MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 78 08.01丨

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"I was bitten by a snake." Yan He repeated it.

Zhou Xu was helpless. He did not force Yan He, but turned back to sit at the table and asked Yan He: "You have been bitten by a snake. This matter is very important? Why tell me?"

Invisible, Yan He sighed with relief and returned to sit down and face Zhou Xu. He said: "I was bitten by a poisonous snake, not dead."


“When Zhou Yang’s master checked my body, I used the wrong medicine again.”

"And then?"

"I am not good physically."

Zhou Xu looked helplessly at Yan He, Yan He went on to say: "Actually, that thing, eat, you can do more, I also need nutrition."

I finally understood, Zhou Xu thought, in the case of his own step by step, this person suddenly came to be bitten by a snake, but it is really speechless, but in his only jealous, Zhou Xu decided to forgive he.

"The reason why you are not poisoned is because of this thing?"

"Yes, when Zhou Yang’s master gave me medicine later, I made a mistake in the medicine, which caused a big change in my body. Basically, as long as my left foot is not pierced, I will not die. Because my resilience is very strong, and my body will stop bleeding automatically. Yes, my eyes are still hurt, so I will be blind for a while every other time."

This Zhou Xu felt very interesting, so he asked: "Why?"

"Because I was thundered when I entered, I wanted to save him in the past. After I saved it, my eyes began to hurt. After a few days, I was blind. But after that day, I was fine again, and after that, my vision changed. Very sharp, you can see things two or three hundred meters away, and very clear.

Zhou Xu knew this. The reason why Yan He went directly to the few archers was not because of the reasoning that they were few people, they could deal with them, but they saw directly that they had several people.

In such a primitive society, this ability is simply against the sky.

However, what Zhou Xu still does not understand is why no one in the family has elected him as a patriarch. After all, on the basis of force, he really is no one.

"You don't want to be a patriarch?"

"Well, because I told them I was poisonous."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Xu felt that his IQ was insulted by Yan He, because this is often a cold face, saying a lot of things that Zhou Xu did not understand, and doing a lot of things that Zhou Xu did not understand, such as "being Snake bites, such as "I am poisonous."

Yan He noodles continue to say: "Because I don't want to be a patriarch, I told them that my blood is poisonous. I am sent by the eagle **** to help the tribe grow. After the tribe grows, I will disappear."

Zhou Xufu, and then very much agree with what Yan He said, he is really poisonous!

This kind of listening is a nonsense thing, will someone believe?

However, the truth is that no one does not believe it!

"Do they believe?"

"Well, because the **** of the eagle is great."

Raising his hands, Zhou Xu said: "I surrender."

He really does not understand the rules of the world, and does not understand the logic of the world, because the **** of the eagle is great, so any Yan He nonsense about the **** of the eagle, they all believe?

I remembered that Zhou Xu was also said by Yan He that it was the lucky **** sent by the eagle **** a few days ago. Zhou Xu understood that the tribe's worship of the gods is unshakable.

Forget it, Zhou Xu feels tired, obviously a "hooking event", and finally turned into this situation that makes Zhou Xu very helpless, he is also very desperate.

Not with Yan He, Zhou Xu made some pills, because Han Xun really needs supplemental nutrition. He can wake up and it is really a miracle. In the process of surgery, he has lost too much blood. If he does not replenish it in time. Nutrition, his body may have other problems.

It is precisely because of this incident that Zhou Xu discovered that he would like to teach modern medical technology to people in this world.

However, Zhou Xu does not want to be a teacher of anybody. He only wants to teach medicine to Zhou Yang, his cousin of the world.

On this day, Zhou Xu finished the pills, it was very late, looked up, turned his neck, and Zhou Xu had to go back to his house to rest.

Turning around and seeing Yan He who was already asleep, Zhou Xu felt very satisfied in his heart. After thinking about it, he did not intend to go back. So he opened the quilt of Yan He and Zhou Xu gently lie in.

The next day, Zhou Xu first woke up, because he dreamed that he had become a child of Sun Wukong and was crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain. He opened his eyes and found that he was not pressed by the Wuzhi Mountain, but was held by Yan He, his arm just pressed On your own chest.

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu decided to continue to tease the crane, at least to see other expressions from his face, such as shame.

Yan He hugged Zhou Xu tightly in his arms, and he would touch Zhou Xu’s head as if he were Zhou Xu’s pet.

For a long time, Zhou Xu couldn’t stand it anymore, because he would harden it if he continued this way.

Stretching out his fingers, Zhou Xu gently pointed on Yan He's nose, Yan He shook his head and continued to sleep.

Zhou Xu continued to use his fingers to move Yan He's eyelashes, and Yan Hejun Zhou Xu continued to sleep.

Very good, Zhou Xu really was hardened.

Anyway, the two will not do it now, and he can only endure it, but looking back at the person holding him or sleeping in a dark, so Zhou Xu took the hand to touch Yan He somewhere until his small tent was vertical. When it came up, Zhou Xucai pushed Yan He and said: "Wake up, wake up, you hold me too tight."

Yan He’s eyes in his sleep, closed again, and said in his mouth: “Zhou Xu, I want to go to you... um, think about what you think... hard...”

I knew that he was dreaming, so Zhou Xu continued to push Yanhe until his eyes were completely open.

Seeing the people in the arms, Yan Hewei opened his mouth and did not speak for a long time.

Zhou Xu smiled and said: "You fell asleep last night, even so to me, really... what is the difference between animals and animals?"

Yan He was stunned, Zhou Xu was laughing in his heart, and he finally saw another expression of Yan He, a stunned expression.

"Last night, I was doing a pill. I thought you were a sleepwalker, but you talked. You said that I want to sleep with you. I don't agree. You will pull me. After I go to the trampoline, you will always be tight. Hold me tight and say that I like me the most. Right, it’s like holding it now.”

Yan He was shocked and found that he had firmly held Zhou Xu in his arms, so he was shocked and he quickly released his hands.

Zhou Xu then teased him. "Yes, you were really brave last night. I didn't use it to stop. Oh, how can I do this for the first time? Hey, I have a backache now. What should I do?" ""

Yan He's face blushed, and he stood up fiercely, but after standing up, he found that the small tent somewhere in his own place really swelled.

So he turned and leaned back on Zhou Xu, who was lying in bed, and said, " can be responsible...if you want."

Zhou Xu was lying on his bed, lying on his side, holding his head in one hand, but he was laughing in his heart, because he found that this crane was finally vivid, and would not be as rigid as before.

"For you, I am willing." Zhou Xu replied, although he still smiled.

"it is good."

"Right, I liked the squat and side-entry after the last night. We will continue next time."

Zhou Xu did not wait to answer, because Yan He had already run away. After he left, Zhou Xucai screamed and laughed. The lover of this world used a word to describe it: cute.

However, Zhou Xu thought about it. Since Yan He’s body has had so many accidents, it must have changed internally. Sometimes these changes are not necessarily bad things, but sometimes they are life-threatening, so Zhou Xu Also decided not to joke next time, must take a good look at Yan He's physical condition.

After taking a break in bed, Zhou Xu got up. He still has a lot of things to do, because it seems to help the people to learn to plant. It is a good thing, Zhou Xu will not stop, but Zhou Xu hopes to come next spring. Before, let everyone live in a safe house.

The house they live in now is a straw house. It is very unsound. If the wind is getting bigger, the house is often blown away. The key is that the tribes are occasionally attacked by wild beasts, and the safety is very bad.

Zhou Xu has seen that the world has a very strong grass after drying. If it can be used, it will be very safe to build a house with stone and mud.

Thinking in my heart, Zhou Xu decided to start doing it.

After simply eating something, he accelerated the preparation of some pills, and after giving it to Zhou Yang and Han Xun, he began to study how to build a house.

But before actually building the house, Zhou Xu had to study the grass first, because if it rained, the grass would rot in the middle of the wall, and it would be broken.

In this way, Zhou Xu studied a bundle of hay for a whole day. Fortunately, he finally found a way to make this grass more resilient and more durable, just need to observe it for a few more days.

In the evening, Zhou Xuyi himself was going to go back because of his sore neck, but he took a few steps to see a figure.

The corner of the mouth couldn’t help but hooked up. Zhou Xu said to the person: "Come me?"

Yan He bowed his head and replied: "I went to ask, the doctor told me that for the first time, you should take a good rest for two days, not tired."

"Why did you go during the day?"

"I think about it."


"Because I was bitten by a snake, my body changed, so my ability is very strong. Zhou Yang’s master said that he can’t do it casually, otherwise the lover may be killed by me. I am thinking, if I accidentally get you What to do if I die, so I think about whether or not to break up with you."

Zhou Xu: "..."

Yan Hee said with a blank expression: "I met Zhou Yang's master later. He said, maybe I am not so powerful, because he saw that you are still playing grass today, that you have not been killed by me, then I decided not to break up, come back and be with you. I am very happy that the ability is not great."

Zhou Xu once again discovered that he really did not understand this primitive world, really...

The author has something to say: Today, there are no six thousand, sorry, yesterday and today are busy, a little too tired, if I can, I will add more at around 8:00, if you can’t do it, don’t Blame me, I will try to make a little more next update.