MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 15] Long Wei, killing Quartet

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The news is too occluded. After all, it is not a good thing. It’s a black smear. It’s not clear why you are left out. The big guardian and others feel that they can’t go on like this anyway.

The impact of Xu Zongzhu is not small. The difference between the middle and the next is really outrageous. The beliefs and beliefs of the ancestors of the generations have come to this side. It seems that all of them have turned into a cloud of smoke, and even the magic of everyone. In the middle of the domain has become such a hot commodity.

Xu Zong shook his head and said that he needed time to digest it and he would not go out with them.

The Dafa Law and the remaining guardians went down the mountain.

I didn't plan to practice today. I wanted to receive the guests. Unfortunately, no guests came, and it was not good to rush the disciples to practice. I also gave them a vacation.

Many disciples have also gone down the mountain. I heard that I can go down the mountain, and Qiao Weiwei can't sit still.

Ganoderma lucidum happened to go to the town to buy something, and went with Jiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu.

The North Mountain Range and the Southern Mountain Range have their own exits and roads. They don't make a difference, and they don't bump into it. Just after going down the mountain, and you can see the long-riding horses and horses, it's almost late, and there are still new ones. Visitors, it seems that most of the people in the middle of the field have come to Vientiane.

There is a little difference in the heart of Ganoderma lucidum, but the difference is the Tianlingen girl.

What does she say is also the blood of the immortal, these people do not give her face even if they do not give the face of the millennium?

The eyes of the Tianlingen girl are a bit cold.

Ganoderma lucidum had a flat relationship with her. At this time, she saw her face cold, and when she was, she became more and more reluctant to go all the way with her, holding Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu, and took the carriage and left.

The territory of the medium-sized territory is very large. It is divided into four areas, east, west, north and south. The place where they are located is located in the north area, and the town to go is called the north town.

Beizhen is three times as large as Yuhe Town. It is very lively. The people who live here have ordinary people in addition to the monks. The middle area is a place where the fish are mixed. The people who have not cultivated want to mix, and there are few who can’t. Therefore, the surface of the shop in the town is opened by ordinary people, but it is very likely that it is a very powerful sect.

Ganoderma lucidum discovered that they had moved to the Golden Knife Gate in the middle of the month, and the Golden Knife Gate opened the weapons shop, and the business was somewhat deserted.

The news that Qianzong moved into the middle area has been released. Ganoderma lucidum did not believe that the Golden Knife did not hear the news. They did not come to congratulate, and Ganoderma lucidum was not willing to take care of their business.

Ganoderma lucidum took two children and walked past the weapons shop.

Qiao Weiwei stared at the drooling of sugar candied fruit.

Ganoderma lucidum bought two bunches of candied haws, a string for Qiao Weiwei, and a string for Ji Xiaoxiu.

Ji Xiaoxiu was abandoning her death and decisively gave the sugar gourd to Qiao Weiwei.

This is in the eyes of Ganoderma lucidum but it is a three-year-old child's awkward love. Ganoderma lucidum is afraid to touch his own little teacher, and he touched Qiao Weiwei's head: "The little teacher is very good to you."

Qiao Weiwei was very busy and nodded: "Hmm."

The disciples who stepped into the foundation period have been able to use Lingshi. Ganoderma lucidum has a lot of big guards distributed to her top grade Lingshi. I heard that Lingshi can be used as a change here. She wants to change some foundations and gather spirits. Dan.

The foundation liquid is used by her own. The bubble in the bath water is said to have the effect of warming the veins.

Ju Ling Dan is for Qiao Weiwei, and Qiao Weiwei has not grown up to the roots. I heard that the effect of Ju Ling Dan is better than that of Ju Ling San. She wants to try it.

Before coming, she inquired about the teachers and uncles of Lianfeng. Only one of the North Towns sold the Lingdan, and I just found out.

Ganoderma lucidum had thought that there was only one because the sale of the giant Ling Dan was not good, and the quality may not be very good. I knew that when she got there, she found that the store was lined up with long queues and blocked the entire street.

It turned out that it was not of good quality, but the quality was too good, and all the other gatherings were made up. Even the rest of the towns had many people coming here.

Ganoderma lucidum took the hands of two children and arranged the team in a proper manner.

Qiao Weiwei has a candied fruit to eat, very embarrassing.

Ji Xiaoxiu has his own plans. He is not interested in Ju Ling Dan, but he is interested in the grass in the box of Ju Ling Dan.

This kind of grass is called smoked grass. It has a special aroma. It can play a certain antiseptic effect after drying. Some people put it in a box to save the medicinal herbs, and some people take it to grind it to make spices. In fact, this kind of grass Also known as dragon grass, can be flowering, can be the result, the effect of its fruit is more than a hundred times of polylingron, it is somewhat beneficial to Xiaoyulong, but ordinary people can not grow flowers and fruits.

Ji Xiaoxiu thought about how to find a store to get some fresh dragon grass and bring it back to the yard to plant it.

"I am going to the latrine!" Ji Xiaoxiu said suddenly.

Ganoderma lucidum slightly glimpsed: "Now, now?"

Ji Xiaoxiu nodded.

Ganoderma lucidum did not care to put Qiao Weiwei alone here, but even more worried that Ji Xiaoxiu went to find the latrine himself. He had to call the driver and let the driver take Ji Xiaoxiu to find the latrine.

Of course, Ji Xiaoxiu did not enter the latrine, but went to the shop to find fresh dragon grass.

Ganoderma lucidum and Qiao Weiwei finally arrived.

"How do you sell polylings? I buy them with Lingshi." Ganoderma lucidum asked.

Shop Xiao Erdao: "Top grade? Top ten stone."

Ganoderma lucidum scorpion: "Ten, ten? A polylinger?"

Shop Xiaoji asked: "Otherwise, do you still want half?"

"How is it so expensive?" Ganoderma lucidum said, "You won't kill me?"

The shop Xiaoxiao smiled: "We have been opening the shop for more than ten years. It has always been this price. If the girl does not believe it, go to another house to buy it."

Ganoderma lucidum smashed one: "I bought."

The store's second child used a box to install a polylinger, which was handed to her.

Ganoderma lucidum took out a bag of Lingshi: "I want two."

Shop Xiao Er installed another one.

Ganoderma lucidum counted twenty pieces of Shangpin Lingshi to him.

The shop Xiao Er took the Lingshi smashed, picked one at random, and held it with his hand. He said to Ganoderma: "This kind of spiritual stone can only buy one."

"You just didn't say ten top grades, a polylinger? I didn't give you a piece."

"You are only a little better than the Chinese stone, but it is a lot worse than the top grade."

Ganoderma lucidum looked at him incredibly.

In the store, the second child hits a crystal clear stone in his arms: "This is the top stone!"

Ganoderma lucidum held the Lingshi and urged the spiritual power to check it out. It was found that the other party did not deceive himself. This Lingshi is indeed much more pure than her Lingshi.

"What's new?" The expression of Xiao Er in the store is a bit sloppy. I have already seen this kind of monk who came to buy the medicinal herbs with the next top grade Lingshi. "If you buy something in the middle domain, you have to follow the standard of the middle domain. Come."

Someone stole sarcasm towards her.

Ganoderma lucidum's cheeks were a little hot, and she took out a bag of Lingshi: "Twenty, give."

The store took the tape and handed the box to her hand.

After Ganoderma lucidum bought the Poly Ling Dan, it was not seen that Ji Xiaoxiu and the coachman came back, so they went to the next shop and chose the weapons.

The millennium will equip the disciples with weapons, but for a monk, the weapon is the same as the woman's choice of jewelry, no one will be too much.

Qiao Weiwei's candied fruit gourd finished, and stared at people selling sugar paintings. There are still a few copper plates in her purse. Ganoderma lucidum talks with people about the price. She holds the copper plate to buy sugar paintings.

There is only one last sugar painting. It is a golden little phoenix. Qiao Weiwei picks up her toes and puts the copper plate on the stall.

This copper plate is actually not enough, but when she looks at her toes and drooling, the hawker can't smile, or give her the candy.

Qiao Weiwei just took the sugar painting in her hand. A little girl dressed up in jewels came up with a look of anger. The little girl looked bigger than Qiao Weiwei, but she didn’t look like five years old. It looked good, just attitude. Some arrogant: "I want a candy painting! Like her!"

When the hawker saw the dress of the girl, he knew that he was a powerful child. He smiled and said: "Little girl, today's sugar painting is sold out, come back tomorrow."

"Why did she have it?" The little girl looked at Qiao Weiwei unpleasantly.

The vendor said: "This is the last one."

The little girl said: "Then you sell it to me!"

The hawker looked at the sugar painting that had been taken by Qiao Weiwei in his hand and said, "This... I have sold it to her."

The little girl turned her head to the front of Qiao Weiwei and reached out and said with no politeness: "Give me the sugar!"

Qiao Weiwei does not give.

The little girl frowned: "The sugar painting is mine! I will see it first!"

A servant who accompanied me said: "Miss two, let's go eat something else."

The little girl pointed at Qiao Weiwei's sugar painting: "No, I want this! I want her phoenix!"

Qiao Weiwei snorted on the head of the phoenix.

"You still yell?!" The little girl blew her hair and reached out to grab the chocolate painting of Qiao Weiwei. Qiao Weiwei instinctively pushed her. Her whole person was planted on the ground, and wowed out!

The maid was angry and looked at Qiao Weiwei coldly. "What is the matter with your child? If you don't give it, don't give it, but also hit someone?"

The little girl sat on the ground and sprinkled: "She bullies me! Give me a lesson! Give me lessons for her!"

The maid didn’t think that there was anything delicious about the sugar painting. She was persuading her lady to leave. It’s one thing to be persuaded by her. It’s another thing to make people bully. This is a big courage. She actually beat her lady in front of her face. If she didn't help the second lady to find the scene back, she would return to the second lady in front of the masters, and she couldn't eat and walk away.

The thought flashed, and the maid extended her hand and smashed toward Qiao Weiwei’s ear.

"Stop!" Ganoderma lucidum flashed out of the store, holding Qiao Weiwei behind him and holding the hand of the maid. "What do you want to do?"

Ganoderma lucidum and Qiao Weiwei are wearing the clothes of ordinary people. The swords in the hands of Ganoderma lucidum are engraved with the emblems of the Millennium. The maid glances and smiles coldly: "The people of the millennium? Who do I dare? So big, dare to bully my lady."

The other party did not wear a costume, nor did they bring weapons. Ganoderma lucidly asked: "Who are you?"

"The person you can't afford!" said the maid, pointing coldly to Qiao Weiwei. "This girl hurts my lady. You have to let her return the sugar painting to my lady, and then give my family a girl to admit her mistake. This matter, I advised my lady to do it!"

Ganoderma lucidum: "What am I going to do, two children fight for things, what do you mix here?"

The maid angered: "She hurt my lady!"

Ganoderma lucidum turned to look at Qiao Weiwei: "Wei Wei, did you hurt her?"

Qiao Weiwei shook her head.

"Then you robbed her sugar painting?" asked Ganoderma lucidum.

Qiao Weiwei shook her head again.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the maid: "Do you have a good reason? My sister bought something first, you have to come to grab it, but you want to beat someone. You have the ability to let her grab it. She grabs it, I will never move. She, you grab, I am not welcome!"

The maid raised her chin and said, "Do you know who my lady is?"

Ganoderma lucidum said: "I care who she is! Things are bought by my sister first, my sister did not rob you, I will never let go, and will not give you a gimmick!"

The maid bite her teeth: "Toasting, not eating, drinking, coming! Give me a lesson!"

Under the order of the maid, several accompanying disciples swarmed and blocked the path of Ganoderma lucidum and Qiao Weiwei.

Ganoderma lucidum picked up Qiao Weiwei and placed it under the eaves of the weapons shop: "Wait for me here, don't move."

Qiao Weiwei glared at the sugar painting: "Hmm."

Ganoderma lucidum and the disciples handed over their hands. When they met, Ganoderma lucidum knew who the other party was. Isn’t this sword and martial arts road number a disciple of Vientiane?

It’s really a narrow road, and you can meet thousands of dead rivals when you buy something!

On the other hand, the Tianlingen girl and the big beggar passed nearby. The two noticed the movement here. The big sister was surprised: "Miss, you see, Ganoderma lucidum is playing with several people. Do we want to help in the past?"

"The people of Vientiane?" Tianlingen girl said casually, "I have offended others, do you want me to wipe her ass?"

"What if she is injured?" asked Daxie.

The Tianlingen girl shouted: "Some of the disciples in the training period can't beat, then she doesn't have to mix."

Sure enough, although the other party has many people, they can all be trained in the training period. In a short while, they will be hit by the ganoderma lucidum to find their teeth. Even the sly scorpion’s sly sneak attack will not succeed, but they will smash the ganoderma lucidum. The whole person flew out.

Just when everyone thought that the Ganoderma lucidum was in the grip, the sky suddenly flew a huge two-winged purple lion. This purple lion is no stranger to the middle genus. It is the love pet of the son of the ally of the ally. The category of the ordinary beast is a more fierce Warcraft than the 9th-order beast, which is equivalent to the strength of a monk.

On it, a young girl in a purple dress.

The purple girl looks like she is only sixteen or seven years old, her hair is like ink, her skin is like jade, her facial features are exquisite, her posture is graceful, as if she is a beautiful woman from the painting.

A glimpse of her appearance, the entire street is quiet.

She looked down at the crowd: "Whoever dares to hurt my disciple?"

The little girl who had been scared and stupid saw the girl, heard the familiar voice, and quickly raised her head, and wowed and cried: "Sister! They bully me! They beat me!"

Ganoderma lucidum can not play this little girl!

The passers-by around knew the truth, but no one dared to go forward. The girl said that she was a Vientiane, and she was riding the love of the son of the vice-president. What is her identity? It goes without saying.

Her sister, do they dare to offend?

The dawn of the purple girl suddenly became cold: "I still hurt my little girl! I am not afraid!"

She said, lifted the jade hand, and slammed the ganoderma slap in the air!

Ganoderma lucidum was initially built into the base, but she was already building a small perfection. She was repaired as far as Ganoderma lucidum. This slap went down and Ganoderma lucidum could not escape.

A slamming sound, a few crimson fingerprints on the cheeks of Ganoderma lucidum.

Qiao Weiwei licked the small mouth of the sugar painting and slowly looked up and looked at the girl in the air.

The girl noticed Qiao Weiwei's gaze, but she didn't even look at it at all. How could her arrogant woman care about a child's attention?

Under the guidance of her, the purple lion released the pressure of the master of the knot.

Only the Ganoderma lucidum that was built by the foundation was crushed to death, and the dagger who wanted to pull the waist could not lift his arm.

The girl raised her hand again and planned to slap Ganoderma lucidum again. At this time, a vast dragon wave swept over, and this Longwei did not cause any attack on the monk, but the two-winged purple lion suddenly Was mad, roared, and the whole body stood up and rushed to the sky!

The girl did not expect this change, an unstable, fell from the back of the purple lion.

She quickly sacrificed the sword and the sword.

Seeing that it would fall steadily on the ground, the purple lion that was flying in the sky suddenly turned direction and slammed down towards her!

The girl stared at her in horror, but she didn't understand what happened. The purple lion bit her hand!

That... I played the hand of Lingzhi.

------Off topic ------

The nature of the dragon is very ferocious ~

I am so worried that the mud is scared to o(╯□╰)o

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