MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1597 Who can be unbeaten all the way?

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There is another person coming from God, listening to his tone, he must be a Daozi-level creature, with a strong, confident, and indifferent tone that has been revealed before the person arrives.

"Which Taoist came to this world?"

"Couldn't it be those Daozi with a bad temper that were disturbed? In that case, once the move is made, the world must be shaken!"

The mid-green evolutionists of God are looking forward to it. Not long ago, they were too depressed. All of them were suppressed by Chu Feng alone, making them dull and uncomfortable.

The heavens and all races are silent, they are also waiting, will a stronger Taoist appear?

The people's minds were really bottomless, and they made a cold sweat for Chu Feng. After all, they were facing God.

He can defeat a Daozi, which is already an astonishing brilliant record, but God is unfathomable, and God knows what kind of monster will come down.

After all, that piece of the legendary Supreme Pure Land has given birth to some extremely brilliant evolutionary civilizations that cannot be predicted.

The fairy mist was filled, and a person walked out from the portal of the heavens. He was not very tall, thin, and his eyes were very energetic, like two piles of fairy fire burning deep in the eye sockets.

He seemed to be in a youthful state, but Chu Feng estimated that this was just a representation, at least this person had been on the evolutionary path for more than a hundred years.

"Dao Zi Yun Heng!

"It was Master Yun Heng who came here!"

Many people were surprised and recognized the identity of the person who came.

Master, this appellation is not simple. It has virtue inside and the holy Dharma is reflected outside, which is above people.

Generally speaking, the middle and young generations will not have this kind of respect, and their identity and experience are not enough to support it.

However, this Daozi has received such honorifics, obviously his origins are not simple.

"Dao Zi Yun Heng is an ascetic monk who walks all over the heavens. He specializes in eliminating ominous and adversity. He has his own merits for all beings in the world." Someone whispered.

Even in the heavens, there are some terrifying relics and ancient badlands, and there are a lot of ominous substances remaining. This Taoist traveled all over the place, refining strange energy? Many people admire him.

No matter where it is, no one wants to contact ominousness because it is easy to damage one's own way.

Therefore, Yun Heng is called Master by many people.

"In this world? Who can be undefeated all the way? There is no one who is always invincible. You can beat Daozi one time? When the rapids retreat. But you are more arrogant and want to fly above the sky? So you can see all the mountains? Unfortunately, the lower bound. Can't such a person be born? You passed it!"

Yun Heng said? Still indifferent.

For the passage before him? Chu Feng has some feelings? Who can sing all the way in this world? No one can be brilliant forever.

The Heavenly Emperor who was stronger than that year should be the highest creature at the end of the road, but now I don't know where it is? What happened.

Every era has its own brilliance, and even the most brilliant will come to an end, even though Jiudaoyi, Dog King and others are unwilling to accept it.

Even though Chu Feng was very confident and extremely powerful, he never thought that he would fight all the Daozi of God in one day.

That's not realistic!

He needs to accumulate. At the very least, he has to take the path he can see clearly first. For example, first perfect the Seven Treasures. If you completely transform and reach the number of nine, even if you surpass the number, your background will increase!

In that case, he might take the initiative to ascend to the heavens, to squash all Taoism, and test his own Taoism!

However, he didn't catch a cold at the second half of this Taoist's words. He actually spoke in a preaching tone, thinking who he was? Let's talk about it after a fight!

This is Chu Feng's mentality, strong self-confidence, especially after he has comprehended the way of the physical body, and after he has also comprehended the Immortal Sutra, he now wants to know how much he has improved.

In addition, he absorbed the empty matter, and now he has evolved a six-color light wheel, yet he has not really tried his power!

"Who do you think you are? What do you think you are? I am here to seek defeat. Whether you obey or be sloppy, you are not going to fight me in the end? Come!" Chu Feng pointed at him, there is nothing to say , Just do it.

"If this is the case, then use war to reason!" Yun Heng said calmly. He has no joys and no worries, and there is no emotional fluctuation, like the deep sea when the wind is calm.

Chu Feng stared at him and couldn't wait a long time ago. I don't know if this Taoist can surprise him. If there are treasures of heaven and earth similar to the "empty" material, then it will be a feast for him, extremely perfect.

Of course, the premise is that he can win, if it is a big defeat, his own tragedy, everything will be empty!

Yun Heng frowned, he felt the eagerness and fiery eyes of the other person, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty? What's wrong with this...? !

He has some bad associations, is there any special quirks of the demon he met? He had no turmoil in his mind, and he felt disgust in an instant.


Yun Heng took the initiative, and a layer of armor appeared on his body, which was gorgeous, and it turned out to be a battle suit made from the feathers of the gods.

Although it is feathers, it has a metallic texture. It is gorgeous and beautiful. It is worn on his body and protects the vitals of his body.

At the same time, in his hand, a Tianluo umbrella appeared, and it spun with a buzzing sound. After being sacrificed, it swept towards Chu Feng, wisps of chaos.

He used a heavy weapon when he came up, and the umbrella collapsed into the void, with terrifying energy, blooming one after another energy mushroom cloud on its trajectory.

This is a heavenly umbrella that can penetrate the world and suppress all demons.

Chu Feng didn't evade. After assessing the energy level of this treasure umbrella, the blood in his body was thundering, and he could not stop running and resist the big umbrella.

He went to the Cang Daozi for a duel, essentially sharpening himself, and testing the essence and power of the two physical evolution scriptures he had just learned.


Chu Feng slammed a fist on the umbrella surface, unexpectedly sparks spattered, the chaotic energy was dissipated, and there was a loud noise that pierced the eardrum.

Many people groaned, and some even screamed, covering their ears, and blood dripping from their ears.

Fortunately, the evolutionaries who can appear on the battlefield are not simple. Even if the eardrum is broken, it can be repaired and regenerated.

People sucked in air-conditioning. How could this Demon of Chu Feng dare to do this? Did he take away the physical body of Daozi Zhenteng, so sturdy, to resist the heavy treasure!

In an instant, people realized that he had really gained great benefits from the "Indestructible Sutra" not long ago, and he had an epiphany in a short time.

"This is a monster!" Many people were surprised.

In such a short time, he has this kind of realization, and his physical body is obviously stronger. Is this going to go hand in hand with the Taoist Zhen Teng who walks the road of the physical body?

More than that, Chu Feng's next action stunned everyone.

The Tianluo Umbrella that Yun Heng sacrificed had a huge umbrella surface rotating like a sharp knife light, breaking through the space to cut off Chu Feng.

And Chu Feng didn't use his fists this time, but slammed into it with his shoulder and the right half of his body, directly against the sharp edge of the umbrella.

It was a sharp blade like a fairy sword, and the cold light flickered. How could he dare to do this?

Qiang Qiang!

The Tianluo umbrella trembles sharply, and the edges seem to be colliding with the most rigid mixed-cast mother gold. The edges of the big umbrella are somewhat curled and damaged.

"Abnormal, Luo San could easily kill Da Neng that day, how could his physical body resist it?!"

"I just guessed that it was conservative. Chu Mo's body is almost as good as Dao Zi Zhen Teng. It's terrifying, and its flesh and blood has become its most powerful weapon!"

"However, this is too unreasonable. He only realized the immortal sutra and reached this point?"

"All that can be said is that his own physical foundation is amazingly thick, and he has accumulated long enough. Now that he gets the correct scriptures, he directly opens the physical treasure. This kind of person is naturally suitable to take the road of physical evolution!"

The short-term battle, Chu Feng's performance caused an uproar, which greatly touched and shocked the evolvers of the middle and young generations of God.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Chu Feng felt a little strange, and a kind of energy was transmitted from the opponent's Tianluo Umbrella, which would erode him? !

The mist was so full that, silently, it drowned the place where the two were fighting.

"Hey, he is aware of it, but it is too late. Daozi has been refining ominous substances all the way over the years to benefit the world, and in this process, he can also use strange power."

"I just endured it for a long time. I didn't say what is really amazing about Zi. It's just waiting for this moment. Chu Mo is in danger and has been eroded by the weird substances Dao Zi refines and collects. What are you fighting now?!


Many people in the mid-green generation of God are looking forward to it, waiting for the good show to begin.

Even though it is in God, some dense soil, some ancient ruins, there are also ominous substances, etc. Daozi Yunheng has collected and refined a lot of strange energy along the way.

When he is facing the enemy, he can use this ominous force.

No matter whether it is in the heavens or in the heavens, no one of the evolutionary races is willing to touch that kind of substance, because it will damage the foundation of the Great Dao at every turn.

Therefore, those who watched the battle thought that Chu Feng had encountered the greatest crisis.

They felt that they had seen the results of the end of this battle. Dao Zi Yun Heng, who ranked thirty-second in God's ranking, should win a big victory. It is hard to be suspicious.

"Chu Mo's defeat is set, you see, his body is completely wrapped in the ominous haze, and he can't escape." Someone commented.

Soon after, the gray mist gradually dissipated, and the strands of black qi thinned out. People were surprised to find that all of them were not in Chu Feng's body?

"He was done, but he didn't avoid it. It was eroded to the most serious degree, and Daoji was mostly damaged!"

Someone in the Middle Youth of God sighed.

"Although he is arrogant and overbearing, it is still a bit sad that Daoji will collapse when Dao Zi Yun Heng suppresses him like this."

Even though he is an evolutionary of God, there are some sympathetic people.

Of course, many people are also sneering. Earlier, this native was suppressed by himself alone, which made many people feel uncomfortable. Now they finally see that he is crippled and his own path may be broken.

"That's it?"

Chu Feng spoke suddenly, the two short words were full of breath, and seemed to be unaffected at all, and immediately surprised those people.

Then, people were surprised to find that Chu Feng's gaze was very wrong. When he looked at Daozi Yun Heng, he was very strange. What kind of look was that?

People are a little uncertain, and some are skeptical, it seems like they are disgusting and contemptuous? !

I go, what's the situation? Is he disgusting God's thirty-second Daozi? !

Finally, many people have felt it, it should be that kind of charm!

Even the old monsters of God are all paying attention to the anomaly here, and they are a little speechless. When did the natives of the lower realm look so high, they actually looked contemptuous and did not wait to see them?

Yun Heng's face was slightly gloomy, he was on the court, and he naturally felt even more. He was taken lightly by his opponent. This is simply unreasonable... discrimination!

Chu Feng's gaze was the true expression of his inner feelings. He really didn't like it and didn't want to see this person.

Because he was so disappointed, there was nothing like "empty" material in the other party, and some were just weird and ominous.

Is he a "strange" person? He had a lot of contact in the lower realm, and if he wanted it, he couldn't find it anywhere.

If it doesn't work, I went to find the little Huihui who became the gray-haired princess, and exploded her, enough to refine a pile of ash.

Chu Feng was originally full of expectations, but in the end, this Daozi's killer was this kind of rich and ominous substance, Chu Feng... there really is no shortage!

Therefore, he despised Daozi Yunheng and wanted to say, "You are too wealthy, and Daozi, do you prepare such a shabby meeting ceremony for me?"

Chu Feng's inner portrayal, through his eyes, through the fluctuations of his mind, was truly and unmistakably conveyed, and soon everyone understood the situation.

The jaws of a group of people almost fell to the ground, and Chu Mo really disliked Yun Heng.

Yun Heng was originally very indifferent, but now, he is very injured, and he is so despised by the natives of the lower realms, he is not regarded as a dish!


Yun Heng sacrificed the Taiyi bottle, and a huge amount of gray mist rolled out from the bottle mouth, sweeping towards Chu Feng. It was the gray substance he extracted and refined from the ruins.

However, is this effective for Chu Feng?

There is still a certain effect, not negative, but positive. The small grinding discs in his body run wildly, absorbing the essence of the ash material, refining and absorption, strengthening the big and small grinding discs.

Then, Chu Feng opened his mouth, it was like a whale sucking the cow, and at the same time the pores on his skin opened, swallowing the gray substance.

Fortunately, the people in the lower realm have seen Chu Feng surrender strange creatures.

Now, every one of the evolutionaries of God is stunned. Can't believe that someone actually uses weird substances as "food"?

This is really a monster among monsters!

In an instant, Dao Zi Yun Heng was about to collapse. He spent all his hardships collecting and refining the weird substances that he obtained, just like that was !


Dao Zi Yun Heng shouted angrily, a bow appeared in his hand, drawn into a full moon shape, and he clearly shot a feather of arrows. The result was that the sky was densely packed, like countless comets hitting the earth, blasting towards Chu Feng with monstrous energy.

Thousands of arrow feathers pierced the world, with a long tail light, all covering dozens of hundreds of miles, shattering the void, shooting the sky, and heading towards Chu Feng.

This is Yunheng's treasure of Taoism!

However, it was still useless. This time Chu Feng was very serious. He didn't use his physical body to resist, but used magic skills, the six-color light wheel rushed out, covered him inside, and rotated.

In the chucking sound, all the huge arrow feathers carrying the majestic energy like a comet hitting the earth were all shattered and could not get close to them.


Chu Feng turned into a flash of lightning, leaving a trail in the void, rushing to Yun Heng, with a bang, he went all out to punch out a few punches.

In the fierce collision, Yun Heng finally suffered serious injuries, flew out, coughing up blood.

Dao Zi Yun Heng's most powerful method was to control the ominous matter and mobilize the weird force, but he was almost defeated by Chu Feng. The method was useless.

Therefore, he can't resist it at all now, he is directly in danger, and he will be killed at any time.

At the last moment, Yun Heng took a green-skin gourd from behind. It was a gourd that he unintentionally picked from an ancestral mountain in the heavens. There were traces of the road.

However, the gourd has also been successfully refined and filled with a strong ominous blood.


He sacrificed the treasure gourd, sprayed black blood in it, soaked in the sky, and drowned Chu Feng.

Chu Feng quickly avoided, this kind of blood was too stench, he didn't need to absorb the essence of it, it was unnecessary.

It can be seen that the void has been eroded and collapsed by this terrible black blood, and numerous large cracks have appeared, and even the order of heaven and earth has been broken.

This is one of the true blood of a strange source. Of course, the true blood in the blue-skin gourd is very thin, not the source of pure black blood, but it still creates a terrible scene.

Chu Feng stood in the light wheel, first evaded, and then did not invade, and the black blood could not touch him.


A fist light illuminates Xiao Han, and he blasts the past.


Even if Yun Heng resisted with the treasure gourd, he was still swept away by his fist, his body exploded in the void, blood stained, and the bones scattered.

However, after all, he was a Daozi-level figure, possessing extraordinary means, did not completely die in this blow, and quickly reunited flesh and bones in the distance, and emerged.

He breathed heavily, knelt on one knee, holding a green gourd in his hand, and his face was gloomy. He knew he was defeated, and it was a big defeat.

"Even the black blood of the contaminated gray dog ​​in God's legend can't help you. There are unspeakable rules in this blood. I... defeated!" Yun Heng was extremely lost.

In fact, it was mainly because he was defeated by Chu Feng, otherwise, he would never be crushed and beaten all the way!

Chu Feng didn't make any more moves, and didn't want to kill him in public. After all, this kind of Daozi-level creature had a very big background and a deep background, and he didn't want to cause trouble for the heavens.

After all, he is not strong enough, if he swept the world invincible, naturally would not consider so much.

Chu Feng didn't move Yun Heng, but someone couldn't help it.

A black dog head as big as a mountain suddenly appeared in front of Yun Heng, as if a giant dragon was staring at an ant insect. The difference between the two was too big.

"Speaking of the black blood of the gray dog, don't you just want to say the black dog blood?" The dog emperor had a big gloomy face, a mountain-like face, almost sticking to Yun Heng.

"I... didn't mean that!" Dao Zi Yun Heng was about to collapse. This was a disaster.

However, he looked and looked carefully, only to find that this black dog seemed to be a bit like the grey dog ​​in the past legends of God.

In the heavens, the creatures that dared to call Canggu are obviously huge.

"What a bad guy, how dare you molesting your Grandpa Dog, Black Dog Blood? Ahhh!" The Dog King was dissatisfied, and he stretched out a big paw and poked forward.

With a bang, even though the green-skin gourd contained traces of the avenue, it still couldn't bear it, and it exploded directly.

Yun Heng is going crazy, did I provoke you? !

The immortal king of God was in a daze. They saw that the dog king did not want to attack Daozi Yun Heng himself, so he ignored and stopped him.

Yun Heng almost lost his temper and almost wanted to yell out, but he resisted it.

It's just that he is uncomfortable.

Originally he was defeated, but in the end he was frightened, threatened, and intimidated by a black dog of the Immortal King level, which really broke his heart.

For a moment, he was dispirited, very depressed, and staggered away, even his back looked a little awkward.

Obviously, today this Daozi was greatly frustrated, and even his Dao heart was not stable. He was really hit hard in the lower realm.

Read The Duke's Passion