MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 132

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It was dark all around, and there was a faint fire in the distance.

Lin Ling looked at the new materials he had received blankly, and then at a very inconspicuous and thin man who was tied up. He looked ordinary, but he didn't expect to hide it so deeply.

Fortunately, Lin Ling built a wall to separate the inside and outside, and usually stares at the observation deck, otherwise this person would have figured out the inside and outside.

Of course, there are no secrets behind the walls.

No, there is a big secret.

The big secret is that Xiaolu hasn't revealed her real body in front of them at the end of Xia.

Lin Ling looked indifferently at the man he had beaten up, "Ma Xiaowu, what do you want to explain?"

Ma Xiaowu is a water-type supernatural person, who has been pretending to be an ordinary person and staying in the village to do things. She usually behaves very well without any flaws. If she hadn't walked out of the fence once in the evening, she might never have thought of her own. There are even spies around.

Ma Xiaowu acted flustered, "Village Chief, did you make a mistake? I really don't understand what you're talking about? I really didn't do anything bad."

"Village Chief, do you want to check again? If there is no problem, you can let me go back. I have to go back to watch Game of Thrones."

Lin Ling smiled, and she was quite able to pretend, "Ma Xiaowu, your acting skills are really good, it would be a shame not to become an actor."

Ma Xiaowu looked at the gloomy Siye: "Village Chief, I really didn't do anything, you can't wrong me."

"You know in your heart whether you have been wronged." If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears, Lin Ling might really have believed his words. She stretched her wrist, "Would you choose to say it now or wait until I finish moving?" Say more?"

Ma Xiaowu's pupils narrowed slightly, "Village Chief, I really don't understand what you are doing."

"I don't understand? I heard everything you said in the woods the night before yesterday." Lin Ling gritted her teeth, "Who is the doctor? What does he look like?"

Lin Ling is not sure that this doctor is not someone she knows, but maybe not, there are so many experimental bases and so many people, it is impossible for the same group of people.

Ma Xiaowu didn't expect Lin Ling to hear it, and his face changed, "Village Chief, you got it wrong, we're just watching a TV series."

"TV drama?" Lin Ling raised his eyebrows, moved his wrist, and beat Ma Xiaowu hard, "Is it still a TV drama now?"

Ma Xiaowu, who was so beaten up and screamed, lay on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, "Village Chief, I really don't have any secrets."

"Or don't tell me?" Lin Ling took out a knife, "I'll give you another chance, if you don't tell me, I'll throw you into the field for fertilization."

Ma Xiaowu's face changed again and again, "Village Chief, if something happens to me, the safety zone will intervene."

"You count on the safe zone?" Lin Ling snorted coldly, "It's just one person's death, and the safe zone won't care."

"Even if the safe zone is here, do you think they will let you go? The fake background you made up is very vivid, which is their shame." Lin Ling raised the information in his hand, "So you should tell me now, or wait The people from the safe zone will tell me when they come?"

Ma Xiaowu bit to death without saying a word.

"Protect that doctor like this?" Lin Ling moved his hand, "Hasn't he tortured you enough? Are you still rushing to protect him?"

"Trapped in a certain place day and night, unable to escape, you escaped and ran back, has your brain been replaced?"

Ma Xiaowu, who was beaten to the brink of death, seemed to have caught on to a point, "Village Chief, you also came from that place, right?"

"No wonder..." There was a dark light in Ma Xiaowu's eyes, "Village Chief, since you know the doctor, you should also know his ability, he can make you stronger."

"Our doctor has been helping ordinary people like us become stronger and helping us get out of the control of the powerful and wealthy people living in the safe zone. As long as you want, the doctor can help you too."

"If you go back with us, the doctor will definitely be willing to help you become more powerful. At that time, you don't need to be afraid of people in the safe zone. You can just catch any man you like and serve you. You don't need to guard here at all."

Lin Ling looked at the brainwashed Ma Xiaowu, disgusted: "Sure enough, he's out of his mind."

Ma Xiaowu's expression froze when he heard this, "The doctor will help you."

"Where is the doctor?" Lin Ling asked again.

Although Lin Ling didn't know if this doctor was the one who controlled her back then, she felt that Lu Yu and the others might be able to rest if they found this doctor.

Ma Xiaowu spat out a mouthful of blood, "If you let me go, I will take you there."

"Okay, don't say it if you don't want to." Lin Ling raised her eyebrows and smiled, "You just wait here for the day you meet your doctor."

Ma Xiaowu's face suddenly changed when he heard that, "You are delusional."

"I'm delusional? I'll ask another person now, she will know." Lin Ling said as he was about to go out.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaowu shouted anxiously: "Village Chief, do you think she knows?"

"I'll know if you know." Lin Ling folded her hands and looked at Ma Xiaowu, "She probably hates you very much. If it was her, she should be happy to tell me."

Ma Xiaowu didn't want Lin Ling to ask that person, trying to attract Lin Ling's attention, "I've seen a woman who looks very similar to you."

Lin Ling, who was walking out, stopped, she turned and looked at Ma Xiaowu, a woman who looked very similar to her?

"You want to know, right?" Ma Xiaowu looked at Lin Ling with a face bruised from beating, with excitement in his eyes, "Come closer, I'll tell you."

The ugly brother who had been guarding the door let out a bark, reminding Lin Ling not to approach Ma Xiaowu to avoid falling into a trap.

Of course Lin Ling knew that Ma Xiaowu was weird, but she wanted to find out what Ma Xiaowu was hiding. She walked closer and looked down at Ma Xiaowu who was bound, "He looks very similar to me. woman?"

Seeing Lin Ling approaching, Ma Xiaowu smiled triumphantly, "Yes, it's very similar to you."

Lin Ling hummed, "So?"

"She is at the doctor's place. Do you want to see her?" Ma Xiaowu continued to coax Lin Ling, "If you want to see her, you can let me go now, and I will take you to see her."

Lin Ling snorted and stood still: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Ma Xiaowu grinned, "Village Chief, you underestimate yourself."

"Village Chief, do you have a family member? That person really looks a lot like you. Maybe it's a relative you lost contact with. Don't you want to go and have a look? What if it's your relative..."

Lin Ling: "So where is the doctor? You tell me, I will find it myself."

Ma Xiaowu tried many times, but he couldn't get rid of this green vine on his body, so he could only start from other places, "You let me go, I will take you there."

"It's really boring." Lin Ling sighed, and picked up Ma Xiaowu and beat her up again.

After beating Ma Xiaowu to the point of death, Lin Ling stopped, and told Xiaolu who was bound Ma Xiaowu: "Keep an eye on him, if he runs away, don't even want your four leaves."

Xiaolu tightened up a little: Then I don't need to study in school?

"..." Lin Ling frowned and looked at Xiaolu who was full of joy, like a social animal who didn't have to go to work, wishing that every day was a weekend.

Xiaolu noticed Lin Ling's gaze, and immediately restrained herself a little: Don't worry, I will definitely watch it!

Lin Ling hummed, then turned and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, Brother Chou was really lying on the outside door. After looking up at Lin Ling, he lay back again. It will stay here tonight.

Lin Ling: "Just one day."

Brother Chou barked to show that he knew.

The next step is to wait.

While waiting, Lin Ling didn't forget to make delicious food to reward Ma Xiaowu's ugly brother and Xiaolu. The chicken was so fragrant and tender that Ma Xiaowu kept swallowing.

Lin Ling looked at Ma Xiaowu, "Want to eat?"

Ma Xiaowu swallowed his saliva.

"I'll give you one more chance. If you want to eat, tell me where the doctor is." Lin Ling picked up a piece of chicken to tempt Ma Xiaowu: "If I tell you, I'll eat it for you."

Ma Xiaowu swallowed his saliva and said, "Village Chief, I have already said that if you let me go, I will take you there."

Lin Ling threw the meat into Xiaolu's mouth, and said, "Okay, after this village, there will be no more shops."

For every subsequent meal, Lin Ling cooked delicious food to reward Chouge and Xiaolu, spicy pot chicken, fried eggs, grilled chicken, braised fish...

Every dish is full of color, flavor and taste, which is a huge torture for Ma Xiaowu who hates to eat less meat after the end of the world, but during this period, Lin Ling never said a word to Ma Xiaowu.

Mental torture was more unbearable than sexual torture. Ma Xiaowu smelled the fragrance every meal, but he couldn't catch anything, so that in the later stage, he smelled the smell and started to fool Xiaolu and Brother Chou: "You share some Give it to me to eat, and I will bring you something good in the future."

Xiaolu rolled her eyes: Think I'm a fool?

Brother Chou bared his teeth and threatened Ma Xiaowu not to move, or he would be electrocuted.

Ma Xiaowu, who has been shocked many times in the past two days, immediately dared not move, "Where is the village chief? I know you are still outside, village chief. If you starve me to death, you will never want to know the doctor's whereabouts again. "

Lin Ling, who was outside the house, heard the movement and walked to the door, and said in a cold tone, "It's just a few meals, but I won't die."

Ma Xiaowu coughed and said, "Village chief, give me something to eat, and I'll tell you."

"Now you want to talk?" Lin Ling twitched her lips, "But I don't want to hear it anymore."

Ma Xiaowu didn't expect Lin Ling to be so ruthless, "...Village Chief, you don't mean anything."

"So what if it doesn't count?" Lin Ling smiled at Ma Xiaowu, "I told you a long time ago, this shop will no longer exist after this village."

"Village Chief, don't you really want to know?" Ma Xiaowu tried to coax Lin Ling closer, "Village Chief, come here, and I'll tell you."

Lin Ling wasn't fooled, ignored Ma Xiaowu, and continued to ask Brother Chou and Xiaolu to keep an eye on him so that he wouldn't sneak away.

Brother Chou barked and said that he would continue to shock Ma Xiaowu so that he could not escape.

Lin Ling looked at Ma Xiaowu sympathetically. He must have been stunned a lot in the past two days: "Take care of him."

Coming out of the chicken coop, Lin Ling took out her mobile phone and checked Lu Yu's news. They will arrive in a few hours. She looked back at Ma Xiaowu and sneered. It's okay not to say anything. After Lu Yu and the others arrive Naturally someone would press him to tell her everything she wanted to know.

Before Lu Yu and the others came, she wanted to meet the woman who talked to Ma Xiaowu that night.

When Lin Ling arrived at the hut, the woman was washing clothes. The woman was not surprised by her arrival, but was very calm: "Village Chief, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-24 14:39:44~2021-01-2708:34:23~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 339,564,050 bottles; 30 bottles of Diving King; 1 bottle of red grapefruit; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!