MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1642 Ruins of the world

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  Chu Feng did not take Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Mitian, Da Hei Niu and others all the way fast.

  On the way, he was in a complicated mood, feeling sad about parting, and also a sense of horror and sadness that he did not dare to think deeply.

  Especially the latter, it made him suffer in his heart, and there was an unspeakable sorrow.

   "Yang is all real, isn't it? The heavens are not mirrored from ancient times to the present world by Lu Jin-level creatures." He tried to convince himself.

  Along the way, whenever he thinks of the sights he sees in God, he can't help but fluctuate violently and feel a sense of panic.

  Even the gods have disappeared, and there is only one Luo left. He is wondering whether the heavens of the year have actually disappeared?

He had to think more about it. He recalled some strange incidents at the beginning. One night, he saw a man who claimed to be the world's top man for the tenth generation, bleeding and tears, vicissitudes of life, saying that the world is full of ghosts, all dead. There are not many living creatures.

  On that day, Chu Feng had been shocked and horrified, but then gradually calmed down those thoughts.

  Now, he came from God, thinking back to the old things, how can he not think too much?

  So, his heart trembled.

Looking at Zhou Xi’s bright and colorful face, he was so unwilling to give up, listening to the bold words of the **** cow, it said that it would kill to the deepest part of the earth, and Chu Feng was sour again, and there were old people, scalpers, etc. Are you all just coming from ancient times? Actually they are already dead? !

  Although they were right in front of him, he felt a little far away, as if separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, across the endless historical space, across the long scroll of time, Chu Feng wanted to roar out, and he never wanted to guess that it was true.

   But, why are there always signs reminding him that the world may be suspected of being reflected?

  He still remembers the arguing between Jiudaoyi and the dog king in front of the battlefield of the two worlds when they saw endless light spots in the cycle of rebirth.

  At that time, they also mentioned that the eternal long sky is a picture scroll. One party once said that the whole world is silent, the entire age is long dead, and the world is all ghosts, a kind of reflection.

  In addition, Luo also said not long ago that he wanted to draw the will of all beings into the heavens, but they gave up later and felt inappropriate.

  Is it because she found something?

  God dies and has become the ruins. Are the heavens also ruins? The worlds, the great world, are all ruins? Only left the weird, is it true? !

  He didn’t want to think too much.

   "Chu Feng, what's wrong with you, why are you crying?" At this moment, Zhou Xi came over, hugged one of his arms, and gently wiped away the tears for him.

   "I...I'm just afraid I won't see you again." Chu Feng forced himself to stop that emotion, but this kind of words made his nose sore.

  Because, he was really afraid that he would never see him again. If he had been mirrored since ancient times, how long would he stay in the world?

   "Don't be sad, a real man, what's terrible, the big deal is to die in battle, we will see you again in the next life, or a good brother!" Da Hei Niu patted Chu Feng on the shoulder with a big face, not caring about the future.

  Chu Feng recovered and tried his best to smile.

  But, he still sighed in his heart, and wanted to say to Da Hei Niu and others, I am not afraid of this kind of death in battle, I am afraid that you have never been alive, but are just reflected past bodies, which have long been lost in ancient times.

  Along the way, he looked at the people around him, and he felt more and more like standing outside the world and looking at the people in the painting. There is everything beautiful there, there is boundless artistic conception, there is his own life and sustenance, but the remoteness is going away.

  Chu Feng brought Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Huang Niu and others back to Xiazhou Tiangong.

  He went directly to find Jiu Daoyi, the dog king, and the carrion. Now his heart is stuck, he wants to find out the truth immediately.

  Finding three living fossil-level old guys, Chu Feng was straightforward, did not hide it, and directly told the truth about God and the conjecture in his heart.

  Even, he touched the dog's face of the king of dogs and asked if it was true? Still, it rotted in ancient times.

  The King of Dogs was shocked at first, but then became a little confused. Is this kid making a design? Have you eaten the bear heart and leopard courage? Dare to touch its face? !


  It opened its mouth and almost bit Chu Feng's palm, and was patted aside by Jiudaoyi at the critical moment.

   "What you said actually involves the methods of life-threatening creatures, which is mysterious and frightening."

   "However, I can tell you that these people of us are flesh and blood. They are not reflected in ancient times. They are all real."

"You think too much!"

  Nine Dao and a few words, directly conclusive, he said that now that he has evidence, at least the people around him, the people around him, and the people present are all real.

  This includes Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Huang Niu and others in the distance.

  When he heard this kind of words, Chu Feng felt relieved and let out a sigh of relief. Before that, he was really anxious, even afraid.

  If you never own it, it’s nothing. If one day, everything you cherish is cut off from your life, how sad and sorrow is it?

  Niu Daoyi said that he holds the burial sky map in his hand, can perceive part of the nature of the world, and corrects some views of the past picture scroll dispute.

  The King of Dogs said: "Actually, what you said and what you are afraid of is also somewhat reasonable, because some creatures in this world really seem to be resurrected."

  Next, it added: "It can also be considered that there are no dead people, but all living beings."

   Carrion said: "Even in that ancient period, there have been incidents of reflection, but it doesn't involve us, etc., everything that should have happened has happened, all that should be alive come alive, and all that should have died is gone."

Nine ways together: "You can understand that the sun, the worlds, etc., may have been saved and reflected by others, and they should have succeeded or failed. Even if there are ghosts, only a few of the many creatures in this world are reflected and reflected. Come."

   Their words seemed to give Chu Feng a reassurance, no longer worrying about those things.

  If this is the case, God has failed. Even though there are all the way to the end of the world, the creatures have been reflected in the world from ancient times, but in the end everything will turn into ruins.

  The heavens also seemed to have such signs. Maybe they were saved by others, maybe they failed, and they were long gone.

  Who ever made a shot, it was mostly that person, as well as Emperor Ye Tian and the empress, etc. Have they paid any price? Why did they never come back.

  In general, Chu Feng was relieved, and his mood improved. He stopped thinking about it so much. He went to Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Huang Niu and others.

  He repeatedly told everyone that if there is a big battle, you must follow the dog and don’t stay away.

  Recently, people feel that time is like a knife, and every day is cutting into people’s hearts.

  Because of a hunch, I feel anxious.

  The corner of the future has been opened. Knowing that the world is sinking, there is no hope, but everyone is still ready to fight.

  In this atmosphere, the hearts of all ethnic groups are shrouded in haze, and the whole world is much quieter. The more time passes, the more nervous it is.

  Some old fairy kings have gradually sensed by instinct, as if a huge creature is slowly opening their eyes, and is about to start paying attention to the heavens.

  As soon as the creatures come out, who can resist?

  Emperor Ye Tian, ​​Empress, can they come back, save the world again, prevent the arrival of the big sacrifice and the end of the world, and let the world be peaceful for a while.

  It’s just that people shook their heads when they thought about it a little bit, which is mostly difficult to achieve.

  Last time, Emperor Ye Tian and the Empress mostly saw that there was a supreme creature coming out of Ertu, which would overthrow the heavens, so they just killed in. They had tried their best.

  To this day, there is no news from them, making everyone afraid and worried for fear of the worst ending.

  Although no one spoke up, many strong people are in fear in their hearts, fearing that the two of them will be in dire earth. That’s it...

  With the passage of time, under this background, many people have become desperate, knowing that the world will fall apart, there will be endless blood and chaos, but they are unable to resist, and can't see a glimmer of hope, how can they not be suppressed?

  During this period, there are obviously fewer evolutionaries walking around, and many old monsters feel it, all waiting for the ultimate change.

  Whether it is good or bad, what should come must come, and that's the battle!

  Chu Feng, Jiu Daoyi, Dog Emperor, Gu Qing, etc., as well as various immortal kings are in the Central Heavenly Palace, studying the situation.

   "The burial pit is a real pit, where there may be road-end-class creatures." The old man who created the Time Classic said.

  Today, he confessed frankly that his Chronicles were actually obtained from near the burial pit, and there seems to be creatures in it that are transforming into the road.

  This makes your scalp explode. This is definitely not good news. How many years have passed, that creature is probably about to succeed, right?

  The burial pit, the soul river, the underground palace, and the four-pole floating soil. If the big ceremony begins, these places are all outposts for the strange races.

   Nine Dao sighed, telling the truth, and said: "If we don't have the road to the end of the world, it will be useless to think so much. After a while, everyone will go and prepare."

  He didn't say what to prepare, but everyone knows that this is a tactful reminder to arrange the things afterwards.

  Not long afterwards, Zhou Xi's face was full of a bright smile, and the whole person seemed to have brought a layer of sacred brilliance. He was extremely happy to find Chu Feng, and whispered that he would be a father.

   "What?!" Chu Feng was surprised, and then extremely happy, that his long-cherished wish for many years was realized, and they were about to have a child.

  Chu Feng hugged her lightly, extremely excited, and the news spread quickly. People such as Mitian, Da Hei Niu, Lao Gu, Dong Dahu and others all came to Daoxi at the first time, and were really happy for him.

  Nine Ways One, Carrion Corpse, Gu Qing, and various immortal kings also came to Dao Xi.

  Of course, the fastest one is the dog emperor. He turned around Zhou Xi and talked about him, but he was finally heard by Chu Feng. The dog was about to abduct his child and study and train him.

  Chu Feng's face suddenly turned black, and he must be optimistic about this dog.

  However, the dog king blatantly told Chu Feng that it is safest to follow him at this stage, otherwise, the whole world might be turned into ruins.

  In fact, the dog king’s mouth has its own ominous attributes, and within a few days, the world really has bad changes.

  A large number of weird substances increased, a faint light of blood was spilled on the sky, and a cloud-like gray mist floated, and everything was changing towards ominous signs.

  Half a month later, the boundless mighty force seemed to be revived in the endless distant ancient land, radiating outwards, to destroy all tangible matter.

"what is that?!"

  Two days later, someone was horrified to discover that the sky seemed to fade and become a bubble-like substance. In the endlessly distant mysterious place, something was gradually becoming clear, appearing through the bubble-like sky.

  This is the case in all worlds on this day. People from all over the world are trembling, anxious, and always feel that something is going to happen.

  It was a blood-colored altar, which emerged from the boundless void and appeared outside the world. Although it was vague, it already made people feel its grandeur and majesty, as well as the shocking and terrifying atmosphere.

  A bloody, ancient and mysterious altar appeared so abruptly, making people tremble, and the soul was terrified to the extreme.

  At this moment, no matter who it is or where you are, there is a premonition of the end of the world coming.

  "The big festival, will begin!"

  There is a cold voice, coming from the depths of the bad soil, spreading all over the world.

  Sure enough, what should be here is here, but no one thought that it was so direct, the blood-colored altar showed up, will the world be empty?

"You are all by the side of Senior Dog King, don't think about doing your best, because this time it is meaningless to make a move below the Immortal King. Even if you want to fight, wait until the seniors in front of you all die in battle. Don't mess with it!"

  Chu Feng was extremely harsh, and warned Da Hei Niu and others that although the blood was good, it might not be effective.

  If there are weird creatures of the same level to kill, then he allows these people to fight, and when the time comes, he will fight for the last blood and bones, so that there is no regret in death.

  Everyone opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but they were all silent again. At this stage, they all knew what they should and shouldn’t do.

   "Stay and live, in order to have the hope of rising in the future, you are all seeds, and you will avenge the former sages in the future!" The carrion roared.

  Even if Gu Qing came, he warned the middle and young generations not to participate in the war, and wait for them to die.

  Gu Qing couldn't bear it anymore, but also became impulsive, going to a decisive battle.

  The blood-colored altar became bigger and bigger, as if it was about to crush the world, and it became clearer and clearer, and people gradually saw the texture on it.

  At this time, the blood color was converging and was absorbed by the altar itself. It was all the residual blood of the past, and it was the material left after the sacrifices of the past dynasties.

  Its body is actually as black as ink, and it is extremely cruel, as if it can absorb all the light in the world.

  Below it is an endless sea of ​​worlds, vast and boundless!

   "Where is... Sacrifice to the sea?!" Jiudaoyi was surprised.

  Sacrifice to the sea, the place where the immortal emperor sacrifices, and in the deepest part, there is a magnificent altar. Is it what you see? !

  According to legend, once anyone goes to the altar, they will be regarded as a sacrifice, no matter how hard it is to survive.

  "The big sacrifice has begun. Everything in this world, this cosmos, this ancient and modern years, everything can be sacrificed, there will always be something you care about, and offer it."

   The long and ancient voice sounded, terrifying the world.

  People have scalp numb, and Jiudaoyi, Dog King, etc. also look nervous. After the big ceremony begins, there is probably nothing left in this world.

  Whether it reflects the past or the surviving, this time I am afraid that everything will be ruined.

  At this time, in the depths of the earth, there is countless blood rushing into the sky, tearing the ominous ground, shattering the surrounding dark universe, and it seems that someone is going to kill it!

  However, the shadows were so powerful that some terrifying figures stopped there, surrounding the area where the **** light was, and the boundless darkness flooded there.

Jiudaoyi immediately yelled: "Emperor Ye Tian and the empress are still fighting in the **** soil. They are all alive. Whether they can come back or not, it is our hope. Don’t despair, don’t perish, since the day of change. ,kill!"

  However, the reality is ruthless.

   With a boom, a certain big world was broken through, and the sky of the dark fairyland burst into pieces.

A big hand that was as dark as ink, covering the whole world, probed down, and when it was pressed ruthlessly, the mountains and rivers collapsed and the earth exploded. Even if the fallen fairy king went up against the sky and rushed towards that big hand, it was futile. He disintegrated in mid-air, burst into pieces, and turned into a large rain of blood.

   "Ah..." Behind countless people, in that big world, all the evolutionaries are sorrowful, but unable to recover.

  Fallen Immortal Territory, originally it was close to darkness, and some of the fallen immortal royal families were about to take part in the weird races, but in the end they withdrew their footsteps and joined the heavens.

  As a result, they were the first to be robbed.

  The big hand of Dao ancestor prodded down and penetrated this realm to exterminate all living beings.


  The **** hand shook slightly, and the countless evolutionists in the Fallen Immortal Territory were all disintegrated. Many of them were teenagers or children, and they collapsed just like that.

   Then, a large number of strange races and dark creatures poured in from the broken firmament like a tide, rushing to the earth, to cut all obstacles.

  The **** hand slowly retreated, not intending to destroy this world, but was going to break through another world, breaking through the barriers of the worlds of the heavens.

  All they want is a big sacrifice, and all races are sacrifices.

  It can be seen that the ray of blood rises and sinks into the grand altar that shines.

   "Beast, I will kill you!"

  Nine Dao rushed up into the sky, even though he had no time to stop all that just now, he had already locked the target and killed the master with the **** hand.


  At the same time, when he approached, he did not forget to strike the turbulent dark creatures and strange races and destroy countless!


  The sky and the earth were torn apart, Nine Daoyi and a black figure encountered outside the world, there was nothing to say, they fought to the end.

   "It's futile, how many of you are there? Ru Lin, the strong man of my clan, do you want to fight, then some more fellow daoists!" The black voice said indifferently.


  In the direction of Ertu, many figures flew, not aiming at Nine Ways and One, but each shot towards other big worlds.

  The heaven and the earth are overturned, and the big world of all parties is constantly cracking, and the sky is all torn apart by those big hands. When a fairy king rushes up, it will burst directly, and it can't stop it.

Gu Qing also rushed out, roaring, no longer the cautiousness of the past, but a disheveled, angry and mad state, with a bang, he collided with a Taoist ancestor outside the domain, bursting out infinite Energy, avenue order, etc. continue to collapse.

  Although he was covered with blood and his body was broken, but the enemy was not very good, his mouth and nose were bleeding.

"Kill, the old man's father, the people who walked side by side with the Three Heavens Emperor back then were killed by you. Today, the old man is bloodied, his bones are broken, his souls are scattered, and he has to settle with you. He will never die, come on. !"

  Gu Qing roared, like a madman, years of depression, and the dormancy of many times, all broke out in one dynasty.

  He fought **** battles, and he had already thought about it!

Upon seeing this scene, Chu Feng took out the life seed that Gu Qing had handed him, turned and handed it to the dog king, and said, "I know, even if some emperors fall, you may still be alive, keep it! And, Zhou Xi, Huang Niu and the others will all ask Senior to you!"

  "The emperor will join the war too, I might die!" The dog emperor shouted. At this time, it carried the emperor's corpse on its back, carrying the broken emperor clock, ready to fight at any time.

  There are carrion corpses, carrying the bronze coffin and preparing to attack.

   When Chu Feng turned around, Zhou Xi cried loudly behind him: "You want to come back alive, just for nothing else, but also take a look at our children!"

  She was really scared, afraid that Chu Feng would never return.

   "Okay!" Chu Feng nodded vigorously, no matter whether he could survive or not, he must now calm her heart and everyone's heart.

   "Come on, you guys recover, your upper body!" Chu Feng snarled, and he hasn't gotten a body yet.

  He couldn't bear it, and rushed to the sky in his current state, killing out to the sky. He wants to force himself into danger. Will the weird powers on him still not recover?


  When he saw a tall figure standing in the gray mist, the other party also stared at him. Suddenly, there was boundless pressure like mountains and oceans collapsed, and the universe and galaxies fell down like a star.

  At this moment, the golden patterns of Chu Feng's feet were intertwined, and a sigh came from behind him. He gained that kind of power, and immediately broke the gray fog and rushed towards the tall figure.

  However, there are far more foreign ancestors than the heavens, and a group of people have arrived. It is too terrifying, tearing the world apart, and all circles cannot resist.

  Nine Dao kills mad, Gu Qing is covered in blood, even if Chu Feng is **** and mad, but it is not useful, there are too many enemies, and the destructive power is amazing.


   At this moment, blood beams rushed from the earth, like a sharp blade, penetrating the dark universe and coming to the world.

   Then, in the sound of pops, those blood lights pierced through a few weird Dao ancestors, and then let them explode, some of them collapsed directly.

   "That is the blood of Emperor Ye Tian and the Empress!?"

"The emperor is bleeding, why do you and I squeeze, kill, and annihilate the weird race!" Countless people roared and shouted, and many evolutionaries rose up into the sky, although they could not have much effect, they were infected. A lot of people.

  Especially, in those areas where Dao Ancestor blasted through the world, and then the weird army commander drove straight into those areas, the native evolvers were crazy, and they all went to fight!

The carrion roared: "Lord soul, you bastard, where are you? Are you dead? Lao Ye and the Empress are desperately bleeding, sinking into the earth, where are you dead, get out! "

  He just carried the emperor coffin and rushed directly into the sky, but he was slapped down and his body exploded. If the emperor coffin was not for the sacred brilliance and let him recover, he would die.

  The carrion was angry and howled in the sky.

  "Come on, Dao, I have been fighting, you think I am stealing leisure time!" As we spoke, the cycle of reincarnation broke apart one after another.

  There was a fat Taoist priest who was covered in blood and wounds everywhere. With a disheveled hair, he rushed out with the body of a silver-haired **** his back.

While killing the ancestor of the outer domain, he cried and yelled: "You will pay back my little rabbit's life. I dug all over the place, but only found her cold body. The strange extinction, the ominous extinction, let me go. Die!"

  He is carrying a lunar jade rabbit from the ancient times of chaos. He was once the best friend with him and the one who had become a cold corpse.

   "The little rabbit is dead?!" The carrion roared, rushing up into the sky, carrying the copper coffin, and flying towards the fat Taoist priest, wanting to merge with him.

  Finally, there is also the little Taoist priest, the child of Chu Feng and Qin Luoyin, who has grown into a young man after many years, and has also merged with them.

   "Roar!" Out of the world, there was an extremely suppressed roar, the carrion mutated wildly, no longer decayed, but became an angry Taoist priest, slaying towards the Taoist ancestors outside the territory.

   With a bang, a certain Dao ancestor was blown by him!

   "Trash, it's not the immortal emperor. After so many years, what are you doing, the main soul, you haven't reached the limit of the realm!" He scolded himself.

   "You think it's so easy to step into the road-end level domain. If you can't become an emperor, then be the first ancestor and kill!" He shouted again.

  The fat Taoist priest went crazy outside the world.

  At this moment, the burial map of Nine Daoyi suddenly exploded, and Shengsheng swallowed the two Taoist ancestors alive. At a critical moment, he finally used this big killer to kill the two powerful men at once.

  His mouth was full of blood foam, and he laughed and said, "It's worth death!"

   Normally, it takes a long period of refining to kill the ancestors of Dao Dao to die. Obviously, his burial plan is weird and directly killed the ancestors of the two Dao Dao.

   "Ah..." Gu Qing tried desperately, and he was in tatters. He also let his opponent follow his body with cracks, and he was desperate.

   "You die!" Chu Feng roared, turning the Shiqin, offering sacrifices to the time furnace, and finally stuffed a Dao ancestor into it, and then started cremation!

The carrion roared: "Brothers, don't be afraid, hold on, I have recovered the underworld and the cycle of rebirth, and I have put down there, and I have found my own people, and rescued them from the dark prison. They will soon After the blood was washed, the underworld came out!"


  At this time, there was a cry for killing from the underground mansion, and there were really a large number of figures rising into the sky to face the strange army.

   "Made, fight it, since you are all mad, my undercover agent, who has been seen through it, is no longer appropriate. I announced that the soul river has also been restored and calmed by me!" someone shouted.

  There is a golden light in the soul river. The silkworm emperor that year rose into the sky, and the heads of people behind him were rolling, all weird creatures were constantly exploding.

  Everyone was stunned, and Soul River was put down by him, the Emperor Silkworm who was once thought to have fallen into darkness?

"It's no big deal to break this place. Although it is very special, there have been immortal emperors watching and sitting in person from time to time in the past, but now it is almost empty. The main priest has been killed, and it has become my territory!" Roar.


  In the depths of the earth, someone shouted indifferently, and their scarlet eyes opened, squeezing the universe, and it was beyond the world, not too far away.

  A fairy emperor-level creature was born? I can't stand it anymore, I have to do it myself.

  At this time, people’s thoughts are so utterly shattered that they really can’t hold back the pressure!

  Who can stop it? Lu Jin-level creatures are born, one person is enough to destroy the heavens and the world!

   "Your grandfather is here, kill you!" The former dark fairy emperor, the strong man who returned from the emperor bone, reappeared.

  Of course, before speaking, he rushed there, and he had already started, like a premeditated one, with a thud, let the strange immortal emperor who had just manifested in the world exploded directly, and the blood of the emperor was filled!

  However, the Dark Immortal Emperor had to run away again, because behind him was a "fierce tiger" who had chased him for many years and never gave up.

In front of him, although he smashed the weird immortal emperor, but the other party was definitely not dead, road end-level creatures are not so easy to kill, if he is flanked back and forth, let alone help the heavens, he himself is in danger, and will Formed here to destroy all the immortal emperor level battlefield.

  He had to disappear again.

  Sure enough, the strange immortal emperor revived and reappeared in the same place instantly.

   His eyes were extremely cold, and he began to scan the heavens.

  And, what makes people uneasy is that another strange creature from the end of the road came, and he went to the grand black altar to preside over the big sacrifice himself.


   Suddenly, in the broken chaotic universe adjacent to the little underworld, a ruined wooden city, with light and rain condensed to form a yellowed letterhead, it cut through the world, flew in extremely fast, and out of the world.

With a bang, the end-of-the-road creature of the weird race who was going to the altar exploded, and was shattered by the yellow paper, but the paper was also completely annihilated.

   "Is that man's rune paper?!" Someone whispered in the depths of the earth.

   is amazing, the talisman paper seems to carry immeasurable power, and actually cut off an immortal emperor!

  Unfortunately, the supreme power it carries is exhausted after all.

   "Since it makes people desperate, then kill them to madness, fellow daoists, I will go one step ahead and go mad and kill!" The carrion roared, really mad, he wanted to kill more Dao ancestors desperately.

  He had already exploded two of them just now, and, in close cooperation with Chu Feng, they were taken into the time furnace and burned!

   "Yes, even if you want to die, you have to die in battle!" Countless people responded.

  "I'm here. I was crowned the world's top for the tenth generation, but I was imprisoned in the underground palace. Killing a few Dao ancestors to wash away my shame!" someone shouted.

  It was the man Chu Feng had seen on that special night. He once said that the sun is full of ghosts.

   "Once you do it, it will disappear, and the mark of the underworld is already planted in your body!" A strange Taoist ancestor shouted.

   "If I was afraid of death, I would not appear in front of you. After waiting for so many years, isn't it just to kill the enemy?!" The man said.

   The carrion roared even more: "Master Dao’s main soul personally broke the prohibition and restored their combat power, enough to support several battles, killing a few Dao ancestors is no problem!"


  There is also a terrifying prehistoric creature. It turned out to be a sky-horned ant. It turned into a human form with supernatural power. After a loud roar, he tore the Taoist ancestor with his hands, bathed in blood and mad.

  At this time, the man who became king for the tenth generation also fought fiercely, exploding a strange Taoist ancestor.

  Chu Feng is driving fast, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, using the Time Furnace to collect those residual bones and real blood, and even harder to stuff his soul inside, he is trying his best to cremate!

  "#¥...The weird creature was furious, and someone shouted: "Kill the cremation ancestor first! "

  Chu Feng took a moment to react, is this talking about him? What a bad name, he won't accept it!

  The battle was extremely fierce, and in the end Gu Qing Dao collapsed. Because there were so many Dao ancestors of the strange race group, the two came to hunt him, vowing to be completely wiped out.

  After he collapsed, under the suppression of several Dao ancestors, he could no longer regroup.

  Chu Feng's eyes immediately turned red, and finally, the people around him began to die one after another.


   A cold snort, the weird immortal emperor outside the world snorted coldly, and all the creatures of all the heavens and all races were trembling suddenly, and could not help kneeling down.

  Also, another weird immortal emperor has already ascended to the grand black altar and is about to preside over the big sacrifice.

"Xiao Qingzi!" In Yang Jian, the dog Emperor's eyes are splitting, no matter what, he is also a contemporaneous fellow with Gu Qing's father. Usually, Gu Qing calls him one by one. The dog king is angry, desperate, and burdened. The emperor's corpse, holding the broken clock, rushed directly to the outside of the domain, regardless.

   With a boom, it smashed the remnant bell towards several Dao ancestors.

  However, at this moment, blood rushed from his body, directly piercing the immortal emperor outside the world, causing his head to shatter with a snap.

"Ye Ye, the back hand you left for me is really useful, is it your emperor blood? Really enjoyable, I shattered the head of the immortal emperor like a chamber pot, even though I am about to die in him. In hand."

  The King of Dogs laughed wildly.

  Sure enough, the head of the weird immortal emperor instantly recovered, and he stared directly at the dog emperor. This look was enough to kill him.

  However, the broken bell roared, blocked the front, and exploded at this moment.

  However, as the big bell exploded, in the river of light at that time, there was another bell that shook the past and the present.

   Immediately after, the waves of time splashed, blocking the weird immortal emperor from the world. At this moment, the emperor corpse on the dog emperor slowly got up, opened his eyes, and released his immense power!

The weird emperor stared at him and said: "In the first battle, my clan felt that you were about to break the order, so I killed you. I didn't expect your corpse falling in the river of time to be able to channel spirits. There is another brand in the river that echoes with your corpse. Have you walked into such a realm? No, you are dead after all. This kind of fruit is just a kind of sustenance. It belongs to the rebirth of the light and satisfies the wish of the past. You will end in a battle !"

   "You go back!" The man on the dog emperor's back got up. Although he was full of rotten aura, there was an immortal emperor's fruit status in the origin that had condensed and formed.

  It's just that the fruit position is full of cracks, and there is ominous power eroding, which seems to confirm the weird fairy emperor's words, he will end in a battle.

   "The Great!" The Emperor Dog rolled down with tears, and growled behind him.


  The right hand of the emperor's corpse caught in the long river of time in the void, and a big clock emerged, engraved with complex symbols, with endless lines and dazzling.

  He disappeared directly, and the big bell was lingering, suddenly covering the opposite fairy emperor in it, and when he was a body, countless blood mist burst out of it.

  This shocked the world.

  However, the strange immortal emperor reorganized his body, and still emerged again, still so indifferent, saying: "You can't hold on for long, and it's useless to work hard. For my clan, there is no such thing as burning jade and stone, never fear."

  However, what awaited him was the more domineering attack from the emperor's corpse. The long river of time rewinded and drowned him. He also stepped in and killed the strange immortal emperor.


  There is another large spatter of weird blood.

  The dog king wailed, and roared: "Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? At the sight of the beginning, the road becomes empty!"

  The heavens shake!

  Many elder fairy kings followed yelling, how could they not know the glorious past of this emperor, this is the person standing side by side with Ye Tiandi and the female emperor, known as the Three Heavenly Emperor!

  Today, has he returned? However, it makes people feel endless sadness, because, according to the strange fairy emperor, he will end one battle.


  The corpse of the emperor turned his back to the sentient beings, facing the world alone, walking forward alone, without turning his head, once again exploded the strange immortal emperor, but he himself was also dim.


   "At first sight, the road becomes empty!"

  Countless people shouted, and then they killed the strange army.

  Chu Feng was also fighting for his life. He also saw Li Lu, Yao Yao, etc., avoiding Dao Ancestor, fighting in the strange creature group, covered in blood.

  The great melee of the heavens, but the high-end combat power is too little.


  This is a special cycle of reincarnation collapsed and exploded. The mud tire sitting at the end of reincarnation was awakened, revived, and went directly to the battle.

  Also, nine ancient vermilion coffins came out with him.

  It’s just that the coffin was not opened, and the people inside seemed to have a problem, so they ran into the coffin directly!

  In the coffin, there is a suspected parent and child who sleeps in the coffin after death.


  The earth cracked, and Emperor Ye Tian and the empress cast spells, tearing through countless dark universes, and a brilliant rain of light came out through the empress.

  "With a thought, the flower blooms, the king is over the world!"

  A large expanse of light and rain fell on the grand black altar with a bang, and a flower that was amazing for ancient and modern bloomed, and a fairy fetus came out of it, which was split by the female emperor.

   "Kill!" She did it herself, fighting against the Lujin-level creatures of the strange race who presided over the big sacrifice on the black altar.

  However, her magical method has a time limit after all. She has beaten the opponent several times, and she is also dim, after all, she is not intimacy with her body.

  Sure enough, in the end, after she killed the other party again, she also turned into a rain of light and dissipated into the distance.


  Suddenly flew out a blood cauldron from Na'ertu, three legs and six ears, made of blood by Emperor Ye Tian, ​​blasted towards the altar with a bang, causing the person to explode again.

   "It's useless, our clan will last forever, and never fear that the jade will be burned. Even if it is truly annihilated, it will eventually be able to get out of the ancestral land. This is our heritage. Therefore, there is no race to be enemies in the world!"

  The figure on the altar said coldly, not caring that he was killed several times.

  In the distance, the emperor's corpse is still fighting, leaving his back to the world. He will always face the most powerful enemy. He will always go forward, bathing in the blood of the strange emperor, and the battle will not stop.

  Among the heavens, Patriarch Meng is also covered with blood, and the ground is full of blood and bones. His courage is amazing!

At this time, he was sad, with endless sadness, and said: "Invade my homeland, kill my children, stir up blood and fire and still have chaos, are weird and endless? Although we are still alive, we can come to this world. Coming, still did not solve the major problems."

  Then, Master Mengzu wrote the scriptures in blood, burned them in the void, and shouted: "Child, are you there, Huang, have you heard, I am calling your name, why don’t you come back?!"

  Finally, someone called that name!

  The whole world is silent for a moment!

   "Huang Tiandi, you are back!" Jiu Daoyi also shouted.

   "Child, Huang, where are you, have you heard my call?" Meng Zushi's voice was low and extremely sad.

   "Yes, I have always been!"

  Suddenly, someone responded softly, the voice was not high, but all the heavens and the world heard it, and it rang in everyone's ears.

   "What?!" Even the strange race was shocked, he...has been there all the time?

  At this time, outside of the world, a certain darkest area suddenly shined brightly, reflecting all the sky transparently.

  Then, many powerful evolutionaries saw that one.

  He stood there, covered in blood and severely injured, but he stood upright and stood firm.

   Opposite him, there are three unimaginable beings standing side by side, shaking down the long river of time and annihilating all tangible things.

   "The three great ancestors?!" Even strange creatures exclaimed.

  In this life, weird races are circulating inside, and the most powerful beings in the race will come back. Is there any discrepancy now? Are they saying that the three ancient ancestors will end the battle and return?

Those three incredible beings also have various road wounds on their bodies, constantly bleeding, but they don’t care, because behind them, there are three phantoms of coffins, as if they are lying on a plateau. Provide endless power for the three ancestors.

   "I killed some of them, but they will survive after all." The man whispered.

   "What?!" The strange race was shocked, and even the invincible ancestor was killed? With the help of ancestral land resurrection.

   "Child!" Grandmaster Meng couldn't help crying. The young man in his eyes had been fighting, facing an incredibly powerful enemy.

  "Great sacrifice, go on!" There seemed to be invincible existence in Ertu, and such an order was given.

  A strange immortal emperor appeared, walking towards the altar, preparing for blood sacrifice to the heavens.

   "The one who climbs the altar is dead!" Huang said, simple and straightforward!

  However, the three ancestors opposite him smiled, and one of them said: "Can you still interfere with the world?"

The second ancestor also opened his mouth, looked at the worlds, and said: "You may not know that the heavens once perished at the same time as God. It was him, the desert, which reflected that life in ancient times, and life and life saved you from that life. It's really amazing. You must know that the combination of the highest creatures of God has failed. However, he himself is also weak."

  Luo of God was shocked when he heard that, did it all by himself?

   "So, he can't fight anymore, who else can he deter?" said the third ancestor.

  Master Meng suddenly roared and was extremely sad.

   Then, the weird immortal emperor directly boarded the grand black altar.


  But the next moment there was a huge palm, which suddenly appeared, so that the strange immortal emperor couldn't react at all, grabbed him in the palm of his hand, grabbed him directly, blood dripped out, and he never returned.


  At this time, the depths of the earth suddenly boiled, and the emperor Ye Tian and the female emperor were covered in blood, they were killed out, and they were heading toward the emperor Huang Tian, ​​wanting to face the three ancestors!


  The world exploded, and people can see nothing.

  In the heavens, the evolutionaries of all races are also crazy, fighting back desperately, killing the strange race.

  The Dao ancestor battle has also reached a fever pitch. Chu Feng is covered in blood. Not counting the Dao ancestor he cremated for others, he himself has killed four!

"Am I going to die?" He was stunned. After all, this is not his power, and can only promote the power of the ancestor-level debut. After all, the **** the pollen road has long died, and the rest is not even a spirit, as for Shi After all, the pot was just a utensil, and the power it provided to Chu Feng did not cross the sky to the immortal emperor level.

   "Kill!" Chu Feng roared and killed again.

  I don’t know how long, he looked back at Yang Jian, looking for those familiar with him, and shouted: "King, keep them!"

  He saw Zhou Xi, and was waving his hand desperately, with tears on his face. He wanted to rush out, but he was firmly held back.

   "To live, to see our children!" She cried.

   "Chu Feng!" A group of people such as Lao Gu, Da Hei Niu, and Mitian shouted.

   "You all leave me!" The dog king let out a roar in grief, and then, it began to shine, and with a boom, those people were shrouded, gradually blurred, and disappeared.

   However, in a daze, it seemed that a silver-haired figure ran out and did not leave.


  The dog king can't take care of that much, and with a loud roar, it rushes to the outside world and is about to fight to death!


  Outside the sky, various orders are intertwined, and Dao Ancestor-level energy is boiling.

  To the end, Chu Feng smashed all the stone jars out to save Nine Daoyi and waved the Shiqin assault.

  Afterwards, he saw the dog king disintegrate, exploded, and died outside the battlefield. He also saw more people fall...

  Until the end, he also fell down, his eyes were dark, ignorant, and plunged into eternal darkness.