MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 64 06.01丨

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I did not care about the person behind me, regardless of Wu Mingdi, and Sun Qingxia, who fell to the ground, and Mu Xinhua took Zhou Xu in her arms.

The voice is as low as the clock, Mu Xinhua said: "I don't see you for a few days, I think you are thinking about being crazy."

Zhou Xu chuckles, yes, it is this embrace, he likes, can make him feel at ease, is the chasing of his lover of several worlds, the voice is also happy, Zhou Xu replied: "I miss you too It is."

Wu Mingdi wanted to help Sun Qingxia in the past, but at this time she had closed her eyes.

For Sun Qingxia, the dust settled, and she was dying to die.

Wu Mingdi’s eyes were red and slowly stood up. Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua in front of him were his enemies. He shouted and shouted: “Mu Xinhua, you killed my sister!”

Mu Xinhua let go of his arms and spread his hand and said: "He wants to kill Zhou Xu, I killed her, is it wrong?"

Zhou Xu whispered to Mu Xinhua: "The military is out of the army and is not allowed to bring a gun. Where did your gun come from?"

Mu Xinhua glanced back and said, "I grabbed it from his hand."

Following the eyes of Mu Xinhua, Zhou Xu saw Ding Zhaolin behind him, and then smiled and said: "Good job."

"Well, I think so too."

Wu Mingdi, who was ignored by the two, continued to swear, "You can obviously... you can obviously..."

Mu Xinhua replied in a cold voice: "What can I clearly? Can I let Zhou Xu die? Wu, Colonel, do you think your request is unreasonable?"

Zhou Xu wanted to stand up, but Mu Xinhua hugged him from behind, very hard, Zhou Xu was struggling to open, so he just let him hold himself from behind.

The Wu Mingdi over there is still full of sorrow, as if it is a lion that is about to go crazy, and the madness in his eyes is about to swallow up his whole person.

Sighing a sigh, Zhou Xu said: "Wu Mingdi, have you ever thought about why, after you were hurt by me, Sun Qingxia picked up the gun in your hand and pointed it at my head?"

Wu Mingdi looked up and added a trace of doubt to the madman.

Zhou Xu continued: "Because she has no bullets in her own gun."

Wu Mingdi stunned, and Zhou Xu continued: "There is no bullet in her gun, but you have six bullets in this gun."

After that, Zhou Xu bent over and picked up the ground, but even this action, Mu Xinhua behind him did not loosen the hands on Zhou Xu's waist.

So one bent over, one standing behind him, the whole action seemed to be the behind-the-shoulder posture of love, and Zhou Xu’s fart stock happened to meet Mu Xinhua.

Mu Xinhua's whole person was a stiff, quickly released his hand holding Zhou Xu, and took a step back.

Picking up the gun on the ground, Zhou Xu looked back at Mu Xinhua with a deep look, and then went to Wu Mingdi without anything.

"Wu Ming Di, this is the gun she gave you, six bullets inside, a lot of hair." Said, Zhou Xu will expose the gun, and the next round, six bullets fell out.

The sound of the bullet landing was very brittle, but the voice heard Wu Ming Di Erli, but it was like a sly, and the whole man’s thoughts were hollowed out.

Zhou Xu threw the gun at Mu Xinhua, then picked up the gun in Sun Qingxia’s hand and walked to Wu Mingdi’s side. Zhou Xu said: “And this gun, your sister used it to open your head once. This is the fire, there is actually no bullet in it."

After all, Zhou Xu still opened the gun and went down, nothing.

In fact, Zhou Xu guessed this point and wanted to give Sun Qingxia a chance. Unfortunately, Sun Qingxia was really stupid. Even though Zhou Xu told her to let her "rebirth", Sun Qingxia still hopes a dead end.

The so-called stubbornness is probably Sun Qingxia.

Zhou Xu felt that he was still not enough. If it was really embarrassing, then it was time to let Wu Mingdi kill Sun Qingxia. Perhaps the pain of Wu Mingdi would be more serious.

It’s a pity that Zhou Xu shook his head and vowed not to have such kindness in the future, because for the stupid woman like Sun Qingxia, she didn’t know what to call back.

Wu Mingdi was stupid at the moment, and Ding Zhaolin at the door was stupid. Neither of them thought that Sun Qingxia was so prepared. Was she originally planning to die?

Hysterical, Wu Mingdi picked up the body of Sun Qingxia on the ground and cried in the sky.

On this day, he experienced too much, and the change of feelings was like riding a roller coaster. He climbed slowly and then turned sharply. At this moment, he really went to the bottom, and he could not go out from the bottom anyway.

He was very painful from his childhood, Sun Qingxia, and treated her as a doll. She was afraid that she would be a little wronged.

For Sun Qingxia's love, Wu Mingdi is sincerely since the beginning, that is why he will be so painful, he does not understand why Sun Qingxia wants to do this.

In fact, just because he is sincere, Sun Qingxia will be so contradictory, will always live in the double torture of anger and gratitude, she is also tired.

Perhaps, for Sun Qingxia, death is a relief, because she really likes Wu Mingdi, but Wu Mingdi's so-called like, but not the kind of love that Sun Qingxia wants, Wu Mingdi's like is not love.

The man has tears and does not flick, just because he is not sad.

At the moment, Wu Mingdi’s tears have drowned him. He doesn’t know how to save Sun Qingxia and how to save himself.

I am too lazy to look at it again. Zhou Xu looks at Mu Xinhua. The two look at each other and nod their heads and leave together.

When they left, neither of them looked at Ding Zhaolin.

This thorough neglect, once again stimulated Ding Zhaolin, a heartache, Ding Zhaolin did not understand, why Zhou Xu can have everything, why?

Looking again at the house, crying like a madman, Wu Mingdi, Ding Zhaolin found that he really hated Wu Mingdi, because Wu Mingdi was a cocky madman, and felt that the world would be around him, but unfortunately He is arrogant, but he has no arrogance.

If it was the previous Ding Zhaolin, he would probably feel happy, because Sun Qingxia died, he had the opportunity to become the real wife of Wu Mingdi, but at this moment, Ding Zhaolin just felt that Wu Mingdi was pitiful.

Whether it is watching Sun Qingxia killed or killing her by herself, Wu Mingdi will live in jealousy and remorse for the rest of his life.

It is obviously his soloved sister. Why does he have doubts? Why do you really want to shoot? If it is not Zhou Xu, his trigger should have been triggered.

However, life has no assumptions, and it is even more impossible to return. What is lost is lost, and it will never be found back...

Ding Zhaolin looked at Wu Mingdi and looked at it because he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Wu Mingdi finally cried, and slowly looked up. He saw the head down, and Ding Zhaolin stood quietly. Suddenly, his heart was warm. Yes, he still had Ding Zhaolin, the wife who was brightly married. .

This wife was even misunderstood by him in order to save him, but even if he misunderstood, he still came back...

Wu Mingdi began to believe in Ding Zhaolin. He believed that Ding Zhaolin did not know that Sun Qingxia was looking for death. He believed that Ding Zhaolin was good for him. He believed that Ding Zhaolin would never leave himself. He thought that life was still hopeful, so he said softly. : "Zhao Lin, come over."

It was only this opening that he discovered that his nephew was already hoarse as if he were a ten-year-old man. He was not gentle at all, not at all kind, but on the contrary it seemed to be an order.

Ding Zhaolin looked up and looked at Wu Mingdi. His heart was very calm. He went to Wu Mingdi and asked, "What is it?"

"Cough, Zhaolin, I am sorry, I am blaming you."

Ding Zhaolin looked at Wu Mingdi slyly, and Wu Mingdi continued: "Zhao Lin, I thought you would leave me, I didn't expect you to be back."


"Thank you, Zhao Lin, you are wronged, and you won't be in the future. I will never be stupid again."

Ding Zhaolin nodded and whispered, "Okay."

The warmth of Wu Mingdi's heart is getting bigger and bigger. At this moment, he found that Ding Zhaolin is really good, quiet, gentle, tolerant, and looks very good, as if all the beautiful words in the world can be used on Ding Zhaolin.

In the eyes of Wu Mingdi, he himself is a prodigal son who does not change his gold. However, in fact, his transformation has become a good one in Ding Zhaolin’s eyes. He will find another one to replace it, and Ding Zhaolin is the next one. The idea that made him hate Wu Mingdi more and more.

In the end, Sun Qingxia’s death was nothing but white death. Even if someone came to investigate, Mu Xinhua and Zhou Xu were not afraid, because Zhou Xu’s life was indeed threatened.

Since then, Wu Mingdi has been depressed for a long time. It is better to see Ding Zhaolin every day. His parents also know what Sun Qingxia has done. In the end, it will only be a long sigh.

Sun Qingxia was so dead. A few months later, Wu Mingdi walked out of her shadow. The world is still the world, and nothing has changed.

Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua also returned to the army together. After returning, Mu Xinhua suddenly became very busy, and often did not return home.

In the marital room of the empire, Zhou Xu is also very depressed. He really does not like to solve his own physiological needs, but Mu Xinhua is too busy, and he can't say anything.

However, after Zhou Xu finally understood why Mu Xinhua was so busy, he smiled, because Mu Xinhua’s diligence was actually to stick to himself all day long.

Mu Xinhua is a general, and the general is still to lead the team, and the things in his hand are terrible, but if he is promoted to the highest rank of the empire, the highest is that the highest admiral can inspect an army at random, by then, He can go to Zhou Xu’s team every day to “inspect”; second, all the decisions of the highest general are not made by one person, they are all passed by the majority, and even if they are not there, the other four If the old man passed, even if he is not there, there will be no big problem.

In short, in order to stick to Zhou Xu, Mu Xinhua is also fighting.

Six months later, Mu Xinhua was finally promoted to the highest rank of the empire, and Zhou Xu was once again promoted to become a major general because of special merits.

The rank-level officer is basically the peak in the army. At this time, Zhou Xu was only in his early twenties. Even when Mu Xinhua was in his early twenties, he was only a school-level officer. So again, Zhou Xu’s The big name spread in the army. At the same time, this time his name was also passed on to the people.

The folk brothers began to make a move. In that year, almost all the younger brothers applied for military camp, and the empire did choose a part of it. Although the number is really small, at least it gave the world’s younger brother a hope. .

The original younger brother is the lowest level of society. Now, at least they can answer one sentence when they are despised: Zhou Xu is a younger brother!

After the younger brother can enter the military camp, some of the brothers want to join, but they are rejected by the empire, because the duties of the brothers are born from beginning to end, otherwise the fertility rate of this country is not guaranteed, no newborn, then What future is there in this country.

Ding Zhaolin went to the army for the last time to find Wu Mingdi. He saw Zhou Xu’s outfit and prestige. His self-confidence looks different from all the younger brothers. Unlike all the buddies, although he is a little different from a man, But he is him, Zhou Xu, without any restrictions.

The buds are so long that Ding Zhaolin knows that his psychology has become abnormal, but even then he can't control himself.

In fact, the military has a certain rank can carry family members, and this military rank is just the colonel, but Wu Mingdi never said to carry family members, because at that time he felt that he liked his sister, do not want to bring Ding Zhaolin, but Now, suddenly he wants to let Ding Zhaolin accompany himself.

Wu Mingdi’s idea coincided with Ding Zhaolin’s thoughts. Ding Zhaolin also wanted to go to the army to see it. Although he only lived in his home, the family’s home was next to the army, which was convenient for Ding Zhaolin’s observation.

It is also true that Ding Zhaolin’s observation is in place and he is envious.

Every day, the military number sounded, and the soldiers were dressed in 20 minutes. Morning exercises, zippers, training, battles, and acting, all kinds of things, Ding Zhaolin looked at them.

He is envious, but he also feels unwilling. What do these people have? But there is a man's body, and then they can read the military school, become a military, become the master of the world, and he?

He is a buddy, but this is also something he can't choose. If he can, who doesn't want to be a man, who doesn't want to be the object of worship, but reality is reality.

At this time, Ding Zhaolin is pregnant, but he even hates the children in his stomach, because the law of the world is that as long as pregnant, it is absolutely not allowed to be destroyed.

Yes, Ding Zhaolin eventually got away from Wu Mingdi, because if it weren't, he would have nowhere to go.

He can't go back to his parents' house, because they are not easy, and although he seems to have many friends, but he hasn't paid any sincerity, he can't go to any so-called friend's home, because the relationship is not that kind of trouble. The point of others.

It is precisely because of this, Ding Zhaolin has been from Wu Mingdi, and the fertility of his brother is the highest in the world. In a few months, Ding Zhaolin has become pregnant.

People say that after pregnancy, people will change and become more mellow, but Ding Zhaolin has nothing at all. He thinks he hates the whole world. If there is such a world, everyone in the world is the same. It is equal, no matter how tall or standing, how good it is.

Ding Zhaolin did not know that there really is such a world, but unfortunately he was not born in this world.

Moreover, those people in the world also have their hardships and sorrows, but Ding Zhaolin can't think of it.

The world will never stop turning because of someone. Regardless of Ding Zhaolin, Zhou Xuguang’s bright and beautiful life is still going on.

Wu Mingdi knew that Ding Zhaolin was very happy after he was pregnant, but he did not understand why Ding Zhaolin had to go to the place where he worked every day. So Wu Mingdi said to Ding Zhaolin: "Zhao Lin, I will call my mother to take care of tomorrow. You, you only need to have a good baby at home, this is fine, you don't have to go find me."


"No, I just want you to rest, after all, you are not alone now, there is one in your stomach."

"But I want to go."

"That's not OK!"

Ding Zhaolin shut up, because he felt that there was no meaning to argue with Wu Mingdi, and if he insisted, Wu Mingdi might agree. After all, Wu Mingdi himself was a man with a soft ear, but even if he agreed, Ding Zhaolin also felt Not interesting.

Wu Mingdi saw Ding Zhaolin not speaking, so he began to comfort again, but Ding Zhaolin turned his head and looked elsewhere.

He thought of death again, because he felt that life was not what he wanted, he wanted to be like Zhou Xu, but unfortunately, everything was too late.

Ding Zhaolin touched the slightly raised abdomen. He was about to become a mother. When he was going to see the child, he had to eat from the time of eating and drinking, to the sputum, and he had to do it. His life was like this.

Is death really a relief?

Ding Zhaolin thinks of Sun Qingxia, a slight meal, Ding Zhaolin takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down. He can't always think of the word death.

Just as Ding Zhaolin thought about how to envy and hate every day, their planet encountered the strongest alien attack in history.

The enemy sent a total of ten warships, almost five hundred mechs, such a powerful combat power is a disaster for their planet.

Most of the Star Wars sent three or four warships, and this time, the enemy was under the blood.

In the command room, Mu Xinhua and several other high-ranking stars will discuss: "I lead a warship. After the up, down, left and right, two warships are sent to meet the enemy in several directions. What do you think?"

The other top generals thought about it. One of them said, "No, you are like this. It is equivalent to taking three-quarters of our base ships. If they have a move, they will attack our base camp directly." The consequences could be disastrous."

"But they are too powerful, and we are ready to meet the enemy in outer space. Therefore, we must have the corresponding combat power. Otherwise, we will only have passive beatings." Mu Xinhua said.

"So, you have led three-quarters of the strength to go, who will protect the planet?"

"So how do you feel that the distribution of combat power is appropriate?" Mu Xinhua said.


Shaking his head firmly, Mu Xinhua said: "No, if only one-half of the combat power, then we are almost equivalent to send to death, I can not agree."

"But we have to protect our rear, so I can't agree anyway, you take so many troops."

The two people who can’t argue can only look at the remaining top generals. “What do you think?”

"I agree with Mu Xinhua's opinion."

"I don't agree with him."

"I abstain."

So now I am back to the beginning, they don't let anyone, no one can convince the other side, and finally they look at the other people in the room and ask, "What do you think?"

No one snorted.

Zhou Qiang coughed out and said: "Is it better for us to be on the ground, or the space above the ground?"

Everyone was surprised to see Zhou Xu, as if Zhou Xu was talking about a big joke.

They are the battles between the stars. The lethality of the weapons is not a joke. A mech can send out a normal bullet and can blow up a building, not to mention grenade and guns.

Moreover, in the Star Alliance law, the armor is not allowed to fight on the ground. Although the aggressors never care about this, after all, this law shows that ground combat may have many disadvantages for civilians, and may also cause huge Casualties.

However, this proposal was proposed by Zhou Xu. Even if everyone does not understand, Mu Xinhua also believes in him, so Mu Xinhua asked Zhou Xu: "The feasibility of ground combat, how do you analyze it?"

Zhou Xu thought for a moment, on a large piece of paper, roughly depicting the situation around the planet, and then took out a red pen and placed it in one of them.

"Really, the possibility of ground combat is very small, because it will cause unnecessary casualties, so within the Star Alliance, they refuse to use the mech ground. We are on the map, you see, where is the enemy now?"

"In the interstellar dimension, this position is almost the same." Mu Xinhua used another pen and pointed it a little.

Zhou Xu nodded and continued: "If they follow their route, their goal is directly to our base, but you can look at our planet here."

Take out a small red flag and put it where he is pointing. Zhou Xu said: "This is our radar station, and they want to land, there will be radar guidance."

Mu Xinhua suddenly understood and smiled. He patted Zhou Xu’s back and then said to the highest general. “Yes, the landing of warships must be guided by radar. Their radar must definitely touch our planet. The radar, and at this time, we only need to input the wrong information into the system, and then interfere with their radar. When the radar automatically transmits the signal, it is enough to ensure that the ground feedback information they receive is wrong."

The other four top generals are still frowning because they never want the war to fall inside their planet.

Zhou Xu went on to say: "Their ground information is wrong, they will definitely find new landing sites, then we can guide them here, and our warships only take twenty minutes. If they land, they will almost It takes three hours, so we have enough time to do the ambush and detailed deployment."

Several of the top generals looked at the place that Zhou Xu pointed out. After a few minutes of silence, they finally nodded.

That place is a deserted desert. There is no place for people to smoke in this world, and the area is very vast. There is absolutely no need to worry about the casualties of ordinary people.

But now, a little bit, what about radar?

"So, how do you solve the radar problem?"

Zhou Xu stood up and smiled and replied: "I can solve this."

"Zhou Xu, if something goes wrong, our planet may be destroyed. Can you really solve it?"

Nodded firmly, Zhou Xu replied: "Yes."

Zhou Xu certainly can, the radar technology of this world is too backward, that is, the mech level is higher than the real world of Zhou Xu's life, but other technologies, Zhou Xu can abuse the technicians of this world in minutes.

Zhou Xu's technology is not only no problem, he can also let the place find the desert, landing vertically in the air, in short: fall down.

It's nothing more than using a little trick, and then using the theory of reflection imaging to change the ground height and the actual height, so if they can't find it, they will fall. If they find out, they are not ground combat, but the stratosphere. Combat.

Several of the top generals could not rest assured at all, so they followed Zhou Xu to the technical department.

After ten minutes, some of the top generals will be completely dressed. On Zhou Xu’s method, let’s not mention the place where ten warships are coming. They are not afraid of 20 ships. Because Zhou Xu is still modifying, A timed interference system is set up, that is, after the arrival of the enemy, Zhou Xu can cut off their communication methods.

This technology is simply a bug. The enemy can't contact, it is equivalent to a loose sand, and they are a group here, then this can not be called a fight, but a murder.

The author has something to say: The day is six thousand, the third day...

Recently, I found that it took more than three hours to write three thousand, and it took about half an hour to write six thousand. It was completed in five hours.

It must be that my speed is getting faster, so good.

Maybe one day, I will be 10,000 and five hours a day. I think it’s a little too excited...

Thank you 喵嗷嗷, ritalee mine

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