poisoning?" Angley recalled an arrow that he had shot at the beginning. Since the last time he noticed the poison gland, he simply applied a snake venom on each arrow, so that he would just rub it when he hit the prey. I am not afraid of being ran away. The one-eyed snake venom can only be eliminated with high temperature, so don't worry about not eating. It is estimated that the other party was injured at the beginning.

Quickly flip the miscellaneous notes and the biographies of the characters. The chip's storage capabilities automatically record all information into the brain. To leave after the inquiry. This is the benefit of the chip. Can be done unforgettable.

In addition to the origins of black cards, Angrid is not without gain.

The biography of the character also recorded a message. The authors recorded that in a forest adventure, they accidentally discovered a small flower that would feel hot and increase in strength after eating. However, there will be strong aftereffects. At that time, four people ate small flowers to cope with the crisis, but then all four people died. They were all close to the heart before they died, and they were covered with blood vessels, which looked very scary.

Angley remembers this detail. The characteristic of the small flower is that the whole body is red.

After rushing through the contents of the two books, put the book back on the bookshelf. Anglia stood at the desk and was about to extinguish the candle. Suddenly a subtle footstep came in from the door.


The door opened.

The baron looked at the color of his face and pushed the door open. When I saw someone inside, he looked up and glanced.

"It's you, Angri. Is it too late to come to the book?"

"Yes father." Angley made a slight sigh, whispered, "I just want to go back."

"Let's go." The baron didn't talk to his son at this time. The long hair of linen was draped over his shoulders, giving a feeling of exhaustion between the looks.

Angrid also didn't ask much, went to the door, crossed the baron, and was about to go downstairs.

"Right." The baron suddenly said. "After a while, I want to send you to Norman City, your aunt's house. Recently, I may have something to do. I don't have time to take care of you. Go there and have fun and rest, how?"

Angrid turned back and the baron’s proposal made him feel a little bit. If you really leave here, you might be able to avoid the chase of that guy....

He is about to return.

Suddenly the baron looked and the nose sniffed.

"What smell? How do you have a woman's fragrance? Anglia, those things are still less fun, too expensive for the body, you are still too small." He frowned.

Angley is a glimpse.


"Okay, needless to say, you should go to rest first." The baron waved his hand.

Angrid was silent, swept the baron's right hand, did not say anything, turned and went downstairs. In the darkness, the footsteps sounded rhythmically.

Go down the spiral staircase. Angley looked back at the library, where the door just closed slowly and covered the yellow light inside.

There was a trace of doubt on his face.

"Check my current physical condition."

"Anglielio. Physical fitness: strength 0.8, agility 2.4, physical 1.6. Physical state: health (contaminated in unknown aroma)."

"Unknown aroma?" Angley's face sank at once. “What time is it? What is the source of aroma?”

"Immersed in the woods. The source is..." A virtual human transparent model slowly emerged in front of his eyes, showing a strange light blue, where the right foot is at the ankle, a circle of dark blue marks It is clearly presented.


Angley’s mind is already clear. This thing should be the one left by the black man. It should be something used to track him.

After rushing to the bathroom again, and commanding the maid to send a bucket of water, Anglia quickly put his right foot into it to clean it.

"Is there still?" After washing for a long time, Angley again meditated.

"The concentration has not changed." The chip's reply made him upset.

"Sure enough, it is not so easy to remove." Angrid knows that the guy is estimated to be looking for him, this aroma means that the other party is not dead to him.

"Don't die....." he whispered. "If this is the case, then see who is going to die..." A trace of twilight emerged on his face.


Early the next morning, the day was still not bright, and Angrid got up early.

After changing his white safari, he went straight down to the driving range, and some people on the field were consciously practicing early.

Anglia ignored the others and walked through the driving range alone to the blacksmith shop in the castle quarter.

clang! !

A strong old man with his upper body was lifting a black hammer and rubbing it on the iron felt on his hand, splashing a spark. He stood next to a teenage boy and was listening to the old man with respect and respect.

The proximity of Angrid made both of them notice. The old man put down the hammer and greeted him.

"Master Angley, what do you want?" His voice was hoarse, like a windshield.

Anglia gaze in the shop.

"I want a better body."

"A good body armor?" The old man's face showed a hint of dumbfounding. "There is something, but I am afraid that it is inappropriate for you to wear it..."

“Not suitable?” Anglia glimpsed.

"The lightest of these body parts is also forty pounds (about 40 pounds) or more." The old man is not.

Angrid knew the reason. His current strength, let alone whether there is any suitable, that is, the weight of the forty pounds is pressed on the body, even if his agility is more than 2, it must be pressed to a hard one. It’s totally worth the candle.

"In this case, then I want some iron balls, the ones used for trailers, are there?" Angrid said.

"How much is the iron ball?" The old man is refreshing this time. The hand pointed at the corner of the shop. "It's all there, you can do as much as you want. These are all blended with the scrap iron scrap of the castle. It's a good fit for parking trailers."

Angley nodded and looked at the corner of the corner, where a pile of dark **** seemed to be about twenty or thirty. Each has a fist size and is very heavy. This type of iron ball is generally used as a center of gravity and is also a way of storing iron ore.

For the enemies that may be attracted by the aroma of his body, he did not even think about telling the baron and others. But for the practice of giving his own destiny to others, Anglia is more inclined to take control of his own destiny.

And, more critically, Angrid saw the same thing in the baron's hand last night—the black card with a spider.

"Since I have come to this world, if I can't grow up, relying on others, I can't live long." Anglia has never had a calm. Since the baron also has a card in his hand, it means that he is also the target of being chased by the other party or the other person. According to the measured data, the baron is not comparable to the physical quality of the person. It seems that his face is not very good, obviously it is time to take care of himself. In this way, even if you tell him that it will not help, it is better to rely on yourself to be real. He carefully considered that he has a chip, and he is more agile than the other side. If he really wants to fight, he does not necessarily have no chance of winning. It was only when there was no such psychological preparation in the past, it would be so embarrassing.

Angrid became more and more calm in his heart.

He called some of the next man and took more than a dozen iron balls. Then let the maid find a pile of hemp ropes and bundle the iron **** one by one. In his own bedroom, he hangs all over the beam.

I have been busy until the afternoon, after dinner, the red light of the sunset sprinkled in from the window.

More than a dozen iron **** in the bedroom were tied and hung in the air. It looks like more than a dozen black shells. Form a small formation.

Anglia stood at the door of the bedroom and looked calmly at the hanging iron balls. Take a deep breath.

"Get started." He locked the door with his backhand. Go straight into the formation created by the iron ball. Then the hand is gently pushed, and an iron ball suddenly swings out.

This is the purpose he wants. Iron ball array.

When he was on earth, he was the master of this game. In the holographic simulation game on earth, only this is a difficult game that he can hold for an hour.

Of course, the game is a game, the reality is reality, and it is not a simple matter to use it practically. Once you can really use the proficiency, according to the calculation of the chip, Angile's physical quality will be maximized. This is his first step in strengthening himself.

Time passes by.


An iron ball swayed and slammed into Angley's chest again, hitting his body and boring, suddenly losing balance, and then being hit by other iron balls. Finally fell out, standing on the side of a big mouth and breathing. This is the fifth time he has been knocked out.

"Give a reply time."

"Twenty minutes." The chip instantly got the data.

Angrid nodded and turned to open the door and went out quickly. It’s already late in the evening. Come to the driving range.

There was a fierce battle at the time. Or it is a fierce demonstration.

The presenter, on one side is the Otis Knight, and on the other is his son Cray. The two each held a cross sword. Cray seems to have gone all out, his forehead is full of sweat, and Otis is still calm, and it is very casual to block the attack of Kairui.

In addition to the future reserve knights, there are many guards and cavalry who have come to see the bustle, and cheering and screaming for a while. It looks noisy and noisy.

Anglia stood outside the crowd and looked calmly at the battle. In the training ground, every few days, there will be the Otis Knight or the Baron himself to choose someone to fight. In order to improve the experience of preparing the knights. And this is why Angrid occasionally came over. From time to time, he will come over and collect the information of each person. After more than half a month of collection, he has already collected the data of the main strongest people in the castle.

“Is the data collected completely?” Angley said.

"Information integrity: 70%. Otis, Kelly, Cray and other swordsmanship materials have been collected."

Anglia no longer looks more, walking along the edge of the driving range to the canteen. After the training, what he needs is not standing there to watch the fun.

Most of the servants in the cafeteria went to see the excitement. Only two or three maids stayed inside to clean up.

A little maid saw Anglia coming in and suddenly took the initiative to meet.

"Master Anglia, I have found a copy of what you want. It is a bit of a hasty time, don't you know if you have found it?" The little maid was slightly nervous.

"Where is the thing?" Angley waved the rest to leave.

"In the kitchen," the little maid replied.

The two quickly stepped into the kitchen and saw the kitchen, which was originally black and oily, with a large table in the middle, full of large and small vegetables, fruits, and various meat pieces. There are not many of these materials, but the variety is very complete.

"These are all that have been found recently." The little maid was nervous.

"I know, you go ahead." Angley nodded. Walk quickly to the big table. Long before he had eaten the eyeball component of the one-eyed snake, he had the idea to try all the food in the world and see if he could find something that would increase his physical fitness. So privately let a maid give him the kind of food.

I threw a gold coin to the little maid, and the latter suddenly rejoiced and bowed reverently, then quit the kitchen and closed the door.

There is also a mountain-shaped candlestick on the wall in the kitchen. The sky that is almost dimmed and the light yellow candle light mix together, giving a feeling of faintness.

Angley picked up a purple orange-shaped fruit on the table and then just put it on his mouth and gently bit it. A kind of sweet juice with a slightly spicy juice flows into his mouth.

“Analyze the ingredients of the food. I found that I can enhance my body and remind me.”

"Analyze the ingredients..."... The chip prompt analysis begins.


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