MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 16] Gathering Dan, new disciple

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The girl who sat on the purple lion in the first second was madly poured into the pool of blood.

The change came too fast, and everyone on the scene could not believe their eyes.

What on earth happened? Why does this lion bite his master?

Although it is not a downright master, it is only under the guidance of the girl that it has already spread the pressure, which shows that it was supposed to be a girl.

The maid was scared, and the small thousand of Vientiane was scared.

Ganoderma lucidum was also very surprised. When the purple lion swooped down, she once thought it was coming to bite her...

This lion is afraid that it is not a mistake...

Can not allow Ganoderma lucidum to think more, Qiao Weiwei still stood there, Ganoderma lucidum rushed to the past, holding Qiao Weiwei into his arms, one hand caught her eyes.

On the other hand, an elder Wu of the Yuan Yingzong of the Vientiane rushed to the scene.

The elders were all along with the girls, escorting the girls to the regional alliance, this time accompanied the girl back to the Vientiane, but the son of the vice-president gave his love pet to the lady to go home, the young lady felt the novelty, riding the purple The lion left first.

The entire middle-aged people recognized the love of the son, and Wu did not think that anyone would dare to play the purple lion and his family's idea, so he did not rush to catch up.

I know that such a negligent effort, Miss happened.

Wu Elder used the repair of Yuan Yingjing as a uniform for the purple lion, forcing the purple lion to loosen the girl's hand, but even though it was released, the hand could not be seen with the eyes.

The girl is alive and fainting.

Wu Changchang rushed to display a curse, temporarily controlling the girl's injury. He was anxious to bring the person back. He didn't have time to find out what was going on, but on the way he came over, he faintly heard the girl asked. Who injured the disciple of the Vientiane.

Not long after, the girl broke out.

When Wu’s eyes fell on the long sword in the hands of Ganoderma lucidum, there was no accident. He recognized that Ganoderma lucidum is a disciple of the Millennium.

However, Ganoderma lucidum only has a period of cultivation, and it seems that she is a little stubborn when she is doing a girl and a purple lion.

The thousands of disciples who can be present, except she is the child in her arms.

The child is only three or four years old. At first glance, there is no Lingen. It is said that she did it, and no one will believe it.

In any case, this matter is due to their sisters. Should we take the two back?

When Wu Changsuo hesitated to catch or not, the three-year-old Ji Xiaoxiu came over, his small body, his eyes cold as a cold lake, so he did not favorably block the way of Wu’s elders.

Wu’s elders are already in the Yuan Ying period. He can perceive much more than ordinary people. Ji Xiaoxiu is an ordinary child. But the murderousness that comes out of his eyes is not in the heart of Wu’s heart. Hit a sudden.


The girl who has been in a coma has woke up hard.

Wu Chang's heart knows that the girl's injury can no longer be delayed. She glanced at Ji Xiaoxiu coldly and left with the girl and the Vientiane.

The purple lion was also taken away by them.

Ganoderma lucidum is relieved, and it is really dangerous. If one is not good, she may have been killed on the street. Although there are many auras in the middle, it is not as stable as the next. It seems that in the future, I have to be more careful. .

Ganoderma lucidum did not buy the base fluid, and took the carriage of Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu back to Zongmen.

The parties all left, and the onlookers gradually dispersed.

The Tianlingen girl stood at the door of a tea shop and fixedly looked at the place where the accident occurred. When the purple lion was insane, she felt a strange pressure. She didn’t know if it was her own illusion. After all, The appearance of other monks is clearly not felt. Among them, some people are not under her, she can feel the pressure, those people have no reason to be unaware.

I don't know why, the brain of the Tianlingen girl flashed the face of Qiao Weiwei's ignorant ignorance.

"Miss, let's go back," said the gentleman.

It is really her illusion that Tianlingen’s girl’s consciousness has returned.


The blow to the Vientiane is huge.

When Emperor Wu brought the girl back to the Vientiane, Wan Zongzhu immediately invited the only half-sex of Qiongmen in the Zongmen to heal the woman.

From the nature of Linggen, the spells of the healing system of the roots of the wood system will be more effective, but the damage of the purple scorpion is beyond the scope of the woody monks, so the lord Looking for Qiu Yishan is right.

"Qiu Shishu, how is the injury of Zi Yan? Can it be cured?" Wan Zongzhu asked anxiously.

Qiu Yishan shook his head regretfully: "It can't be cured."

Wan Zongzhu only felt a beating on a sunny day. The whole person was petrified. For a long while, he recovered his voice: "Uncle Shi, Zi Yan just hurt his hand. With your cultivation, you can definitely help her." Going up?"

Qiu Yishan said: "It is not difficult to pick up, but it can't be used ever since."

Wan Zongzhu once again slammed: "Why is this?"

Qiu Yishan explained: "The two-winged purple lion is Warcraft, and its body is full of magic. The veins of the purple scorpion have been eroded by the magic. You have to cure her and have to find a magical root." Xiu, his cultivation is to be at least above the realm of the gods. As far as I know, there will be no more than seven supernatural repairs in the entire middle domain, and no one is Mu Linggen."

"Oh..." Wan Zihua woke up, heard the words of Qiu Yishan, and threw himself into the arms of Wan Zong, and burst into tears.

Wan Zongzhu’s mood is terrible. He has no son in his life. He has seven daughters. Four daughters can’t grow out of the roots. They married people early in the world. The rest of the three daughters are all qualified. Even the smallest Wan Zixin has grown up with the roots of the fire, and among the three, his most important is the purple.

Not only is the qualifications good, but he has built a foundation at a young age, and has a longer appearance of a fairy. This time he married the son of the vice-president, and he almost no choice but to hesitate to choose her.

The son of the vice-president is very satisfied with this, otherwise he will not send his love pet to **** her back.

But this kind of satisfaction is built on a certain basis. If the deputy leader knows that his future daughter-in-law is disabled, this marriage can still be fixed and he has to say two things: "This piece should not be leaked in advance, no matter anyone. Asked, I only said that the injury of Zi Yan will soon be cured, know?"

Several maids led: "Yes!"

Wan Zongzhu also called the maid who was traveling with the little daughter today: "You tell me the truth, what happened today?"

The maid said with the Ganoderma lucidum and his wife: "...the younger disciple’s sister robbed Miss Zixin’s sugar painting, and also shot Miss Zixin. We went forward to ask her to discuss, and she shot again. We gave it to the fight. Later, Miss Zi Yan arrived, and shot her a slap, and then did not know what she did to the sable, Miss Ziyan actually fell from the back of the purple lion..."

Wan Zongzhu is not a fool. I heard that there is water in this place. Don’t say that a disciple in the early stage of building a foundation can’t do anything to the purple sable. Even if it can, the sable is not injured because of this. The sable is a lion. Bitten.

Whoever confuses the lion is mad, is the key to the problem.

"I want to kill the beast! I want to kill it!" Wan Ziyu cried and roared.

Why does Wan Zongzhu not want to kill? But that is the love pet of the vice-owner's family, not that they can move!

Everything is mad!

I knew that she would not sit on the lion! It’s all the lion, so she’s been a crippled person from now on!

"I don't want to marry him! It's all his lions that made me like this!"

Wan Zongzhu looked at the picture of her daughter crying and screaming, and her mind flashed a ridiculous thought.

Qiu Yishan saw his thoughts in his heart, Shen Sheng: "What harm does it have for us to the regional alliance? Qin Gongzi also counts on our medicinal herbs, he will not harm the purple scorpion, and will not force us to use this method. Retreat."

Wan Zongzhu also knows that he has more heart, but he can't figure out why the lions in the end are going crazy.

This point, let alone the Wan Zong master can not figure out, the Qiang Zong's big law has not figured out.

After Ganoderma lucidum returned to the Millennium, there was no concealed confession to Master: "... sorry, it’s a curse."

Da Dafa said: "It is not your fault. The Vientiane sect wants to bully people. The barriers can't stop. The things of the Vientiane sect are not related to you. You should not put it in your heart."

A new disciple in the early stage of building a foundation, even Wan Ziyan can not beat, it is even more impossible to move the two-winged purple lion, she believes that her apprentice is innocent, Vientiane Zongru really dare to find a door for this matter, thousand Mou Zong is also not polite!

The strange thing is that Vientiane did not come to ask for any statement.

After a storm broke out in the town, it gradually subsided.

There are rumors that the son of the vice-president has taught his love pets and shut it up. In the short term, he will not be allowed to arbitrarily come out.

There are also rumors that the money of the Vientiane has recovered well, and the two parents have been doing as usual. The two sides still maintain a good alliance.

Of course, these are all rumors, specifically what is the situation, the people who have seen it know.

For example, if the marriage is imminent, it should be happy. However, Wan Ziyan has no good temper. The Vientiane disciples who do not know the truth do not understand what the sovereign’s daughter is doing. Is it wrong to take any medicine?

However, after returning to the yard that day, Ganoderma lucidum took out two giant Ling Dan, let Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu take it.

After all, Ji Xiaoxiu was a small uncle of Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum did not dare to take advantage of the big law. The big law did not object to it. Let Ganoderma lucidum try it.

The Dabao Law did not tell Ganoderma lucidum that as early as the child had just ten months, Leyang real people gave him a try and gave him a try. They tried it three times, once a year, all of them did not grow out of Linggen, Leyang. The real person even tried to personally gather for him, and the spiritual power of a god-respecting person is by no means a kind of fusion.

In this way, Ji Xiaoxiu did not grow out of the roots, and it can be concluded that it is basically a waste wood.

But Ganoderma lucidum has this intention, and Dafa does not want to hit her.

Ghostly bitter, Qiao Weiwei eats straight tongue.

Ji Xiaoxiu doesn't want to eat. He doesn't want to grow up. If he grows up, it means training. The respected monarch does not want to practice at all.

He gave Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei is not suffering.

Ji Xiaoxiu had no choice but to sigh, and swallowed it, and he spit it out afterwards.

It took at least three months for Poly Ling Dan to see the effect. Before that, no one was detaining them.

Ji Xiaoxiu successfully pulled out the fresh dragon grass on that day, but it is not so simple to plant flowers and fruits.

Ji Xiaoxiu asked Cui Judge to take Huangquanshui and fell in the pool of the snake. The grass was also planted next to the pool. The snakes poured water on them every day. Soon the dragon grass bloomed, I believe again. In a few days, you can get results.

A few days later, the assessment of the new disciples finally came. This is the final round of assessment. After the assessment, the disciples with poor qualifications will be assigned to the outside door.

The assessment is divided into three parts, the spiritual root, the cultivation, the exercises and the moves.

After arriving in the middle domain, all the new disciples have developed a complete spiritual root. This is basically nothing to do.

The second item is qualified in the middle of the training.

The third item is to display the laws and moves learned in the prescribed time.

After three assessments, the best results, no accident is Tianlingen girl, after a month of cultivation, she has miraculously stepped into the middle of the foundation, the speed of this increase can be said to be very abnormal. .

Ganoderma lucidum followed closely and picked the second.

The third is a male disciple named Lin Biao. At the age of seventeen, Huomu Shuangling has been immersed in the late stage of training.

Rong Xiaogong's first and second items are all qualified. Even his realm has surpassed that of Lingzhi to catch up with the Tianlingen girl, but he will not be a law, and a move cannot be made. The third item is Get rid of duck eggs.

Liu’s deacon was so angry that he blinked his beard and, in a rage, punished him to feed the beast!

The chefs of the kitchen have collapsed!

He is fed by the fat beast, and he is going to lose weight!

In January, the time was as white as it was, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day when the Millennium was distributed. After the assessment, the monthly money of Ganoderma lucidum doubled, and there were twenty-two in January, plus two upper-class Lingshi and 30 in the middle. The top grade Lingmi in the middle.

Ganoderma lucidum was a great surprise, and felt that this treatment was much better than she had imagined.

She couldn't wait to show off to Xiao Weiwei, and she took the things she had brought back to the house.

As a small playmate of Ji Xiaoxiu, Qiao Weiwei is also a person with monthly money.

Then Ganoderma lucidum saw that Qiao Weiwei had fifty-two silvers, ten upper-class Lingshi, and one kilogram (about one thousand) in the mid-range Lingmi from a bag that couldn't be fastened.

The heart of Ganoderma Lucidum was hit by 10,000 points!


Since that accident, the Vientiane and the Millennium have lived a day when the well water does not make a river. The contradiction between the sisters of Wan Zizhen and Ganoderma lucidum seems to have never happened. Both sides are calm and unspeakable.

But sometimes, the more calm the appearance, the more hidden the endless undercurrent.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the third month of moving to the middle of the country, the Millennium has received an invitation from the regional alliance.

Xu Zongzhu called Lei Zunzhu and several guardians to Song Cuitang and told the group about the invitation.

Da Dao Dao: "What do you say in the letter?"

Xu Zong said: "The new disciples of the League of Nations in the past ten years, the Millennium has received an invitation, but any disciple under the age of ten and a disciple who has been practicing for less than three years are eligible to participate in this big ratio."

Generally speaking, disciples under the age of ten have just grown out of the roots.

Disciples who have been practicing for less than three years are not as tall as those who are repaired. The most powerful thing is to build a great foundation.

Therefore, the two conditions for participating in the big ratio seem to be loose. In fact, summed up, just one sentence - below the knot.

Da Dafa asked: "Every martial art has received an invitation?"

Xu Zongzhuo shook his head: "As far as I know, there is no Golden Knife Gate. This kind of invitation is usually not sent to the sects who have not joined the League. Someone recommended us."

"Who?" asked a few people in unison.

Xu Zongzhu said: "Vientiane."

The second law is inexplicably asked: "Why would Vientiane recommend us? What do they want to do?"

Xu Zongzhuo said: "It seems that they still hate the last thing and want to find an opportunity to retaliate against us."

Da Dafa said slowly: "They looked at us early and we were not pleasing to the eye. In the next session, we provoked again and again, came to the middle ground, and robbed the land. It was also bullying Ganoderma lucidum and her sister, even if there was no North Town. One thing, this nephew can't escape."

Xu Zong nodded: "Yes, it will always come."

Da Dafa looked at him: "As a lord, do we want to participate in this big ratio?"

Xu Zongzhu thought for a moment: "How much is the odds of winning with our current strength?"

If you have a thought on the big law, "the disciples under three years have a small perfection, two in the middle of the foundation, and the first four foundations. This strength, in the next session, can be seen in the middle... With all due respect, the odds are small."

This time, if you win, you can naturally start the name, but if you lose, you will not be seen in the millennium, fearing that it will become the laughing stock of the entire middle.

Vientiane is the idea of ​​playing, they want to let the millennium can not be mixed in the middle.

Xu Zongzhu looked at the boundless mountains, and the dawn became a little bit firm: "Beyond it may lose, no more than now, lose now, thousands of people are not so bad! Lose also loses on the duel, never Lose on the bones!"

------Off topic ------

Under ten? Wei Wei, how old are you?

I, I, I... I was four years old when I came, I am still four years old! I have been four years old!

(On the importance of mathematics, the little magic dragon is going to kill the Quartet \\(▽)/)

Regarding the age of Wei Wei, the life of the dragon is very long. If it is converted into the age of human beings, Wei Wei is now less than four years old. She grows up not in years. If nutrition can’t keep up, it will always be It’s only so big, so it’s really good to raise it. It’s not easy to be a year old, and Xiaoxiao’s brother is working hard.

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