MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1641 The world is splendid, God is dead

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  The dog emperor died like this, it was a bit bleak, and Chu Feng was silent for a long time, and it was a little unacceptable. After suffering to this life, the dog finally did not see everything it saw.

  It was lonely, sad and hopeless, even if it was nostalgic, it also left.

  This matter is only known to a few people, because once the public influence is too great, it can be regarded as a symbol of an era, leaving the mark of a certain world.

  Its death, if the trouble is known to the world, it will cause unpredictable panic and chaos. Imagine that even the creatures who have spent the years with the emperor are withered. What about the others? Does this era mean that it is destined to die out quickly, and it will be regarded as the end of the world!

Chu Feng left sadly. Although this dog was never brilliant, its straight-forward character and its legendary past still left him with an indelible impression, the dog king whispered before his death. He was moved by shouting.

   "May your soul return to the past and find the people you want to see." Chu Feng sighed lightly.

He thought of the future, whether one day, the people around him will die one by one, and whether the **** cow, the east big tiger, etc. will also be like the king of dogs, some of them will stay in the world and live alone for a long time. , And finally passed away with boundless sadness and sadness.

  He didn't want to see that kind of picture, he didn't want to leave and die, he wanted to keep everything.

  But, all of this requires strength, and he needs to become strong enough!

  In the next few years, Chu Feng still walked in the world, comprehending the way of the future. During this period, he and Yaoyao met twice to discuss the future Tao and Dharma.

   Above the red fairy, before entering the realm of the fairy king, is there a stronger fairy?

  Chu Feng and Yaoyao are determined to go far enough on the road of evolution, longing for the end of the road, do they need to be further sublimated in each great realm, and repeatedly break the ceiling, so that it is possible to reach the highest realm?

  If you take a wrong step and make a mistake, you may miss the ultimate opportunity.

  They are all very serious and serious. For this reason, they read the classics, search for legends, and even consult the Jiudao first class.

  Afterwards, all the legends about outstanding people in the past were sent to the two.

  Among them, there are part of the experience about that person, as well as about the road that the Three Heavenly Emperor has traveled. This is really precious and priceless!

   Both Chu Feng and Yao Yao were moved, studied carefully, read carefully, this is not a scripture, not a secret method, but it is likely to be better.

  This is the result of having an indelible heritage. Some problems and some deductions have been solved by the former sages.

  Especially for a wild road like Chu Feng, these experiences are even more precious.

  In the past few years, some good seedlings have been found in Yangjian, Great Yinjian and other places, which can be called immortal seeds, and more special Taoism.

"From a few years old to a teenager, it’s like a stubble waiting to thrive. Some children are not only amazing in physique, but also amazing in savvy. It’s hard to say where they can go. If you give them time, I think they will usher in one. Brilliant world!"

  Even Gu Qing was excited. After he abdicated, his time became more abundant, and he went to various places to preach and enlighten him. He was moved by seeing those young people, which shows how amazing the beauty of this group of talents is.

  "Every time a troubled time comes, there will be wizards, and there will be many creatures, and every time the prosperous time reappears, there will be all kinds of gods, celestial species and so on." Jiudaoyi sighed.

   "If there is ample time, these people will grow up, it will be a bright and prosperous age!" Gu Qing said with great certainty.

  In fact, their vision is still vicious. After another ten years, some geniuses will emerge, and they can’t hide that kind of light.

  "Train them well. Maybe they paid a huge price during the turmoil last time. They have to recuperate for many years. This is our opportunity. Don't let the two emperors pay. This is the time they have won for us."

  "It is better to calm down for more than half of the era."

  The two old men hoped, but they knew it was unrealistic. The end of the world would come at any time, and the heavens might fall down one day.

  The main reason is that the road end-level creatures are too invincible. If there is no strong person of the same level, they will not be able to fight.

  A few more years have passed, and the geniuses in the heavens have grown extremely fast.

   "When the Heavenly Zong God King Li Qing confronted the dark creature Eight-Armed Black Spider King Chenguang who sharpened himself between Laiyang, he was strong against the latter!"

"This is the 96th victory after Li Qing's rise. Especially recently, the strange race went deep into the heavens and often confronted us. Li Qing killed more than 20 geniuses in succession. It really shines on the world. !"

   Afterwards, the newly promoted Zhou Hong Tianzun was even more famous for killing six geniuses of weird creatures.

  The most amazing thing is that there are rumors that Li Lu Chengzu is expected to be promoted!

  He tied several chains to his sarcophagus with several complete avenues of evolution and civilization. From prehistoric to this life, he is really about to start reaping amazing fruits.

  Chu Feng went to understand the situation and determined that this was not a rumor, which surprised him.

  Because, judging from Li Lu's current age, if he succeeds, he can be regarded as a relatively "young" Taoist ancestor with amazing potential.

  For a time, all over the world, a hundred schools of thought contended, and extraordinary people of various races appeared one after another. It is awe-inspiring that if there is no threat of ominous power, a splendid world is really coming.

During this period, the road-end-class creature that stepped on the emperor bones and rushed back from Jihai to enter Etu and then smashed out, once again appeared once again, gave Etu a brutal, then tore God, roared : "The sky is broken, and God is dead?!"


Chu Feng passed by Yangjian Xiazhou, stopped, went to visit the carrion again, and also went to pay homage to the dog king. He always felt that one glance was missing. This great world might collapse sometime, some people and graves Can't find it anymore.

"Gouzi, open your eyes and take a look. Another great world has arrived in a trance. There are many talents, all kinds of arrogances are fighting for hegemony, the new generation rises, and everything is thriving. Everything is so beautiful. If you are still alive, do you want to cultivate a few traits? A young man of blood?"

  In the yard, the carrion corpse was drinking dull wine, full of emotions, chattering there, talking to the king of dogs.

"Back then, Li Yan, who was tested by us, that black-hearted, black-handed, black kid who looks like you and me, is going to rise up, and he will have to ask Dao ancestors! With you and me in this state, if you meet him again, I guess It's not to toss him, but to be beaten by him."

Chu Feng came, and when he heard this kind of words, he also sighed. The relationship between the carrion and the dog king is indeed very deep. Although the two have pitted each other for many times, the life and death show their true love, and he feels painful. Through the bones.


  Chu Feng discovered that the dog king’s body was dug out from the forest outside the courtyard and placed on a stone table in the courtyard.

  "This is?" He didn't understand, so he was a little confused.

The carrion voice was low and very sad, and said: "The old people have gone one by one. Although I and the dog pitted each other all the way, but after it left, my heart is like a knife and I can't bear it. I think about us every day. I couldn’t help it from the past, so I invited it out of the grave and let it accompany me, so that even if one day a strange race comes and the sky collapses, our two old men will not be separated and sleep forever. Together too."

  Chu Feng was moved and was really moved. The relationship between the two of them was too deep, and their noses were sour.

   Looking down and staggering to get up, full of alcohol, is he drunk every day to relieve his worries?

  Chu Feng sighed again, but it is a pity that the strong men of that era are now in their twilight years and have been maimed in the war, almost depleting their source.

The carrion got up, found a splendid bottle, and said: "Doug, this is the wine syrup brewed by the Emperor himself in the past. It collects the essence of the heavens and blends it into the strange species of the heavens. You and I have both drank it back then. It is really a brew. I was reluctant to drink it all, and left a small pot. I will sacrifice it to you today."

However, he stopped again and said, "But it's a waste to pour it underground like this. There is only half a pot in the world. Although you love this wine syrup, you died in the end. Since the little friend Chu Feng came here to pay tribute to you today , It means that he is a person of great sentimentality, so let him drink it on your behalf. This may make him break through. It is good for you and him, leave a thought, and it is not a waste. "

   At this moment, it was extremely abrupt, and the dry dog ​​emperor sat up straight, as if he couldn't wait.

   "Which, I think, I can save it, I'm not dead, I'll do it myself!"

  Chu Feng was shocked on the spot. He couldn't believe his eyes and was stunned!

  The carrion corpse breathes fire, staring at it there, where there is some liquor, the bottle is empty.

  The dog king saw this, his face was dull, and he lay down straight, saying: "So I am dead, and this last ray of obsession should be gone."

   "Dogzi, you are enough!" The carrion roared, rushed over, and directly raised the emperor.

  In fact, there was someone who reacted faster than him. Jiu Daoyi didn’t know what was coming, and with a black face, he pulled the dog king over and said: "Bottle boy, I have deceived my old man!"

  He didn't say anything, it was just a beating.

   "Wang, oh, don't fight, stop, I'm really going to die if you fight again!" The dog emperor screamed.

   is not only one action of nine ways, but also the carrion is not a good kind, constantly arguing around the fire, and he himself came to an end and beat the dog king.

  Chu Feng was messed up in the wind, the dog was not dead, and he still finds it difficult to accept it.

  Human nature, dog nature, Chu Feng wanted to hit the dog very much, and was sad for him, but in the end, he stood up alive and kicking.

At this moment, the carrion's forehead was fiercely blue, and while following the beating dog king, he shouted: "I let you lie to my tears, special, how many years have been, have been pitting me, are you a rehearsal? Even death. Hang me once!"

  He is really angry.

  And Jiu Daoyi mainly felt that his old face was dull. This dead dog didn't know what to do. It was shameful and hateful to hide from him, the Dao ancestor.

  Gu Qing arrived to rescue the dog king, otherwise it would have to be hanged by Jiudaoyi and the carrion for three days and three nights.

  After the dog was released, he screamed in pain for a while, and it slowed down, as if it had awakened, and recovered. Suddenly, the dog's face was dragged, and he looked at the carrion with a bad look.

"Dead Taoist priest, have you seen it a long time ago, so you dug me out of the earthen grave and put me in the sun every day, and you hide yourself under the bamboo forest in the courtyard, drinking small wine, Enjoy your trip!"

  Speaking of the end, the dog king is gnashing his teeth.

  When he heard this, Chu Feng was in a daze again. Both of them are really bad people. It is still unclear who scammed them.

  Then, regardless of Jiudaoyi, he directly picked up the dog Huang and the rotten corpse together, and had a happily beaten together. The old man's skin was refreshed and he walked away.

  The carrion corpse has a blue nose and swollen face, a bit resentful, who is going to make sense, but he was beaten up and dragged into the water by the dead dog.

   "You dare to say, you didn't cheat me?" The dog king said angrily. It has been suspicious, and the carrion is basking on it. It is not missing, but seeing the clue.

The carrion said: "You were indeed deceived at the beginning and shed tears of injustice, but afterwards I realized that you, a dead dog, are the most greedy for life and the least want to die. How can you be willing to die like this? Especially the two emperors have already appeared, no Knowing what is going on with them, how could you be world-weary, and you will live and wait until the result!"

   Then, the two of them pinched up.

  Chu Feng's face is full of black lines, these two goods are not things.

The dog emperor turned his head to look at him, and said seriously, "Actually, I was also for you. I died like this, did you touch your heart? The extremely strong desire to become stronger, did your mood change? Really? Experience the cruelty of the great world, the scorching coldness of the world, I am perfecting you!"

  Looking at it with a heavy tone and awe-inspiring manner, Chu Feng was almost moved, but in the end he ignored it, cheated, and wanted to be fooled? !

   "You, don't understand me, the emperor really wants to help you transform."

  It calmed down in the yard.

  Until a long time, the dog king sighed: "I really feel too tired to live like this. I want to hide in the grave to wake up, but you, the tomb thief who steals the grave, actually dug me out again!"

   "Actually, I just want to see if there is a **** who will save me in a dream or see me off. I really want to contact them and see everything in the mist, because there are many things I can't figure out!"

  Speaking of this, the dog king became serious and said: "Have you ever thought about why the emperor did not see us? Is it because they have something abnormal, or is there something wrong with this world, or is there something wrong with you and me?"

  The carrion looked solemn immediately, he also realized some problems, and began to think very seriously.

   "In the past few years, I lay quietly in the grave, emptied my soul, and seriously thought about a lot of questions." The dog king whispered.

  Two monsters that have survived from a very ancient time, staring at each other, they can see something from the bottom of their eyes, and their scalp explodes.

   Seeing that they stopped speaking, Chu Feng didn't want to stay anymore, and said hello to Gu Qing next to him, and walked out.

  "If the sky falls, the emperor collapses, and you believe in a dog, you must be deceived." Chu Feng shook his head and disappeared in the mountains.

  Gu Qing was speechless, and he actually caught one.

  This is a very contradictory era.

   Blood and chaos may occur in the world at any time, and the ominous power may be poured into the heavens at any time.

   However, in this context, the heavens and all walks of life have been prospering in the past ten to twenty years, and the new generation has given birth to one dazzling star.

  Many of the physique, dao bones, immortal fetus, holy blood, etc. recorded in the history books have emerged in some young people, and they have really surprised many old monsters.

It can be expected that in a few more years, this is destined to be a splendid world. Whenever the stars shine, the evolutionary world must expand violently. The overall strength and even the entire evolutionary civilization will be greatly improved. Blooming more brilliant light.

It’s just that the older characters are getting more anxious and worried. Some fairy kings even feel a deep chill. An instinct makes them shudder and trance, as if they saw a pair of eyes outside the world slowly opening, about to watch. The heavens!

   "There is a way to the end, the creatures have awakened, and have they begun to pay attention to the world? Is he going to do it?!"

  Jiu Daoyi felt the cold air, his hair was terrified.

  The new generation, ignorant and unconscious, they are full of blood and passion. They are swaying their lofty feelings, roaming everywhere, and new people rise every day, and the stars are shining and shining.

  Time is flowing in such a contradictory world. The older generations feel intensely uneasy, and they have a sense of heaven and earth. The new generation has high morale, longing for it, and wants to go against the sky.

  Decades have passed, and when converted to a foreign land, it will be many thousands of years.

  Many of the people who came in at the time have already returned and have not continued to retreat here, because there are some levels that can break through the past without relying on vast time.

  Most people have reached the bottleneck period of this life. It takes a certain chance to break through, and a sudden realization!

  Whether it is Ouyang Weird Dragon, Scalper, Lao Gu and Da Hei Niu, Li Jiuxiao, Ji Caixuan and others, these years have all been rising up and their strength has surged.

  They really worked hard, and their own way and realm, etc., have indeed advanced by leaps and bounds, and they have made astounding achievements.

  However, this is a brilliant and prosperous age, and it is also the beginning of the end of the world. No matter how strong they are, they are probably useless and hard to do.

  Once the great sacrifice begins, Lujin-level creatures open their eyes and step into the heavens. Everyone will perish, and even the universe will be overthrown.

  If it really reaches that point, even Daozu will not have a chance to shoot.

  So, in recent years, Chu Feng took Zhou Xi and brought a group of people such as Lao Gu, Monkey Mitian, Scalper, Dongdahu, etc. to walk around, visit famous places, travel through great rivers and mountains, and enlighten the scriptures of ancient sages and historic sites.

  In general, he brought a group of relatives, friends and old friends to walk around the world, exuding the beauty of mountains and rivers, and feeling the world, and let the heartstrings of years of hard cultivation completely relax.

  Actually, he was worried, fearing that one day he would never see them again. If there is a mess, they don’t know where they are going or whether they can live.

  Even if it is Chu Feng himself, he does not know his future fate. Can he survive it? Because he made up his mind to kill the weird Daozu!

  Since he couldn't dodge the big sacrifice, he would fight to the end. If he finds the opportunity to kill a few, he will kill a few. He is ready to die.

  He is willing to get together with these people more. He doesn't know what tomorrow will be like, but his heart is always full of reluctance.

  At first, these people were very happy. They came out of the state of asceticism and traveled the world together, which was full of laughter and joy.

  However, over time, they also realized something, and their hearts became a little heavy.

   "Remember each other, no matter where you and I are in the future, whether you still exist in the world, today you and I will not fade away, and will stay in our hearts forever!"

  When he heard such words, Chu Feng sighed. He felt heavy. Since they all realized something, it would be meaningless to go on, and it would only add to the sadness.

   However, when everyone heard that they would disperse, they were full of reluctance.

   "Let's take another trip, the last one!" Someone suggested.

  Chu Feng nodded and said, "Okay, then we will go to a special place this time to see if we can get together with friends who are far away."

  Yang, Taishang gossip is forbidden, the creatures here suddenly changed color after seeing Chu Feng. This is not the little monk of the year. The cremation of the aisle ancestor is really scary.

  Of course, they are fortunate that when Gu Qing’s heavenly court was first established, they responded immediately, and they had already returned.

   However, today Chu Feng revisited the old place, it is not to be difficult for them.

  He is a good talker, and he wants to enter that special space, where there is a connection with God, if he opens the door, he can talk to the person above.

  To this day, in this special space, the mark left by the empress has disappeared.

  As for the two Daewoo-class medicinal herbs, they were also supplied to the heavenly court. Gu Qing had personally come to deal with the strange remnants here.

   "Is anyone in the passage above?" Chu Feng shouted.

  Even, he rose up into the sky, personally shaking the void with special Dao patterns.

  However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and the channel did not open.

  Finally, he took out the Shiqin and smashed it a few times.

  A long time later, there was finally movement in the passage, a gap was opened, and a creature poked its head out and looked down.

  Chu Feng frowned immediately, he actually felt a kind of dead silence, the above seemed empty, there were not many people.

  "Who are you?" Finally, the creature with its head sticking out in the passage opened its mouth, and asked stupidly.

   "I am Chu Feng."

   "I haven't heard of it." The creature in the passage is a strong man with three heads and six arms, and his ethnic blood is very strong.

   "I don't know if it is very close to the residence of Tao Zi Zhen Teng, and how far is it from Luo Tianxian's master gate?" Chu Feng asked.

  "Do you know Luo Tianxian?!" The person above showed surprise.

   "Yes, if it's convenient, and if it's not too far away from her, please help tell me, the old man Chu Feng would like to see her."

  Chu Feng said, he also held the attitude of trying it out.

  No one knows what the future will be. If you think about it now, try it out. Chu Feng brought the scalpers, Lao Gu and others here, and wanted to communicate with the Daozi of God.

  Although it was a bit presumptuous, he didn't think it was too inappropriate. At the beginning, the other party had invited him, so he can discuss it again in the future.

  In this special era, he didn't know how long he could live, whether he would have a chance to see those Daozi again, so he came directly.

  Furthermore, his evolution and his practice have reached a special level. If God has a secret method, has the experience of predecessors' handwriting, etc., it may allow him to understand by analogy and solve many problems.

  Many years have passed, and he has a good impression of Zhen Teng and Luo Tianxian. I wonder if he can meet him here.

   didn't wait long, Luo Tianxian actually came, besides Zhen Teng, there were several other young evolutionaries who didn't know him.

  In a bright beam, several people descended and appeared in this special space.

   However, after seeing them, Chu Feng felt his scalp numb, and his heart was restless, feeling extremely strange!

how so? He stood in front of Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Ouyang Dalong and others.

  In an instant, he knew what was going on, it seemed that it was not because of Luo Tianxian? Was there something abnormal behind him, that... the female ghost appeared?

  This time, the stone pot has not recovered, and there are no golden ripples under his feet, but there is an extra creature on his body!

  What is the situation, the female ghost was born alone?

  Chu Feng was cold all over, he wanted to determine whether it was a female ghost or a monster with thick hair.

  Although he has hairy, he is still very courageous, and copy his hands directly back.

  However, this time he neither touched the pin-like long hair, nor touched the long smooth legs, but heard a faint sigh.

  That creature made a sound? She is indeed a woman!

  Next, Chu Feng felt so strange, mysterious, and dreamlike. After he briefly introduced Luo Tianxian and Zhen Teng and others to his side, the two sides communicated extremely harmoniously.

  The few people who came down from the heavens were all Taoists and were very enthusiastic. They talked happily with Zhou Xi, Huang Niu, Mitian, Lao Gu and others, and mentioned various issues on the road of evolution.

  As for Chu Feng, sitting opposite Luo Tianxian, very close, he clearly felt her unusual aura.

   Strangely, the people around seemed to ignore the two of them, including Zhou Xi, too. They seemed to have similar interests with a female sister from God, and laughed at each other from time to time.

  Chu Feng realized that he and Luo Tianxian seemed to be separated from the people around them, and no one affected or disturbed them.

  The people nearby are clearly close to each other, but they regard the two as air, as if they have forgotten.

"Sister, I haven't seen it for a long time." At this time, Luo Tianxian finally spoke, still beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, but her name made Chu Feng's scalp feel like an electric shock, her cold hair burst, and her body rose directly. Layers of goose bumps.

  This is definitely not for him, can Luo Tianxian see that female ghost? !

   "Multiple epochs have passed, I am dead, and you are also very difficult, you have been very hard to support." Behind Chu Feng, a woman's voice came faintly.

  Sure enough, Luo Tianxian was talking to that female ghost!

  Chu Feng almost jumped up, not wanting to stand in between this person and a ghost, this matter was a bit too abnormal, and it was terrifying to think deeply.

  How could Luo Tianxian know the female ghost behind him? Moreover, the two were clearly talking on an equal footing, which was incredible.

  Chu Feng realized that the people around had indeed ignored them, as if he hadn’t heard the words here, hadn’t seen them.

  He couldn’t help but look back. This time, he saw the female ghost vaguely and saw some terrifying truth!

   is indeed a woman, with loose hair and can't see her real face, but it is fascinating, and she can't help thinking that she is the world's best.

  The scary thing is that she fell in a pool of blood!

  Moreover, behind her, there were a few coffins vaguely, very far away, not real.

  "我##!" At this moment, Chu Feng felt that his scalp was about to explode. He had seen this scene before, it was so horrible, he realized who this woman was.

  The road blocker of the pollen evolution road, the life at the end of the road, suspected to be killed by a strange creature. Before the endless years, even the entire evolution road was polluted!

  Although there have been some hazy speculations long ago, but today it was confirmed that the female ghost was really her, Chu Feng was still shocked, and then he was terrified.

   Isn’t this woman dead? Why can I still speak, and, all these years, she has been by his side, and he even carried her back.

   Then, Chu Feng suddenly looked at Luo Tianxian again. She could see the woman who fell on the pollen road, so what identity was she? It's definitely not Daozi!

   "Yeah, I can't hold it anymore, God is empty, I should give up." Luo Tianxian responded, showing a sense of sorrow, and then brought out endless sadness.

  What are you talking about, I don’t understand! Chu Feng wanted to shout, but after he knew what level of creature it was, he was very responsible and didn't act arbitrarily.

  Besides, he was between these two women, and he felt that this special little world was very abnormal, with strands of warm current passing by, is that their power? However, it never hurt him.

It was at this time that when the warm current spread, Chu Feng’s pupils seemed to briefly open up an abnormal change that outsiders could not predict. He actually saw many abnormalities and saw extremely terrifying sights. It seemed that what he saw right now was what he saw. The real world? !

  The few Daozi not far away were actually bloodless, pale as paper, and even their bodies were dim and hazy, very unreal.

  "Ghost?!" Chu Feng couldn't believe it.

   Then, he raised his head, looked at the passage connecting with God, stared hard, and saw part of the scene of God.

  What kind of world is that? Lifeless, although the essence is there, it is entangled with the strange matter, and the whole world seems to be dying.

   "Do you want to see God?" Luo Tianxian finally looked at Chu Feng, smiled slightly at him, and said something like this.

   "Last time we faced off..." Chu Feng couldn't say anymore. This was clearly a creature of the dead end. How could he face her against her many years ago?

"That was me in many epochs, when I was young." Luo Tianxian whispered, and said: "You can kill me in the same age and young age, and win in the end, which is enough to explain your extraordinary. "

  Many epochs, she was a girl? Chu Feng discovered that what he has experienced today is really incomprehensible and subversive.

   "Let me take you to see the real God." Luo Tianxian said, taking Chu Feng into the sky, turning into colorful light.

Below   , Zhou Xi, Huang Niu, Lao Gu and others still didn't notice.

  From the passage up to the sky, Chu Feng followed Luo Tianxian into a vast world, the mountains and rivers are still there, but the whole world is dead, and occasionally you can see stone monuments and monuments under the grass.

  Many mountains are broken, but the aura has not diminished much, but why does it give people such a strong feeling of death?

The breath of    is quite messy, in addition to the essence of the world, there is also death, and even strange substances, lingering with ominous power!

   "Look, this broken giant mountain used to be the birthplace of a certain evolutionary civilization." Luo Tianxian pointed.

  Just what is left here now? In the depths of the grass, under the soil, there are rubbles, and there are countless debris lying in the large area of ​​ruins.

   "The corner of the land you see is enough to represent the entire heaven." Luo Tianxian said.

   "The whole movie is like this?!" Chu Feng's heart trembled.

  He still couldn't believe it, but this is God, it turned into a ruins, some of the ancestral lands of evolution civilization have been ruined like this?

   "But last time, I clearly saw God's talents, there are so many immortal kings, and Dao Ancestor has made a move. How can you say that God has been dead for a long time?" Chu Feng was too puzzled.

   "Last time? You had a duel with me. Looking back now, do you still believe it?" Luo Tianxian asked him.

  Small book booth used by book friends before .

   "What is going on?" Chu Feng asked bitterly, what he experienced today is too mysterious and too evil.

   "At the time of the duel, we actually wanted to bring in the power of the heavens and invite sentient beings to enter the heavens, but then we gave up and felt inappropriate."

   Luo Tianxian said: "What you see is the result of the hard work of a few of us. The waves on the river of time have been reflected in the present world since ancient times."

   Then, she added: "Only the souls at the end of the road can see the real world of God, and even the ancestors of Dao can't see through it."

Then, she withdrew the warm power from Chu Feng, and he immediately saw that the earth was vast, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and many evolutionaries flew across the sky. The tallest mountain not far away was even more brilliant. Qionglou Yuyucheng Films, countless disciples, majestic mountain gates, many immortal birds and beasts, guard this pure land.

  These Lingshan mountains are splendid, the lakes of the gods are splendid, and the celestial misty and peaceful Xianjia mansion is more like the atmosphere of God.

   "This..." Chu Feng's heart was shaken. This is the God he thinks in his heart. A corner of the land is already prosperous and powerful.

   "That is the old scene many years ago, what you see is shining, everything is caused by our hard work." Luo Tianxian said.

  The warm power flowing in Chu Feng's body, he once again saw the real world, where there is any prosperous evolutionary tradition, there is full of ruins, and the broken walls are covered under the grass and soil.

   "Many years ago, God was defeated. The creatures were charcoal and bloodshed. More than 80% of the lives of all races died. The only ones who are at the end of the road are Menghai and the man who bestowed the three emperor projections on Gu Qing."

  Even if it is a dead-end creature, it can be killed!

  As long as there is thought, if someone thinks about him, he can reproduce the world, and naturally there is a way to crack it.

  Otherwise, from ancient times to the present, the souls at the end of the road will not be attenuated. If everyone is difficult to destroy, it will be contrary to the Tao.

"The dead fellow daoists each left a trace of spirit and wanted to come back to life, and Meng Hai and I also wanted to restore God and replay the past with great mana, hoping to change from the imaginary to the real, and at the same time lead the other fellows. Fellow Daoists recovered and returned, but Ertu did not give us a chance."

   Reflecting reality since ancient times, interpreting the past, making all the dead think that they are alive and still in their respective brilliant times?

  What a terrifying force this is!

  Her words are shocking. Is this the truth?

  Just, they still failed.

  "A hundred years ago, in the deepest part of Ertu, the most mysterious and unpredictable ancestral land of the weird races, there were unmatched fluctuations. In the end, there were three coffins that shone forever in the long river of history and shattered all our efforts."

  In this battle, let alone the few people who wanted to recover, even if Meng Hai died a few years ago.

  In addition, the remaining 20% ​​of God’s living creatures almost all dissipated, making the vast land invisible to the evolutionary and almost dying out.

   "The big sacrifice happened to God." Luo Tianxian said heavily.

  She barely survived, but her own way was damaged and suffered the most severe erosion. She was struggling to support her, reflecting the old scene of the past, walking in the river of time since ancient times, and want to recover.

  What is that method? Reflecting on the present world in ancient times, walking from death, and thus returning, if it is strong enough, can even part of God "resurrect"?

   "God dies!" Chu Feng muttered to himself, really unacceptable, making his heart tremble.

   "It's a pity, I failed. I am the only one left." Luo Tianxian sighed lightly. Even if she can recover, it is impossible to bring God back to the past.

  It's dead here!

  At this moment, Chu Feng thought of the words that the strongest expert who walked on the way back to the emperor bone screamed: "The sky has collapsed, and God is dead?"

  At that time, whether it was Chu Feng or the other evolutionaries of the heavens, they believed that the strong man was talking angry words, and was angry at the heavens to see death and stood by.

  Now it seems that what he drank out was the most simple and essential... the truth? !

  Afterwards, Chu Feng thought of what weird creatures had said, which roughly meant that God was no longer able to do it, and it would become a ghost domain!

  After many years, this turned out to be true!

   "Are the creatures in the depths of the earth so powerful? Even the gods are destroyed!" Chu Feng sighed endlessly, which was a bit unbelievable.

"Yes, because, after the death of the weird race, the powerhouse can still reappear, staying in the world, even if we kill them many times, it will not work, everything is because of their ancestral land, where they can live out again. , This is their biggest reliance."

  Xiandi, it is difficult to kill, but after all, this world is still a special zone, with terrible means that can kill creatures of this level.

  However, the ancestral land of strange races is unsolvable!

  Luo Tianxian took Chu Feng to retreat from God and return to the lower realm. In this special little world, other people are still talking about the Tao, without knowing it, they are talking about speculation.

  Chu Feng has a sense of alienation, like watching the tragicomedy scenes in the painting, and he temporarily became an outsider.

   "Sister, don't you want to really come back?" Luo Tianxian asked the woman who was lying in a pool of blood in an abnormal place.

   "Although there is little hope, I have also shown a body, but it is not the reappearance of the former me, but the integration with the present world and reshaping."

   After Chu Feng heard it, his expression was shocked. Who is the figure of this slender woman on the pollen road?

  Does he know each other? !

   Luo Tianxian said: "The figure that I have shown since ancient times is still the me when I was young, that is, Luo Tianxian. She thought she was still alive in that brilliant era, and I should let her blend into this world.

"You are not dead, but you have survived. In the ancient times, your Taoism will gradually recover, but the premise is that you don't hold on to some of the old scenes of God, or you will be hurt yourself." The woman on the pollen road said , And then she fell silent.

   "What should I call you?" Chu Feng looked at Luo Tianxian.

  "My fellow daoists at the same level call me Luo. You should call me my young name, Luo Tianxian." Luo said.

  Chu Feng nodded hurriedly. He would not directly call her Luo when he killed him. Few people dared to call out the recognized name of Lu Jin-level creatures, otherwise various unpredictable things would happen.

  Although the Lord is right in front of him, he should not do anything to him.

  However, Chu Feng felt that it is better not to touch a certain taboo.

  "Can I ask some questions?" Chu Feng asked.

   Luo directly refused, saying: "No!"

  Chu Feng was stunned, he hadn't asked yet, he had never said what the problem was.

Luo explained: "What you want to understand is bound to involve life at the end of the road, and if I help you deduct it, it may attract the eyes of the adversary. I am seriously damaged in my way, and I may perish myself. I reject it myself. Risk involved."

  Chu Feng was silent, his question did involve these.

  As for the female ghost next to him, don't count on it. I haven't talked to him for so many years.

When this gathering was over, both Zhou Xi, Lao Gu, Da Hei Niu and others were all unwilling and quite reluctant, because they were in the same spirit with the simple and simple Taoists of God, and they were quite late when they met. Feeling, although parting, but already looking forward to the next meeting.

  What can Chu Feng say? Only with a bitter smile, goodbye, the people from ancient times to the present.

  They left and set off on their way home.

  What will happen in the future? Chu Feng felt that whether it was good or bad, everything was coming to an end and there would be results.

  He was throbbing inside and was deeply disturbed. Perhaps the earth-shattering change is about to begin, and the horror curtain has been slowly opened!

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