MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 74 Heart map

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When Xu Xingzhi was pushed out of the temple, he only felt the blood on his face as sharp as a barb, and he stabbed him with a fever. However, he looked at the crowd that gradually gathered in front of him. Sending a daydream.

He has seen a familiar face and a slap in the face. he

Seeing the tears of Yuan Ruyi’s horror, seeing Qu Chi, Zhou Xian and Wen Xuechen, and also seeing Xu Pingsheng.

Xu Pingsheng struggled to catch up with Guangfujun's clothes, but he was kicked open. When he rolled away, Xu Xingzhi clearly saw that his knees were covered with mud after a long time. Dry earth.

Xu Xingzhi thought he saw the illusion.

His hearing seems to be a problem. He can only hear the short screams of the early screams, and hear the sound of the clouds in the sky, but he can’t hear the disciples knowing the excitement and sobs of Qing Jingjun’s violent death. I don't know what Zhou Beinan is snarling and asking in the box.

Xu Xingzhi was confused and thought that his own wretched look must be enough for Zhou Beinan to laugh for a year.

He barely looked up, but just happened to see a ray of light from Zhou Guangnan, who was rushing forward, was knocked down by the Guangfu Jun with his sleeves.

"Impossible, he can't!" Zhou Beinan swayed from the ground and screamed, "Guangfujun, there must be something wrong with it! He will not kill Jingjun!"

His expression is a hundred times more painful than Xu Xingzhi. At least at this time, Xu Xingzhi’s eyeballs are dry and a drop of tears can’t flow.

... North and South still protect him as always, but this time he said wrong.

Master is killing him, yes.

The heart is like being slowly poured by boiling water, and it loses consciousness. Xu Xingzhi does not feel pain. He only looks at the sky and the earth in vain. He only hopes that he will drop a ray in the sky and kill himself.

Guangfu Junli is behind Xu Xingzhi. His face is like a stone, his face is gray and gray, and his eyes can't stop crying, but he still does not put out the raging fire in the dirty place.

The rising flame will burn all his heart and soul.

At this moment, he is no longer a Fengling Guangfu Jun. He only wants to dismantle the swords of Xu Xing, and ask him to separate his body and die without a burial place!

Before the brother died, he kept saying that he had let Xu Xingzhi kill himself, but this did not make sense at all!

He looked at the score, and the brothers summoned Xu Xingzhi to the temple alone. They only had two of them in the temple, and the hip flasks on the ground, the blood-stained jade tablets, and the blood of Xu Xing’s lips, all pointing to the murderer. It is Xu Xingzhi!

Motivation, evidence, everything, but why the brother is still to protect him!

Why? ! Why?

When he was robbed into the temple, he saw that his brother’s blood was running out and lying in the arms of Xu Xing. At the time of the landslide, he still had a slight expectation.

Fan Yuan Ying period monk, Yuan Ying does not die, just move his body, raise his gas, still can live.

When Guangfu Jun used his spiritual knowledge to explore the quiet and confession of the sea, he saw the streamer fragments of the Yuanying infant body. It was scattered and fragmented, and it was difficult to piece together the truth.

Seeing this scene, if there is not a trace of reason, knowing that if you don’t know the righteous sentence and your brother, you will be unclear, and you will definitely let the other three members discuss the right and wrong of Fengling Mountain. He can’t wait for the death of Xu Xing. segment!

In the face of more and more disciples, Guangfujun personally turned Xu Xingzhi to the ground, pulled out the sword, and angered: "Xu Xingzhi, you swear by the teacher, ignore the Wulun, the big rebellion, You can confess your sins?!"

Wen Xuechen slammed into the wheelchair armrests and made a loud noise: "Guangfu Jun!"

Standing at the forefront of the disciples, Qu Chi held the waist of the sword with one hand and stabbed his teeth. He secretly calculated that if Guangfu Jun really wants to do it, can he and his swords and spirits be removed in time? Blocked.

Guangfu Jun Xueliang’s sword pointed directly at Xu’s heart.

However, Xu Xingzhi, who had lost his vitality and seemed to have died halfway, was violently moving at this time.

His left hand grabbed Jianfeng and looked straight to Guangfujun. He was thunderous: "The disciple has never rebelled!"

Guangfu Jun Jian is shaking.

When Xu Xingzhi flashed the glare of the fluorescing wolf light, Guangfu Jun felt that his heart was in a panic, as if the secret he had been trying to conceal had been seen by Xu Xingzhi.

On the occasion of his blasphemy, a sharp red glare was struck in the oblique thorn, and the glow was dazzling.

The spirit of the shocking openness made the disciples standing on the high platform of the Qingzhu Temple screaming and fell to the ground. Even Guangfujun was shocked and rolled directly down the front steps of the temple. The sword sticks in his hands swirled and swung out. The air broke into dregs.

There is a difference in Qu Chi, and the sword that is ready to go is detached from the sheath.

However, the snow front only came out halfway, and stood together with Qu Chi in the same place.

Today, when Qing Jingjun used the pressure to suppress Xu Xing on the ring, Qu Chi could move one or two, but this time the spirit pressure, let Qu Chi experience the long-lost suffocation and stunned.

The only thing that can move around him is his eyes.

From the cold sky to the blue, from the deep green sky above the plain figure, fell to the side of Xu Xing's body, could not help but say he would carry him into his arms.

The horrible spiritual pressure only let Xu Xingzhi pass.

Xu Xingzhi wanted to see the clearer, and he opened his eyes, but only saw a pair of lips covering his lips. He fed a round sand with a sandalwood fragrance and a familiar refreshing grass leaf taste into his mouth.

It is strange to say that the man embraced him, and the tranquility and tiredness of the sea suddenly came up, causing Xu Xingzhi to be sleepy.

He squatted and raised his right arm, trying to hold the hand: "...returned?"

The voice of the coming person is soft like water, for fear of loud voice, and scared to the white-looking person: "Brother, I am back, returning home."

Xu Xingzhi laughed.

Meng Zhongguang wanted to catch the "right hand" he handed, but when he first caught a thin sleeve that was stained with blood, Xu Xingzhi completely lost consciousness. The sleeve was pulled away from the palm of Meng Zhongguang's virtual grip. It fell to the ground.

All the disciples present, who were able to remain awake, saw a scene in which Meng Zhongguang and Xu Xingzhi blended.

This situation is too shocking, and the sound of air-conditioning is one after another.

Wen Xuechen was so shocked that he could not care for the pain in his chest, trying to gather the aura that could not be blocked in his chest, and he gnawed his teeth: "Meng-"

Meng Zhongguang heard the sound and looked up.

At the moment of leaving Xu Xingzhi, the warm-hearted gaze opened up infinite maliciousness, clearly as fire, arrogantly and contemptuously watching the group of monks under him who were suppressed by him.

Xu Xingzhi's right hand broken wrist was hidden in the wide robe sleeves, and the left hand was newly created by the sword. The blood stained the cuffs with a blush, and it was stained with Meng Zhongguang's Fengling Supa.

The robes rolled in the wind like a peach blossom.

Xu Xingzhi fell in Meng Zhongguang's arms and lost all his consciousness. Therefore, he could not see the faint red that climbed the end of Meng Zhongguang's eyes, and the cinnabar that swelled between his eyebrows.

The monarchs who have already appeared on the scene, as well as Zhou Beinan, Wen Xuechen and Qu Chi, are full of flustered eyes, watching his flat and well-behaved shell fade away, revealing the instinct of the demon.

Wen Xuechen only feels that breathing is also stagnant: "The demon..."

Guangfu Jun was shocked and knotted: "Meng Zhongguang, you-"

He couldn't let him finish his words. Guangfu Jun felt a light waist. The original sacred bag containing the brothers and sisters of Yuan Ying was fluttering and flew out, falling into the palm of Meng Zhongguang.

Guangfu Jundeng’s time was devastating, and it’s hard to make a struggle. It’s red and the eyes are roaring: “Meng Zhongguang!”

Meng Zhongguang sneered, folded the sac, and collected the ear of Yu, and stuffed it into the arms of Xu Xing.

... At this moment, whether he wants to pick up Guangfujun’s head or heart, he only wants his preference.

However, what he took away was even more painful than picking away the heart, liver and spleen of Guangfujun.

He cautiously held Xu Xingzhi's injured arm, pointing his stomach to his thin waist and holding the coma, and actually took him away.

Qu Chi pulled the sword out a little, but he could only stop at this step and could not enter.

Even the monarchs such as Fu Yaojun and Guangfujun who are present are not allowed to move.

Qu Chi’s master went to Xian, and Qing Jingjun and Xu Xing died and injured. The people present were no longer able to restrain this kind of sorrow!

Seeing that Xu Xingzhi was to be taken away by Meng Chongguang, Wen Xuechen was cold and shouted: "If you take him away, you will never prove his innocence again!"

"Certificate?" Meng Zhongguang said coldly. "What did you prove today? I only saw that my brother was seriously injured and was filthy. Do you have to wait until the brothers have cooled the bones before they point to him and say that he Is it awkward?"

He looked at Guangfujun and said in a word: "How do you think about your brother, I can't control it. But you better know that it is most important for the brothers to look at you."

He reached out and said, "Idle pen" seems to have a sense, flying from the door of the open temple, falling in his palm.

Meng Zhongguang smiled coldly: "Uncle Shi, for the peace of Fengling Mountain and the other three gates, you'd better try to prove the innocence for the brothers."

"Do you dare to threaten four doors?"

Meng Chongguang hugged Xu Xingzhi and stood up: "I am not a threat, it is a notice. After ten days, I need to give me an account of Fengling Mountain. Why should I confess my brother to this point? I am taking the liberty, your life, I will use it for a while, and talk about comfort."

"Before that..." Ignore the face of Guangfujun, who can be called a sly face. Meng Zhongguang raised his hand and stroked the chest of Xu Xingzhi. His expression was slightly complicated. "...Master's Qingling, I will Keep it for you."

Guangfujun’s face is as heavy as iron.

After Meng Zhongguang’s enthusiasm for Xu Xing’s enthusiasm, the talents felt a sigh of relief.

Qu Chi and Guang Fujun almost immediately chased the direction of Meng Yuguang's departure after the untied.

It is related to the spirit of Qing Jingjun. Almost all the four disciples who can move are following Guangfujun. Even Yuan Ruyi wipes away the tears on his face.

The remaining Fengling disciples sneaked into the Qingzhu Temple, closed the hall of **** temples, and cleaned them silently.

The remnant of Qing Jingjun is not good-looking, and the incident is sudden. They can only try their best to keep a few decent finals for Qing Jingjun in front of the other three monarchs and disciples.

Just Wen Xuechen was suppressed by Meng Zhongguang. At this time, the chest was sore and tight. Zhou Xian, who had been on his side, hurriedly poured out a few pills and pressed him under his tongue.

Zhou Beinan sat down on the wet steps in front of the Qingzhu Temple. The elbows were placed on the knees, and the slightly messy Wufa hanged a few times in front of the forehead.

Today's business, the pieces suddenly, so that he is still in the fog.

It is Yefiye, he is completely confused.

After a slow breath, Wen Xuechen shook the wheelchair and went to Zhou Beinan: "After I woke up, I went to see Master. North and South, what happened after I left?"

Zhou Beinan didn't know why Wen Xuechen had to ask this question. He painfully and incomprehensibly sent the mess around again and again, and replied: "I talked with Qu Chi for a while."

“How was the situation at the time?”

"It's OK." Zhou Beinan said, "I don't want to talk to Qu Chi about how to get the ghosts on his body. He only talked about his hand injuries. The spirit of the trip is not good, and he answered a few words. Then I rested against the bed."

"and after?"

"Later?...Guangfu Jun sent his disciples to pass, let Qu Chi take him to see him. I thought, I went back to the annex where the Tianchuan disciple stayed, and my father would have to summon me. The last one was left in the hall of the line. Later, Meng Zhongguang came back."

Wen Xuechen frowned: "When did he come back?"

Zhou Beinan stunned two hairs: "How can I remember this?"

Zhou Xian replied for him: "The time is complete."

Wen Xuechen remembered that when he was called away by the Master, Zhou Xian and Yuan Ruzhen took care of Xu Xingzhi and stayed in his temple together.

He turned to the string, and the tone slowed down a lot: "What did he look like when he came back?"

Zhou Xian’s eyebrows recalled: “He was very upset when he saw me and his brother’s appearance. He asked straight, where is Xu’s brother.”

"When he came back, did he know that something was wrong?"

"That fashion doesn't know."

Until now, Zhou Xian still clearly remembers that when he told him that Xu was suspected of being a ghost and was seriously injured, Meng Zhongguang suddenly became the face of the dead.


"I told him about the original situation, he asked where the brothers were taken. At that time, Guangfu Jun sent his disciples to say that Guangfujun had to be judged, and I thought that the brothers were sent to the temple. After telling Meng Shidi about this, he hurriedly left."

Wen Xuechen indulged for a moment and asked: "That is, after Meng Zhongguang left the temple, no one followed him?"

Zhou string surprised: "Dust brother?"

Zhou Beinan has not yet understood what Wen Xuechen meant: "Snow dust, what do you mean?"

Wen Xuechen's fingertips touched the yin and yang ring, but he never turned: "I believe it, it is impossible to kill Jingjun. But Meng Zhongguang is not necessarily."

"Meng Chongguang did not follow the time, and the suspicion was very big." He sneaked and speculated. "He is obviously a demon, but he is a mortal person. He has sneaked into Fengling Mountain for many years. He has no plans. He has Killing the strength of Qing Jingjun, and taking it away at this time, it will be a crime of being a real teacher, and it can also block the mouth of the line."

Zhou Beinan thinks about the spiritual pressure of Meng Zhongguang's body, and only feels that the spine is cold.

He couldn't imagine that the young man with a beautiful face had such a deep and sea-like spiritual power, but pretended to be low-spirited, lacking in talent, and a dress was a decade.

He muttered: "What is he drawing?"

Wen Xuechen speculated: "Into the wind, the plot is probably the artifact world book?"

Zhou Beinan’s thoughts were already chaotic, and he walked down the warm snow and screamed. He continued to worry about the front of the forehead in the palm of his hand and slowly drilled. It seems that he intended to use his head to drill a hole in his hand.

Zhou Xian understands the dust brother, knowing that he will never be tempted to use the greatest malicious speculations of the non-doing person's motives, but she does not think so.

Xu Xingzhi was pushed out of the temple, and Zhou Xian’s eyes were clear.

His desperate look that he could not wait to turn his heart and gloves out of his chest has already made Zhou Xian have a guess about what happened in the temple.

She stared at the direction of Meng Zhongguang and the monks leaving, and the unspeakable melancholy in the twilight.

- Master Xu, if you really make up your mind to go, don't come back to this sad.

The lights are thin and the priests sweep the rain.

There was no drunken young man who was engraved in front of the Tianzhu column in front of the mountain. There was no sound of a hexagonal bell that rang through the bells and bells. The night of Fengling Mountain has never been so quiet.

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