MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1558 To die

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A piece of dharma is about the world!

It is like a vast sea of ​​lightning, coming from outside the region, vast and dazzling, magnificent and terrifying, illuminating the whole world and deterring all souls.

No one is not trembling, no strong is not trembling, creeping on the ground, can not be confronted, the body can not help spontaneously, even Zhenxian must collapse completely to the ground.

Are the masters of the three emperors, angry from the supreme being?

Who can fight?

Not his body, a ray of remnant, a piece of law, it has to roll across the world and make all beings panic.

Everyone is desperate, who else can block this kind of supernatural power! ?

Evolvers of all races are trembling, their bodies are not controlled by themselves, and they are shaking like sifting chaff. The most terrifying thing is the instinctive throbbing of the soul, to worship the law.

The heavens are like spirits, and the world is trembling like people!

This kind of scene is terrifying. Thousands of worlds, boundless universes, all worlds are producing visions at the same time, all roaring and trembling, like a pilgrimage, as if the heavens and the earth are all knocking on their heads to greet the purpose of the law.

"The messenger of the supreme being from God was killed, this is a sin!"

Zhenxian's lips tremble, and he spit out such a sentence.

There is no one in the world, no one can be enemies. Everyone who comes to the front is a tribute arm and will be crushed into powder!

The purpose of the law came, saying that it looked like a sea of ​​lightning, which was actually more like a vast galaxy, endless, hanging down, about to drown the earth.

People feel the strong and ancient energy breath, more and more aware of their own insignificance, like ants looking at Xingyu, they are too humble.

"Is it really... the purpose of the galaxy's cohesion?"

Even the dog emperor was throbbing, and the rotten flesh was bent down by the breath, and the spine crunched and was about to break.

But how can it bow its head and how to bow down? It is a creature who has followed the Emperor of the Three Heavens, no matter who it meets, it cannot bend down and knock!

The purpose of the law is swooping down, covering the boundless earth!

Everyone saw that the light spitting around it turned out to be really big stars, one after another, huge and boundless, turning in rumble, fracturing the void.

People are horrified that this is a scene not recorded in ancient history.

The infinite stars rotate, get together, and condense into a slogan. If it does not stop by itself, it is too easy to penetrate the sun!

For all beings, this is the end of the world!

If no one is blocking it, this world may only have the last time.

Deep in the wheel, golden sparkling.

In a special zone, the mud tires were swaying, and the eyelids were moving, and more dust fell and drifted into the dark abyss in front of him.

At the same time, in front of the battlefields of the two realms, the dust was raised with a soft golden light. If the dust was floating, it seemed like clouds and mist, and the sky was spreading, like a long-lasting true meaning, swaying to the sky.

The dust permeated, touching the overwhelming light of law.

No change has occurred, but some fluctuations seem to be released inadvertently.

The dark shadow in the dark, suspected that the strong man from the fallen fairy royal clan opened his mouth, and he was looking at Jiu Dao Yi.

"Unless the person you are expecting to come back will not be able to stop all this, the supreme being is angry, everything will be destroyed from ancient to modern times!"

He is very likely to be a real fairy king, or even to the end of this road, this state is already unattainable in the heavens.

However, even he was desperate and helpless, and could only wait for death.

The vast earth, the vast sky, the world of thousands, all the giants have his feelings, there is no way.

However, at the next moment, when the dharma fell down, all the beams were suddenly collected, the breath contracted, and the physical dharma was condensed.

Its energy, its breath that seemed to be extinct, all disappeared, leaving only an unpretentious law.

Also, some people have emerged, following the decree.

This man comes from the heavens and surpasses the true immortals, but it will not be stronger than those of Jiudao First Class, a little thin, and looks like an old man.

He was deeply surprised, looking at the dust that naturally rose and fell in the world, revealing the color of thought, and he had not spoken for a long time.

The scene was silent, no one spoke, and there was silence.

No one thought that the dharma that came from the impact of the galaxy suddenly calmed down at the end, and the energy was lost, which was reflected in this.

Didn't it come for annihilation?

The most important thing is that there is another person who seems to be beyond the real fairy level. He came from above?

Jiu Daoyi never opened his mouth, squinting his eyes, holding a spear in his hand, he would not flinch at any time, just because there was a certain belief in his heart, I believed that the person would come back, not bow his head!

In addition to him, there are dog king and carrion, who are they in contact with? Emperor Santian! Naturally, he will not bend down and bow his head, the gas field is very strong!

Just now, Chu Feng and the demons, elders, Zhou Xi, and strange dragons around him did not move, and they were not overwhelmed by the vast divine power diffused by the decree of the law. Everything was offset by the invisible stone pot.

In the eyes of everyone, they were given asylum.

"Don't be nervous, everybody, I am not malicious." The thin old man from the sky spoke plainly and looked at everyone.

At this time, both the True Immortal and the Ultimate Spirit were recovered, and the other evolvers slowly stood up, pale, staring at the man and the unpretentious decree floating on his head.

"It's the same in every corner of the earth, as it has always been. It's too difficult to come from the sky. I can only use the ancestor's law to tear out the passage and come to this realm."

The thin old man seemed to explain that it was such a tone that he did not show a high posture.

In fact, the so-called isolation from the heavens is far worse than what this person said. Almost no one can go to the sky, it is hard to imagine.

Throughout the ages, few people could enter the sky!

Of course, the most important thing is that he did not come with malicious intent?

Everyone was surprised. The scene just now was really thrilling. People thought it would collapse.

In any case, many people took a breath, not long ago it was really desperate, thinking that all ethnic groups will die without a burial place.

However, there are many people who have not relaxed, because, not long ago, a messenger died, this is not a small event!

At the very least, Jiu Dao Yi, Gouhuang, and the Carrion are all waiting in line, and they dare not be careless.

"I am a reasonable person, and the patriarch has a purpose. He will not be embarrassed to live here, or even help." The thin old man said gently.

At this time, sneers came from the black blood rain in the distance and the gray fog. Obviously, the strange and ominous creatures have not gone yet, and they are also here.

In fact, the people in the sun are also surprised. All the strongmen in the battlefields of the two realms are puzzled. Will the messenger of the supreme creature be killed, will it be okay?

"The patriarch has some fate with this world and owes a favor, so it is necessary to take some shelter, so that you can wait for the unity and fight for life."

The slender old man spoke and whispered, saying something like this.

"At that time, he witnessed with his own eyes that the most exalted soul who went out from this side of the world died, but unfortunately, he was unable to help."

In such a sentence, the endless wind and waves, the world, the people of countless races, all the ultimate creatures, could not be frightened.

Jiu Daoyi's heart was even more shocked. He was about to burst out of his chest, and his face became pale, and the whole person could not calm down. Who died? !

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, thunder and thunder rang out in all the universes of the world, as if the news of this shocking world was being announced, which caused a boundless vision.

A supreme unpredictable creature died, from this side of the world, and fell to another place? !

This is a shocking shock to all races.

Jiu Dao tried to ask questions, but found no chance.

The thin old man did not continue to talk about this topic, but shook his hand, borrowing a light from that law and sweeping the void in front.


Thunder thundered on the ground, chaotic light splattered, and a ray of light emanating from the purpose of the law actually imprisoned the battlefields of the two realms and gathered what was happening.

Soon people knew what he was doing.

In an instant, the peace on the battlefield was broken, ghosts crying and howling, and windy bursts, and countless soul shadows and ghosts appeared, which were forcibly condensed.

At the same time, an ancient and weird black road emerged, that is the road leading to the Nine Nether, the strange and ominous ancient land wheel circuit!

There, the yinfeng rage, the shadow of the soul, is so ridiculous!

This is not a wheel circuit based on Jiu Dao and others, but a real old road of ancient land and roads, leading to an ominous land, carrying endless strangeness!


People saw that there were broken and broken real fairy souls, which were forcibly gathered together, and the vaguely revealed part, of course, the soul body was very missing.

Even Jiu Daoyi frowned, and he saw the ancient remnant soul near the fairy king level!

"Wang!" The Emperor Gou shouted, his pupils shrunk, and he saw the incomplete soul of a dead enemy, a fairy monster of one or two epochs, but some soul shadows, It really surprised it.

Soon, it breathed out, and the creature couldn't come to life, it was just a torn piece of virtual body.

"This is the old road of the ancient land before the fall of the emperor?!" The corpse asked solemnly.

"Well, the old road, the long and disorderly road, connected to the world, even the secret road leads to the sky, which is a shortcut after the world." said the thin old man.

Such words make everyone dazed.

The old road of the ancient land before the emperor fell, actually connected to the sky, can it be taken up?

You must know that it is impossible for the world's spirits to enter the heavens, unless they cross the ladder and become the supreme being, then they have the ability to go up.

Now, there is an ancient road directly connected there?

"Don't think about it, if you go this way, there is life and death, that is, the monsters in the ancient land are not dare to walk, nor can they take shortcuts, without that qualification." The thin old man said lightly.

This seems to contain some terrifying information. The old road of the ancient land is very mysterious and terrifying. It has a long time in the world. It is likely to be much older than the strange monsters that are now entrenched there.

This is an ominous road, maybe it can be called a dead road!

Chu Feng thought of a picture he had ever seen. At that time, the stone pots had glowed, reflecting the landscape of the boundless mountains and rivers. The old road of the ancient land was emerging, and he was devouring the emperor!

This old road is connected to the world, even to the sky? !

Suddenly, many people were shocked and dull, and there was a figure in the old people's old road passage quickly solidifying and manifesting itself.

People breathe in the air, and those who dissipate, can be summoned and reproduced when the original form and spirit are destroyed.

This is simply breaking the truth, turning impossible into possible.

It was the previous messenger, the true fairy who was broken up by the dust not long ago.

In an instant, he completely remodeled, including the flesh, and walked out intact.

"Uncle Shi!"

After this person came out, he exclaimed for the first time, extremely happy and excited, he came to life? Then he looked at Jiu Daoyi and Chu Feng and others with great hatred.

He sneered again and again, who he is, from God, and after the destruction of form and spirit, the patriarch's law can make him come back.

This is simply a way of reversing the past and present, incredible!

All ethnic groups are shocked. This is beyond the common sense, can all form and spirit be destroyed?

Even Jiu Dao Yi was greatly touched, a little fascinated, staring staringly ahead.

"Although his physical body and soul light are condensed, this is not him. It is better to be a replica than a rebirth!" Jiu Daoyi looked solemnly and stared at the thin old man.

"Maybe he, maybe someone else, maybe just a copy!" said the thin old man.

Then, he touched the messenger with his hand to make his eyebrows glow, and all the things that happened earlier were reflected.

"Well, you are not wronged, and you are instigated. You come to this place to make a fortune and blessing with the prestige of the ancestor, and give orders, who do you think you are? Go, the ancestor does not allow you to be a disciple."

The thin old man put his hand a little, and the expression on the messenger's face solidified, and then shattered like a glass, exploded, and the form was all destroyed.

That's it... obliterate again! ?

For a time, evolutionaries of all races were in a daze.

The moment before, everyone was still shocked by the incompetence of the law. The invincible means of God was too intimidating, and actually reversed the ancient and modern times, so that the real gods would all survive.

But the next moment, the messenger was killed again.

First show the supreme power, rewrite life and death, only to restore the truth of not long ago, and then kill it again.

This really deterred everyone.

"It's time for unification, everything will finally come to that step, the end of the end, the arrival of the arrival." The thin old man looked at the people present.

"Slow!" Nine Daoyi said.

He wanted to know who the death of this man was.

Nine Dao asked: "I want to know a person, he went to God, what is he doing now..."

The thin old man was surprised, but he responded and asked, "Who are you talking about, what is his name?"

Read The Duke's Passion