MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [番外97]二更

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However, after the woman returned to the inn, she found that the two monks in the inn had already stunned, and immediately felt uncomfortable. When I walked into the house, I saw that the clouds were really gone!

The woman is angry, she is now in the fire, in order to please the kid, she has repeatedly suppressed herself, in the end, even the kid played!

This is also considered that she underestimated the willpower of Yunxiao, and she clearly had her strong spring wine, but she was still able to sit on her beautiful woman like this -

"It’s not a person who has been in the town’s demon tower for 20,000 years. This holy woman will spare you once! But next time, you are not so lucky!”


On the other hand, Ganoderma lucidum had finished eating the scorpion soup, and her eyes were swollen.

Yunxiao opened the curtain and said indifferently: "You can get off now."

Ganoderma lucidum has always expected to be able to leave the man's "magic palm", but it is not like this, it is thrown away as garbage.

She admits that it is wrong for him to find out that he is not right, but that woman will count him, and that is not all that he is dizzy, isn’t it?

How can he count all the accounts on her head? !

Is this fair to her?

"Do you still have a little conscience?" Ganoderma lucidum whispered.

Yunxiao no expression: "Don't you have been clamoring to get off?"

"I..." Ganoderma lucidum stunned.

Yunxiao gave her a one, you have to rely on the eyes of this gentleman.

After all, Ganoderma lucidum is a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world. Where can it be as strong as others? Immediately, the blood gas surged, stood up and got off the carriage.

She turned her back to him and deliberately angered him: "A bowl of mortal soup, do you really think it is useful to me? I can tell you that I have the strength of the knot, this soup may be I have no effect at all! If I am pregnant, I can come back and ask for it-"

As soon as Ganoderma lucidum spoke, she turned coldly and found that the carriage in the place had disappeared. She looked at the sound and saw that the carriage of the sky had long been unprepared, and it was gone. Several miles.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ganoderma lucidum is so angry!

This street is the most remote place in the town. When you walk out of this street, you will enter a sparsely populated mountain road. Occasionally you can see a few acres of good land. Gradually, even the fertile land is gone. It is surrounded by desolate mountains. When the night is over, I don’t know when it will come. Come down.

Ganoderma lucidum walked sopathetically on the rugged mountain road. At this time, she began to miss the little bad dragon. If the little bad dragon is there, she will not let the king eight protein white bully her; she also misses the great law and the millennium. Zong's uncles and sisters, what is strange is that she even misses Qin Linger.

Having said that, Qin Linger was taken over by the devil, and I don’t know how it happened. I died without death.

She was a little sad when she thought that Qin Linger might die.

Just as she was immersed in meditation, in the lake behind her, a white shadow appeared quietly.

The white shadow was covered with a long black hair, pale and ghost-like, with fierce eyes in his eyes, his fingers were thin and his long red nails were left.

After landing, his footsteps stepped on the air one inch away from the ground, and he stepped on the ground and approached the ganoderma.

He opened his mouth and spit out a poisonous mist that was enough to poison the super beast.

Ganoderma lucidum smelled this poisonous mist, and the footsteps suddenly stopped.

He squirmed his lips and gestured at the lake. The lake suddenly smashed out a dozen shadows that were similar to him.

This group of shadows has been underwater for hundreds of years and has been cultivated into a very powerful monster.

It was only the next year that the aura was exhausted, and there was no longer a spiritual vein for them to cultivate. In order to get up early, they played the idea of ​​passing pedestrians.

Today is their first single "business."

Looks like a good luck, actually encountered a female disciple who has been cultivated.

Eat her one, can be worth hundreds of mortals.


The water monsters smiled sullenly, and they rushed toward the poisoned Ganoderma lucidum.


After a sudden moment, the sound of the screams of Ganoderma lucidum sounded in the woods.

The monsters who were swollen and bruised, squatting on the ground, hanging on the trees, hanging on the vines, and simply unable to move: "..."

What is your name? Isn't that called us?

Ganoderma lucidum was terrible. I didn’t feel it when I was fighting. After I finished playing, I found this group of people who attacked her... Oh no, how are these things so ugly? !

If the fierce beast is over, but it is like a human being, but it is a fat head, a pale face, a long tongue and a long nail... It is terrible than a ghost!

Ganoderma lucidum has been in the millennium for a long time, playing all the monsters on the table, this incompetent monster has not been recorded in the book, do not blame her so scared.

The strength of the water monsters is not enough to build the foundation. They are simply vulnerable to the death of Ganoderma lucidum in the late stage of the Tang Dynasty. They are weak in spirit and cannot find out the realm of Ganoderma lucidum. The remaining spiritual power, I thought that Ganoderma lucidum is an ordinary female repair, I know that I met a master.

"Xian Gu spares, Xiangu spares!" The leading water monster, kneeling on the ground, gave Ganoderma lucidum a head. "I don't know if I am driving, I am a little offended, and I also invite Xiangu to see that we are the first offenders, forgive. Let us do it once!"

Ganoderma lucidum went to the world of gods and did not gain anything. Now her eyes can see the number of others. Of course, the premise is that the other person’s cultivation is lower than her. The heads of this group of water monsters are not covered with blood, and they have never killed the human race. .

If in the past, Ganoderma lucidum gave a warning, but today she is in a bad mood, it is the turn of this group of guys to be unlucky: "I am going around you today, he and I left, you are out of harm, then it is not My sin?"

The water monster cried for help: "Xiang Gu, we really have no way to make this policy. The next thread will be exhausted. We will not replenish it. The repairs in the body will be dispersed. If we have not repaired it, we will have nothing to do with the mortal. Different, but we are all a few hundred years old, which mortal can live to this age? Waiting for us... only one is dead!"

Ordinary monks can get hundreds of thousands of years of life after they have to bear the knot. The monsters belong to the ghosts, and they don't have to wait until the knots to have a very long life.

But once the cultivation is stopped, it does not differ much from the mortal.

The reason is not to understand Ganoderma lucidum, but Ganoderma lucidum is a fire.

Why did she run into something bad? The guy also took this road, how can they not see them rob him?

The water monster glimpsed a glance at Ganoderma lucidum: "What do you think of...

Ganoderma Road: "I asked you, did you just have a carriage to pass by here? No driver, the horse is walking by himself!"

The monster screamed like a garlic: "Yes, there is! There he went in that direction!"

"You can also rob him?" asked Ganoderma lucidum.

"Oh..." The water monster shook his head. The carriage went too fast, and the blink of an eye passed. They chased for half a day without catching up, and they gave up. "Xiang Gu... is he looking for him?"

Ganoderma lucidum apricot eyes: "Who is looking for him? I can't wait to kill him!"

The water monster lifted his head and glanced at the neck of Ganoderma lucidum. He had no idea at first, and this time he looked at it carefully, only to know that it was full of flaws.

This is not a vendetta, it is a love kill...

The monster touched his chin and his eyes flashed slightly. He said to Ganoderma lucidum: "Xiang Gu, the mob is not talented, but he has lived in the mortal world for hundreds of years. This mortal thing, the mob is clearer than the fairy, the man's heart. The mobs are also clear!"

Ganoderma lucidum looked at him: "What do you mean?"

The water monster smiled: "As long as the fairy aunt is willing to let us go, the small will give Xiangu a trick, let the fairy aunt teach the man well!"

Ganoderma lucidum came to the interest: "How to teach?"

"With the strength of Xiangu, killing him is just a matter of snapping." The water monster first gave Ganoderma a high hat, and after winning the favor of Ganoderma lucidum, he turned the corner again. "But the best punishment for a man is not Kill him, but let him ask for it, love it, and spend it all day in remorse and thoughts."

Ganoderma lucidum touched the chin: "It sounds good."

The water monster patted the chest and said: "Of course! There are countless small reading people, no crazy men and women have never seen a woman, no more understanding of a man's ghost than a small one! As long as the fairy is doing according to the small one, it will definitely make the man regret it." !"

Ganoderma lucidum will look at him suspiciously.

The water monster smiled and waved at Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum attached to the ear, the water monster whispered a few words.

Ganoderma lucidum eyebrows: "This, this is too... too exaggerated? Can you do it?"

The water monster took a glance at Ganoderma lucidum, and used a spiritual force to make a water mirror and got it in front of Ganoderma lucidum: "Isn't I know if my face looks good?"

After a quarter of an hour, Lingzhi left a bag of Zhongpin Lingshi in the middle of the field to leave.

Looking at the figure disappearing under the moonlight, another little monster came over: "Is the method you said really feasible?"

Water monster said: "I can tell you the last name."

Little monster: "..."


The black wind is high.

Yunxiao's carriage drove into another town. This town is more prosperous than the earlier one. At night, the crowd is full of people and lively.

He parked the carriage in front of a shop.

Ganoderma lucidum ran for more than a hundred miles, and both legs were broken before they finally caught up with him.

They all blame the next year's aura exhaustion. If it is in the middle, she can easily catch up with a sword.

Ganoderma lucidum supported the wall and gasped with a big mouth.

"The first step is to create an encounter, to attract the attention of the other party, and let the other party feel that you two are very fateful. Remember, don't let him realize that you are deliberate, be natural, calm, calm, and don't It’s too passionate, men are licking bones, the more fierce you stick, the more he doesn’t care.”

The sound of the monsters flashed through my mind, and Lingzhi resisted the exhaustion of the body, rubbed the two legs that were about to break, straightened up the small body, and gently lifted the hair hanging down the cheeks to the back of the ear.

Subsequently, Ganoderma lucidum headed up, and the spell changed a lady's sandalwood folding fan, while shaking the fan, and arrogantly entered the shop.

The people in the shop looked at her, and they looked like they were stunned.

Ganoderma lucidum did not know his own beauty. He was dialed a bit by the water monster today, only to realize that his appearance does have the capital to avenge himself.

This group of people looked at her, and most of them were surprised by her appearance.

So, what **** spring wine? What is the efficacy of the drug for a whole night? Still not coveting her beauty, she has been tossing her, tossing her, she is still fainting and still toss her!

Ganoderma lucides like an unintentional walk to the counter.

Yunxiao is standing here. The appearance of Yunxiao is too eye-catching in the mortal world. He wears a fight and can cover most of his face. But the delicate chin and the more crimson lips than women are still attracted. A lot of people's sight.

Ganoderma thinks that if his temper is so annoying, he will help him to rob him, and there is nothing too much to think about.

Unfortunately... she only now feels that she has been bitten by a dog!

Yunxiao noticed two bad eyes, turned his head and saw Ganoderma lucidum at a glance: "How are you here?"

"Of course it is for..."

Learn from you!

In the middle of the Ganoderma lucidum, I shook my fan and smiled gracefully: "Oh, so smart, are you also?"

Yunxiao looked at her like a fool, and then turned her face and stopped looking at her: "I advise you not to follow me."

Ganoderma lucidum's collection of folding fans: "Who is following you? I want to go back to the Millennium, just passing through this shop, come in and buy something!"

Clouds and eyebrows pick one: "What do you use?"

Ganoderma lucidum stands proudly: "I bought it, of course I used it!"

The cloud smiled sarcastically, glanced at the signboard behind the ganoderma.

Ganoderma lucidum felt that his glory was not good, and he followed his sly direction. He saw the golden glittering sign and wrote three lines of characters in the dragon.

Shi Quan Da Bu Dan, kidney and impotence, the gospel of men.

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