MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 65 06.01丨

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Several of the top generals looked at each other and finally crossed Mu Xinhua directly. "Zhou Xu, appointed you as the highest commander of the battle, Mu Xinhua, obeying Zhou Xu's orders and cooperating with the war."


This is not a joke, of course, Mu Xinhua will not feel embarrassed at this time.

All the soldiers quickly acted, and no one was dragging their feet in the process. This was a war. In the war, even if they were one minute and one second, they could not afford it.

But in twenty minutes, the soldiers went to the desert.

Zhou Xu quickly commanded. First, they made excellent hidden plans according to the characteristics of the desert. Then, according to the radar analysis designed by Zhou Xu, they also found the best attack position.

The so-called "time and place" and the three people are all occupied.

In fact, in this process, the enemy also felt strange, why the last time, they can quickly find out, and this time, they have already reached the periphery of the planet, still not found, and, last time they deliberately set up radar cover, This time there is no cover.

All kinds of speculations have made the enemy a little embarrassed, but in the war, whoever is fast, whoever has an advantage, so even if they are skeptical, they still maintain the initial speed and advance at a rapid pace.

If you can directly capture the other's command post in this way, then they will win this war, their planet will be guaranteed in the future, and their attack is equivalent to a very efficient completion.

Therefore, although they are a bit embarrassed, they are still trying to seize the opportunity, but did not make a relative response, so, in this way, they entered the trap of Zhou Xu.

On the periphery of the planet, the enemy used the radar to monitor the landing again. At this time, they found a very subtle point. The ground landing point seemed to be a little different from the original one, but the gap was too small. I only think this is caused by a little bit of radar error.

What they didn't think of was that they ignored their small errors and they put their own troops in great danger.

However, this is war. The quicker the initiative in the war, the more advantageous it is.

Indeed, if they directly occupy the command post, then they will win, and the future of their planet will be guaranteed. Unfortunately, the luck in the war often becomes the direct cause of failure.

In the waiting time of about two hours, Zhou Xu told Mu Xinhua about his experience and lessons in the desert war, because for Mu Xinhua, he rarely led the army to ground operations, and this is not just the ground. Combat, but a particularly difficult desert battle in the ground battle.

Zhou Xu briefly taught the attention of the desert war to Mu Xinhua, and told Mu Xinhua several awkward battles.

Mu Xinhua listened silently and earnestly. Occasionally, there were doubts and promptly raised. He quickly got Zhou Xu’s answer. Zhou Xu came to the details, and Mu Xinhua didn’t have time to say anything like compliments or favorite words, because the enemy’s army was close. .

Just as the enemy warships landed, they suddenly found out why they had not been able to reach the ground, and one of the warships fell directly. Until then, they realized that it was in the trap of others. .

Yes, they were wrong from the beginning, not Zhou Xu, they were not noticed, but they were in the trap designed by Zhou Xu from the beginning.

Everything is already late. The warship that was dropped is the most advanced, and because it is the most advanced, it will become the first victim after receiving the ground news of the radar.

The highest command of the battle was in the fallen warship, but the rapid decline caused the warship to catch fire in the air. When it reached the ground, after a huge boom, the new warship built by the huge capital was So ruined.

Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua were separated in two warships, so the two couldn't communicate, but the sound of the explosion of the new warship seemed to be a huge "like". Zhou Xu smiled slightly, he estimated that he designed The system in which radar timing interferes with enemy communications should be activated soon.

Wearing the communication equipment on his side, Zhou Xu screamed: "The warship 30-5071, 30-5072, the left side lifted off, 15,000 kilometers from the ground, the armor all out of the warehouse. Warship 40-6011 , 40-6012, lifted from the side, 13,000 kilometers from the ground, 30 points in the armor, 15,000 kilometers, 30 points in the armor..."

Mu Xinhua is Zhou Xu’s soldier at the moment. He listened to Zhou Xu’s voice in the communication equipment, but he gave a sense of pride. This person who can command three-quarters of the entire empire’s warships is his lover.

Zhou Xu is full of mystery. He can be the best pianist. He can be the best chef. He can be the best technician, the best mech-trainer, or even the best imperial conductor. Officer, how did he do it?

Mu Xinhua even wants to smile, because he feels that the gap between himself and his lover seems a bit far away, and he can only be more desperate to be worthy of such a good Zhou Xu.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu’s order has come. “Mu Xinhua, the two warships you led are facing the enemy.”

Suddenly there was a brief silence in the address book. Then Mu Xinhua heard that Zhou Xu’s voice suddenly softened a lot. He said, “Please be careful.”

Mu Xinhua, who just wanted to smile, just wanted to find a place to run two laps, excited.

The warships were launched at the fastest speed, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the enemy troops who were preparing to ask for the current top leadership found that they suddenly could not be contacted.

Anxiously, they repeatedly looked at the communication equipment. It was this ten minutes. The warship commanded by Zhou Xu had already taken off successfully.

Can not escape, the war can not fight, the enemy army scattered sand, rushed, they had to hurry to open a position to fight, and their mech just sent out, they found that they are already suffering from the enemy.

Some mech-fighters didn't even open the fire. When they saw the outside situation, they knew that they would definitely not win. Some of them directly surrendered.

Of course, there are only a handful of direct surrenders. Most of the armored divisions still try their best to fight. This is the military.

The battle is fierce, and as long as it is a war, there are no casualties.

At the end of the war, the enemy also fought, and dozens of mechs actually fell on the ground without knowing it. This is the real desert war.

Zhou Xu directed his own 50-man armor team to face this wave of armored troops landing on the ground.

"One to five, lure the mech to the position of 7682/9054, pay attention to the sand dune behind, a little push, it will cause collapse, make good use of it."


"Sixth to the 10th, in the position of the size 7632/9075, you are ready to support the battle from the 11th to the 15th."


"No. 11 to 15, you are..."

Zhou Xu’s command is clear, and everyone should be in what position, whether it is hidden, attacking, or retreating. It is very accurate, and because it is in the desert, the speed of the mech and the power of the weapon will be Changed, all of this Zhou Xu explained them at the very beginning.

However, just as they were systematically welcoming the enemy, another squad landed. This squad is the squad of Wu Mingdi.

The warship led by Wu Mingdi had already defeated the target. After seeing the enemy's organic armor fall, Wu Mingdi ordered it to be chased. Before this, Zhou Xu said that the number of enemy armor landings is not counted. Too much, so he led the ground forces to completely destroy the enemy.

Zhou Xu ordered that the armor of the air operations should not be allowed to land, but Wu Mingdi still led his team to land.

For a moment, Zhou Xu’s heart was full of anger. In the war, the military’s duties were obeyed, and Wu Mingdi ignored Zhou Xu’s command and led the army to land without authorization. The key point was that they were also new to the ground desert war and had no advantage at all. .

The landing of Wu Mingdi directly disrupted Zhou Xu’s plan, and the original orderly confrontation, at this moment, became messy.

Pick up the communication equipment and open it to all the team members. Zhou Xu roared inside: "Wu Mingdi leads your team back, and retreats beyond the dimension 76!"

Wu Mingdi wanted to retreat after hearing the order, but another look, it is already late, because they have been targeted by the enemy army.

The players led by Zhou Xu have been concealed. Of course, the enemy will be eyeing Wu Mingdi's team, and Wu Mingdi hesitated after hearing Zhou Xu's orders, so they lost their advantage in an instant.

The enemy's mechs quickly attacked, and the sand was dusty in a flash. The fierce fireworks blew the desert. The team led by Wu Mingdi had five or six mechs destroyed.

Zhou Xu had to rush to his team members to order: "Squad No. 1, No. 21, No. 26, immediately went to support. Team No. 31, sneak attack on the side, 46th squad, quickly lifted in front of you , divert their attention. The rest of the players do not move, do their own thing!"


Zhou Xu was mad by Wu Mingdi, and he was the commander of the battle. He could not lose his calmness. So after a long breath, Zhou Xu opened the communication equipment again and said to all the staff: "The air combat troops are not allowed to land casually. There are violations and military regulations."

Then Zhou Xu began to stare nervously at the ground team, especially Wu Mingdi's mech team.

Wu Mingdi’s mech team is now surrounded by the form, and the goal now is how to break through.

Zhou Xu is on the side of this side. Wu Mingdi has led several mechs and wants to break through the line of defense. However, the enemy's army is already powerful, and they are winning in this direction.

Now that their advantage is gone, Wu Mingdi can only be hard.

Zhou Xu had to cooperate with Wu Mingdi's breakout method to allow his five small teams to support Wu Mingdi's breakout direction.

In the desert, there are not many obstructions, and the enemy naturally thinks of what Wu Mingdi means, so he quickly changes the way of encirclement.

In the end, Wu Mingdi had to change the breakout point, and in this way, Zhou Xu’s support was very tasteless.

At this time, Mu Xinhua sent a message: "The air combat team is basically finished, what instructions?"

"Very good. You lead the ten-man armor team to help me, don't alarm other teams, otherwise the captured enemy may have another riot."


Mu Xinhua led the ten-member mech team to land quickly. After landing, he discovered that he had come down to save the team of Wu Mingdi.

In fact, if only Wu Mingdi, Zhou Xuning can sacrifice him, or anyone, Zhou Xu will choose to sacrifice him, but Wu Mingdi brought his entire team, then Zhou Xu has no choice, he can not Sacrifice the armor of the entire team.

Therefore, Zhou Xu is still gnashing at the moment. He hates Wu Mingdi’s personal heroism.

Mu Xinhua’s squad landed, Zhou Xu did not have any worries, so he simply boarded the mech.

Zhou Xu's mech is red. In this yellow desert, it is especially conspicuous. It seems to be an eagle hovering, but he doesn't know who his goal is.

In the rapid progress, Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua personal communication, "Can you stop the two blue-blue mechs on the left?"

Mu Xinhua operates the mech, look to the left, there are a total of seven hundred and eight sets of mechs, but the two blue-blue mechs look at the head, one is that the firepower of these two mechs is significantly better than the other The mech is one level higher, and the second is the attack mode of the later mechs, which is obviously attacked by the two mechs.

The thief first smashed the king, and Mu Xinhua replied: "Yes."

"Well, let me solve the gray mech in front of me."

"it is good."

After all, the two quickly separated, lowering the center of gravity of the mech, as low as seems to be advancing against the surface of the desert, but the speed is beyond the reach of others.

Quickly find the best attack position, Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua almost fire at the same time, and the order of fire is almost the same, the first is the ordinary bullet, but the target is not the enemy, but the sand dunes on the wind.

Immediately after the dust was flying, the two found the target in less than a second, and then the shells fired and the shots were in the same direction, both of which were the legs of the mech.

After destroying this part, the enemy's mech will fall into the embarrassment of about two seconds, that is, to use the two seconds of the gap, the two directly sealed the opponent's several attack ports.

In total, less than ten seconds, Zhou Xu solved one, and Mu Xinhua solved two. Although they are unparalleled, Zhou Xu is still very self-aware, that is, personal skills and speed. Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua are still a level worse.

These three people were blocked from attacking the attack, so their armor was also finished, because as soon as they attacked, they would inevitably cause their own explosion, so these three people did not dare to move.

These three high-level mechs did not move, and the mechs that followed were beginning to hesitate.

Just as they hesitated, Zhou Xu operated the mech to make a gesture, so that Wu Mingdi’s team quickly fled.

The members of the team naturally knew what Zhou Xu meant, so they quickly cooperated, opened fire, and then withdrew, while covering their companions to withdraw from the encirclement.

Just when everyone was quickly retreating, Wu Mingdi was attacked. Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua were all helping other members to evacuate, and they must pay attention to the various positions of the evacuation team. Therefore, the two tasks are very heavy.

At this time, if Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua choose to help Wu Mingdi, then other mechs will be in danger.

Without hesitation, Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua chose to continue to cover the evacuation team, and Wu Mingdi finally had no time to withdraw from the central warehouse under the joint attack, and exploded with his mech in this open desert.

After all the players were withdrawn, Zhou Xu directly dispersed the enemy's mechs according to the original plan, and then induced them to go to the corresponding places, and finally the whole army was wiped out.

At this point, a big battle finally came to an end.

The body of Wu Mingdi could not be found, scattered in this deserted desert.

In the end, only two warships returned by the enemy, and the remaining warships were either destroyed or captured by the army commanded by Zhou Xu.

Ten thousand meters high, Zhou Xu only saw the light of the stars, as if the fireworks lit during the day, but as long as there are fireworks, there are casualties, this is not a beautiful view.

In the end, even the enemy troops surrendered in batches, because they could not be contacted at all.

At the end of the battle, all the warships returned, and the soldiers who had been tired for a day finally returned home.

Mu Xinhua also returned home, seeing Zhou Xu, four eyes opposite, Zhou Xu said: "Welcome back."

Mu Xinhua stepped forward and held Zhou Xu in his arms. He really didn't know how much surprise Zhou Xu would bring him.

Mu Xinhua felt that she was not only lucky, but was lucky enough to meet a god, and he could hold God in his arms. This feeling is so good that he couldn’t help but kiss. Zhou Xu lips.

In the intertwining of the lips and teeth, Zhou Xu once again confirmed that this person is his lover, and he can now perceive it with almost one touch.

At the end of a kiss, Mu Xinhua asked Zhou Xu: "What else do you have, I don't know, what else is shocking me?"

Zhou Xu smiled slightly and touched Mu Xinhua’s head and said, “You don’t know too many things, so I don’t even know myself.”

Mu Xinhua was a little sideways and didn't understand what Zhou Xu meant.

Zhou Xu smiled again and said: "Now I can't explain it because my memory is incomplete."

"Is memory incomplete?"

Zhou Xu nodded. "That's because of this, so you told me that I can't explain it. You just need to know that I am yours in this world."

"In this case," Mu Xinhua's mouth was hooked, and then Zhou Xu fell to the bed. "Let's do it."

The lips and teeth overlap again, and all the words are submerged in the battle of the tongue, but this kind of battle Zhou Xu likes it very much.

In the process of doing it, Zhou Xu saw the red dragonfly in a certain place in Mu Xinhua, and smiled a little because he found that the red dragonfly was not born, it should be the day after tomorrow.

In this case, Zhou Xu guessed that his lover might occupy the body of others, just like himself?

But if so, why are the lovers of every world completely independent?

Or is it that the lover's crossing is different from his own?

Zhou Xu guessed that perhaps his lover's crossing condition is that every world loses its original memory, but because nature does not change, so although there is no memory between lovers in each world, there is always a place for communication.

For example, they all like one-handed support, for example, they all like to stick to themselves, like the oysters and fierceness of the first kiss, and then the cockroaches that will never disappear?

After the death of Wu Mingdi, Ding Zhaolin felt relaxed, and the heart of Yu Cheng was slowly calmed. However, because he was a buddy, two years later, he was once again forced to a man by the empire.

Ding Zhaolin left the first child of his birth to Wu Mingdi’s parents because he was not in the mood to take care of a child.

After remarriage, Ding Zhaolin found that the man had smoked and drunk, and he was very violent after drinking.

Three months later, Ding Zhaolin discovered that this man was not only violent, but was often murdered after drinking and was brutal.

Half a year later, Ding Zhaolin was interrupted on one leg.

A year later, Ding Zhaolin, who finally escaped, squatted on the street aimlessly, and the feeling of wanting to die again and again.

At this time, he met Zhou Xu, and Zhou Xu was wearing a new military uniform, which set his tall and tall figure.

The original resentment is gone, because at this moment Ding Zhaolin finally understands what is called Yun Mu, Zhou Xu is the one who always stands at the top, and he...

Living is just torture.

With tears in the rain, Ding Zhaolin found that if he could really treat Zhou Xu at the beginning, perhaps it would not be so miserable to this extent.

However, the past has passed, Ding Zhaolin has no way to make up, and for Zhou Xu, no matter what kind of compensation, he should not look in the eyes.

Ding Zhaolin was caught by the new husband. This time, Ding Zhaolin never came out again. Because of the day he was caught, Ding Zhaolin’s arm was also interrupted, and he had completely died. Even Zhou Xu did not have him. The strength went to smash.

That night, Ding Zhaolin took a fruit knife and cut his wrist.

When I was dying, Ding Zhaolin looked at the white ceiling and the tears fell. He made this life into this way. He really couldn’t blame anyone, but he was sorry for his parents.

Zhou Xu knew that the disappearance of Ding Zhaolin’s death was two months later, and Zhou Xu, who heard the news, just nodded and said that he knew it, and then there was no more.

In fact, it is still the same sentence, the so-called protagonist, but this is not the case.

No one is perfect, even if some people are lucky in the world.

Ten years later, Zhou Xu became the highest general of the empire, and his brother was no longer the bottom of society.

Twenty years later, with the joint efforts of Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua, this empire has become the most powerful empire in the interstellar.

Thirty years later, Zhou Xu, who is already in his fifties, returned to play and began to play the piano.

Fifty years later, the 70-year-old Zhou Xu held a grand piano recital. At the concert, Mu Xinhua accompanied the violin, and the violin was started when Mu Xinhua was nearly 60 years old.

Sixty years later, Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua disappeared on Star Trek, and no one has ever seen them.

The author has something to say: The world is over, the world has no meat, and it feels like it will be beaten, so the author secretly topped a pot...

Ok, let's call, tap ha...

Thank you, 香草, the vanilla knows, the shallow mine

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