MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 87

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Forum friend?

Lu Yu, who was standing by the car window, looked down at the toe of the shoe, "I don't need it."

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu suspiciously. This person doesn't speak or dress like a veteran cadre. Could this be an excuse?

Lu Yu didn't explain anything, just said: "If there is, I will send it to you directly."

Lin Ling didn't have to be Lu Yu's friend, she nodded, "Thank you."

Lu Yu said in a low voice that it was all right.

"Then just wait for a while, I'm going to prepare lunch." Lin Ling rolled up her sleeves and walked into the kitchen, steamed the rice, and then started chopping the chicken again.

Lu Yu glanced at the moving figure in the kitchen, then turned around and looked at the electric car parked at the gate of the yard without squinting.

In the absence of diesel gasoline, plug-in cars are very convenient, but the power is not enough, the range is not enough, and they are not suitable for their long-term use outside. But just going out once in a while, using a plug-in car is the best choice for ordinary people in the last days.

Lu Yu raised his foot and kicked the tires of the car. In two seconds, he saw that the air pressure in the tires was not enough, which caused the tires to wear abnormally.

He reached into the console and pressed it twice, the trunk opened, and there were matching repair tools inside.

Brother Chou looked at Lu Yu warily, and barked: What are you doing?

The starling opened his mouth and shouted towards the kitchen: "Boss, someone stole the car..."

It didn't make a sound, Lu Yu raised his index finger, and some steel products in the toolbox flew up instantly, changed shape and turned into cages to lock myna and ugly brothers.

Brother Ugly stood up and stared at Lu Yu warily, trying to bite the cage open, but failed after several attempts. Mynah was so frightened by Lu Yu's operation that he screamed again, and the next moment he was covered by a mouth cage up.

Lu Yu looked at the animals in the cage: "Don't make noise."

After speaking, he took the tool and began to inflate the four tires, adjusting to the most suitable air pressure value. After adjusting, he took another look at the pickup truck, and the same situation existed in the pickup truck.

After filling up the gas, Lu Yu put all the tools back together, and then walked towards the yard.

This time the starling didn't dare to twitter any more, and flew upstairs to the balcony with a shivering sound and hid: Oh my god, this man is terrible.

Brother Ugly also crawled into the straw silently. This person was something he couldn't provoke.

Lin Ling didn't know the situation outside, but felt that it was much quieter for a while. She cooked vermicelli stewed chicken with peace of mind, and added a leek omelette and a cold radish shreds.

The stewed chicken with vermicelli is delicious, the leek omelette is crispy and soft, the shredded radish is spicy and appetizing, and the white rice is soft and sweet. Together, it is a very rich table dish.

Lu Yu was very imposing, Xia Mo was a little scared of him, and took a bowl of rice to the corner to eat with Chou Ge and Da Hei. Only Lin Ling and Lu Yu were left on the dinner table, and there was a brown dog Little Bear.

The two ate very quickly, and they finished eating in less than ten minutes. After putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Lu Yu said, "It's delicious."

Lin Ling looked at the remaining shredded radish salad, "If there is soy sauce and vinegar, this shredded radish salad will be more delicious."

Being reminded again, Lu Yun hummed, "I'll keep some when I have them."

Lin Ling pursed her lips and smiled brightly: "Then I will thank Captain Lu first."

"Hmm." Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling's bright smile, and his heart moved inexplicably. Most people in the last days have a bitter face, and it is rare to see such a relaxed smile like her.

After sitting for a while, Lu Yu got up and left.

Lin Ling followed to the door, "Captain Lu, is he going back to the safe zone?"

Lu Yun hummed.

Lin Ling said: "Then you can go from G City, G City should be faster."

Of course Lu Yu knew that City G was faster, "The road is broken."

Xia Mo looked at Lu Yu in surprise, as if wondering how he knew?

Lu Yu saw Xia Mo's searching gaze, not only did he know, but he also knew who made the huge hole.

But he is not a soil type, so he can't make up the broken road, and at the same time, the car can't turn over the steep **** full of big rocks.

"It can be passed." Lin Ling asked Xia Mo to help Lu Yu clear the way, so that he could return to the safe zone as soon as possible.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, even if he flew back now, he might not be able to get the jealousy she wanted.

He didn't say anything, but silently accepted Lin Ling's kindness, watched Mo Xia deftly dig out the obstacle, and put the obstacle back intact after he passed.

Lu Yu looked back at the place that was blocked again, smiled with his lips curled up, and then drove in the direction of City G at a very fast speed.

Hearing the sound of the car going away, Lin Ling told Xia Mo to go back, "When I have vinegar, I can make hot and sour potato shreds for you to eat."

At the end of Xia, he looked back at the direction where Lu Yu left: "Sister, can that person really give us vinegar?"

"Of course." Lin Ling paused, "If he eats my meat and doesn't make me jealous, I'll complain to him."

Xia Mo: "Complaint?"

"Yes, you can complain about him." Once a stranger, second acquaintance, three times and four times, he is not afraid. Anyway, he has already complained once, and Lin Ling is not afraid to complain a few more times.

Lu Yu, who was driving, sneezed, raised his hand on the car window and rubbed the straight bridge of his nose.

When Lin Ling walked home, Brother Chou, Brother Ba, Zuzong Ji, and Chun Mian carefully looked at the position behind her, and after confirming that Lu Yu had left, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The starling stepped on the fence: "That wild man is gone?"

Lin Ling frowned: "What bad words did you learn from TV dramas?"

The starling patted his wings: "The wild man just peeked at you."

Lin Ling: "What?"

The starling said again: "He even moved your car."

Lin Ling frowned tightly: "Really?"

Starling nodded firmly: "If you don't believe me, ask Brother Chou and Zuzu Ji."

Chou Ge and Ji Zuzong nodded, and told about Lu Yu cheering up the car at noon.

After hearing this, Lin Ling squatted down and touched the tires of the car. The tires were indeed a little more bulging than before. After trying it again, the bumps and vibrations that often occurred when driving before were gone.

Lin Ling pursed her lips and smiled, unexpectedly Captain Lu was quite careful.

Xiaolu looked at the corner of Lin Ling's mouth and smiled again, and arched the back of her hand in dissatisfaction: You laughed again.

Lin Ling looked down at Xiaolu: "You still care if I smile?"

Of course Little Green doesn't care, but it has a sense of crisis in its heart: don't laugh at others.

Lin Ling said, "I didn't smile at anyone."

Little green akimbo: Yes.

Lin Ling: "Where is it?"

Little Green: You smiled at that wild man.

Lin Ling froze for a moment, did you?

Little Green nodded heavily: Yes!

Lin Ling recalled it carefully, and didn't remember whether she had ever smiled at Lu Yu. She only remembered that Lu Yu's abdominal muscles looked very well-proportioned, and they must feel good to the touch.

Xiaolu poked the corner of Lin Ling's mouth: Look, you're smiling again.

Lin Ling touched the corner of her mouth immediately, "Is there any?"

Little Green: Yes.

The starling who had been staying by the side looked at Lin Ling hesitantly: This is not a smile, it's obviously sex/squint/squint.

"Okay, don't stick to me." Lin Ling got out of the car, and said to Xia Mo who was pouring water: "I have already moved the wood back, so you don't dig the ground for the time being in the afternoon, we will build the viewing platform. "

Say hello to the end of summer.

Because the heights of the surrounding hillsides and walls are not high, and the maximum drop is only 15 meters, they only need to build a 20-meter-high observation deck.

Xia Mo controls the soil to pile up slowly, while Lin Ling divides the wood into boards one by one, and then slowly inserts them upwards in a spiral shape along the earth wall made by Xia Mo, circling layer by layer like a staircase online, until the top.

It took two days to build it to a height of 25 meters and stopped. It is eight stories high. Looking down from the height, it looks a little scary.

In order to prevent falling, Lin Ling specially built a small wooden house on the top, like a small attic of a few square meters, surrounded by wooden boards, with a small window on each side, which is convenient for viewing in all directions.

Because carrying it upstairs is quite boring, so I put a chair inside, and a small nest was spread beside the chair.

Lin Ling also put a rope in the middle, if you don't want to go down the stairs, you can slide down directly from the climbing rope.

"Mo Xia and I are going to farm and work, and you will take turns changing one of them to guard it every day." Lin Ling ordered Xiaolu, Starling, Chicken Zuzu, Chouge and Chunmian, "You guys discuss on your own. "

The starling said, "I'll come first."

Chicken Ancestor: I'll come first.

Ugly Brother: I'll come first.

Xiaolu took the lead to climb up to the gazebo: I am the eldest brother in this family, I will come first!

"Whoever gets to the top first will come." Mynah flew up to the viewing platform with a flap of his wings.

Ji Zuzu and Chun Mian flapped their wings, but they were too fat to fly, so they could only cluck and swear along the stairs and climb up.

The observatory has just been built, and everyone thinks it is very strange. They all like to climb to the top and look around, and experience the wonder of seeing all the small mountains.

In addition, there is a telescope on the top, which can see everything outside the wall, so everyone feels fresh, and everyone wants to come to the observatory first.

At the end of Xia, I was worried about Brother Chou and they were fighting upstairs.

"Don't worry about them, one fell to death counts as one." Lin Ling turned and walked outside.

Xia Mo took a sympathetic look at the chicken ancestors on the observation deck, thinking that it would be more cost-effective if the chicken ancestor fell to his death, Lin Ling ignored Xia Mo's secret poking thoughts: "After two days, I will feel bored. If anyone is unwilling to go up and guard at that time, just tie them up."

She paused and said, "I'll go and plant all the tree seeds."

Xia Mo said, "Then I'll dig the ground."

Lin Ling said hello and went into the house to get the seeds.

On the day when Lu Yu sent the seeds, Lin Ling once opened the bag and looked at it, and found that each bag was a kind of tree species, which made it easier for her to plan and plant.

So she directly picked up a bag of ginkgo seeds and went outside the fence, and continued to plant ginkgo in the area where ginkgo was planted before.

After planting ginkgo, hemlock, hemlock, holly, holly and sweet-scented osmanthus... It has been a month since all 30 bags of seeds were planted.

This time, the seeds sent by Lu Yu directly filled the entire area around the wall with saplings, which were growing sparsely, but Lin Ling knew that sooner or later these trees would grow into towering trees, and sooner or later the place would become shaded by greenery bird paradise.

After the saplings were planted, all the acre of wheat planted half a year ago had turned golden yellow, and it was time to start harvesting.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-1900:00:00~2020-12-2208:49:49~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: 2 pieces of beef jerky; Shanwaishan, (⊙_⊙)um(⊙_⊙), 1 piece of Changhe; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of King's Landing; 30 bottles of KW; Ninali, 20 bottles of Ling??, hj; 16 bottles of Nuannuan is not lazy; 10 bottles of Wuwu, Nongnong, (⊙_⊙)um(⊙_⊙), Wei Daodao; 5 bottles of black and white, white tea July, Xiaoxi; deer 2 bottles of Huihui and Sun Primrose; 1 bottle of Tixi, Lotus Leaf, and Chenxi Weiliang; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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