MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1559 Great Unity

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"He is..." Jiu Dao opened his mouth and wanted to say a name.

This is a single word, enough to shake the name of the ages, but after the exit, there have been amazing changes here.


On the sunny day, there was a dazzling brilliance, no clouds, and no ghosts, but the chaotic thunder was split in an instant, covering the place.

The lightning that runs through the long river of time is so horrible, its sound is strong, its powerful is unparalleled!

Everyone shivered. What did they see?

The river of time that has lasted forever, really appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and traversed it, but a ray of light penetrated it!


The thin old man from God screamed, he felt that his whole body was penetrated, and his body was about to evaporate into blood mist, and he was about to die!

why? He was frightened and unwilling, why did he hack him?

The chaotic lightning was still far away from him, but it was only seen by him that made him so tragic.

At a critical moment, the decree hanging above his head fell down and saved him.

The purpose of the law was brilliant and protected him.

Otherwise, even if this shocking lightning did not specifically target him, Yu Lie only might be enough to dissipate him.

When it calmed down, time passed, and the abnormal scene of lightning and thunder dissipated.

People are in a trance and dazed.

In the field, the body of the thin old man was almost disintegrated. At this moment, the purpose of the law was to lighten up his broken body a little bit, and let him reappear, but only a little before he died.

The slender old man was trembling and wanted to shout, but it wasn’t what I said. I didn’t mention any name. Why did you hack me? !

However, he did not dare to speak. If one is not careful, he may become gray next time, and the third will become empty.

The dog emperor, rotten corpse, Chu Feng and others were all stunned, staring at the scene and watching non-stop.

Jiu Daoyi was also puzzled. When he said that name, how could the thin old man suffer from chaos?

Soon, he noticed that the residual light from the electric arc on the war spear in his hand flowed and passed away, and he realized it for a time. This is a token in his hand. Otherwise, it is estimated that he will not be much better. .

That’s why, he is also upright, without guilt, and regardless of whether he is right, he starts to buckle his hat, and looks at the thin old man. He said seriously: "After you heard that name, you have a bad heart. Disrespectful?"

"No!" The thin old man denied it with a sigh of indignation, saying: "Do you want to kill me injustice?!"

In fact, he hadn't heard that name yet, he was inexplicably hacked...

Who to reason with? The slender old man seriously doubted that the old man's skin had just stopped the disaster and was blamed. He was a little tempted to strangle him.

"What's the situation?"

"How do I know!" The thin old man's mentality is almost out of balance, and he wants to be angry and more anxious, but in the end it is restrained with great perseverance.

Because, he is very afraid of accidents.

"Don't embarrass me. As a messenger, I'm just better than the real immortal. I haven't really walked to the fairy king realm. I was born in this era and my knowledge is limited."

The thin old man was low-key, he didn't want to be contaminated with that big cause and effect.

However, there are people who are not reluctant, such as Jiu Dao Yi, such as Gou Huang, who is very curious to know everything about that person. The former is anxious and the latter is curious.

Therefore, they stepped forward together and asked repeatedly, although they did not say the real name again, but there were some other tips.

"I really don't know. The water in this world is so deep. I don't dare to trace the characters of a few epochs. I mentioned more fear of accidents."

"On the sky, some creatures can't be said, can't say, and even their names can't be mentioned even after death."

"Several epochs, the prestige of existence is more than one in the heavens, because the territory is vast, it is too big, and there is no bounds. You can understand what kind of Dao fruit you get, whether it is from which world, whether it is here, It cannot be explored at all, cannot be rooted."

"Don't ask me anymore."

The thin old man said a few words quickly and concisely, and he was really scared.

"What are you talking about!" Jiu Daoyi is very strict, and the last thing he wants to hear is ominous and bad information. He says indifferently: "Why do people still show their power when they die? Impossible!"

The thin old man said: "It was too strong during his lifetime. He left traces in this world. Even time can't be wiped out. It lasts forever. When someone mentions it, its trace will be revealed."

After all, he felt cold in the back and looked at Shino again.

Then he said: "Actually, what you want to know is nothing more than two results."

According to what he said, one result was just mentioned, the traces of his life recovered, and his prestige came after his name.

This makes people think deeply, so that the dog emperor, rotten corpse, Jiu Dao Yi, Chu Feng and other people are shocked, and their moods are different.

Because, according to this understanding, did Soul River touch some kind of might in this way? !

The second result, naturally, is that after the road is over, the sea and the sky will jump, and the crossing will change again, maybe a new road will appear, or maybe the man has taken the perfect fruit.

Therefore, the slender old man wouldn't dare to pretend to be killed.

At the very least, he dare not mention it in this world.

"Which one is the most dead you?" Jiu Dao asked a little nervously.

"Yes..." The thin old man hesitated, but at last he looked around again, and there was no horrible abnormal scene. He was relieved and said, "Once the pollen rushed into the sky..."

However, as soon as he said this, a strange breath rose on the earth. He screamed, his eyes bleed, tender shoots grew, and the top of his head also sprouted, and his skull was lifted!

He wanted to say, that man is dead, how can he be a monster? !

Obviously, he had a slightly conceited mentality earlier. After all, his ancestor is now brilliant, so when referring to the dead woman, certain thoughts in his heart inevitably breed.

As a result, he appeared in this strange and miserable state.

It was still the purpose of the law that saved him. This time he wrapped his body directly and helped him purify, before he turned into a crisis.

This makes him creepy, what is this place?

Why did you mention a little bit, if you have thoughts, you will be induced and targeted. Isn't the woman at the end of the pollen road still dead? !

There are weird! The thin old man was frightened.

Perhaps, her grave is here!

This is the guess of the thin old man, shuddering, he dare not think more.

In fact, there is another person who is more authentic than he saw. That is Chu Feng. What did he see? The pollen floating in the sky is all spiritual particles.

However, the people of the two battlefields did not actually see it!

It was those spirit particles that caused the eyes of the thin old man to bleed, the cover of the heavenly spirit was lifted, and the seed sprouts were drilled from the flesh and blood.

Although Jiu Daoyi didn't see anything, he felt something, saying: "I think that this vein of yours has a great cause and effect with the strong man of the pollen road."

After mentioning these, Jiudao shut up, and he didn't want to say much.

Even, he believes that the veins of the thin old people have a big cause and effect in this world, otherwise why?

The slender old man looked pale and said, "The old man doesn't know. If he goes there, he will not have any involvement with you, nor will he interfere in this world!"

He went away decisively. He wanted to take a look at the heavens in accordance with the order of the patriarch. Then, he left as soon as possible and returned to heaven!

He was really scared, afraid of something going wrong.

The scene is silent, people are thinking, what is God's picture?

The last eschatology is coming, how will the great cause and effect end?

"No matter what, we have no choice between life and death. Let's reunite as soon as possible, and we can't afford the internal friction. If we have a choice, keep it to the outside, and eliminate the weirdness!"

Someone is an old man.

People think he is right. Now, it is time to act and bring together all forces.

Unification, regardless of whether there is a line of vitality, but this is the only option now.

The good thing is that this part of the strong men who have fallen into the battlefields of the two realms released goodwill. They are willing to leave the abyss and stand with the people in the sun.

Of course, this is only part of the evolution of the fallen fairy clan, and there are a group of eternally falling into darkness, which can never look back and cannot support the yang.

Those people haven't arrived this time, the choices are different, they will eventually be opposites!

"Big Thousand Worlds, among the heavens, there is a complete evolutionary system that can reach the end of the evolutionary civilization. Since ancient times, there have been no more than ten, and now there are only four or five!" said the dog emperor.

This is a fact, all eternal evolutionaries know.

The heavens and the world are boundless, there are endless magical methods, and there are many cultivation systems, but in sum, all the methods are the same, and many are branches of some large systems.

In today's big world, the main path of evolution is actually only a few sources!

The sun is naturally counted as one, and the big realm where the fallen fairy clan is located is counted as one.

There is a part of the fallen real fairy support in the sun, which is naturally a big help!

"Big unification may soon be achieved!" Jiu Daoyi said.

"If you want to integrate the Daqian world, the evolutionaries of the heavens will condense together, and we will start here from our sun!" said a decaying Daeyu creature.

After a preliminary consensus was reached, everyone felt that it was necessary to swiftly and quickly promote it and realize the unification of the country as soon as possible.

The question is, after the initial consensus, who will be headed by which Orthodox?

Some people looked at Jiu Daoyi and Gouhuang, which is the current top powerhouse.

Some people also looked at the little old man who recovered from the famous mountain and created the time classics. This is also a terrifying existence.

Others looked at the dark shadow in the dark, suspected of a real fallen fairy king!

"Don't watch me wait, we don't belong to this era, we are all losers, I have nothing to dispute in this life." Jiu Daoyi said.

He is very clear that he and the dog emperor went to find old monsters that survived several eras. They can stand up and take action when needed, but they will not personally participate in this integration.

He believes that there is no need to compete with the younger generation.

"I'm still very young and lush, and I think I should be the Emperor of Heaven in this era!" The dog emperor was eager to try.

It is quite dissatisfied with Jiu Daoyi, it wants the emperor of the day!

"Do you want a face?" Jiu Dao said angrily.

"Why is it that you, a dog, are also embarrassed to fight for the emperor's throne?" The rotten corpse also scolded, and looked disgusted, but in the end he looked at himself, and said: "I think I can give it a try!" "

"Go!" The dog emperor was indignant, glaring at the rotting corpse, and then he looked at everyone again, and said, "Think of my relatives, San Tiandi, not my brother or my friend. Now it's my turn, otherwise What is the emperor's face to walk in the world? How can he earn a throne!"

The corpse refused to give up and said, "I and the Three Heavenly Emperor are also good friends. In addition, even the most respected person in the old man's skin is also my brother. Yan went to see the four emperors!"

The dog emperor blushed and had a thick neck, extended his big dog paw to him, and pointed at him, saying, "Are you going to fight me?"

Jiu Dao looked at the man and the dog, and really wanted to slap them, fearing that they would forget them.

"The Heavenly Emperor's Fruit is not shouted, it was hit, but it was chosen by the world. You both shut up!" Jiu Dao Yi couldn't help it.

After his serious dissuasion, the dog emperor and the carrion talked about it and retreated temporarily.

"Since the seniors give the latecomers the opportunity, the younger are not talented, and they are willing to fight for the throne!

It was the Emperor Yu who was the first to step out and compete for that fruit.

Some people have the same look. He is the uncle of the overlord of Yongzhou. This line has been devoted to the unification of the Yang Dynasty. It has been fighting for so many years. Now he comes out, it is normal.

You know, his teacher and nephew, the Yongzhou overlord, was eligible to compete for the emperor's throne in the past.

Not to mention the one in front of me, known as the undefeated feather emperor, the myth in prehistoric mythology, one of the most amazing and powerful people of this era!

At this time, Quanyang was paying attention to the battlefield of the two realms.

On a famous mountain, Qin Luoyin was taken aback. She didn't expect this old man to stand up for the first time, but think about it carefully. This is his style.

"My Yuan clan must also fight for it!" At this time, the rotten Daewoo-class spirit of the Yuan clan opened his mouth, and he looked very confident.

The demon frowned, and since seeing the Yuan people, she always felt wrong and had a bad impression on them.

Chu Feng's face was cold, he hadn't told the demon the truth, he was afraid of an accident. After all, the Yuan tribe was too strong, and they were afraid that they would know everything about the demon after they knew the demon's details.

The Yuan tribe, which is the family that killed the demon ancestor, made Yu Shang's children all wither, and caused the demon's grandfather to run into the little hell, and the flesh and blood were planted with mother gold.

"Yuan tribe?" Someone whispered, surprised, this is indeed a terrible family, its strength is unpredictable.

However, there are rumors in the world that they may be implicated in creatures beyond the heavens, either as strange creatures on the sacrifice ground or other unpredictable forces.

"My Yuan tribe was born in this world, so naturally I have to contribute to the heavens. Rest assured, my tribe is definitely helpful to the unification, because my tribe has other tribes in other circles, and the fairy ancestors sit in town!"

The decayed Daewoo creatures of the Yuan tribe said something like this.

This makes many people breathe air, is this shining muscles? Really powerful and terrible!

Some people want to understand that there is indeed a need to fight for strength!

Because, according to legend, there is endless beauty in the Emperor's fruit position, whether it depends on its own strength, or the natural selection, or the candidate, it will form a mysterious traction, allowing the selected person to move towards the true fruit position!

Overall, its position has excellent benefits for evolution!

Emperor contenders, in the future, maybe one can become an emperor!

Chu Feng came out, and after seeing the Yuan tribe came to an end, he absolutely would not allow them to become emperors.

"Little friend, what do you want to do?" an old man of the Zhou Xi family asked kindly.

"What does the old man look like to me? Some people say that I was born the emperor, and his appearance is similar to the strongest emperor in history!" Chu Feng said with a proud look.

Everyone was stunned, some people thought he was too shameless, but some people were shaking, staring at his face forever!

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