MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 73 Soul

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Xu Xingzhi entered the temple.

Guangfujun was not very reassured to him, so he wore a lawsuit on his left hand and a square wooden box that just fits one of his fists.

The spells on it that can suppress the circulation of the spirits were once painted by Xu Xing. Xu Xingzhi stared at it and only felt funny.

Guangfu Junben wanted to lock his right hand, but after he had looked at the situation of the hand, he gave it up.

Fortunately, Xu Xingzhi can stand on his own, can walk, can talk, except that the right hand hurts that he can't wait to uproot it, everything else is fine.

His posture is not much different from the past. He even wears a half-residual ring on his wrist. The copper pill is twisted, the silver shell is broken, and the two are struck, and the sound of the air is like a heart sound.

When the temple door was closed, the fire lamp cloud in the temple was burning like a white day, and the light was affected by the spring cold wind outside, and a light flower burst open.

Xu Xingzhi stood in the room full of lights, only staring straight at the "Qing Jing Jun" sitting in the upper position, neither called Master, nor worship.

The seated man is playing his "quick pen" interestingly, seeing that he has no movement after coming in, and he looks up and looks at him.

Xu Xingzhi said directly: "Who are you?"

"..." "Qing Jing Jun" is not very skilled to show the strange gentle smile, "I don't know me?"

Xu Xingzhi said something more clearly: "You are not a master."

He was so distressed, but he was very clear in his mind.

Only at the first sight after he came in, he recognized it. It was not his master who sat under this light, but a monster who borrowed his master's skin.

Milo does not want to conceal his identity: "But it is your Master who will give you the bell."

Xu Xingzhi is silent.

Miluo is quite interesting: "Since I have seen my identity, you call it, call your uncle and tell him that it is not Fengling who is sitting here."

Xu Xingzhi sneered: "You have set up a spiritual enchantment around the Qingzhu Temple, Yuan Ying level, here is now an island, what is the use of yelling?"

I couldn't see the struggle and ugliness of Xu Xingzhi's dead wild dog, and Luo Luo regretted a sigh.

Xu Xing's face seems to be cold, and the left palm has creaked: "Where is my master now?"

"Your master? Look at you in a good place." Milo slipped his finger over the chin of his body. "Guess, where is he?"

Xu Xingzhi’s lips shook uncontrollably: “Master...”

Jurassic's fingers fell to his own dantian, and a little smile was drawn from the corners of his lips.

. . . small confused, half-point does not know the way to the enemy, loyalty to use things, have to fight for something with him.

In the same year, he had read the meridians in this body for a long time, but Yue Wuchen knew nothing about him. While he was telling Yue Buchen that he was the demon **** who he killed many years ago, he could not think of who Luo was.

At the thought of this, Milo felt funny and angry.

It’s really a matter of being locked up by myself and shutting down for a lifetime.

Xu Xingzhi's face is blue and white.

I have guessed where the Master is.

In front of this body, there is also Master's clear aura that slowly lingers. Obviously, this monster does not form the appearance of Master. Then... the only possibility is to leave.

Can take Master's house, no one in the world can do it today.

But no matter who it is, this person is not something that he can easily deal with.

Xu Xingzhi was thinking about the coping method in his heart, but suddenly heard a familiar and faint voice: "Go."

Not waiting for Xu Xingzhi to respond, Qing Junjun whispered: "Do not have any reaction. If you do, I will pass it directly into your mind, you will listen to it yourself."

Xu Xingzhi’s lips lingered, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart: "Master, where are you?"

"My Yuanshen industry has already gone out." Qing Jingjun's voice is as light and gentle as ever. "At this time, he has not been able to detect the anomaly. I should be with you, wait for the opportunity to move, and kill his body."

Xu Xingzhi was amazed: "Master, that is your body..."

"Don't worry. My **** is already out of the body, and the body is dead and wounded, so I will not do anything with me."

Xu Xingzhi vaguely felt that there was some weirdness, but he couldn’t say it for a while, and his mind was upset, and the injured right hand was hurt like a knife. For a time, even the power of thinking was cut off.

"Do you have a handache?" Qing Jingjun softened his voice, as if he was comforting his child. "When you subdue this demon, Master will heal you."

Xu Xingzhi had no time to ask the hand bell, but he quickly took it down in his heart.

Until now, he did not know what his identity was in front of him, but he had a few battles with him in the ring. Xu Xingzhi knew that when he played against him in his heyday, there was a master who contends with him in the body and he is only awkward. Better than the first line.

Now that he has abolished one hand, the other hand is blocked in the coffin. It is even harder to kill him. If it is not a hit, then there will be no second chance.

Thinking about this, his hands and hands are pouring cold sweat.

These heavy burdens also caused his right hand to violently pump. The pain caused a burst of dizziness.

He tightened his brows, clenched his mouth, and forced himself to stay awake with a touch of blood.

On the other side, Jurassic carefully perceives the change of Xu Xing's expression: "You know why I want you to come?"

Xu Xingzhi seems to be reluctant to talk to him.

Seeing that he did not answer, Milo revealed some intolerance: "Like your master, you don't see the coffin without tears." He leaned forward slightly. "I ask you, can you be happy with Yue Wuchen?" ”

Xu Xingzhi suddenly looked up.

Milo: "Is there any?"

Xu Xingzhi saw that this person actually cared about these things. He didn't know what was going on. The anger in his heart instantly ignited the flames, and the voices were hoarse and killing: "Do you ask me what to do?"

"You are sure to die." Milo coldly licked his lips. "But I will decide how you die according to your answer."

Xu Xingzhi stared at his eyes, and after shaking his lips, he spit out a few cold words: "...what is it?"

Miluo looked at Xu Xingzhi slightly.

After a few moments, he smirked.

With this laugh, Xu Xingzhi's body flew out like a paper, and hit the storage cabinet, and rolled it to the ground together with a piece of debris.

The candlelight lamp burning on one side was shaken by this, and after shaking it for a few times, it fell on Xu Xingzhi, splashing hot wax oil and lanterns, and burning his clothes into a few black holes.

This time, Xu Xingzhi was almost fainted, and his right hand was pressed under his body, and he was sorely blasted.

But he also got a good chance for a rare opportunity.

—— Qing Jingjun used to carry the sake jade pot just on the small platform.

The jade is crispy and cracked when it landed. The wine is splattered with water, and the warm jade pieces are scattered like a piece of land. There is just one of the sharpest fragments, which falls on the side of Xu Xing.

Seeing Xu Xingzhi's low body and squatting, he couldn't climb the wolf, and the heart of Jurassic was only a bit comfortable. He walked barefoot and walked over the ground and walked slowly toward Xu Xing.

"I have already thought about it." The blue eyes of the crows are full of naked and unconcealed killings. " to send you to death."

Xu Xingzhi absolutely has to pay for the words he just made, and he did not even dare to think about it.

Xu Xingzhi's ear was attached to the ground, listening to the footsteps of Jurassic.




The heart of Xu Xingzhi is banging, and there is a sea tide accompanying the ear. The left hand sealed in the law is tight and tight.

Closer... more recent.

The corner of his eye aimed at the stitching of a bluestone floor tile. At the moment when the sturdy bones crossed the line barefoot, Xu Xingzhi screamed in his heart: "Master! Now!"

When Luo’s steps were stiff, he clearly felt the strength of the body and entangled the Yuan Ying in his body and dragged it back.

... is Yue Wuchen? !

However, he just made it clear...

When Jurassic had no time to think about it, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the "margin" of the waist, stabbing in the direction of Xu Xingzhi in memory.

With a bang, he heard the muffled sound of the sword and the sound of a certain heavy object landing.

... That is probably the head of Xu Xingzhi, or cut it with the sword of Yue Wuchen.

However, the satisfied smile has not yet fully bloomed on the face of Jurassic, and he has heard the crack of the flesh.

The sound was close at hand. He was delayed for a few seconds before he felt the tingling in the neck. After a long period of hesitation, the blood was splattered, and the flowers bloomed in a moment.

A figure slowly retreated from him.

Milo lowered his line of sight and saw clearly that the right hand that had been abandoned by Xu Xingzhi was lying on the ground.

The one that was cut was the throat of Qing Jingjun.

Between the blood and the blood, Xu Xingzhi has lost his pain. He only feels that the sharp jug of the jug that is licking makes his gums sour.

He couldn't see that the intersection of his teeth and the jade pieces had cracked the fine creases.

Looking at the familiar face with an incredible look, Xu Xingzhi flustered without a sigh of relief, spit out the **** porcelain piece, and shivered: "...Master."

Ok, Master, I have killed him, you and I are safe.

However, the temple was quiet and no one answered his call.


The blood flowed from the wrist of Xu Xing's broken wrist, and the stream fell like a stream on the ground, making a strange sticky sound.

However, Qing Jingjun still did not answer him.

Xu Xingzhi stepped back two steps, and looked around. The blood in his eyes, the blood in his eyes, could not prevent his face from becoming pale.

Jurassic lying on the ground glared at the dome of the temple that was illuminated by the lights, and the corner of his mouth slowly twisted out a sly smile.

He even made a sound with a pipe that could be cut out of a hole; even though the voice was hoarse, it was rubbed by the hot iron sand: " hate me?"

Miluo remembers clearly that since Qing Jingjun broke his index finger and sealed his own acupuncture point, his body fell into a coma and went to know the sea. It is a pity that Qing Jingjun has just reinvented his own body, and then he has a heart-to-heart relationship. It is inevitable that there will be mistakes in the chaos. He will win the battle and will trap his Yuan Ying and use his spirit as a chain. Entangling his legs and binding it between the sea, this is the big shake to seize the house, ordered Guangfu Jun to recruit Xu Xingzhi, take his life, according to the Liu Yunhe plan, take him away The Artifact World Book brings back the Magic Road.

However, he did not think that Yue Wuchen could struggle from knowing the sea.

... The price is to keep the legs of their own infants in the sea forever.

Even if he climbed out of the sea with his elbows like a gecko, Yue Wuchen still quietly returned to the body, in order to drag him and die together.

Lian Luo did not dare to imagine that there would be such a madman in this world.

... He is a perfect match with him.

Thinking of this, Jurassic laughed.

When I last died, I was alone.

This time you died with me. You and me are in the same soul, you can't think of opening me.

I haven’t heard the response for a long time, and Xu Xingzhi’s face is like a gray, shouting: “Master –”

- He finally figured out where the wrong thing is from.

If Master’s Yuanshen really took off his shell, he couldn’t rely on it. How can he “cooperate” with him and drag the Luo?

Xu Xingzhi’s throat is red, his eyes are red, and he sleeps like a beast in the temple. He doesn’t want to think about the terrible possibility, but the conjecture is swarming uncontrollably, occupying every gap in his mind. It forced him to breathe.

A small amount of quiet, lying on the ground, quietly, once again slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as a soul disappears, the eyes of Qing Jingjun’s eyes are dissipated, and the rest is only the gentleness and clarity that Xu Xingzhi used to see: “Well, do...”

Even if the throat is broken, the sound falls into the ears of Xu Xing, which is as soft as cotton.

Xu Xingzhi was in a trepidation, and he picked up the people on the ground and took them in his arms.

His blood was exhausted, so his body was much lighter, lying in the arms of Xu Xing, weighing only like a 13-year-old boy.

"...Why?" Xu Xingzhi only felt that the soul was cut open by a knife. "Master, you said, your god... you will..."

Qing Jingjun smiled vaguely: "Well, sorry, I lied to you."

How can there be no defense against this?

Qing Jingjun did not know what means Luo had made. His gods had blended with the gods of Jurassic, and he could not come out.

But he couldn't see him doing it, he died in the hands of Jurassic, and he couldn't sit and watch the world book fall into the hands of the wicked people.

Xu Xingzhi’s pain was a big breath: “Master, wait a minute, I will treat you, I...”

He touched his forehead with Qing Jingjun, trying to drive the spiritual power that was already thin and incapable of concentration, but the spiritual power had just flowed into the body of Qing Jingjun, and he quickly overflowed from the breakage of his throat.

Qing Jingjun looked at Xu Xingzhi’s helpless desperate face and whispered: "It’s enough."

He grabbed Xu Xingzhi's left wrist and used up the last mana.

Soon, the law fell off his wrist.

Qing Jingjun whispered: "Well, you can still remember... When I received the apprentice, what did I say to you?"

... remember, naturally remember.

On the day of the apprenticeship, if the quiet face was clean, the eyebrows smiled, and a silver bell was tied to his right wrist. The sound of the singer was still in the ear.

"Well, I want you to be a better person than me."

Qing Jingjun slowly said: "Well, you have been doing very well. ... done better than me."

Xu Xingzhi shook his head like a madman, but he couldn’t spit out a word.

Qing Jingjun whispered: "A world, a drink, and it’s time to go. I have no regrets in this world, but the only person I am sorry is you..."

Xu Xingzhi was in the same place, and heard the sound of the broken door of the Qingzhu Temple.

... Yes, the people who maintain the law circle have no power, and the seal of the temple door no longer exists.

He heard a lot of voices, footsteps, the anger of Guangfujun, the muffled sound of his own fall on the ground, the crying of Guangfujun, and the murmur of Qingjingjun’s fine dust: "Xiyun My death has nothing to do with it. I told him to kill me... You need to take care of it... take care of him, do it... I can't bear it... good boy..."

The voice is getting weaker and weaker, and Xu Xingzhi’s mind is getting more and more confused.

...he can't understand.

Why did Master say this? What is Master's sorry for him?

What is the purpose of the hand bell?

... Master, stay, don't go, there are too many things to do.

Please teach you again, is it good?

When he gradually lost consciousness, he heard Guangfujun groaning after his extreme pain: "Put Xu Xingzhi out of the temple! I want to kill the madman who is the teacher's back in public!"

The author has something to say: take a look at the flowering lazy, half-edge monastic half-jun.

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