MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 77 08.01丨

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Zhou Xu did not roll, but looked at the man in front of him with a good heart and smiled. He said, "I am hungry."

The man named Zhou Xufa just went to find something for Zhou Xu. After searching, he still didn’t understand why he was so obedient, but when he looked at Zhou Xu’s satisfaction, the point that had just been born was also dispelled. up in the air.

Zhou Xu knows that their world is distributing food on average, so having extra food at home means that their tribe is actually wealthy.

After eating something, Zhou Xu is still sitting on Yan He's bed. He is not going to compete with Ben, and so many worlds come. The protagonist is basically **** in his eyes. If the protagonist does not go with him, he is now also I don't want to fight with the protagonist.

Zhou Xu now wants to restore his memory and wants to live with his lover safely.

But the fact is, even if Zhou Xu ignores the protagonists, the protagonist also wants to go through the law and Zhou Xu, just so, Zhou Xu wants to stay with Yan He big eyes, even if there is nothing to say, it does not matter, But the protagonist has to run to destroy this silence.

"Yan He, about how to deal with those prisoners, the patriarch asked me to ask you."

Yan He looked back at the time when he entered the house, his eyes were slightly stunned, his eyes were not good, his tone was cold, and he seemed to look at the prey. The inside of the killings had to become substance. He said: "Before you come in, knock on the door!"

When I was in my heart, I felt like I was falling from the sky, and I couldn’t be down to earth because he found his life hanging on Yan He’s hand.

"I am sorry."

Standing up, Yan He’s gaze is not so good now. “I am going to find the patriarch with you.”

"Thank you."

Before leaving, Yan He looked back at Zhou Xu sitting in his bed, and then the tone was still his usual cold tone. He said, "You have a good rest."

However, Zhou Xu heard the concern in his tone, so he smiled and waved Yan He’s wave. Zhou Xu teased him: “Go early and go back early, I wash, wait for you.”

Yan Heyi squatted, and when he entered, Zhou Xu continued: "Don't blame outside."

This time, Yan He was stunned. He looked at Zhou Xu, his eyes were cold, but the reddish ears fell in Zhou Xu’s eyes.

Zhou Xu still bends his eyebrows and makes a harmless smile.

When I started, I coughed and took a step back and said, "Cough, what are you?"

Before Zhou Xu answered, Yan He quickly said: "We have nothing, not what you think."

"Oh, hey, that's good, let's go, the patriarch is still waiting for us."

Nodded, Yan He hurried away, and then went forward with Yan He. Zhou Xu was sitting on the bed and couldn't help but want to laugh. It was really fun to make a big face. It was more fun than the protagonist. It is.

It is very clear how the prisoners will treat the prisoners, so Zhou Xu concentrates on recalling his real world. Just thinking about it will cause headaches. In the end, he will simply do it, but the memories that have been restored will not disappear. This is very good.

In the last life, their tribes also won this battle, but the price is that the warriors have sacrificed nearly half. This is different. Under Zhou Xu’s leadership, their casualties are simply minimal.

The goal of Yan Shijin was to grow their tribe, so those prisoners were not killed at all, and they merged the Hexi people.

However, because the original battle was really fierce, and both sides were very heavy, so later, their families will face more problems, because those who are forced to merge will become locusts, and the Hedongs will rot from the inside. .

However, Zhou Xu did not know, because he had been burned to death on the altar because of his betrayal.

Zhou Xu is very clear about this, but this time, Zhou Xu feels that he may not be able to eat the Hexi.

Sure enough, the next day, the negotiations between the time and the Hexi people finally collapsed. Most of the warriors did not die, so the Hexi people felt that they actually had the ability to fight again. They hoped to redeem the warriors, no matter how many prey they used.

When he entered, he did not agree. The merger is OK, but it is not possible to return the Warriors. Because he thinks that the warriors will definitely commit again after returning. If they are sent back, then it is better to kill.

Yan Shijin said his concerns directly at the Hedong Elders' General Assembly. Some people agreed that some people disagreed. Zhou Xu was certainly present. After they finished their statements, there were as many people who supported and opposed them. So all the elders looked at it. Zhou Xu and Yan He did not say a word from beginning to end.

When Yan He’s eyes did not exist and continued to be as cold as ice, Zhou Xu said with a slight smile: “If we kill all their warriors, then even if there is one person left by the Hexi people, it’s better to do it with us. I asked them to ask for food in the dead. In the winter, they might have to rush to them. At that time, we have no worries."

"No, I don't agree," he said. "This is equivalent to putting the tiger back to the mountain. They can attack it at any time. We can't guarantee that there will be a traitor in our tribe."

Zhou Xu said coldly: "Why, the last time you said that I was a traitor, the result is not. Now you think that we are all traitors, are you not?"

This reciprocal question made the time of the slogan, because in the heart, he did have identified Zhou Xu as a traitor, although the final proof is not, but the inherent impression will not change.

And Zhou Xu’s counter-question is to open the map cannon directly. This method of zooming in on the attack object is the easiest to pull hatred, but it is all about hatching when it comes to it. Zhou Xu did not care.

"I... I don't mean that."

The patriarch slowly stood up and asked Yan He, "What do you say, say a word, don't say a word."

"I support Zhou Xu."

The patriarch nodded and finally made a decision. "Let's talk about it. How do you ask them to ask for something, come and come, let's talk."

"I heard that they have captive wild boars, it is better to come."

"Yes, they seem to have more than forty heads in captivity. We have to have eighty heads."

"And, let them get some rabbits for us, and pheasants."

"Yes, it’s best to simmer the pheasant meat and have more points."


As a result, their elders’ meeting became a meeting to discuss how the Hexi people could be squeezed out.

The elders who have always supported Yan Shijin have no choice, because it is indeed the reason that Zhou Xu said, if you really kill their warriors, the rest of the Hexi people will definitely counterattack, and it will be impossible to prevent them.

In the winter, those poor and tribes often find help from other tribes because they can't find food, and finally they become a member of the more powerful tribes.

In fact, this method is the best, because those poor and weak tribes, after coming to the run, mostly diligent and reassuring, hunger in this world is really their most fearful thing.

In the end, their tribes really evacuated the family of Hexi, and the Hexi people still owe a lot of things to the Hedong people. Of course, in order to let them repay, they still left more than 100 warriors and did not put them back.

The Hexi race was completely lost in this battle, and Zhou Xu’s reputation in their tribes gradually rang.

At the festival of sacrifices after that, Zhou Xu was praised by the patriarch, although the tribe was primitive and the way of offering the gods was primitive, but it was this primitive that made people feel sacred.

The Hedong people think that his patron saint is an eagle, and the patriarch's scepter is also the shape of an eagle. Their altar, if viewed from a height, is also eagle-shaped.

People stand in the wings of the eagle's open wings. The patriarch stands in the eagle's head. The holy fire outlines the eagle's lines. All the tribes gather and pray in earnest.

Somehow, Zhou Xu felt that when they prayed, the whole world was quiet, and it seemed that even the birds that were always crying were silent.

It is said that "the letter is there." Zhou Xu, who has experienced the world of God and Buddha, does not believe in the Buddha in the general world. However, in such a primitive world, Zhou Xu actually began to believe in this kind of totem. Something is gone.

With the movement of the patriarch, Zhou Xu also bowed his head, raised his hands and slowly crossed, and then, along with the patriarchs, thanked the eagle **** for giving them life and life.

Just when everyone prayed, Zhou Xu suddenly felt that his body was warm and looked up again. Zhou Xu found that his palm was shining, a slight, pale yellow light, and it looked very warm.

"Ah!" Zhou Xu was amazed, so everyone who was praying looked at Zhou Xu, and everyone began to be surprised.

The glimmer of light faded away after a few seconds until it disappeared.

Everyone didn't know what happened. Zhou Xu didn't know. In the ignorance of a lot of people, Yan He said: "Zhou Xu is the lucky **** of our family. The light of his palm must be the **** of the eagle. Give the luck to him."

All the tribe members are a look of ignorance, only Zhou Xu squinted at Yan He, his eyes clearly revealed a sentence: "You can really pull."

Yan He looked at Zhou Xu, then turned his head and ignored him, and continued to be his own cold-faced wood man.

In the end, the whole tribe people looked at Zhou Xu as if they were looking at the gods, and their eyes were full of respect. The only person who would not look at Zhou Xu like this was when he entered.

He is a modern man who has come across and can't explain this phenomenon. However, it is said that Zhou Xu is the lucky **** of their tribe.

However, he can't speak at this time. After all, this society is very admired for God.

After the sacrifice was completed, Zhou Xu began the day when he came to the mouth to reach out, because he was regarded as God, and of course they should be well served.

When it was really annoying for them, Zhou Xu went to the medical hall in the village to find Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang’s body seems to be starting to get too bad. He often stays in the hospital in the morning and starts to feel dizzy in the afternoon.

Pulling Zhou Yang’s hand hard, Zhou Xu gave him the pulse.

After the completion of the pulse, Zhou Xu knew that Zhou Yang was not a disease at all, but it was actually caused by iron.

He does not eat meat for a long time, only eats some vegetables, and nutrition can't keep up. For so many years, the body should be seriously lacking all kinds of trace elements, especially iron is very lacking, so it will be pale, often dizzy, powerless.

Zhou Xu is going to give Zhou Yang some pills, because he is vegetarian all the year round, and let him eat meat for a while, maybe his body will be unwell.

In fact, since I remembered that I had a brother in the real world, Zhou Xu was very concerned about Zhou Yang, because Zhou Xu was afraid that Zhou Yang also crossed.

I want to find a quiet place to make a pill for Zhou Yang, Zhou Xu around to see, and finally a corner of the mouth, went to Yan He's house.

Look at the door is hidden, Zhou Xu gently knocked twice, there is no sound inside, Zhou Xu waited for a while, still no sound, then pushed the door into it.

After entering, Zhou Xucai discovered that Yan He was not at all.

However, this is exactly the case, Zhou Xu should try to get something nutritious for Zhou Yang, and let him eat every day.

Looking at the foods that Yan He assigned, Zhou Xu smiled and decided to use it directly. If he was angry, it would be more interesting.

In fact, if Yan He is not so ridiculous in this world, Zhou Xu will not want to tease him.

Prepare everything needed, Zhou Xu began to lick the pharmaceutical pill in Yan He's room.

This is a whole day. In the evening, Zhou Xu looked at the side and put a lot of pills, so he got up and stretched out. He just stretched halfway and listened to Yan He: "You get these things." What are you doing?"

Looking back suddenly, Zhou Xu discovered that the person behind him is not Yan He.

"When did you come back?" Zhou Xu ignored his problem, put the pills in the bag, put them up, and prepared to give Zhou Yang the next day.

"There is a moment."

"Oh, I didn't notice."

"Well. What are you doing with this thing?"

Zhou Xu continued to ignore this question and said: "Use a lot of food for you, and tomorrow you will go to me, I will give it back to you."

"No, you told me what you did with this, I will give it to you."

Zhou Xu is speechless, and Yan He is still a curious baby. If you see something, you have to figure it out?

"Pharmaceutical, for Zhou Yang."

"Pharmaceutical? What happened to Zhouyang?"

"Nothing, the body is empty, give him some nutritious meatballs and let him raise his body."

Yan He nodded and returned to a "oh", then there was no sound.

Zhou Xu found that Yan He did not mention Zhou Xu’s unauthorized entry into his house from beginning to end.

Since Yan He did not mention it, it means that he allowed Zhou Xu to do so by default, so the next day, Zhou Xu took the ingredients from his home and went to Yan He's house.

But before he started preparing the pills, he had to give it to Zhou Yang first.

On the way, after passing through a house, Zhou Xu saw Yan Shijin and found that he was picking something, and Zhou Xu was also familiar with that kind of thing, that is, beans.

When he did not see anything, Zhou Xu took his prepared nutritional pills to the medical center.

There is no one in the medical hall, Zhou Yang is also sitting in a window seat to doze off.

Gently knocking on the table, Zhou Yang slowly woke up, the pale face looked a bit transparent, it looked a bit sick, but still very good looking.

"Brother, come over and see what I have prepared for you."

Zhou Yang slowly got up, he is used to it, because when he gets up too fast, he will be dizzy and boss for a while, so his movements and language are slow and slow.


Take out the pills you prepared, Zhou Xu said: "Sugar beans."

"Sugar beans?"

"Yeah." Said, Zhou Xu put a mouth into Zhou Yang's mouth.

The pills are not too big, just the amount of rice, but Zhou Xu has added some herbs. The herbs can just remove the smell of animal meat and internal organs, leaving only the sweet and sour taste, like adding honey. The hawthorn, eaten and nutritious, and appetizing.

Chewing on Zhou Xu’s things, Zhou Yang’s eyes are bright. “What, so delicious?”

Zhou Xu smiled a little, "So it is a jelly bean."

Zhou Yang did not taste this taste. It seems that this candy bean has opened up a new world for his taste, and even his eyes feel bright.

Staring at Zhou Xu’s packet, Zhou Yang asked: “Is there still?”

Handing a small bag to Zhou Yang, Zhou Xu said: "Yes, but don't eat too much. It is enough to eat a few grains a day. It is useless to eat too much. It can't be absorbed."

Zhou Yang quickly took out one and stuffed it into his mouth and asked, "What do you absorb?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Xuxin thought about it, let him eat it casually. At most, he will give him more to do later, and he will use less, and how to eat does not hurt the body. Zhou Xu said: "Nothing, that Eat it, don't eat too much, eat too much and easily accumulate food."

"Good." Zhou Yang took out one and put it in his mouth.

Zhou Xu is speechless. It is estimated that the bag he gave to him may be eaten by Zhou Yang for two days, but it is also very good. Anyway, the things inside are concentrated, even if Zhou Yang does not eat and eat this pill. It doesn't matter, it won't hurt his body.

The two had a slap in the face, and the small medical hall was warm, but after a while, the warmth was broken.

"Zhou Yang, fast, Han is injured, you can help him."

The coming man is a dark warrior, and his back is carrying Han’s brother Han.

The Warrior put Han Xun on the bed of the medical center. Zhou Xu discovered that the waist side of Han Xun had been worn and was covered in blood.

The medical hall now only has Zhou Yang and Zhou Xu, so Zhou Xu immediately began to prepare to start to fight, but Zhou Yang shook his head and said: "No, it can't save."

Zhou Xuyi, the warrior who came with him was also a meal, and then a big man, tears began to fall.

The Warrior bit his teeth and couldn't speak. Zhou Yang also lowered his head. He and Han Xun knew each other. Han Xun had been hurt before, so Zhou Yang would seriously say "thank you" when he was treated, so Zhou Yang is also very good at the moment. Sad.

Suddenly, in the sad medical hall, "Okay, go out, Zhou Yang, come over and give me a hand, hurry up, or he will die."

Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Xu with a clear understanding. At this moment, a cold voice said: "Let them both go out, I will help you."

Zhou Xu looked over and then nodded. The person who spoke was Yan He.

The warrior who had just carried the Korean inquiry went out, but Zhou Yang stayed.

Zhou Xu found a knife and then grilled it on the fire, then his knife fell on Han Xun's stomach.

Zhou Yang was surprised to speak. He had never seen a situation in which he had to save his stomach. However, Zhou Xu’s expression was so serious that he did not dare to speak.

The movement is proficient and rapid, and now there is no time to hesitate Zhou Xu, because Han Xun has been losing blood.

After about an hour, Zhou Xu wiped his sweat from his forehead and said with a sigh of relief, "Well, if you can live now, look at himself."

Zhou Yang touched the nose of Han Xun, and there was still breathing, although it was weak.

He did not dare to look at Zhou Xu, because if it was not treated, Han Xun should die within half an hour after being sent.

Zhou Xu raised his hand and gently slammed Zhou Yang’s head and said, "Brother, I am amazing."


"So, what I am giving you, you have to eat, your body will be better."

Zhou Yang nodded, like a child, he took Zhou Xu's hand and said: "Xiao Xu, you teach me, just something."

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu said: "Okay, brother."

Yan He’s heart was very uncomfortable, but he was not happy, but he didn’t know why he was upset. He only knew that he didn’t want Zhou Xu to touch Zhou Yang, and he didn’t want Zhou Yang to touch Zhou Xu. He didn’t want Zhou Xu and Zhou Yang to talk. Yes, Zhou Xu gave him a lot of delicious pills. He didn't do it for himself. The things he used were his own.

In general, Yan He turned his face seriously and left. Zhou Yang did not see that Yan He was angry. Zhou Xu could see it.

In a good mood, Zhou Xu knows that Yan He is jealous, but it is also very good. When he eats too much, he may regret that he has let Zhou Xu roll.

In the evening, Han Xun really woke up. It seemed like a miracle. The whole tribe was shocked because they all heard that Zhou Xu was saving a dead person, so Zhou Xu was the lucky god. The things that once again spread in the tribe, they began to believe.

He did not understand when he entered, but he was very upset because he was thinking about how to lead the tribe's development. Zhou Xu was a tribe god. Why?

After Zhou Xu returned to Yan He’s house, he discovered that Yan He was studying the things he brought.

"See what?" Zhou Xu said.

Yan He turned back and looked awkward. "I will take a look."

"Oh." Zhou Xu nodded and said, "Zhou Yang said that he liked the pills I gave him. I decided to give him more."

Yan Hemei's heart was slightly locked up, Zhou Xu knew that he was not happy.

"Han Zheng should also need it. When I get it, I will give another one to Han."


"Right, the last time the Korean inquiry also caught the feather arrow that came over me, I must be better to him later."

"Yeah." Yan He is even more upset, and the cold expression seems to be even colder.

Zhou Xu went on to say: "Hey, Yan He, you don't like me anyway. How do you say that I like Hanshun? He seems to be very powerful, and he is whiter than you. I like white men."


"Why not, anyway, you don't like me, right?" Zhou Xu smiled and asked, Yan He stepped back, Zhou Xu stepped forward, Yan He took a step back, Zhou Xu continued to step forward, until Yan He forced Go to the table.

Retired, Yan He looked at Zhou Xu, who was close at hand, and suddenly said: "I was bitten by a snake!"

The author has something to say: Sorry, it’s late tomorrow, tomorrow may be a little later, I will cheer.

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