MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 126 Great god, don't run!

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Qiao Wan looked at gentleman Feifei blankly when he heard the words. He didn't understand why the topic suddenly jumped so fast. Just now he was talking about mocking himself, and now he...has he proposed to marry him?

Of course she knew that she was not married in reality. Although she didn't play games very much, she still knew that marriage was possible in games.

But even so, she still looked at Gentleman Feifei in an incredible way.

On the screen, he just looked down at himself with a smile, the mountain breeze was blowing, he was dressed in a white robe and was fluttering, and what he brought up was the peach petals falling slowly behind him.

After hesitating for a long time, Qiao Wan hesitated and asked: "Are you...proposing to me?"

Gentleman Feifei glanced around and smiled: "I have no one else here except you, right."

"Why, we should have just met, right?" Qiao Wan looked at Jie Fei with some confusion and suspicion, and asked, "Could it be that you fell in love with me at first sight?"

Xie Fei raised his eyebrows in a bit of astonishment, and immediately squeezed his slender fingers into a fist, pressed his lower lip and laughed lowly, and answered the wrong question: "Look at what I sent you first, and then I will explain it to you. Come on."

When the person on the other side smiled, Qiao Wan knew that she was passionate, she scratched her neck uncomfortably, blushing and quickly checked.

"Then I'll go and see." Although she replied that way, she scolded him secretly in her heart.

The two screenshots are the chat records of the World Channel, which she saw not too long ago.

One of them is a screenshot of Xie Yanli’s speech saying that Yizui Xiaoyao Pavilion and Bihai Liuyun Pavilion have a good relationship. A screenshot of Xie Yanli.

Yep? The number one master of this service? !

Looking at the bottom sentence of the screenshot, Qiao Wan nodded as if suddenly enlightened.

No wonder I feel that the name of Jun Zi Feifei is a bit familiar, it turns out that she has accidentally seen or heard it several times before—

The first thing she did after boarding the game was to check Xie Yanli's character information. At that time, she also glanced at the top ten of the celebrity list. Before, she also saw the name from the full-service notice posted by the system on the World Channel, as if to congratulate him on his acquisition of the "Hand of God". At that time, everyone in the gang was envious and jealous and made a good point. And just now I saw him stun Xie Yanli directly in the world...

It's just that he asked her to look at the two screenshots. What are they?

So puzzled, Joe opened the website link later, which was a notice of the latest full-server event on the official website of "Genesis".

On the top of the page, there were a few fiery big words like "Save Yue Lao, Lover's Family". She scanned it quickly. It would not be long before, but when she saw the task reward, she couldn't help but read it for a while.

Even if she doesn't play games very much, she can see that the rewards for the event are very rich, especially the reward for the first place makes her salivate. And the official website also stated that if Yue Lao is rescued, there may be a mysterious super reward!

Qiao Wan was a little moved. If he wanted to win the reward of Xinyi, teaming up with this mysterious top player in the full server was obviously the wisest decision. Although she doesn't know how high the gold content of this first master is, at least this title can give her a lot of confidence, and through the speeches of gangs and everyone in the world, she also feels that this first master should not be a vain name. What's more, people still have luck and wealth that others can't match.

But what she can't figure out is, how could he find himself?

You must know that his Qiao Wan is now only a twenty-two trumpet. Is the skill good... He may not know, but there are countless single female players with higher levels and good skills in the "Genesis" game today. of!

Qiao Wan wrinkled a small face, and all the tangled small expressions fell in Xie Fei's eyes. Her cute look made Xie Fei laugh softly.

Xie Fei looked at Qiao Wan with a smile, reached out and nodded her frowning eyebrows, smiling lazily at the corner of her mouth: "What are you thinking about, so entangled, the brows are knotted."

Qiao thought about things late, but didn't care about Jaffe's actions, just raised his head and looked at him strangely, and asked: "You asked me to get married just to participate in this event?"

Xie Fei pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Participating in the event only needs to become love, and the marriage system will not be activated until Yue Lao is rescued."

"Then why are you looking for me?" Qiao Wan blinked and asked puzzledly.

"Because I think Li Shangmuxue is not pleasing to the eyes, and I see your previous behavior, you shouldn't be reconciled to leave in embarrassment?" Xie Fei's peachy eyes smiled very beautifully, and his eyes sparkled with interest and interest. Said, "How about, do you want to join hands with me? But I got news that the two of them will also participate in this event."

He was right, and Qiao Wan knew that he was really unwilling.

She is such a proud person, when has she been so disgraced? And that Mo Yuqinghe not only inferior to herself everywhere, but also provoked herself again and again. Can she provoke Miss Qiao by herself?

"In this case, it wouldn't be enough for us to form a relationship and get married—" Qiao Wan continued to ask.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Jaffe: "Of course not, you won’t marry me after you have formed a relationship. Those who are jealous of me don’t know how to arrange that I was abandoned. Besides, you have found one. A man who is a thousand times better than Li Shangmuxue marries, isn't it the best revenge for them?"

What he said is not bad, but... a man a thousand times better than Xie Yanli?

Is he serious?

Xie Fei also saw Qiao Wan's suspicious eyes. His eyes were dark and raised his eyebrows: "What kind of eyes are you?"

"Nothing." Qiao Wan retracted his gaze, shook his head, and gritted his teeth after a while, "Your proposal is good, so let's end it!"

In this way, the two immediately went to tie a red thread under the marriage tree, forming a love affair.

After everything was done, it was getting late, and both of them went offline.

Qiao lay in bed thinking about the scenes that happened in the game tonight. His feelings grew from the excitement and anticipation of Xie Yanli, and he gradually understood when he saw his cold words to him for another woman-I don’t like it. She, no matter how hard she tries, it's useless.

Sadness is inevitable, but it doesn't matter.

Since then, I love Liang Ye without a heart, and let him go down to the west building with a bright moon.

Her Miss Qiao Qiao is late, she doesn't like Xie Yanli anymore...

When he was going to sleep in a daze, Qiao Hai's mind flashed the scene of gentleman Feifei tapping his forehead. She felt that his eyes and voice were so familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

Waiting to think about it, sleepiness suddenly came up, and she fell into a deep sleep in an instant.


It was only a week or so since the start of the full server event, so in the next few days, Qiao played with Gentleman Feifei as soon as he played the game, and of course he also joined the Bihailiuyun Pavilion.

I remember that when I met with the gang, everyone was as enthusiastic as Yidrunk Xiaoyaoge, and they asked about her news, especially on the topic of whether she was single or not.

Then someone put his arms around her very naturally, and said solemnly: "This is my fiancée, don't you see the wife of the gang leader soon."

Qiao Wan's face blushed suddenly. In fact, her face is quite thin. The most extraordinary thing she has ever done when she grows up is to pursue Xie Yanli brazenly.

As soon as he said this, the gang was silent for a moment, and the next moment there was a loud noise.

[Gang] Young Master Su San (Elder): ohoh~~ Mrs. Gang!

[Gang] The monk loves to eat meat (elder): My dear, it was hard to come to a beautiful girl, but there is still a master.

[Gang] Sending King Qianli (Elite): Mrs. Gang, do you have any girlfriends, cousins, etc., introduce it to me, don’t ask to be as good as you, as long as one-third is enough.

[Gangs] Taoist priests don’t pretend to be garlic (deputy gang leader): yes, yes, please help the lord’s wife to save the children!


Everyone was joking and joking, and suddenly someone said something different.

[Gang] Oh, you stop (member): The wife of the gang is called Liuyun Wanwan, and there is also the word Liuyun in our gang. Could it be...

There was silence in the gang for more than ten seconds, and then everyone's attention was instantly diverted, and the topic naturally ran toward "how insidious the gang leader is".

[Gang] Taoist don’t pretend to be garlic (deputy gang leader): Sinister, it’s so sinister, I actually stared at the little girl so early!

[Gang] The monk loves to eat meat (elder): That is, Master Xie, you are too shameless!

[Gang] Sending Jun Qianli (Elite): I'm ashamed, no wonder I'm a single dog after helping the lord to get out of the order.


Everyone, you and I "condemned" the gang leader one by one, and Qiao Wan's thoughts have drifted away with everyone's words.

She looked at the word "Liuyun" in the gang's name, and felt that it was a bit too coincidental. As for what the gang members said that the gang leader chose the name deliberately, she thought about it and found it impossible.

This gang has been established for more than two months, but I have just entered the game for a few days, so it is impossible for everyone to say it.

Everyone knows that I want to come, but I am afraid I feel nervous, so I deliberately amused myself to make myself happy.

But no matter what, looking at the name of Bihai Liuyun Pavilion, she really felt sweet in her heart, as if it was what everyone said, gentleman Feifei chose this name deliberately.

Hey, the vanity of a woman.

Qiao Wan sighed here, and gentleman Feifei sent a message.

[Private chat] Gentleman Feifei: Let’s go, take you to upgrade.

Immediately afterwards, a message inviting her to join the team was sent. Qiao Wan immediately agreed, and then the picture changed, and it had already reached another place. At this time, someone in white clothes was standing on a tall tree branch, waving a jade flute like clouds and flowing water. Not far from the two, little monsters fell in pieces.

[Team] Fei Fei Gentleman: The boss will have to wait a while before coming. Now you can find the little monsters who are alone to practice your skills slowly.

[Team] Ryuyun is late: Good.

This has been the case for the past few days. As soon as the two went online, they cleaned up daily tasks, love tasks, etc., and then went to the casting room to make equipment for Qiao Wan while strolling around collecting minerals, fur and other items.

With the title of "Hand of God" by Jaffe, the equipment production situation is quite gratifying.

Just as the two were killing wild monsters as they did in the past, the elf with a holy light rod in one hand rushed into Jaffe’s attack range from a distance, and the words "Holy Angel Moxibustion Clothes BOSS" were displayed on top of it. .

It's actually a wild map boss!

The author has something to say: The first meeting of Xie Fei, Xie San, and Song Yuchen is coming~~ The first face-slap-slap is coming!