MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1596 Immortal

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How can you not be satisfied with defeating the Daozi of God and harvesting the material "empty" from heaven and earth?

Chu Feng's heart was full of joy and gain.

However, he did not want to stop there, and wanted to face his opponent again.

If after every big duel, he can greatly improve his strength, he is willing to fight all over the sky and the earth!

"Is there anymore, who will fight with me?!" Chu Feng's hair was flying, his entire popularity field was extremely powerful, and the blood in his body was rushing, like the Yangtze River, accompanied by thunderous sounds.

His eyes were very bright and sharp, passing through the void and landing on the young man in the heavens, making them all tense, as if being stared at by the most powerful prehistoric fierce beast, their hair was terrified.

"This monster!"

Someone whispered, his back was like a bow, and he felt like he wanted to escape. He couldn't stand his wild and powerful gaze.

This is like a herbivore, being stared at by a lion king, born in awe, trembling inside, out of an instinct, involuntarily afraid.

"God, is there no one?" Chu Feng asked again.

His thick long hair was dangled, his body was intertwined with great lines, and even his face appeared with great lines, which seemed to have a magical brilliance.

The young and middle-aged generations were frightened and dared not to fight.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth, the world of all sides, can be described as the world's attention, the Chu wind force overwhelmed the Cangzhong Qing Dynasty, and no one dared to go out and respond, which really shocked all the races.

No one thought that a young man in the sun, the threatening group of young heroes from the heavens was silent, which was really shocking.

In the field, the figure with a magical nature covered by the lines of the avenue, with a straight body, gazing at the crowd, and pressing the mid-green generation? It left an indelible and powerful impression.

Years have passed? Even if one era after another has passed away? But all the creatures present today can hardly forget this scene of today.

After a brief period of silence, all the heavens and all races erupted like landslides and tsunami noises, completely boiling.

"Chu Mo...This is truly against the sky!"

Someone sighed, even if he was an enemy, he was deeply malicious? Now I have to feel it? Looking up at the sky.

As for those who have a good impression of him? People who are partial to him, let alone, they are already excitedly discussing.

"That's my uncle, you know? The soul light has been engraved since I was born? The fate between me and him is destined by God!"

"I didn't expect that God's Daozi and a group of powerful geniuses would be beaten by Chu Feng for nothing to say? You deserve to be the Great Demon King of Chu Feng!"

After the silence of the Qing dynasty in the heavens? There are waves of depression. Why do they feel so embarrassed?

Earlier, they thought that with so many people coming here, they could push the evolution of the lower realms across the world. How could they have expected that even the Taoist Zhen Teng with endless potential would have been defeated.

Moreover, it was a head-on battle, and it was no accident. A shining evolving civilization was actually lost!

Many people look ugly, and some people feel that their faces are hot. Earlier, they said that the indigenous people were quite contemptuous, but now that person is standing in the air and facing them alone, but they dare not scream.

This unspeakable depression made people almost suffocated, and they were uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhen Teng, who was sitting cross-legged on the side and connecting his broken arm, stood up.

Before leaving, Tao Zi Zhen Teng looked back at Chu Feng and said, "I lost today, but I have also benefited a lot. If it is destined, you and I will see you again, then I will do my best to the landlord and take you to the magnificent mountains and rivers. , To see the magnificent scenery and the dense soil with endless Taoist patterns. I hope that when God will talk about the "Road End Scriptures", you will have a seat in the field, and he will meet again in the next year!"

He could afford it and put it down. Although he was defeated in this battle, his Dao heart was like a rock, stable and firm, and never wavered.

Everyone was amazed that this Taoist was really extraordinary, and his inner fighting spirit was still very high. On the Taoist "Road End Level Scripture", this is enough to explain everything.

Especially the people of God understand what it means!

That grand event is not held in every epoch, but depends on whether there is a dead-end creature born.

Tao Zi Zhen Teng's goal is to take that step and ask the highest road to the highest level!

"He has this potential. He has already come to this point within a few years of his debut. If he is polished for a few years, his physical path will be extremely gorgeous. According to his understanding, one day, the so-called potential list will be at the forefront. There must be him!"

The immortal king of God said so.

Dao Zi Zhen Teng has great potential, and now his evolutionary years are still small, and it is really hard to say where he will go.

Wizards who walked on the road of the flesh have never been weak in the past. In the later stage, as time goes by, 90% of them will come from behind.

Chu Feng responded: "Today, I have gained a lot! May Daozi march forward bravely all the way from now on, and in the future, I will go to the heavens and talk to you and talk about Dao!"

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Although Zhen Teng was defeated, his performance still made him admire.

Tao Zi Zhen Teng nodded, got on the true celestial class white tiger mount, went up to the sky, and disappeared at the portal of God.

As soon as Zhen Teng disappeared, Chu Feng's whole body changed, and his blood roared, bursting with extremely dazzling brilliance, which was reflected through the flesh and blood.

Moreover, when his true blood circulates, it is like thunder sound shaking the world, and as if three thousand holy monks sing in the ancient temples and deep mountains, accompanied by the sound of the great avenue, it is deaf and deaf.

This kind of **** and flowing voice actually made people want to enlighten and baptize Chu Feng's physical body, causing his internal organs to resonate, and his whole body strength surged and improved!

The middle-green generations of God all opened their eyes wide, quite surprised.

Even some of the older generations showed different colors.

"That was the characteristic of the evolution of the physical path, why did he suddenly appear this kind of omen?!" There was a real fairy whose pupils shrank.

Chu Feng said, "Suddenly, seeing Taoist Zhen Teng's body road stunning the world, I felt sympathetic for a while, and realized some ways!"

Everyone is stunned, can this work?

No, how can you still speak with your epiphany? Shouldn't you be trapped in a strange and wonderful state, you can't extricate yourself, you can't care about everything outside.

People immediately knew that he had an epiphany with wool, which was not realistic!

Chu Feng's face was not red, his heartbeat was steady, and he said, "I am born with a seven-orifice exquisite heart, but I can multi-task. At this time, my heart is full of enlightenment, and my heart is communicating with you."

There is a real fairy who wants to kill him at the end, this guy is absolutely full of nonsense.

Of course, people are also quite puzzled, what is his situation?

This is naturally the benefit that Chu Feng got from the Pingtian Seal. When Taoist Zhen Teng was here, he was embarrassed to try, and he couldn't help it as soon as the opponent left.

Unexpectedly, this kind of scripture fits him incomparably, and there will be performance on the spot. He actually began to exchange blood, and the five internal organs and Dao bones are resonating with them.

There is no doubt that his physique started to improve directly on the battlefield.

The main reason is that his roots are too deep. He himself has always attached great importance to the physical body. For so many years, there is no other person of the same generation in the heavens.

Now, he got an incomparably bright and evolving body scripture, which was like a peculiar potion, only the introduction of medicine was missing, and now it was completed.

The sound of thunder shook the ears, the five internal organs glowed, and the bones of the Taoist bones replaced the marrow. Chu Feng was covered in real blood, flowing to the limbs and corpses, and his whole body was baptized and purified.

"Indestructible Sutra."

Behind, Jiudao muttered to himself, and suddenly the gods who were suspicious and look bad, the immortal kings of the heavens shut up, without saying much.

Because the immortal scriptures in one mouthful of Nine Paths are equally astonishing.

The so-called Indestructible Sutra is also the highest inheritance of the main body. According to legend, it was "that" who unexpectedly obtained it before enlightenment and gave him infinite inspiration.

Of course, after that person achieved Invincible Dao, Lu Jin naturally opened up his own way.

However, the Immortal Sutra still has many eras. After all, it was once observed by that person, and now that Jiu Daoyi mentioned it, it naturally blocked the mouth of the gods.

In this way, they will prevent them from coming to the forefront of this evolutionary civilization of the physical road and prevent the leakage of the scriptures.

Chu Feng also wiped a cold sweat secretly. He just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect that the essence of the Ping Tian Seal would fit him so well, the effect was so good, and there would be such a big disturbance.

At the same time, Chu Feng spoke quickly: "Master Nine, you have always said that I am a member of your line, but you only gave me such a broken scripture. Now I have a deep understanding and give me a complete immortal scripture. Right."

Nine Dao twitched all over his face, this kid could really climb along the pole, so he asked for scriptures in public!

This caused a lot of commotion. The scriptures that "that" had referred to would cause a sensation no matter when and where, even if it was placed in God in the world, making people jealous.

Jiu Daoyi shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to pass on you. The world has changed. I can only give you a simplified residual scripture. It is almost impossible to practice a complete chapter."

Chu Feng insisted and said: "I can, no matter what age and how difficult it is, I can practice it! It's time to pass on my complete indestructible scripture!"

Jiu Daoyi thought and kicked him, although he admired this kid very much, and even the Daozi of God was defeated, but in this way, he was still upset by coercing the scriptures.

However, he has a large number of grown-ups, so he will write it down in a small book first, and then clean him up later. He still decides to give him the scriptures now, what if he is done?

This is the first time that Jiu Daoyi has transmitted a scripture from Chu Feng that will shock the eternal age!

He was very cautious. He didn't use the divine sense to transmit the sound and didn't write any scriptures. Instead, he came directly to Chu Feng, put a finger on his forehead, touched the teaching method, and avoided the scripture leakage!

After a short time, Chu Fenghuo opened his eyes, and the two phases confirmed that his body was like a resurrecting volcano, full of infinite energy.

"Senior, she can too!" Chu Feng pointed at Yao Yao.

Nine Daoyi hesitated slightly, and finally walked over.

Then, regardless of what the outside world was like, Chu Feng closed his eyes and tried.

In his body, there was a constant rattle, his bones were crystal clear, his internal organs were brilliant, his blood was flooded with celestial light and rain, overflowing all over his body.

Chu Feng's body was full of weather, the immortal scriptures revolving, contrasting with the essence of the Pingtian Seal, made him fascinated, this time he really had an epiphany and fell into a special wonderland.

For a time, his heart was like a big sun, extremely red, and constantly circling blood, while his lungs were surging with golden qi, rushing out from his mouth and nose, like a fairy sword flying out, cutting through the void.

The water mist in his kidneys vigorously, and the clouds rose to his body, causing large black clouds to fall down in the sky.


This is the result of the proof of the immortal scriptures and the Pingtian Seal. In a short period of time, Chu Feng's physical signs showed amazing performance.

His limbs are numb and numb, his veins are breaking, remodeling, and the bone marrow is making blood, washing away the so-called human blood, returning to its original source, and being bright red again.

Was the so-called Wang Xue, the person who changed the number of revolutions, been rejected? !

Everything returns to the true blood state of the original human race!

At the same time, the last time he evolved with pollen, there were abnormalities in his body, such as the wings of the Golden Peng born at that time, and the three heads and six arms of the demon ape. Although they were gone, only inexplicable runes were left.

But obviously, that is a trait that does not belong to the human race.

This time, Chu Feng used the two scriptures of physical evolution to erase the traces, but the abilities acquired from the flesh and blood were preserved.

Such as speed, such as strength, such as strong physique!

He was convinced that the flying ability surpassed Tianpeng and others, and the power surpassed the prehistoric three-headed six-armed demon ape.

At this time, he used the scriptures to obliterate all the messy traces from the outside, and only retained the purest characteristics of being a person. The two scriptures...referred to together, the effect is excellent!

Chu Feng was extremely satisfied, this was too much to his appetite.

In his mind, he originally didn't want those messy foreign traits, even if it was just foreign runes, he didn't want to stay in his blood and flesh.

In his opinion, those roots that are regarded as foreign traits may one day be repeated and reborn under certain conditions.

He didn't want to grow wings and give birth to three heads. Even if the ability he gained was very strong, this was not what he wanted to see.

He firmly believes that there are enough treasures in the human body to open that door after another while preserving the original characteristics of the person. This is the right way.

It took a long time for Chu Feng to open his eyes and close the room, as if two frightening lightning bolts pierced the void, shocking the Qing Dynasty.

"How are you?" Nine Dao asked.

Chu Feng raised his head and said, "I think the complete Indestructible Sutra is very suitable for me when I first glanced at the palace. I will have a thorough understanding in the future!"

Then, he turned to look at the evolution of God, and said again: "I sincerely ask for advice, I am eager for a battle, just to find someone who can defeat me, my fellow God, who wants to fight with me? Look for a fight!"

Whether it is the mid-green generation or the old monster of God, the complexion is quite ugly.

Chu Feng challenged again and again, bluntly seeking defeat!

If you don't suppress him, what kind of face will God's creatures have? How can no one be able to suppress him in the vast and pure land? !

"Go and invite people, and let the strongest Daoist come!"

"Let the middle and young generations be invincible in the world!"

"Be sure to invite a few more Taoists to suppress this dog!"

"Hurry up and invite someone, and I'm still stunned. The orthodox position of God has been shaken. I don't believe that an aboriginal can really shake the sky and find someone to suppress him!"


Many of God's evolutionaries have exploded. This is no longer a question of vying for a big position, but a question of orthodox struggle between the weak and the strong.

Many people couldn't bear it, and were stimulated by Chu Feng's begging for defeat.

"How vast is God, and the region is boundless. There are dozens of Taoists in each splendid evolutionary road. Which one is not the capital of heaven, and which one does not have the background of the town. Even among the younger generation, there are no fewer than dozens of creatures that can overwhelm you If you are lucky enough to win one game, you will be conceited, right? I will meet you!"

Someone spoke, coming from the middle and lower realms of God's portal, this is definitely a terrifying Taoist, extremely powerful creature, coming to the world.

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