MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 88

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Lin Ling rested for a day and then started harvesting wheat. This acre of wheat has been fertilized, so it grows much better than rice seedlings. Every ear of rice is very full, and it looks like a good harvest.

It took half a day to harvest the wheat, and then poured all the wheat in the yard. The grains of the wheat were plump and golden.

Because the acre of wheat planted is specially fertilized, the yield is not bad, but because there were few seeds at the beginning, the planting was relatively sparse, so this pile of wheat is about 500 catties, except for the wheat to be used for planting. She left fifty catties to dry in the sun, and then it could be ground into flour for steaming steamed buns.

After distributing, Lin Ling pulled away the wheat that needed to be dried. She squatted beside her, reached out and picked up a handful of wheat and smelled it. delicious.

Starlings, Ji Zuzong and Chun Mian could not smell the aroma, so they opened their mouths and started pecking: "It's delicious."

At the end of Xia, he ran to drive away the starlings and ancestor chickens: "Don't eat them."

Starling: "Just eat a few."

At the end of Xia, he pushed the starling away: "I can't eat it anymore, this is what we want to continue planting."

Starling: "It doesn't matter how many we eat."

Chun Mian nodded in agreement: It's okay.

Lin Ling said directly: "Then it doesn't matter if you don't share the meat with you?"

Mynah shivered for a moment: "It still has something to do with it."

"Then don't touch it again." Lin Ling stopped in a deep voice.

Mynah retreated to the side, reluctantly looking at the wheat all over the ground, it likes to eat fruit grains of wheat, when can I eat you again?

Chun Mian thought about it: about winter?

"I don't know when winter will come, but after planting a large area of ​​wheat this time, I can share some more wheat for you to eat." Lin Ling said to the three chicken ancestors Chunmian and starlings who like to eat grain seeds: "You guys Stare at each other and find out who has eaten it, and when the next time the wheat is harvested, I will reward you for eating wheat all at once.”

The chicken ancestors began to guard against each other and find fault with each other, forgetting that even if they tried their best to eat enough, they could only eat half a catty at most.

After Lin Ling achieved his goal, he asked Xia Mo to reclaim the land, and then dig a small hole in the previously plowed land, so that he could plant wheat in two days.

There were a total of 450 catties of wheat seeds. Normally, one mu of land needs about 15 catties of wheat, so they cleaned up a total of 30 mu of land. In order to obtain a higher yield, Lin Ling fertilized all of it.

It took fifteen days to plant the wheat, and the other 50 catties of wheat were also dried. Thinking that everyone has been busy for more than a month, Lin Ling planned to make a steamed bun to eat.

Lin Ling said to Xia Mo: "Let's eat buns tonight."

Mo Xia's eyes lit up immediately, "Then I'll help you."

"Come and help move the machine first." Lin Ling asked Xia Mo to help carry the rice threshing machine. After moving it out, first replace the sieve inside with a finer sieve, and then switch to the milling mode to clean the dried ones of impurities The wheat is slowly poured in, and then it is ground into powder when it comes out.

If you want the wheat flour to be finer, you can repeat it again. But Lin Ling touched the flour, and felt that it was already very fine, without any obvious graininess, and it was almost comparable to the flour sold in supermarkets.

"Sister, why isn't this color white?" Xia Mo had seen the flour that Lin Ling brought back, and that flour was pure white.

Lin Ling picked up a piece of wheat and used his fingernails to peel off the outer yellow husk, "Because I didn't remove the layer of husk on the top of the wheat. If I removed it, the flour made from the kernels inside would be white."

Xia Mo picked up the wheat and took a closer look, "Then is this outside edible?"

"Okay." Lin Ling put ten catties of ground wheat flour into a white cloth bag, "You can try it later when it's ready."

"I'll help my sister do it." Xia Mo followed Lin Ling into the kitchen: "Shall I start the fire now?"

"Don't worry, I'll do it later." Lin Ling first took three catties of flour and put it into a clean basin, added a little salt, then poured warm water to mix the flour, and then saved the flour that was made earlier Throw a lump of old noodles into the flour.

Xia Mo, who had been sitting next to the stove, looked at the pile of old noodles: "Sister, what is this? How does it smell sour? Is it stinky?"

"That's it." Lin Ling kneaded the flour vigorously. After a while, the kneading was done, and the lid was covered to ferment for two hours, and the lid was only lifted when the evening approached.

The dough has been fermented successfully, and it has grown several times in size, and a few finger prints were made with a light press.

"Now let's make buns." Lin Ling washed her hands, and brought over two pots of fried sour cowpea stuffing and chopped vermicelli that she had made in the afternoon.

It was also the first time for Lin Ling to make buns. He started rolling out the dough according to the steps of making buns in his memory, and then filled them with fillings. After wrapping them up, put them in the palm of his hand to make a ball, and twist the top to turn it into a flower.

"Sister, you made it beautifully, like a little flower." Xia Mo saw that Lin Ling's buns were beautiful and simple, but when he tried it himself, he found that making buns was very difficult. After three unsuccessful attempts, he didn't dare to try again: "Sister, I'd better light the fire for you."

"Then help me roll this dough." Lin Ling handed the round rolling pin to Xia Mo, Xia Mo tried it, although the rolling was not uneven in thickness, but it was barely usable: "Sister, is this okay? "

"Okay." Lin Ling took the dough and started to make the buns.

The two worked together, and within half an hour they finished all the steamed stuffed buns. They counted and made a total of forty-five steamed stuffed buns.

Thirty of them are all made of cowpea stuffing, and the other 15 are made of vermicelli stuffing.

After the buns are ready, put all the buns in a steamer that has boiled water, and steam them for half an hour.

After steaming, the steamed bun doubled in size, and it turned out that the thin and small bun suddenly grew to the size of Lin Ling's palm.

"The steamed stuffed buns are ready." Lin Ling called out to the high viewing platform, "Shall Xiaolu come down to eat the steamed stuffed buns?"

Xiaolu heard the movement, quickly slid down from the observation deck along the rope, and quickly climbed onto Lin Ling's shoulder: I want to have a taste.

Xiaolu only likes to eat meat and rarely eats other foods, but because it is freshly made, she will taste it. In order not to waste it, Lin Ling only broke some bun skins for Xiaolu: "Then I Let me give you a little bit to taste."

Xiaolu tried the taste.

Lin Ling: "Do you want more?"

Little Green shook her head, it still prefers to eat meat.

"Then go ahead and watch over it." Lin Ling turned around and divided buns among Xia Mo, Chou Ge and Da Hei. As for Starlings, Ji Zu Zong and Chun Mian, they prefer to eat wheat grains, so she gave them a small portion each. Take the wheat.

After dividing the food, Lin Ling picked up the bun and opened his mouth to take a bite. The skin of the bun was mixed with sour cowpea, which tasted slightly sour, but it was more of the natural wheat fragrance of wheat flour, which was very delicious to match.

Lin Ling took another bite, "It would be more perfect with a cup of soy milk."

Holding the steamed stuffed bun, Xia Mo tilted his head: "What is soy milk?"

"Soymilk is the juice made from beans and water." Lin Ling looked at the land outside the yard. There were a lot of peanuts, soybeans, and corn planted on the other side of the rice field. She would be able to squeeze the soymilk after harvesting in another month.

But the soy milk still has to wait for a month, she can squeeze a cup of corn juice in advance to drink.

Now that the corn has eared and grown corn cobs, the corn hidden in the bracts is now tender and juicy, and the corn juice squeezed out should be delicious.

Lin Ling did what he said, and ran out of the yard with a bun in his mouth. Before it was dark, he went to pick five big corns and came back.

First use a knife to cut off all the corn kernels and put them into the juicer, then add some water, turn on the juicer, the machine hums, and after a few minutes, all the corn kernels are squeezed into juice.

Lin Ling poured out a pot of corn juice and boiled it, then poured two cups, and she and Xia Mo slowly drank a cup of corn juice each.

The corn juice is fragrant and delicious, with high nutritional value, and it tastes special when served with steamed stuffed buns.

Lin Ling took a sip of corn juice and asked Xia Mo, "Is it good?"

Xia Mo, who had been burying her head in drinking corn juice, raised her head, leaving a circle of white froth on her upper lip, like a mustache: "It's delicious."

Lin Ling also thought it was delicious. Although there was no sugar added, it was delicious and natural. "Then let's squeeze it out tomorrow."

Xia Mo nodded, but soon remembered that Lin Ling had said before that he wanted to plant more corn, which could be used to feed the piglets in the future, "Sister, we can't eat too much, and we will use it to feed Pig Jiujie and Zhu Shijie in the future." .”

Lin Ling: "It's okay, let's eat five more times, and stop eating after five times."

Xia Mo nodded: "That's only eaten five times, I remembered it for my sister."

Afterwards, Xia Mo really took care of Lin Ling's account. Every time Lin Ling picked the corn, he would remind him in due course: "Sister, you picked it again, and there are still two chances left."

"Sister, there is one more time left."

"Sister, this is the last time!"

"Understood, this is really the last time." Lin Ling looked at the old corn in his hand, which could only be taken home and buried in the fire to make roasted corn.

The corn used to be used for squeezing juice, can also be used for cooking and eating, can also be used for steaming rice, and can also be used for frying.

But as time passed, the corn on the corn stalks gradually became old, and now they can only be buried in the fire and roasted.

Xia Mo reminded Lin Ling: "Sister, you always say it's the last time."

Lin Ling sighed helplessly, "Little butler."

At the end of Xia, he laughed when he heard the words: He likes the title of housekeeper very much, which proves that his sister values ​​him.

"I'll take them back to make roasted corn. Let's try it later." Lin Ling put a few corns into the stove where the pig food had just been cooked, buried them with unburned firewood ashes, and waited It can be taken out and eaten in half an hour.

At the end of Xia, looking at the corn that Lin Ling pulled out from the stove, he felt a little disgusted: "Sister, it's dark."

"That's how it tastes good." Lin Ling looked at the slightly yellowed and slightly charred corn, patted the ashes on it, and handed one to Xia Mo: "Eat it."

Looking at the charred roasted corn at the end of Xia, he doubted Lin Ling's words for the first time. Is this really delicious?

"Eat it while it's hot. It's delicious when it's hot." Lin Ling patted another grilled corn, and then began to break the corn kernels. Put it all in your mouth.

After the entrance, you can clearly taste a strong burnt aroma, and there is also the original taste of corn, which is very fragrant and delicious.

As Lin Ling ate, she found the feeling of spending summer vacation at her grandma's house when she was a child. From time to time, she would go to the corn field to break some corn and eat it while cooking the tender ones, and bury the older ones in the fire to roast. Eat it, if it is purely dried, it will be used to make popcorn.

At the end of Xia, seeing Lin Ling eating non-stop, he also took a tentative bite. After taking a bite, he was also attracted by the burnt aroma of the roasted corn: "It's delicious."

Lin Ling looked up at Mo Xia's black and gray face, and burst out laughing.

Xia Mo was stunned: "Sister, what's wrong?"

Lin Ling pointed to the position of her cheek: "A lot of black and gray."

Xia Mo groaned, and hurriedly reached out to wipe his face, but he didn't know that his hands were also covered in black dust, and the more he wiped, the dirtier his face became.

Lin Ling couldn't help laughing, "Stop wiping, the more you wipe, the dirtier it gets, I'll wipe it for you."

Xia Mo let out an oh, stopped obediently, raised her head and waited for Lin Ling to help wipe her face.

Lin Ling picked up the wet handkerchief, gently wiped off the black ash on Xia Mo's face, and said softly, "Be careful when eating, don't turn into a little cat again."

At the end of Xia, he looked up at his sister with a smile on his face. His mother had said the same thing to him gently before. If he could, he really wanted to be his sister's little cat.

The author has something to say: Do you have any experience of roasting corn in firewood ash?

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